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News :: Civil & Human Rights |
Troops in Iraq |
Current rating: 0 |
by Joe (No verified email address) |
06 Mar 2005
Do you support rapists and criminals with your tax dollars? Is your money well spent?
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Fallujah Massacre Interactive 1984 Whatshisname Vialls Homexxx Warning to Parents: This Page Contains Sexually Explicit Images xxx
Vietnam's Operation Phoenix Reborn in Iraq American Perverts
Pack Rape & Kill
Iraqi Women
Copyright Joe Vialls, 5 May 2004
"The sole mission of Phoenix personnel was to terrorize the Vietnamese into submission using 'whatever means necessary'. Though this remit is chillingly non-specific and Phoenix documents are still highly classified today, two personal friends who were directly involved in Phoenix all those years ago, tell me that they still break out in a cold sweat at least once a week, and will probably suffer from nightmares for the rest of their lives. I believe them."
"Under the wide and starry sky, dig the grave and let me lie:
Glad did I live and gladly die, and I laid me down with a will."
'Requiem', Robert Louis StevensonIraq War Crimes Trial Early on 8 June 1972, American "fire" rained from the sky onto Highway 1 outside the South Vietnamese village of Trang Bang. Badly burned by napalm and disoriented by the bomb's impact, 9-year-old Phan Thi Kim Phuc picked herself up, tore off her clothes and stumbled blindly down the road. Though by 1971 millions of Americans were already actively demonstrating against the wanton barbarism in Vietnam, photographer Nick Ut's picture of the terrified Kim Phuc, mouth agape with horror and pain, arms splayed out from her tiny naked body, had a massive impact on millions more angry Americans, many of them women.
A tidal wave of pure revulsion rippled across the United States, as people came to realize that the tiny naked Kim could have been anybody, including their own daughter or sister. The photograph served as absolute proof that American politicians ordered weapons of mass destruction ["jelly fire"] to be dropped on defenseless civilians, which in turn proved military commanders in the field were ready, willing and able to carry out these depraved political directives.
Though the New York media attempted to insinuate that anonymous "intelligence officers" were to blame for the deliberate firebombing of Trang Bang, Nick Ut's photograph proved they were not. The napalm that rained down on the village that day was dropped by U.S. military aircraft on the direct orders of military officers, who in turn were obeying direct political commands from Washington, D.C.
Even more obscene were New York claims that the terrible pictures of little Kim Phuc had been forged by the "Commies", in some sort of desperate but unspecified plot to discredit the honor and dignity of the proud United States armed services. This was a classic example of American imperial hypocrisy at work, with politicians reserving the absolute 'God-given' right to firebomb, torture and kill anyone anywhere in the world at any time, while the media cleaned up the mess behind them, and pretended that the victims were either lying or had brought it upon themselves.
More recently with the release of appalling torture photographs from Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, these absurd claims have surfaced yet again, with New York and its 'alternative media' lackeys trying to insinuate that shadowy anonymous spooks gave "our poor soldiers" orders to "soften up" these Iraqi prisoners for interrogation. This is provable rubbish. No Brigadier General allows mere spooks from Langley or anywhere else to give direct order to his or her subordinate ranks, meaning that what you see is what you get: American soldiers wantonly torturing Iraqi civilian prisoners as a matter of U.S. Government policy, and clearly enjoying the experience.
Believe me when I say that what you seen so far, is merely the tip of a giant iceberg of Invader depravity in Iraq that beggars the imagination. For nearly two months I have been in possession of images far worse than these, in fact so sickening that even as a retired combat veteran myself, they turned my stomach. After receiving the images through Jordan from women's refuges in Iraq and other sources, I agonized week after week about posting them on the Internet, before coming to the conclusion that this would be a practical impossibility, at least until one of America's own "respected" media outlets showed at least some of these disgusting torture pictures, and before an 'alternative media' site in turn tried to pretend that the pack rape images were "staged porn".
It is a sad reflection on western morality today, that in the wake of the attack on the World Trade Center in September 2001, no one is allowed to criticize what "our boys" in the military do, or how they do it. I knew that if I published too soon, and despite my unblemished reputation as a fair and impartial investigator, I would immediately be labeled as a "propagandist" or "agent of a foreign power" in order to detract from the photographs themselves, and from their truly horrifying and thus powerful content.
However, now that CBS has published a handful of relatively tame images from Abu Graib Prison, and World News Daily has followed up with the predictable claim that the far worse rape pictures are in reality extracts from a porn website called "Iraqi Babes", I feel the time is now right to expose a little more of the iceberg of invader depravity in Iraq.
The World News Daily 'investigation' is flimsy at best, and while it accurately reports that "Iraqi Babes" was first created in April 2003, it fails to mention that these specific images were not posted on the site until early 2004. On the evidence so far, it seems certain that "Iraqi Babes" and a handful of other sites are parts of an American COINTELPRO operation, designed to act as catcher's mitts for leaked images, and thus provide a means for the 'alternative media' to stifle justifiable public outrage and dissent.
The likelihood of a sophisticated COINTELPRO operation is strongly reinforced by World News Daily titling its report, Bogus GI rape photos used as Arab propaganda, while at the same time challenging the website, Committee for the Defense of Saddam Hussein and Albasrah, to "remove the photos from the website and admit they are staged images". No respectable website would do this without hard evidence, which WND does not present, and especially not in the face of corroboration from women's refuges inside Iraq.
The decision to publish the pack-rape images shown later in this report is mine alone, and it is final. If you have a weak stomach it is strongly recommended that you read no further, and if you are a politically-correct Zionist lobbyist in New York, do not waste your time exerting untoward pressure on my host servers to remove the report or its images on the grounds of "obscenity", because this page has been correctly marked "xxx". In addition to the server where you are viewing this report today , it has already been mirrored at five other locations. Should you succeed in having the report removed from an existing server, five more mirrors will be generated, and so on. Rest assured that the depraved behavior of Invading troops and mercenaries in Iraq will be visible on the Internet for a very long time to come.
It is a fact that the level of depravity in Iraq today is at least ten times as bad as it was in the bad old days of Vietnam, and has been directly affected by events following in the aftermath of 9-11. When John Walker Lindh was publicly transported back to America in a black sensory-deprivation coffin, and more than 600 'suspects' were unlawfully kidnapped in Afghanistan and transported openly to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba, for comprehensive abuse and advanced torture in defiance of the Geneva Convention and International Law, American perception of human rights was modified on a permanent basis.
When the White House Recently appointed Guantanamo Concentration Camp Commandant Major General Geoffrey D. Miller to "clean up Abu Ghraib Prison" in Iraq, the American public remained curiously silent. This lack of dissent gave the U.S. Administration authority to continue torturing Iraqis, but this time using experts and avoiding publicity. Though very few Americans believe that a bunch of incompetent trainee Muslim Cessna pilots flew two giant Boeing 767 passenger jets into the World Trade Center towers with devastating accuracy at a blistering 575 m.p.h., the media managed to convince most Americans that Muslims in general were 'the enemy', which in turn resulted in tacit public approval of their shocking mistreatment at Camp Delta. Because there were no massed demonstrations in America against this gross abuse of human rights at a United States navy base on American territory, torturing Muslims and treating them as "Untermenschen", the Nazi term for sub-humans of racially or socially inferior groups, gave soldiers and mercenaries alike the 'green light' to do whatever they wanted to Muslims anywhere in the world.
It is perhaps the height of irony that by allowing their own government to torture Muslims in Guantanamo Bay, Americans in general have opened themselves up to almost unbelievable Orwellian restrictions on the mainland, courtesy of the totalitarian lobbies in New York and Washington. Those 600+ tortured souls down at Camp Delta are the only visible hard proof of the phony Zionist-manufactured "War on Terror". The entire camp is an 'icon' used to distort reality for the American public, and thus permit gross totalitarian excesses at home in Los Angeles, Chicago and New York.
If all Americans pulled together, held mass demonstrations, and demanded that these 600 Muslim men be released and returned to their homes, the phoney "War on Terror" would collapse almost overnight. Without their visible 'terror icon' at Guantanamo Bay, the totalitarians would be left floundering around trying to justify their insane behavior. During the nine hundred and fifty-six days that have elapsed since the anonymous attack on the World Trade Center, not one person in America has been killed by a "Muslim Terrorist". Let me repeat that just one more time for absolute clarity: During the nine hundred and fifty-six days that have elapsed since the anonymous attack on the World Trade Center, not one person in America has been killed by a "Muslim Terrorist".
What would Rothschild, Cheney, Sharon, Wolfowitz and Perle do then? How would they convince Americans to go on submitting to crude body searches at every airport across the land, and how would they convince naĂŻve young American soldiers to go and get themselves killed in the Iraqi desert for the greater good of Zionist crude oil? They would not be able to do so, and America would then have a very slim chance of returning to the carefree country that it used to be. However, leave Camp Delta intact, and this will never happen. Instead, those 600 pitiful Muslim men will be used as a constant media cattle prod, to spur all of you on to greater and greater human rights excesses both at home and abroad.
One of the biggest problems facing ordinary American citizens today, is trying to determine exactly who is doing what to whom in Iraq. During the last year the U.S. Administration has hired more than 40,000 "independent contractors" for Iraq, with more than 20,000 of these being armed mercenaries operating under exactly the same remit as the notorious Operation Phoenix in Vietnam. The sole mission of Phoenix personnel was to terrorize the Vietnamese into submission using "whatever means necessary". Though this remit is chillingly non-specific, two personal friends who were directly involved in Phoenix all those years ago, tell me that they still break out in a cold sweat at least once a week, and will probably suffer from nightmares for the rest of their lives. I believe them.
After piecing together the available evidence from more than 400 known cases of pack rape in Iraq, the women's refuges are of the combined view that about 80% were perpetrated by American-controlled mercenary groups rather than by line military soldiers, but they cannot be absolutely sure. This is due partly to the sheer terror of the victims at the time, and because some victims [including those whose faces you see on this page] were brutally murdered when their tormentors had finished abusing them. Please note that I have made no attempt to obscure the faces of the men involved. If you, a friend or contact can positively identify any one of them, please contact your local FBI office as quickly as possible. Your testimony will remain strictly confidential, and you will be provided with witness protection if it is considered necessary.
Writing on a subject as delicate as this is incredibly difficult to start with, made even harder nowadays because so many Americans are on the defensive, determined to shield American "honor" no matter what the price. On this subject it is wise to remember that informed patriotism is highly desirable and very healthy, but blind patriotism is incredibly dangerous. This fact was brought home to me on 14 April, when I wrote an accurate report about rogue American officers destroying U.S. Marine Corps honor, by ordering their subordinates to slaughter unarmed women and children in Fallujah, the City of Mosques, with heavy weapons including tanks, Cobra gunships and AC-130 Spectre flying battleships. As usual, independent verification was provided three days later by eminent war correspondent John Pilger, and by the highly respected MĂ©decins Sans FrontiĂšres, but this was all way too late for 'alternative' American website Rumor Mill News.
Within hours of the report being published, my work was "banned for ever" by website owner Rayelan Allan, who indulged herself in an incredibly long rant against me personally, including, " What were my doubts? That he [Vialls] was working for one of the alphabet agencies spewing carefully constructed disinformation that none of the rest of us are smart enough or have the sources to verify! You want to bitch about my decision... take it to God like... I will not have inflammatory lies like the kind Joe Vialls posted put up on Rumor Mill News".
While having no idea what an "alphabet agency" might or might not be, my work contained no lies at all. More than a thousand Iraqi residents were killed in Fallujah [their own town in their own country], by massive and indiscriminate U.S. Marine firepower brought to bear by rogue officers, some of them JINSA members. In the end they [The U.S. Marines] got themselves into such a mess that General Kimmitt panicked and handed the city back to Iraqi Republican Guard General Jassim Mohammed Saleh, and one thousand of his men. While the word "defeat" would probably stick in the throats of most Americans, be absolutely clear on one point. The fanatical General Kimmitt would not have handed Fallujah back to the Republican Guard if he had any other choice. The reality is that Kimmitt had no other choice, and there will be a heavy price to pay sometime in the future for the wanton mass murder of all those Iraqi citizens.
Ms Allan also wrote, "Vialls' post is an insult and a slap in the face to every Marine that has ever lived!! I sincerely hope that Mr. Vialls is not living where a Marine can find him! If he is, he had better find some cover until this blows over!" Clearly this was intended as a direct threat against my life, because it is impossible to interpret the words any other way. Let me just say this. My address is displayed on the home page of this website, meaning that locating me is no problem at all. However, any Marine directly involved in the cowardly murder of unarmed women and children in Fallujah should note that I am an extremely angry combat veteran. Because of the heinous war crimes you have personally committed in Iraq, you bring shame and dishonor on every uniformed fighting man who has ever served, regardless of his national flag. In short, wear your dog tags and bring your own body bag, Marine, so we can air freight you back to the correct address in America.
For the sake of those honorable Americans determined to do something about the totalitarian maniacs currently running their country, it is probably time to take a quick look at George Orwell's chilling novel "1984". In 1984, Winston Smith lives in London which is part of the country Oceania. The world is divided into three countries that include the entire globe: Oceania, Eurasia, and Eastasia. Oceania, and both of the others, is a single totalitarian society led by Big Brother, which censors everyone's behavior, even their thoughts. Winston is disgusted with his oppressed life and secretly longs to join the fabled Brotherhood, a supposed group of underground rebels intent on overthrowing the government.
George Orwell was an exceedingly clever and devious man, because I had to read "1984" from cover to cover four times, before the subtle underlying message became clear. What George Orwell was actually describing was "democracy", the overwhelming confidence trick designed to control us all in the west. Taken in the American context, Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia represent the Presidency, the Republican and the Democrat parties, all of them directly answerable to Big Brother, i.e. the Zionist Cabal in New York.
Regardless of whether Americans vote for Bush or Kerry at the forthcoming elections, most already know from bitter experience that nothing will change. Election promises will be made of course, but they will inevitably be broken by remote control from Wall Street, by Big Brother. Americans next year will be no better off than they were last year, and things may even get worse, brought about by the increasingly totalitarian nature of the bureaucracy.
In "1984" the Ministry of Truth [the media] constantly changes truth for lies in order to generate something for people to cheer about, because people need to be kept busy, and more importantly, they all need something to believe in. Thus for example Oceania may score a victory over Eurasia, giving reason for wild joy and celebration, though of course there is nothing real to cheer about, and people's humdrum lives will not change at all. This is identical to the run up to the American presidential elections this year. People will shout themselves hoarse and give their hard-earned money to a Republican or Democrat who they already know will do nothing for them.
Let us assume that the average American spends about $10.00 on his "chosen" party, whether this be in terms of a direct donation, or for gasoline to get to the voting station. Now think what would happen if even 20% of eligible American voters suddenly decided to withhold their collective $10.00 contributions, and spent the massive resulting sum on a street campaign to "Free The Inmates of Camp Delta". At a single stroke, Big Brother would be neutered, the fictional "War on Terror" would collapse, and American totalitarianism with it. If you think this is a pipe dream, think again. Apart from being easily possible, it would actually cost you nothing you would not otherwise have spent, and would be the first step back along the dusty and forgotten road to American freedom.
Viewed in the short term, this is probably the only viable option left apart from simply waiting for the second American Civil War, though this time around the boot will probably be on the other foot. When the gunsmoke in Iraq finally clears and Americans wake up to the reality that the only oil reserves they have are in the United States, someone somewhere is going to realize with a jolt that approximately 90% of those reserves are contained within the boundaries of the old "Confederate South". Which all leads me to wonder exactly how much hard cash a New York banker will have to pay Johnny Reb, each and every time he wants to fill his flash Mercedes Benz with gasâŠ
One of the "American" guards in Abu Ghraib Prison
From Counterpunch
Much has been made of the sexual humiliation of the men incarcerated by the Crusaders in Abu Ghraib Prison. However the abuse of the female prisoners at Abu Ghraib, and other prisons in Iraq, have gone nearly unnoticed. Although it took photographs to wake the worldâs attention to the shenanigans, within the cells, it was actually a letter scribed by a woman prisoner that first exposed what was going on in the infamous prison. The contents of a note that was smuggled out of the prison were so shocking that, at first, Amal Kadham Swadi and the other Iraqi women lawyers who had been trying to gain access to the jail found them hard to believe. It claimed that US guards had been raping women detainees. Several of the women were now pregnant, it added. The women had been forced to strip naked in front of men, it said.
Swadi, one of seven female lawyers now representing women detainees in Abu Ghraib, began to piece together a picture of systemic abuse and torture perpetrated by US guards against Iraqi women held in detention without charge. This was not only true of Abu Ghraib, she discovered, but was, as she put it, âhappening all across Iraqâ. In November 2003, Swadi visited a woman detainee at a US military base at al-Kharkh, a former police compound in Baghdad. âShe was the only woman who would talk about her case. She was crying. She told us she had been raped,â Swadi says. âSeveral American soldiers had raped her. She had tried to fight them off and they had hurt her arm. She showed us the stitches. She told us, âWe have daughters and husbands. For God's sake don't tell anyone about this.ââ During Swadiâs visit to Abu Ghraib in March, one of the prisoners told her that she had been forced to undress in front of US soldiers. âThe Iraqi translator turned his head in embarrassment,â she said.
The Taguba inquiry has corroborated the contents of the letter smuggled out of Abu Ghraib by a woman known only as "Noor". The enquiry found the letter to be entirely in line with the activities going on within the prison. While most of the focus since the scandal broke three weeks ago has been on the abuse of men, and on their sexual humiliation in front of US women soldiers, there is now incontrovertible proof that women detainees have also been abused. Among the 1,800 digital photographs taken by US guards inside Abu Ghraib there are, according to Taguba's report, images of a US military policeman âhaving sexâ with an Iraqi woman. Taguba discovered that guards have also videotaped and photographed naked female detainees. Bush refused to release other photographs of Iraqi women forced at gunpoint to bare their breasts (although Congress were shown them) - ostensibly to prevent attacks on US soldiers in Iraq. However in reality this is merely to prevent further domestic embarrassment.
Earlier this month it emerged that an Iraqi woman in her 70s had been harnessed and ridden like a donkey at Abu Ghraib and another coalition detention centre after being arrested last July. UK Labour MP Ann Clwyd, who investigated the case and found it to be true, said, âShe was held for about six weeks without charge. During that time she was insulted and told she was a donkey.â
Several women are housed in solitary confinement, within cells 2.5m long by 1.5m wide. There remain extremely troubling questions as to why these women came to be classified as âsecurity detaineesâ - a term invented by the Crusaders to justify the indefinite detention of prisoners without charge or legal access, as part of the war on terror. According to Swadi, who managed to visit Abu Ghraib in late March, the allegations against the women are "absurd". "One of them is supposed to be the mistress of the former director of the Mukhabarat. In fact, she's a widow who used to own a small shop. She also worked as a taxi driver, ferrying children to and from kindergarten. If she really had a relationship with the director of the Mukhabarat, she would scarcely be running a kiosk. These are baseless charges," she adds angrily. "She is the only person who can provide for her children."
The women appear to have been arrested - not because of anything they have done, but merely because of who they are married to, and their potential intelligence value. US officials have previously acknowledged detaining Iraqi women in the hope of convincing male relatives to provide information; when US soldiers raid a house and fail to find a male suspect, they will frequently take away his wife or daughter instead.
The horrific abuses that are taking place in the prisons of Iraq have come to symbolise the horrific nature of the Iraqi crusade in general. The brutality of the six military personal, that happened to get caught out, is the logical continuum of the occupation. Bush may claim that these abuses have only been committed by six sick individuals and their behaviour âdoes not represent the America that I know,â as he proclaimed on Arabic television. All the evidence now points to the facts that Donald Rumsfeld, authorised physical coercion and sexual humiliation in Iraqi prisons. Americaâs political establishment actively encouraged the abuse. Donald Rumsfeld was hand picked by Bush, who was chosen by a minority, and a Court, to be the president of the USA. Therefore the behaviour of the six is wholly representative of the American way.
Female Lawyers Prove Iraqi Women Pack Raped by Americans
"...happening all across Iraq..." Scroll Down To Blue Update 26 May 2004Update 26 May 2004
Female Lawyers Prove Iraqi Women Pack Raped by Americans
"...happening all across Iraq..."
Berg decapitation video was filmed inside Abu Ghraib prison, Click Here |
This work is in the public domain |
Bush is a child molester!! |
by Charlene (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 07 Mar 2005
Hey! Leave Those Kids Alone
Where Are All of Those Missing Children on Milk
Cartons? In the White House... of course!
By Charlene Fassa
Well, not all of the missing children have been visiting Pennsylvania Avenue. But it's been proven that some of them have, and at least one still is: Johnny D.Gosch (J.D.G.), a.k.a. James D. Guckert (J.D.G.), a.k.a. Jeff D. Gannon (J.D.G.), or so it appears. Johnny Gosch was a 12-year old, Des Moines, Iowa paperboy, who was abducted into an Elite controlled pedophile sex-slave ring in 1982 while delivering newspapers for the Des Moines Register.
Here is Gosch at 12, and "Gannon":
An "age progression enhanced" picture of Gosch
How he may have appeared at 18, and "Gannon"
Who is Johnny Gosch?
".... a paedophile ring which practiced ritual, Satanic abuse and enjoyed covert sanction. Paul Bonacci, himself a child victim to Omaha's Lawrence King of Franklin Credit Union notoriety, testified that he had helped lure Gosch from his paper route. "Evidence links this same porno/paedophile ring to the 80's 'congressional call boy scandal', money laundering, drug running, illegal arms deals and more," (emphasis mine) says The Johnny Gosch Foundation...
Sherman H. Skolnick is the investigator who first publicly connected Gosch as Gannon. Skolnick has since advanced the initial Gannon/Gosch bombshell story with two articles posted at "The Gannon Cannon Parts 1 and 2"
Part 1:
Part 2:
Here are a few of the key points from Skolnick's must read, "The Gannon Cannon" series:
"Elite investigators" first revealed that Gannon is in all probability Johnny Gosch.
Gannon, a.k.a. Gosch, is involved in high-level espionage and he's also an expert on torture.
". an expert penetration agent, through sex, compiling negative data on U.S. and foreign governmental officials."
From allegedly eyewitness reports: ". Gannon, alias Gosch, ostensibly is an expert on porno snuff, a murderous form of sexuality"
Gannon, a.k.a. Gosch, was responsible for the Valerie Plame White House leak that allegedly caused 70 CIA undercover agents to be murdered.
It's important to keep in mind that Johnny Gosch was FORCED, and most likely MK-ULTRAED, into working for the government in the above capacities. One can only guess what his life would have been like if he hadn't been subjected to torture and sexual abuse. Now he perpetrates the same crimes against others for 'OUR" government no less!
Does the name, Lawrence E. King and the infamous Franklin Cover-Up scandal ring any bells? And let's not forget Craig Spence's late night tours of the White House with his stable of callboy escorts. The June 29, 1989 edition of the Washington Times salacious headline read, "Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan; Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.'' Do you really think any of this high-level organized deviant, criminal behavior has ever really stopped?
So just why is Jeff Gannon, a.k.a. James Guckert, in the spotlight now, anyway? Here's the short answer, though you've probably heard by now. Jeff Gannon is a gay, male prostitute who was "outed" while posing as a reporter lobbing softball, pro-Bush administration questions to Scott McClellan, White House press-secretary, as part of the White House Press Corp. According to numerous blogs, Gannon had access to the President and the White House for over two years.
He was supposedly a reporter for Talon News, a now defunct web site based "news service." Actually, Talon was nothing more than a mouthpiece for White House and GOP propaganda (GOPUSA), run by Bobby Eberle, editor-in-chief, a longtime GOP, operative hack. That's where it all begins. It's true there is a valid and interesting story to be explored regarding a fake reporter who works for a fake news service, who asks fake questions at fake White House press conferences, who writes fake news stories, who has several fake identities, who has unprecedented access to a fake President, and who winds up submitting partisan, fake news to a fake mainstream press.
But, ultimately, that's not my angle. Nevertheless, here's a testimonial to bolster the substantiated revelation that Gannon was not only a fake reporter, but he had a checkered past that was way beyond the pale. And the whole affair begs the question as to why or how Gannon was REALLY given a White House Press Pass and by whom. Here's a reality check from the acerbic Maureen Dowd, a seasoned columnist at the NY Times.
"I'm still mystified by this story (Gannon/Guckert}. I was rejected for a White House press pass at the start of the Bush administration, but someone with an alias, a tax evasion problem, and Internet pictures where he posed like the "Barberini Faun" is credentialed to cover a White House that won a second term by mining homophobia and preaching family values?"
"At first when I tried to complain about not getting my pass renewed, even though I'd been covering presidents and first ladies since 1986, no one called me back. Finally, when Mr. McClellan replaced Ari Fleischer he said he'd renew the pass - after a new Secret Service background check that would last several months. In an era when security concerns are paramount, what kind of Secret Service background check did James Guckert get so he could saunter into the West Wing every day under an assumed name while he was doing full-frontal advertising for stud services for $1,200 a weekend?"
That's where the "Johnny in pedophile, MK-ULTRA land" narrative begins--- and maybe where it ends too! Trying to follow this story is akin to a Westerner using chopsticks for the first time. Just when you think you've got a handle on this silly putty, multi-personality drama, it morphs into another seemingly unrelated episode of the "Twilight Zone."
For example, the editor of the newspaper, the Des Moines Register that Johnny Gosch worked for in 1982 was - James Gannon. Now that's amazingly synchronous. Could this be the key to unlocking the Jeff Gannon aka James Guckert identity-op? Could this name game, using the first and last name of that editor to create two alias's be an insider's joke-more proof that James and Jeff are really Johnny Gosch?
It makes we wonder if James Gannon was somehow involved in Johnny Gosch's disappearance. Mrs. Gosch felt betrayed and nonplused by Editor Gannon's perceived lack of support and actual antagonism towards her efforts to find her son. Does this mean we should also be looking for a Jeff Guckert instead of James Guckert? Ha!
"Did Gosch go on to assume the identity of "James Guckert," a man ten years older than himself, some time in the 1990s?"
Noreen Gosch tried to enlist editor James Gannon of the Des Moines Register in an effort to enlist the help of community leaders to help pressure the police to cooperate with her private detectives in order to help solve her missing son's case. Instead, Mrs. Gosch's private letter was printed on the front page of the paper, and the police were encouraged to publicly refute and mock her claims.
"I decided to make an appeal to the Des Moines Register editorJames Gannon, only to make someone aware of things the police were not doing in the investigation. I had made repeated efforts to gain cooperation between the police and our detectives from the beginning of the case. They simply would not."
"The result of my letter pleading for help was another disaster. Mr. Gannon published it on the front page of the paper and allowed the police to dissect it in print and make crude remarks. The letter was never intended to be used for publicity only as a plea for help for my little boy."
"I was afraid to open up the newspaper each morning, because I didn't know who would be attacking us next. Nor could I understand "why!" I kept asking this question daily, how could they do this and why what was their motive? Why would Gannon, the editor of the Des Moines Register encourage and assist in the attacks against parents to find their child?"
It seems like a no-brainer to me that Noreen Gosch would never confirm or deny the Jeff Gannon/Johnny Gosch connection. It's simply too dangerous and could jeopardize her son's life either way.
"People ask ... why is it necessary for someone to hide and live this way..... It is simple, Johnny can identify many of the people involved and would be a threat to the very people who took him. He is known as the "chameleon". Why? Because he can so completely change his appearance." Â Noreen Gosch
Johnny did manage to visit her in 1997.
From Noreen's Johnny Gosch Foundation website in 2001:
"Johnny was subjected to severe trauma and torture of a satanic and sexual nature, in order to intentionally destroy the conscious personality.... brainwashing. This intentional application of trauma is a systematic procedure used to control these victims, in order to use them in sexual slavery, pornography and more."
"In February 1999, in Federal Court testimony in Omaha Nebraska, Noreen Gosch [pictured] testified that Johnny Gosch came to see her in 1997, providing information about his experience, asking for his mother's help and pleading for her to not reveal his visit."
"Johnny is now 31 years old. After years of suffering tremendous torture and pain at the hands of his captors, being used and abused, he and several others escaped. They have been living in hiding under new identities... they fear for their lives."
"Paul Bonacci, who was simultaneously a victim and a member of the nationwide pedophile crime syndicate, has subsequently identified Aquino as the man who ordered the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch. In his February 5 testimony, Bonacci referred to the mastermind of the Gosch abduction as "the Colonel."
She{Noreen} continued: "They used these kids to sexually compromise politicians or anyone else they wish to have control of. This sounds so far out and so bizarre I had trouble accepting it in the beginning myself until I was presented with the data. We have the proof. In black and white."
"Where they deliberately split off the personalities of these children into multiples, so that when they're questioned or put under oath or questioned under lie detector, that unless the operator knows how to question a multiple-personality disorder, they turn up with no evidence."
Under questioning from DeCamp, Gosch reported: "I know that Michael Aquino has been in Iowa. I know that Michael Aquino has been to Offutt Air Force Base [a Strategic Air Command base, near Omaha, which was linked to King's activities]. I know that he has had contact with many of these children."
Anyone who attempts to get a clear picture of the Gosch, Guckert, Gannon kaleidoscope soon realizes this story has more legs than a centipede. It's hard to decipher who is "shape-shifting" more, Jeff Gannon, or the past and present occupants of the White House.
Let's face it, the Elites running this country are dangerous predators who pose more of a threat to America's national security than CIA sponsored Osama bin Laden and his CIA manufactured Al Queda network, the Israeli funded PLO, the Taliban, or any other foreign terrorist group that ostensibly "hates us because of our freedoms."
The enemy is inside the gate. The elites are directly or indirectly kidnapping 'OUR' CHILDREN' and using them for perverse reasons-- too evil to contemplate. They are serial, sexual children abusers, children torturers, and it's all happening in broad daylight. Let's not kid ourselves, the Elites are masters of multi-tasking and the art of extrapolating multiple-goals/purposes from each and every one of their carefully, crafted black-ops against "we the people."
The dirty laundry list of ways these children forced into sexual slavery and used by their perpetrators is quite comprehensive: sexual pleasure and fantasy fulfillment for well-heeled, pedophile perverts, money laundering, drug running, kiddie porn, blackmail, illegal arms trafficking, MK-ULTRA experimentation, ritual-satanic-abuse, and who knows what else.
The Gosch-Guckert-Gannon expose' is yet another disturbing cautionary tale about America's leaders, and their propensity to use their power as a weapon against unsuspecting Americans, including children, as a means to achieve their Machiavellian agenda, no matter what the cost to the citizenry.
Just when 'WE' thought it couldn't get any worse, that the elites couldn't get any more predatory in their behavior- WAM! BAM! - another SLAP in the face. I know this all seems like something you furtively read on the front page of the National Enquirer, while standing in the check-out line of your local corporate grocery store.
But it's true. Our children are being kidnapped and forced into servicing the elites and their minions in order to quell their twisted sexual appetites and simultaneously advance their New World Order agenda through blackmail and espionage. It's not hyperbole. The elite, who truly control, really do consider 'US', including our babies, their chattel and cattle!
History has already proven that elites mercilessly use our children for cannon fodder, for example, in their bogus wars. Why ? So they can line their pockets with more blood money and power. Power is to the elite what heroine is to a street addict. And we all know that addicts will do just about ANYTHING to feed their habit.
The elites poison our children with contaminated vaccinations that can severely compromise their immune system. And our children are forced to attend schools, which are nothing more than social engineering and government/corporate indoctrination centers. So, our children essentially serve a minimum 12 year prison sentence. When they are finally released, most spend the rest of their lives in a sort of parole or house arrest state of mind. In other words, mental prisoners for life. Their spirits are squelched, their souls are stultified, and their intellects are shaped into instruments to be used by their masters, not by their souls.
Why? So they can effectively serve as a cog in the wheel of an elite designed and owned social and economic system. The children who strive to serve their inner truth, their soul felt dreams and deep aspirations, are eventually forced by economics, emotional needs, and peer pressure to fall in line with the crowd or be marginalized from the mainstream the rest of their lives. Sorry to break your bubble, but America is not a land that values and nurtures individuals. It is a land of mass social conformity, rampant materialism, and media induced consumerism and group think.
Individuality and individualism are not the same. We are a society based on "individualism" not individuality. Individualism is a social construct, or a concept of self, imposed from the outside using social pressure, or force, to ensure conformity to a group norm. Whereas individuality is the unfolding of the authentic or true self, which is beyond concepts, from within the depths of one's soul. Instead of authoritative force or peer pressure, loving guidance and ample opportunities to develop and exercise one's free will, while maintaining and respecting the rights and needs of others, should be the rule of a free society.
It boils down to this, in order for the elite to maintain their privileged position of power, they are systemically keeping humanity developmentally arrested. From an elitist point of view, an efficient way to control the masses is to traumatize most of humanity. Trauma is known to arrest development, and this is their area of expertise. Scientists are working around the clock, for their elite masters, devising new and improved methods to traumatize "the next enemy." By now we should know who the enemy really is.
The elite's arsenal of military and biological weapons, economic strategies, and social engineering that create most of the suffering and misery on this planet is simply staggering. As many of you already know, the elite can engineer famines, turn natural catastrophes deadlier, and manufacture others. They can collapse any economy. They can create and release deadly diseases and contaminate our water and food. And they can hide their crimes while creating more social trauma, because they own and control the mainstream media. So why should it surprise you, dear reader, that they use our children as sex slaves and get away with it?
"No matter how paranoid or conspiracy-minded you are, what the government is actually doing is worse than you imagine."
- William Blum
Pulling it all Together:
I've compiled a pastiche of resources and valuable references below that I hope will help enable anyone interested in this story to obtain more background information. It's by no means exhaustive. We've all been given yet another chance to glimpse the reality that America is being 'SUICIDED" by the very people who say they are protecting us from "evil doers." With leaders like this, who needs ENEMIES? And yes, I know this is an international problem, but my concern and focus at this time is on America, where we "leave no child behind".
Jeff Gannon/External Links Covers basic story and more
Sherman H. Skolnick breaks the story about the
Gosch/Gannon link, live on Jeff Rense radio.
The Gannon Cannon - Part 1
Bush Treason In Spy Whorehouse
By Sherman H.Skolnick:
The Gannon Cannon- Part 2
By Sherman H.Skolnick:
The Gannon Cannon- Part 3
By Sherman H.Skolnick:
Sherman Skolnick: Was Hunter Thompson Suicided?
For an excellent overview re; Craig Spence and the Franklin Cover-up read Chapter -XXI- Omaha : from: George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography --- by Webster G. Tarpley & Anton Chaitkin.
"On the morning of June 29, 1989, pandemonium erupted in the corridors of power in the nation's capital. ``Homosexual Prostitution Probe Ensnares Official of Bush, Reagan,'' screamed the front-page headline of the Washington Times with the kicker ``Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.''
"The Times reported, ``A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite.''
"The exposé centered on the role of one Craig Spence, a Republican powerbroker known for his lavish ``power cocktail'' parties. Spence was well connected. He celebrated Independence Day 1988 by conducting a midnight tour of the White House in the company of two teenage male prostitutes among others in his party."
"King's offices were raided by the FBI and $40 million was discovered missing. Within weeks, the Nebraska Senate, which initially opened the inquiry to find out where the money had gone, instead found itself questioning young adults and teenagers who said that they had been child prostitutes. Social workers and state child-care administrators accused King of running a child prostitution ring. The charges grew with the former police chief of Omaha, the publisher of the state's largest daily newspaper, and several other political associates of King, finding themselves accused of patronizing the child prostitution ring."
"King is now serving a 15-year federal prison sentence for defrauding the Omaha-based credit union. But the magazines Avvenimenti of Italy and Pronto of Spain, among others, have charged that King's crimes were more serious: that he ran a national child prostitution ring that serviced the political and business elite of both Republican and Democratic parties. Child victims of King's operations charged him with participation in at least one satanic ritual murder of a child several years ago. The Washington Post, New York Times, Village Voice and National Law Journal covered the full range of accusations after the story broke in November of 1988. King's money machinations were also linked to the Iran-Contra affair, and some say that King provided the CIA with information garnered from his alleged activities as a ``pimp'' for the high and mighty...."
A must read:
Subject: Rusty Nelson-Kelly Ford Report ·
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000
Excerpt from the Rusty Nelson Ford Report:
Officials claimed the plane disintegrated in mid-air. They denied an explosion took place. De Camp writes in his book, "The Franklin Cover-Up"; "A farmer reported he saw a flash of light, heard an explosion, and saw the plane plunge to the ground .The eyewitness account of the flash of light and the explosion was on the early edition of television news in Nebraska, but was pulled from subsequent reports which said that the plane exploded on impact". (p. 2-3)"
Satanic subversion of the U.S. Military
by Jeffrey Steinberg
"During the February 5 hearing, Noreen Gosch stunned the court with sworn testimony linking U.S. Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino (ret.) to the nationwide pedophile ring.
Then, the Aquino bombshell: "Well, then there was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He's founded the Temple of Set. And he was a close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use [in] this experimentation on children."
Aquino, Satan and the U.S. military:
"Throughout much of the 1980s, Aquino was at the center of a controversy involving the Pentagon's acquiescence to outright Satanic practices inside the military services. Aquino was also a prime suspect in a series of pedophile scandals involving the sexual abuse of hundreds of children, including the children of military personnel serving at the Presidio U.S. Army station in the San Francisco Bay Area."
"Furthermore, even as Aquino was being investigated by Army Criminal Investigation Division officers for involvement in the pedophile cases, he was retaining highest-level security clearances, and was involved in pioneering work in military psychological operations ("psy-ops")."
Satanic subversion of the U.S. Military
by Jeffrey Steinberg
Softies on Satan
"When the San Francisco Chronicle contacted Army officials at the Presidio to find out if Aquino's security clearances had been lifted as the result of the pedophile investigations, the reporters were referred to the Pentagon, where Army spokesman Maj. Greg Rixon told them, "The question is whether he is trustworthy or can do the job. There is nothing that would indicate in this case that there is any problem we should be concerned about."
"Indeed, the Pentagon had already given its de facto blessings to Aquino's long-standing public association with the Church of Satan and his own successor "church," the Temple of Set. As early as April 1978, the U.S. Army had circulated A Handbook for Chaplains "to facilitate the provision of religious activities." Both the Church of Satan and the Temple of Set were listed among the "other" religions to be tolerated inside the U.S. military. A section of the handbook dealing with Satanism stated, "Often confused with witchcraft, Satanism is the worship of Satan (also known as Baphomet or Lucifer). Classical Satanism, often involving 'black masses,' human sacrifices, and other sacrilegious or illegal acts, is now rare. Modern Satanism is based on both the knowledge of ritual magick and the 'anti-establishment' mood of the 1960s. It is related to classical Satanism more in image than substance, and generally focuses on 'rational self-interest with ritualistic trappings.' "
From 'psy-ops' to 'mindwars'
"Aquino's steady rise up the hierarchy of the Satanic world closely paralleled his career advances inside the U.S. military. According to an official biography circulated by the Temple of Set, "Dr. Aquino is High Priest and chief executive officer of the Temple of Set, the nation's principal Satanic church, in which he holds the degree of Ipissimus VI. He joined the original Church of Satan in 1969, becoming one of its chief officials by 1975 when the Temple of Set was founded. In his secular profession he is a Lieutenant Colonel, Military Intelligence, U.S. Army, and is qualified as a Special-Forces officer, Civil Affairs officer, and Defense Attaché. He is a graduate of the Command and General Staff College, the National Defense University and the Defense Intelligence College, and the State Departments' Foreign Service Institute."
"Aquino was deeply involved in what has been called the "revolution in military affairs" ("RMA"), the introduction of the most kooky "Third Wave," "New Age" ideas into military long-range planning, which introduced such notions as "information warfare" and "cyber-warfare" into the Pentagon's lexicon."
"In the early 1980s, at the same time that Heidi and Alvin Toffler were spinning their Tavistock "Third Wave" utopian claptrap to some top Air Force brass, Aquino and another U.S. Army colonel, Paul Vallely, were co-authoring an article for Military Review. Although the article was never published in the journal, the piece was widely circulated among military planners, and was distributed by Aquino's Temple of Set. The article, titled "From PSYOP to Mindwar: The Psychology of Victory," endorsed some of the ideas published in a 1980 Military Review article by Lt. Col. John Alexander,"
And what is "mindwar?"
"The term is harsh and fear-inspiring," Aquino wrote. "And it should be: It is a term of attack and victory-not one of rationalization and coaxing and conciliation. The enemy may be offended by it; that is quite all right as long as he is defeated by it. A definition is offered: Mindwar is the deliberate, aggressive convincing of all participants in a war that we will win that war."
"For Aquino, "mindwar" is a permanent state of strategic psychological warfare against the populations of friend and foe nations alike. "In its strategic context, mindwar must reach out to friends, enemies and neutrals alike across the globe ... through the media possessed by the United States which have the capabilities to reach virtually all people on the face of the Earth."
"These media are, of course, the electronic media-television and radio. State of the art developments in satellite communication, video recording techniques, and laser and optical transmission of broadcasts make possible a penetration of the minds of the world such as would have been inconceivable just a few years ago."
"Above all else, Aquino argues, mindwar must target the population of the United States, "by denying enemy propaganda access to our people, and by explaining and emphasizing to our people the rationale for our national interest. ... Rather it states a whole truth that, if it does not now exist, will be forced into existence by the will of the United States."
Please let me introduce myself: Michael Aquino
Michael Aquino. Connection:
"Then, the Aquino bombshell: "Well, then there was a man by the name of Michael Aquino. He was in the military. He had top Pentagon clearances. He was a pedophile. He was a Satanist. He's founded the Temple of Set. And he was a close friend of Anton LaVey. The two of them were very active in ritualistic sexual abuse. And they deferred funding from this government program to use [in] this experimentation on children."
source: Click Here
A Documentary called: Conspiracy of Silence, about a boy prostitute sex ring, operating in the White House was scheduled to air in the United States, in 1994, on the Discovery Channel, but was "pulled" at the last minute. "Boy prostitutes 15 years old (and younger) were taking midnight tours of the White H
See the Conspiracy of Silence Documentary for free here:
A book was written about the Franklin scandal called: The Franklin Cover-up by Senator John DeCamp
Pedophocracy Series by David McGowan
The Pedophocracy, Part I: From Brussels:
The Pedophocracy, Part II: ... to Washington:
The Pedophocracy, Part III: Uncle Sam Wants Your Children
The Pedophocracy, Part IV: McMolestation
The Pedophocracy, Part V: It Couldn't Happen Here
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