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Someone send this message to me :
More than 400 high-school girls and boys in strike demonstrated today in the
city of Lille (France). Beginning from the Pasteur high-school, this strike
spread to 8 public establishments. All young strikers gathered behind the streamer
"NEITHER WARS, NOR BORDERS" and, they affirmed their revolt against
the war, their pacifism, their antimilitarism, their refusal to support one
or another belligerent and autonomy of their own movement.
In this evening's meeting, a inter-high-schools community formed to launch
new actions for the next beginning of school, in ten days (the school holidays
start tomorrow). It get in touch with students of three universities to widen
the movement.
Many high-school girls and boys hesitated to take part in strike's day, because
they're afraid of the more or less direct threats of the school administrations.
But, they are expressed their solidarity (some escaped.). This initiative proves
that doing a strike against the war is a realistic objective for the movement
against the war
Information to be diffused without moderation!
Contact: nonalaguerrelille (at) altern.org">nonalaguerrelille (at) altern.org