Filibuster Wars
Power Grab at the Height of the Empire
Revolution #004, May 29, 2005, posted at
The political establishment of the United States is gripped by a raw and
escalating struggle over power at the very heights of the empire.
A collision course has been set by the rightwing Republican forces that now
dominate the Congress and the White House.
As we go to press, the public showdown is now set for the Senate floor on
Tuesday May 24.
The Senate is scheduled to vote on ending their debate over Bush's nomination
of Priscilla Owen for a federal judgeship.
If the Republicans don't get the 60 votes they currently need to "end
debate", their leadership has announced they will simply change the
Senate rules and forbid filibusters over judicial nominees, and then move on
to confirm Judge Owen.
On the surface, these events may not appear all that earth-shaking. Many
people don't see the impact this fight could have on their lives and hopes. Most
people have no idea what a filibuster is.
And for this moment at least, this struggle still appears to be going
through the traditional channels of political business-as-usual. This intense
infighting is mainly taking place deep in the bowels of the U.S. power
structure-where little packs of U.S. Senators scurry from secret meeting to
secret meeting, stopping occasionally to posture and sound-bite in front of TV
cameras. To put it crudely: None of this has the outward look of a coup
d'etat. There are no tanks in the street, there have not been arrests or
assassinations of opponents.
However, despite these appearances, this country is in the midst of a
historic power grab that could have consequences as far-reaching as any coup
Removing Obstacles By Any Means Necessary
"Now comes the revolution. If you don't implement a conservative
agenda now, when do you?"
Richard Viguerie, founding leader of the
Christian right, election eve 2005
In many ways, this is the moment that the Religious Right has been
waiting and working for over decades. With high level support and funding, they
have painstakingly increased their power throughout the Republican Party and at
all levels of the state apparatus-including the military. In 2000, their
leader George Bush took over the White House. And they now dominate both houses
of the Congress.
In other words, key levers of power are there in their hands.
And at the same time, they are tremendously dissatisfied with what they have
accomplished with that power so far. They want much, much more. They intend to
make changes that are so sweeping and deep that there is no "going
back"-so that their vision dominates the U.S. and their domination is
They want to drastically change what people are allowed to say, think
and do. They want to force Christian fundamentalism to the center of
society-as the standard for law, behavior, and morality. They want school
children indoctrinated in their anti-science beliefs about Creationism and
miracles, and they want teachers forced to lead their students in Christian
prayer. They want biblical standards of punishment and behavior to become the
law of the land- with all the horrors this would mean (including the severe
punishment of children, the escalation of executions and the ominous
demonization of gay people).
To impose their backward vision of family and submissive sex roles, they want
to prevent women from controlling their own reproduction-including by
criminalizing abortion and even birth control. And, they are in a frenzy to
impose a sweeping censorship over anything they consider indecent and
subversive-most cultural expressions of overt sexuality, revolutionary
politics, anti-religious satire, teenage rebelliousness and much more.
This push for a Christian-fundamentalist police state has brought the issue
of federal judges to center stage- because it has long been clear that to fully
carry out their chilling vision they will need to make sweeping changes
in the existing legal standards of the U.S.
Many federal court rulings over decades objectively represent legal obstacles
to the Christian-fascist plans for the society and culture.
The federal courts have enforced a separation of church and state. They have
stopped organized prayer in schools. And they have put limits on the
government's power to censor both sexual and political matters. The Supreme
Court has ruled that there is a constitutional "right to
privacy"-and on that basis has knocked down state laws that criminalized
birth control, abortion and gay sexual acts. Major Court decisions have ruled
that advocating communist revolution or burning the U.S. flag should be
considered forms of speech that are protected from criminal prosecution.
These are current standards of U.S. law that the Christian right has been
determined to overthrow.
A Strategy for a Profound Change
For decades, extreme right-wing political forces tried to make constitutional
changes piecemeal. In the Civil Rights days they called for impeaching the
Warren Supreme Court that upheld desegregation. Since then, their successors
have tried to pass a long series of amendments to reverse significant parts of
the Bill of Rights-amendments to allow religious indoctrination in public
schools, to ban abortion, to ban flag burning, to ban gay marriage, and so on.
Though these efforts revved up their political movement, they never got enacted.
Now, with the heights of power in their hands, a whole different strategy
presents itself. Rev. Rick Scarborough, leader of a large network of
"Patriot Pastors," recently said: "It takes two-thirds of
Congress, the President's signature, and three-fourths of the states to change
the Constitution-or one judge." ( Newsweek , May 16):
In short: Instead of slowly rewriting what the Constitution says, they
intend to pack the top court and then announce a change in what the Constitution
At the very time when Republicans dominate both the White House and Congress,
there will be two, three, or perhaps even four vacancies on the U.S. Supreme
Court over the next couple years. Seeing this opportunity, they are moving with
a "now or never" intensity. They are determined to use their
overall power to step-by- step bulldoze any legal and political obstacles to
their recasting of the Supreme Court-and then of many of society's most basic
It needs to be pointed out, again and again, just how extreme this whole plan
and vision is.
The current Supreme Court (which the Religious Right hates so much) is, in
fact, a very conservative institution that loyally serves this whole
oppressive system.
This is the same Supreme Court that helped carry out the virtual coup d'etat
that put George Bush into power! On a day-to-day basis, this Supreme Court
enforces modern capitalism-upholding and arbitrating the rules of capitalist
property. This is a court that has allowed the round-up of immigrants without
trial, that okayed unprecedented new police surveillance, and allowed the U.S.
torture camps at Baghram Airforce base, in Afghanistan, and Guantánamo in Cuba.
And yet, after all that, when evangelist Pat Robertson gets on ABC's This
Week (May1), he rages that the federal judges and the cultural changes they
have allowed over a hundred years are a more serious threat to the U.S. than
"bearded terrorists who fly into buildings." It shows the harsh
war-like mentality of fascists straining for final victory.
Busting the Filibuster
So what, then, is this showdown in the Senate over?
The vast majority of Bush's new court nominations have been approved by
Congress-often with very little debate or opposition. So far Congress has
approved 204 of Bush's court nominees, 34 of them judges for the important
Appeals Courts (just below the Supreme Court).
However the Senate Democrats have used the traditional Senate procedure
called "filibuster" to stall the nomination of seven of the
most extreme court nominations. And this is being treated as completely
intolerable by the Senate's Republican majority.
Here is how that filibuster procedure works. On the Senate floor, it takes a
majority of Senators (i.e., 51 votes) to approve a judge. However, under the
Senate's traditional rules, a minority of Senators can insist on continuing
the debate -thereby delaying any vote. Delaying a vote this way is called
a filibuster. Filibusters have historically been a way to prevent a Senate
majority from having their way, by stalling and by rallying public opinion. And
often it has been used for reactionary purposes-as when Southern Dixiecrat
senators filibustered on and on against civil rights bills in the 1960s.
According to the Senate's rules, it takes a "super-majority" to end
a debate. This means that the Republicans need 60 votes to end the debate
over their seven stalled judges.
This is what has frustrated the Republican leadership and the
Christian-fascist right. The White House sent up those ugly right-wing judicial
nominees to the Senate long ago, and the Senate Republicans have a 51 vote
majority to approve them, but they don't have the 60 votes needed to end
the debate.
And so, under the current rules, the Democratic minority in the Senate can
stall the appointment of any particular nominee-virtually forever.
You might wonder: only 7 stalled out of 204? What's the big deal?
But for the top Republicans, getting their most extreme appointees
confirmed is exactly the point!
The forces represented by George Bush, Bill Frist and Tom DeLay have no
intention of getting this far in the game, and then accepting a Supreme Court
freshly staffed with old-school "moderate Republicans" that
essentially accept the current framework of the status quo! They don't want a
future Supreme Court to look essentially like the current Supreme Court.
The whole point of their strategy now is to pack the next Supreme
Court with a much more extreme new majority that will actually reverse
major legal precedents and overturn established interpretation of what
the U.S. Constitution means.
The Christian fascists are perfectly aware that any Supreme Court nominee
that serves their purposes would certainly face a filibuster by a sizable
chunk of the Senate. And so, they produced the present aggressive power play:
They intend to simply abolish the Senate rule that allows filibusters for
judicial nominees.
Current Senate rules require 67 votes to change the rules. But the
Senate Republicans intend to simply bypass that rule too. They have dreamed up
the "nuclear option" where Dick Cheney (who, as Vice President,
presides over the Senate) will announce that the decision to abolish judicial
filibusters can be made with a simple 51 vote majority.
This is a raw gangster move: If the Democratic opposition uses its
traditional right to stall Bush's seven most extreme nominees, the Republican
majority in the Senate and Cheney have announced they will simply change the
rules and take away that power.
And you can almost hear them say: "Whaddaya gonna do about it?"
Implications and Outcomes
Harry Reid, leader of the Senate Democrats, offered a humiliating compromise
weeks ago-promising to approve four of the stalled seven judges, and
(according to one report) even secretly promising not to filibuster George
Bush's first nominee for the Supreme Court.
But this slavish offer was arrogantly turned down by Republican Senate leader
Bill Frist.
Since then feverish attempts to forge some kind of "compromise"
have fizzled-the White House and Republicans are determined to strip the
Democrats of any power to stall a judicial nominee, and they think they have the
power to do it. And they seem prepared to weather any fallout.
As we go to press, it is still unclear what exactly will go down on
May 24 and afterwards. But no matter what, a profound change is happening in the
political life and norms of the U.S. government. Those holding supreme power in
the Congress and White House are making an unprecedented power grab-with the
obvious intention of wrenching the Supreme Court and then the whole society onto
an extreme, new and sinister course.
They have ruthlessly shown their hand. They are mercilessly tearing that
existing fabric of official establishment politics in ways that even have
significant sections of the Republican Party blinking in disbelief.
Conservative columnist David Brooks warned that Frist is leading the Senate
"into this bloody unknown." Republican Senator Arlen Spector publicly
frets that events are stampeding toward "the abyss." There is open
talk that this nuclear option may "destroy the Senate as an
institution." No matter how these events turn out, their actions are
threatening to pull apart the "center"-and important ways that state
power has traditionally been exercised and justified.
These are important and ominous developments, even for the many millions of
people who have no stake in this whole political and economic system. On one
hand, the future demanded by these Christian fascists would be a horror for
humanity, and the successful achievement of their plans would make the struggle
for justice and liberation all that much harder. And, on the other hand, the
very fact that official politics is lurching in such unpredictable and reckless
ways to the right has the potential to stir millions of people to throw
themselves into the political fray, and potentially raises profound new
questions among them about what future we need to be fighting for together.
What Is Missing and Desperately Needed
Harry Reid, leader of the Senate Democrats, said on the floor of the Senate: "If
Republicans roll back our rights in this chamber, there will be no check on
their power. The radical, right wing will be free to pursue any agenda they
want. And not just on judges. Their power will be unchecked on Supreme Court
nominees, the president's nominees in general and legislation like Social
Security privatization."
This statement captures the intentions of the Republican Right with a
bluntness rarely seen in Congress. The "nuclear option" of Bill Frist
and Dick Cheney is intended to brush aside any official obstacles to their
agenda-and, yes, their plans obviously do not stop at picking judges, or even
the new Supreme Court.
But it is worth looking closely and critically at Reid's opening sentence:
"If Republicans roll back our rights in this chamber, there will be no
check on their power."
For one thing, Reid and his Democrats have proven to be little of a real
"check on their power"!
They have responded to the steady advance of the Christian fascists in the
most cowardly and stupid ways imaginable-with endless offers of compromise,
with promises of collaboration, with weak and quickly spurned appeals to
moderation. And they have too often promoted, among the people, a naãve
disbelief that all this is really happening, and a dangerous, intolerable
paralysis as events move around us.
The same cannot (unfortunately) be said for the forces of the extreme right.
Their movement is highly focused, financed and motivated. The most extreme,
ignorant and fundamentalist sections of the population have been riled up and
mobilized for exactly this fight. They are actively directed by their
leadership, which now sits entrenched in the very heights of power.
There does truly need to be a "check on their power"-and
more. And yet where is it? Where are the defiant cities filled with protest.and
the campuses shut down in defiance...and the whole political climate where these
swine are mocked and hounded wherever they move? It is not there yet, it is
glaringly, maddenly missing.
And yet, isn't the potential and possibility obvious?
Though all these events, there has been mounting horror and even real fear
over the rise of Christian fascism- among millions of people-and with it
often a sputtering fury over the stand and response of the Democratic Party.
There is, as Bob Avakian points out in this issue of our newspaper, a very stark
"disconnect" between these people and the Democrats they have so often
voted for.
It is past time to break out of the paralyzing framework of official
bourgeois politics-to lose the illusions that "everything will swing back
to normal like a pendulum" or that these fascists will be beaten back into
their holes by politics-as-usual.
People need to be mobilized in their millions to actually fight
those in power, and consciously prepare to wrench that power from their hands.
And it is exactly the right time to fight to bring forward a new liberating and
revolutionary vision of a whole different future-to contest boldly with the
fascists in the spotlight.
Events are moving quickly. These high-level power plays will not run on
forever without reaching some decisive resolutions.
In a very important sense, the outcome of it all is not yet decided. And yet,
at the same time, important victories will almost certainly be won by the
Christian fascists if a powerful political earthquake is not organized, and if
key sections of the people are not brought into determined struggle in a whole
new way.
These words are meant to sound the alarm -to provoke sleepless nights and
tireless days, creative actions and defiant visions.