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News :: Miscellaneous
Letter From President Saddam Hussein Hussein Current rating: 0
22 Oct 2001
Letter From President Saddam
Hussein To An American Citizen
Letter From President Saddam
Hussein To An American Citizen

In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate

From: Saddam Hussein

To: Christopher J. Love CLove

Dear brother in the family of mankind,

I read your e-mail message of October 2nd carefully and I have well pondered over
your emotions regarding the victims of the two towers.

All I can say is presenting my condolences to you, and to reiterate the Muslims linguistic
formula on occasion, like this: (God has created us, and to him we return. May God give
you long life )

In a letter of reply like this, there may be no room to say all I want, not to acquaint you
with Saddam Hussein's and his comrades in the leadership way of thinking, or of how
Iraqis think through them, and of the kind of principles they believe in.

Nevertheless, as you have come to me to know about things, as I understood >from
your message: the way my people, the Arabs and Muslims, for whom the Arabs are a
model, think. You wanted an answer to these questions by addressing yourself to an
official in the leadership of this people, and this religion, as well as to someone from the
region, you call the Middle-East.

I may give you an explanation to what happened to the two towers, and made America
mourn, and inflicted pain and sorrow on others, because such an event has been inflicted
on other people in the past, including Arabs and Muslims, in many cases.

I began this letter, by addressing you by the word "brother", although you are neither
Iraqi or Arab, nor a Muslim, as can be seen by your name.

Christopher, do you know why I called you brother? Because I never forget, that all
mankind come from Adam and Eve. They are all brothers, although they later became
different nations and adherent to different religions. Hence, to our understanding,, we are
one family within the peoples of our earth.

In this family, there is vice and virtue, good and bad people. As long as a man
safeguards his rights and duties, within himself, and with humanity, avoids transgressing
other peoples' rights, greed, and harming others, and tries to be useful to others, only if
they ask for his help, he becomes their brother. But, when any member of this family of
mankind oppresses, exploits, unjustly wages wars on them, or lies and deceives others,
he would be acting like a devil in the form of man.

We, Arabs, have learned this, brother Christopher, before any nation on earth. We have
taught it to you, and to all the adherents of divine religions in the Universe, because God
the Almighty, had created Adam and Eve on our land.There is no other chronicle or
religion, that pretends, or can prove the contrary. Abraham, the friend of God and the
father of all prophets, is one of us, as are all the other prophets. Whenever, God made a
revelation, the Arabs were the people to undertake the mission of spreading it to other
non Arab nations, after believing in it themselves. Again, I say that this the fundamental
basis of the humanitarian viewpoint of, not only Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi people
with him, but also of all Arabs, in all their great homeland, which was divided by British
and French colonialism, and which the US is trying to halt its people's unity, and forbid
them from enjoying their rights which God bestowed on them on their proper land.

Once again I say, that the basic general rule is that, he who wants to avoid the harm of
others, must not harm them. He who wants to enjoy the fruits of his crops must not
damage the corps of others. In Iraq, and in the Arab rural regions, and that could be true
in different degrees, all over the world, people would fight each other, and some of them
maybe killed, but no one ever burns the corps of others. If a criminal ever did so, he
would be considered an outcast, and his blood would be shed. Why is such an act so
severely judged, although, in comparison, the killing of a man is much more a serious act
than the burning of crops?

This customary law in the Iraqi countryside, and maybe in the Arab and world also, is
based on two reasons: First: a man, can think, hide, and confront others, while crops
cannot run, hide, or draw a gun on who wants to harm them. Second: a man cannot live
without crops, and for this reason, burning his crops is equal to depriving him from his
right to live, and also, because more than one family may have a share in these crops.
The damage would be inflicted, not only on the share of the person who is meant to be
harmed. It would include the shares of the entire family: women, children, old people, or
even young men, who can carry weapons. It is for this reason, that our religion prohibits
the killing of woman, children and old men, as well as the uprooting of trees, when a war
is fought, by necessity, between two armies.

Do you know, brother Christopher, that your administration, in its war against the
people of Iraq, has been burning not only the cereals in silos, but even the harvest by
throwing flares in order to make Iraqi people starve?

Do you know what does this mean? It means collective death. Your successive
administrations have killed one million and a half Iraqis in eleven years as a result of the
blockade it has imposed on Iraq, according to statistics published international
organizations, including American humanitarian organization. You can ask them for
details, by Internet.

Food is important and holy to people, because it is related to man's right to live. In the
same way medicine has the same sanctity. This is something we have learned from our
history and civilization which are thousands of years old, Hence I remind you of the
Crusades in 1096-1291 by which the western aggressors came to occupy the land of
Arabs, under the pretext of saving Al-Quads from the infidel Muslims as confirmed by
documents issued by the west itself. Notice the motto, dear Christopher: "Saving
Al-Quads >from the infidel Muslims"! So, the Muslims are infidels, not in the eyes of the
church, but in the eyes of the Western leaders who mobilized the nations of the West to
come as invaders to the holy land of Al-Quads, which is the land on which landed
Prophet Mohammed "Peace be upon him" in his divine nocturnal journey.

An individual person in a nation, may be fanatic because of a wrong reasoning, or
awareness, but could leaders be so too?

You may say that this is something that happened a very long time ago. But what made
me mention it in my letter to you, is what I saw, and heard of some leaders, not ordinary
Western citizens. It seems that as if those leaders have recalled all this inventory of
fanaticism and hatred of the times of the Crusades, in which the Western leaders
considered the Arabs, who are the people of the country and the owners of the land, as
infidels who must be expelled from their land by force.

They have, now, planted the Zionist entity in our land to replace that hatred. They have
revived the memory of the old Crusades wars by a new war of Crusades, called for by
the highest ranking rulers in your country, and in other countries of the west.

Isn't it a paradox, and double standards, to accuse a citizen of fanaticism, to denounce
his fanatic attitude and than to mobilize armies against him, and against the country in
which he is living, on the basis of nothing but suspicions, while waging an outrageous
campaign of hatred and fanaticism to the maximum, which even includes calling for, and
the recalling the old Crusades wars against Arab and Muslims, as we mentioned ? !

Nevertheless it is well-known, that when the Arabs and Muslims leader Salahdin
Al-Ayoubi, was told that the leader of Crusades, Richard, who was called the (Heart of
Lion), was ill, he sent him a doctor, and that when his horse was killed in a battle, he
refused to fight anyone before mounting another horse.

But do you know that your administration has, one way or the other, deprived the
people of Iraq from food and medicine?

Do you know the meaning of the death of one million and a half human beings, in
addition to those who are killed by bombs and missiles?

Maybe, you and the majority of the peoples of America, do not know that American
bombardmen, and death harvest caused by fighter jets, and missiles, are ongoing in Iraq
for the last eleven years, and have not stopped until the moment of writing this letter? Do
you know why you don't know?! Because the media in your country which is controlled
by Zionism, do not want you to known. And because your administration, which says
that it is necessary for the peoples of the world to know, does not want you to know.
You should ask your administration, why doesn't it speak to you about facts ? Why
doesn't present you any information except its devilish fancies ?

As for me, I can tell you why Zionism doesn't want you to know the harm inflicted on
the people of Iraq. The Zionist and the American administration believe that it is
necessary that Iraqis die. The Jewish Albright, the former US Secretary of State, spoke
in this way, or in a similar case, when she said that the objectives of the US foreign
policy, justify the death of Iraqi children. The reason is that the Iraqis refused the Zionist
usurpation of Arab and Palestinian territories. They refuse to accept the crimes of
occupying Palestine, the Golan, and the Lebanese territories, and refuse do accept the
Zionists confiscation of the holy places of the believers in God, including Muslims there.

Hence, whenever Zionism has the upper hand over high ranking officials in America, it
pushes the administration toward a confrontation with the Arabs, and reinforces Zionist
entity, at the expense of Arab and Palestinian rights.

By the way, please ask for the videotapes to see how the Jews, in the occupied
territories, kill old men, children and women, in front of the cameras. Do you know that
all these crimes have been perpetrated since 1935 by using Western weapons, and in
fact, American weapons in particular, weapons that cost billions of dollars, the
administration takes from American tax-payers to be granted as an aid to the Zionist
entity ?

So, the Arabs and Muslims did not cross the Atlantic, as invaders or aggressors. They
did not colonize America. It is America that brought them all kinds of sufferings. If any of
your rulers says something different, please discuss it with them. For example, if they say
that they crossed the Atlantic to make sure that you get your oil supplies, tell them that
oil is guaranteed by mutual interests and non-aggression, not by aggressions, killing,
violating other people's rights, and destroying all sanctities.

If your rules say that , they crossed the Atlantic in the past to fight Communism so that it
does not invade the West, tell them that the ex-Soviet Union has fallen apart, as has the
Warsaw Pact, although I personally don't accept the contradiction between the call for
the freedom of thinking, and saying that the Western way of thinking is more vital and
modern, as the intellectuals and leaders of the West say, and between fearing

Do you know, brother Christopher, that the NATO, which was created under the
pretext of confronting Communism, still exists, and was even enlarged after the collapse
of the Warsaw Pact. Decisions of death are taken in its name, against some peoples of
the world sometimes, as was the case against Yugoslavia, because it is an independent,
andSlovak country, and because the majority of its people are Orthodox, not because
their oppression of Muslims in Bosnia, as was claimed, to fool the Muslims, and falsely
win their support in international forums?

If we go on, we can give thousands of examples on the blind fanaticism exported by the
West to the world with American participation during the last 50 years. But I don't want
to burden you. I only want to tell you that the people of Iraq are against all kinds of
fanaticism, whether based on religion, nationality or race. They are against the use of
fanaticism as a cover for harming people whom God does not accept to harm. They call
for love between the peoples and nations of the world. Nevertheless, we do not believe
in love on one side only.

Iraq has been harmed severely by the fanaticism of others, including America. It was
also severely harmed by terrorism. Maybe you don't know that many the members of
our leadership were victims of terrorism and terrorists. Some of them escaped death, by
the will of God, after being injured or missed by the terrorists, in addition to the pain
inflicted to our people.

Do you know brother, that your administration's reaction to that, was one of
encouraging it and rejoicing ? Do you know that your administration has been
encouraging terrorism against us for the past eleven years, calling to overthrow us by
force, allocating special funds to do so, and boasting about not fearing God, as it
publicly announces that on TV screens, because Iraq does not have the same destructive
force and armament of America ? The Palestinians, whose right to resist the occupation
forces are guaranteed by the international law, promulgated by America and the other
big powers, are considered terrorists because they resist the Zionist occupation of their
territories, and holy places.

Tell me, brother, if the Vatican is occupied by Arabs, or non-Arab Muslims, wouldn't its
people fight the occupying forces? Wouldn't the English people fight for the Westminster
cathedral? Or wouldn't the French people, defend Notredame? I say they must fight for
them ! Why, then, are your armies occupying Mecca and the land of our Prophet? Why
are you occupying the regional waters in the Arab Gulf, in addition to territories in its
countries ? Why is your ally, the Zionist entity, occupying our holy places, and territories,
in Palestine, by using your arms, andfinancial, political, media, and moral support? And,
why are your administration killing people, including children in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in
Palestine now, just as it did, before that, in Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia and Libya, and the
list of Arabs and Muslims to be killed is long ?!

I know that Arabs are far from being fanatic. Do you know why? Because, God, the
Almighty, assigned them with the mission of delivering the messages of all religions to
humanity, and not to Arabs alone. They have fulfilled their mission, so that all Christians
are now indebted to Arabs for guiding them to Faith, which God wanted them to have
when, He made it possible for them to reach you, or for you to reach them, so that you
know what they believe in, and be affected by it.

I know that Arabs, in general, do not adopt fanatic stances against any people for
religious reasons. But, can anyone guarantee that one fanaticism does not create another
? Can anyone guarantee that the death toll and killing, inflicted upon Arabs and Muslims
by the American armies, would not lead to a counter-reaction, whether that reaction is
well guided, or is a random one, that pleases no one except those who carry it out?

These are general rules and principles, although I still do not know who is behind
what happened to the towers on September 11, 2001. Your government did not help
me, or anyone else, by showing, or communicating the information it possesses, so that
we can elaborate an opinion, if it needed to know the opinion of those whose people it
daily attacks with bombs, starves to death, and deprives from the right to live, construct,
and deploy their creativity.

Our law, which is borne of our religion and heritage, and of our reasoning which is
thousands of years deep, stipulates: " the Plaintiff should present evidence and the
defendant should take an oath." But the plaintiff, which is your administration did not
present any evidence so far. Nevertheless, it accused the people it accused, without
showing us, or anyone else, any evidence, except for Blair and the ruler of Pakistan, as
they both said. The people accused have not pleaded guilty.

Anyhow, I don't think that your administration deserves the condolences of Iraqis,
except if it presents its condolences to the Iraqi people for the one million and a half
Iraqis it killed, and apologizes to them, for the crimes it committed against them. As for
the American people, we have sent them our condolences through Mr. Tareq Aziz's
letter to the Voices in the Wilderness Organization MrRamsi Clark, the former Attorney
General, on Sept. 18,2001.

Dear brother,

He who does not want his harvest to be burned must not set fire to the harvest of others.
He, who wants to live in security, should accept the right of others to live in security, and
he who is irritated, or raged by an aggression, should not aggress others. He who
cherishes the lives of his people, should remember that God created all people equal at
birth, in death, and in their human values, that's why he should remember that the lives of others are also cherished by their people. He who strikes people with remote control
missiles should expect, that there would be someone to seek revenge, for his dignity and
the dignity of his people, and consequently does something harmful, or fatal, by stabbing
a dagger in his body, or taking his life by a sword.

He who sees himself as a man, who revenges his dignity, should not deprive other men
from their dignity, and he who calls for the respect of his people, men and women,
should respect the people of other nations.

He who remembers God, must not ignore or forget, that God the Almighty, is capable of
everything, and of providing the weak with what makes those who underestimate them,
make heed of their rights and respect them.

In any case, the security of humanity is, in our view, a responsibility on the shoulders of
all good people. Any irresponsible action on the part of superpowers may give way to a
counter irresponsible action by the people, even if the smaller nations do not take such a
course of action.

Finally there is something in your letter that you asked to be corrected, if it was wrong
about the ex President Bush, is giving us reason to believe that he was our ally in the
issue of Kuwait, but he was forced to abide with the United-Nations.The Fact, Mr.
Christopher, is that, it was President Bush who adopted the logic of war, right from the
first day of those events. He refused solving the problem politically, and entering into a
dialogue with us. The resolutions of the United Nations were, in fact, adopted under
pressure from Bush and his administration. He then waged the war against Iraq, in a way
that had nothing to do with the issue of Kuwait. His objective was to destroy all Iraq,
and to deprive its people of the edifice they built, in several decades, and not merely
getting the Iraqi armed forces out of Kuwait. He did that in 1991, and he later
committed similar things, and he and his administration, are still doing so under different
pretexts and justifications.

Wishing that you will have the opportunity to see the facts as they are, and not as your
administration present them,

Yours truly

Saddam Hussein
Baghdad, Shabban 2,1422 H.
Oct. 18, 2001
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