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Thanks to Urbana City Council |
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by Kimberlie Kranich Email: kakranich (nospam) (unverified!) |
04 May 2005
On May 2, 2005, by a vote of 6-1, the Urbana City Council established a domestic partner registry.
The registry is open to same-sex and heterosexual partners living together in a close and committed relationship of mutual financial and emotional support.
Both partners living in Urbana as well as those outside of Urbana are eligible to register. The opening of the registry will be announced this summer.
The Urbana City Council has done many great things in the past four years. These are my words of thanks! |
My name is Kimberlie Kranich, co-founder of the 85% Coalition, a direct action grassroots group demanding equality for bisexual, lesbian, gay and transgendered residents of Illinois.
You have my deepest thanks for your service. I love the Urbana City Council. The council that’s here tonight, the immediate past council and the one that will be sworn in this evening.
You have inspired so many of us from Urbana, Champaign and outlying areas to work together for positive change and to prevent negative change. We have become more involved in our government because of you.
This chamber has literally been transformed into a town hall meeting space that has often been packed with 40 to 70 people who have spoken for hours about issues they care deeply about such as peace, Wal-Mart, protections against discrimination, municipal-owned power, historic preservation and many others. Democracy is alive in this chamber.
Even the layout of the physical space here creates an intimacy between resident and government official.
You've been paid very little for your service, less than $4,000 a year. Yet most of you come back week-after-week to serve the city and its residents, all of its residents.
Sometimes the people have asked you to send a message to higher levels of government and you have.
In 1999, by a 6-1 vote you passed a resolution urging state government to support a bill that would amend the Illinois Human Rights Act to make discrimination based on sexual orientation in employment, housing, public accommodations and credit illegal. This June, the governor will sign a similar bill into law.
In 2003, by a 5-2 vote, Urbana became one of nearly 170 cities to pass an anti-war resolution. You knew that war is the ultimate human failure, that it sucks money away from local governments, turns civilians into casualties and men and women into murderers. You said “No” and history has proven that you did the right thing.
Sometimes you as alderwomen have been minimized as when The News-Gazette lumped Ms. Huth, Ms. Wyman, Ms. Chynoweth and Ms. Patt altogether as the “Patt-4.” Had you been aldermen, one wonders if you would have been similarly labeled. One wonders further if Ms.Wyman, Ms. Huth and Ms. Chynoweth, who were first elected when they were in their mid and late 20s, would have had to work as hard to be taken seriously had they been men.
And there was something wonderful and unique about the drive, cooperation and intelligence the four of you brought to this government. Even when you voted differently from each other, you had a synergy that drew others in. You’re all grassroots organizers for social change, are all involved in electoral politics beyond Urbana, and have chosen careers that are about helping others. These shared values served the city well.
In the past four years, with the addition of Ms. Chynoweth, we have seen the number of people involved in electoral politics sharply increase. Some people who had never watched a city council meeting started watching and coming down here to speak and engaging their council member between meetings. Many of these same folks were inspired to work on an electoral issue or support a candidate and even run for office themselves! You have learned to develop rhino hide to deflect the barbs thrown at you by editorials in the Gazette. Thank you for your dedication, passion and outreach into the community. We look forward to another four years.
Ms. Patt, you've been an encyclopedia of knowledge. More importantly, however, you have consistently combined that knowledge with a passion for the common good to serve as the foundation for new city policy. You have staunchly defended the rights of everyone in Urbana, be they poor, rich, black, white, gay, or straight. You always present your considered positions with an eloquence that inspires others to get involved. And as the council member most likely contacted by more constituents than any other, you are so deserving of your break from elected public service. Thank for your 11 years of service.
Ms. Wyman, you have worked tirelessly to push Urbana forward as a leading progressive city. Your attention to detail has been essential in ensuring that new policies reflect the council’s intentions. Beyond council initiatives, you have consistently represented the views of your constituents and fought to ensure those views are considered by the full council. You have also served in the vital role of council diplomat, calmly balancing the various (and sometimes contentious) viewpoints of council members, and focusing their efforts towards solutions. I'm sure your future endeavors will continue to raise Urbana's progressive community to new heights, and I
Thank your for your 8 years of service.
Mr. Hayes, you have a great ability to call attention to the obvious point everyone has missed. You have worked hard for your constituents, and closely with the neighborhoods you represent to make sure their needs are addressed here. Thank for your 12 years of service.
And now we look to the new city council to continue the good work of the current city council. Affordable and sustainable housing made from energy efficient materials, public art, a citizens review of police practices and the development of Philo Road and Orchard Downs are just a few of the issues we look forward to working together on.
Thank you, city council, for leaving Urbana in better shape then when you started your terms. And thank you for your support of a domestic partner registry for residents in Urbana and beyond and domestic partner benefits for city employees. These are positive steps as we look forward to the day when same-sex couples have full marriage equality in the state of Illinois.
Thank you. |
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 This work is in the public domain |
Re: Thanks to Urbana City Council |
by Edith Mee (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 07 May 2005
While I could never morally limit myself or commit to one partner, as a lesbian one must join Kimberlie in congratulating your progressive council. |