Parent Article: The Corruption of Justice: The Aryans have won |
Why do I post? |
by ? (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 01 Sep 2002
Because no one believes or cares (from
You've seen the posts yourself -- you've agreed that they are racist and hateful and you've said nothing would be done about it -- well that's your stand not mine.
You're willing to shrug it off as a minor incident and I'm trying to show anyone who will listen that it's a concerted effort by some of the regulars, that follows to the letter, a strategy by white supremacists to associate ALL of the following beliefs to Zionists (aka Jews -- an interchangable term in their eyes).
1) blame 9/11on a Jewish conspiracy
2) incite hatred for ALL Zionists by portraying every Zionist to be a murderer
3) deny the existence of peaceful Zionists and Zionist organizations
4) denegrate Judaism as an immoral, racist religion
5) imply that Judaism demands that Jews must seek control of your future
6) The US government is run by Jews, Zionists & Israel
7) Western media is run by Jews, Zionists & Israel
8) End all US funding to "Terroist" Israel
9) Use the internet to push forward all of these ideas as a package and if possible, to take over sites with disrupitve, conflict-aggitating hate
10) Finally, make it acceptable to hate Jews (as in most Jews, if not all Jews)
Still think I'm crazy? Here's some more ewvidence:
Tell us more about your hatred of Zionists
by ? • Saturday August 31, 2002 at 02:54 PM
about a week ago, you claimed that "the vast 11 overwhelming majo 31f rity" of Jews were Zionists. (see - and later you estimated that "ninetyseven and a half percent" of the Jewish community were Zionists.
Yesterday you claimed that "Zionists are no damn good. Period." (see -
If I put those two statements of yours together, it seems to me that you are saying the vast overwhelming majority of Jews are no damn good. Period.
Well, that says a whole lot about you, qb. So I guess these Zionist o 1 r b59 ganizations are no damn good as well?
The Israeli Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories endeavors to document and educate the Israeli public and policymakers about human rights violations in the Occupied Territories.
Hashomer Hatzair
Hashomer Hatzair North America is a youth movement, based on the principles of Progressive Zionism, Social Justice, Progressive Judaism and self-actualization, and committed to peace and equality.
Givat Haviva
Paris, September 5 (N°2001-93) - The Director-General of UNESCO, Koïchiro Matsuura, has decided to award the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education 2001 to the Jewish-Arab Center for Peace at Givat Haviva (Israel) and to Ugandan Bishop Nelson Onono Onweng. This choice comes with the unanimous recommendation of the international Prize jury that deliberated at UNESCO headquarters on September 3 and 4.
By the way, you never did say which comments you thought were prejudicial towards Jews in the Aryan Unity article (see You said it went into la-la-land but never explained what you thought was a lie or a distortion of the truth that was harmful to Jews. Care to explain how the article was racist?
add your comments
? I'm glad you're starting to see things clearly
by outside the whale • Saturday August 31, 2002 at 03:24 PM
The vast overwhelming majority of Jews are no damn good. (That wasn't so hard, was it?)
Yes, it is my opinion -- guesswork certainly --
by qb • Saturday August 31, 2002 at 09:19 PM
that most damn Jews alive today are no damn good hypocritical lying racist sonsofbitches like you..... |