Parent Article: The Corruption of Justice: The Aryans have won |
How one member tries to justify Radio Islam: |
by qb (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 01 Sep 2002
that I have reason to believe that many of these "aryan" sites etc are in fact funded by arms of the zionist psywar apparatus. The aim is twofold: one, to keep US and other Jews concerned that there are bogey men out there, so it is necessary to have a refuge to flee to in Zion; second to discredit any criticism of the zionist project and US Jewish support for/identification with same by conflating it with this kind of racist crap. The fact that some of these sites offer certain information that may have a factual basis, and that when proper handling procedures etc are followed, wearing of surgical mask, sterile gloves etc -- can be profitably made use of by objective researchers must not allow us to lose sight of the fact that the appearance of a certain level of this bilge is part of the overall zionist strategy... |
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