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Larry Chin
Enron: Ultimate agent of the American empire
Thu Feb 7 17:57:31 2002
Enron: Ultimate agent of the American empire
Part II: Enron, the Bush administration, and the Central Asian war
By Larry Chin
Online Journal Contributing Editor
February 7, 2002—Most experts agree that the Caspian Basin and
Central Asia are the keys to energy in the 21st century. Said energy
expert James Dorian (Oil & Gas Journal, 9/10/01), "Those who control
the oil routes out of Central Asia will impact all future direction and
quantities of flow and the distribution of revenues from new
America wants the region under total US domination.
The Caspian Basin has an estimated $5 trillion of oil and gas resources,
and Central Asia has 6 trillion cubic meters of natural gas and 10 billion
barrels of undeveloped oil reserves. Interconnecting pipelines are the
key to accessing and distributing oil and gas to European, Chinese and
Russian markets.
Policy planners have devoted years to this agenda. A report published
in September 2001 detailing a conference held at the Brookings
Institution in May 2001 provides clear evidence that the exploitation of
Caspian Basin and Asian energy markets was an urgent priority for the
Bush administration, and the centerpiece of its energy policy.
The report states that "the administration's report warned that 'growth
in international oil demand will exert increasing pressure on global oil
availability' and that developing Asian economies and
populations—particularly in China and India—-will be major
contributors to this increased demand" and that "options for
constructing gas pipelines east to Asia from the Caspian have been
discussed for the last decade."
For years, Enron (along with Unocal, BP Amoco, Exxon, Mobil,
Pennzoil, Atlantic Richfield, Chevron, Texaco, and other oil companies)
has been involved in a multi-billion dollar frenzy to extract the reserves
of the three former Soviet republics, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, and
According to Project Underground (11/7/99), former Soviet, KGB
and Politburo members are profiting from oil riches, along with "a
formidable array of former top Western Cold Warriors, drawn
principally from the cabinet of George [H.W.] Bush." The dealmakers
include James Baker, Dick Cheney, Brent Scowcroft, and John
Sununu. Also cashing in on the deals are former Clinton Treasury
Secretary Lloyd Bentsen (close friend of Ken Lay and longtime
recipient of Enron funding) and Zbigniew Brezezinski.
Brezezinski, a leading member of the Council on Foreign Relations and
arguably the most influential policy planner in the world, spearheaded
the American effort to destabilize the Soviet Union in Afghanistan in the
1970s. He is a consultant to BP Amoco. His recent book, "The Grand
Chessboard" is a virtual blue print for a war and balkanization of
Central Asia.
According to Alexander's Oil & Gas Connections (10/12/98), Enron
signed a contract in 1996, giving it rights to explore 11 gas fields in
Uzbekistan, a project costing $1.3 billion. The goal was to sell gas to
the Russian markets, and link to Unocal's southern export pipeline
crossing Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and Afghanistan. Turkmenistan
(where Enron's project was based) and Azerbaijan are closely allied
with Israeli military intelligence. Yosef Maiman, a former Israeli
intelligence agent, is the official negotiator for energy development
projects in Turkmenistan.
Enron recently conducted feasibility studies for a $2.5 billion
trans-Caspian gas pipeline to be built jointly with General Electric and
Bechtel. Enron's goal was to link this pipeline to another line through
As described in many accounts, notably the recently published
"Osama Bin Laden: The Forbidden Truth" by Jean Charles Brisard
and Guillaume Dasique, a Central Asia Gas (CentGas) consortium led
by Unocal had plans for a 1,005 mile oil pipeline and a 918 mile natural
gas pipeline from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan to Pakistan. This
project stalled because of the political instability in Afghanistan.
In August 2001, George W. Bush revived negotiations with the
Writer William Rivers Pitt notes that, "intense scrutiny has shaken loose
two e-mails sent by Enron's Ken Lay to his employees in August of last
year. In them, Lay waxes optimistic about the strength and stability of
his company, and exhorts his employees to buy into the company's
stock program."
Pitt believes that, "while many observers view this as the gasping lies of
a drowning criminal," Lay's messages must be considered in light of the
timing: His last e-mail was sent on August 27, about the same time as
the final Taliban meeting with the Bush administration. Was Kenneth
Lay anticipating a piece of a new pipeline deal, and an Enron contract,
courtesy of George W. Bush?
After the Taliban refused the Bush administration's "carpet of gold,"
America dropped its "carpet of bombs" on Afghanistan, allegedly in
retaliation for the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Was Ken Lay also anticipating
a war, and a way to profit from it?
Former Unocal lobbyist Hamid Karzai now heads a bombed and
gutted Afghanistan. Bush's US envoy is Zalmay Khalizad, another
former Unocal representative, who helped draw up the plans for the
original CentGas pipeline.
The US has established four new permanent military bases, throughout
the region, including a new one in Afghanistan. Recently, Uzbekistan,
hosted dozens of members of the US House of Representatives and the
Senate. The region will remain a zone of perpetual violence and
conflict, and plunder.
If Enron had not made the mistake of collapsing, Kenneth Lay and his
team would be in the thick of it.
Enron, Halliburton, Bush . . . bin Laden?
At the web site Rumor Mill News (, a
journalist named "Phoenix" has laid out business links that tie Enron to
the bin Laden family. These connections, which have been
independently verified by Michael Ruppert (, play
out as follows:
1. Osama bin Laden's family business, the Saudi Binladin Group, is a
major construction company. Saudi Binladin Group was an investor in
the Carlyle Group. Carlyle's directors include George H.W. Bush, and
James Baker. George W. Bush's firm Arbusto Energy was funded by
an investment from Texas investment banker James Bath, who was also
the investment counselor for the bin Laden family. Bath had
connections to the CIA, and was involved with the Iran-Contra,
savings and loan, and BCCI scandals.
2. One of Saudi Binladen's joint venture partners is H.C. Price
3. H.C. Price is a major builder of pipelines, and is involved in large
projects, including two projects for Enron: the Florida Gas Pipeline and
the Northern Border Pipeline running from the US/Canadian border
from Montana to Illinois.
4. In 1996, Dresser Industries and Shaw Industries merged their
pipecoating businesses to form Bredaro-Shaw Group. H.C. Price
became part of Bredaro-Shaw.
5. Halliburton acquired Dresser in 1998. George H.W. Bush's father,
Prescott, was the managing director of Brown Brothers Harriman,
which previously owned Dresser. Dresser Industries gave George
H.W. Bush his first job in 1948.
6. Dick Cheney orchestrated the Dresser and Bredaro-Shaw
7. Both Halliburton, and its subsidiary Brown & Root, have deep ties
to the CIA and the military. The company has been involved in US
military conflicts in Vietnam, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Chechnya,
Pakistan, Colombia and Rwanda. Brown & Root builds oil rigs,
pipelines, wells, and nuclear reactors.
It does not appear to be a simple case of coincidence that Saudi
Binladin, a long time business partner with the Bush family, also has a
partnership with a Dick Cheney-affiliated Halliburton that works with
The cover-up begins
In their book The Outlaw Bank, Jonathan Beaty and S.C. Gwynne
wrote of BCCI, "It was a conspiratorialist's conspiracy, a plot so
byzantine, so thoroughly corrupt, so exquisitely private, reaching so
deeply into the political and intelligence establishments of so many
countries, that it seemed to have its only precedent in the more
hallucinogenic fiction of Ian Fleming, Kurt Vonnegut or Thomas
Pynchon. As tales of its global predations were splattered across
headlines all over the world, its apparent influence reached almost
absurd proportions."
The scope of Enron's influence has reached well into the absurd, if not
beyond. And there are many more Enrons out there, waiting to be blow
In describing the system that breeds Enrons, professor Michel
Chossudovsky of the University of Ottawa (CovertAction, Fall 1996)
"Global crime has become an integral part of an economic system, with
far reaching social, economic and geopolitical ramifications . . . the
relationship among criminals, politicians, and members of the
intelligence establishment has tainted the structures of the state and the
role of its institutions . . . this system of global trade and finance has
fostered an unprecedented accumulation of private wealth alongside the
impoverishment of large sectors of the world population, and the
prospects for change are dim. Meanwhile, the international community
turns a blind eye until some scandal momentarily breaks through the
gilded surface."
In light of congressional "investigations" headed exclusively by
committee chairmen who have received Enron monies, weeks of FBI
foot-dragging, continued White House secrecy, no independent
counsel, and media complicity in White House damage control efforts,
the Enron trail has already begun to grow cold.
The American corporate media has done its best to look the other way.
This is no surprise, since Enron dumped handsome sums into the
pockets of media moguls, and conservative journalists such as
Lawrence Kudlow, Peggy Noonan, William Kristol and others.
Cronies and cohorts are meeting. Patsies and fall guys have been
designated. Lies are being fabricated. Fifth Amendment mantras will be
As was the case with Watergate, BCCI, Iran-Contra, and the savings
and loan scandals, it is not too cynical to expect the Enron hearings to
expose only enough malfeasance to silence the public, while leaving the
massive system intact. The masterminds and the largest beneficiaries
are about to slip into the shadows.
The American empire is built on a thousand Enrons. It will exhaust
every means to avoid implicating itself, even as it drowns in the
cesspool of its own creation, dragging thousands of innocent people
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