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911 Tragedy Demands Congressional Investigation (update iv) |
Current rating: 0 |
by our form of government (No verified email address) |
14 Oct 2001
Modified: 15 Oct 2001 |
A few pieces of the unsolved puzzle of the Tragedy on 9-11-2001 ('Global
Hawk' remote flight control technology + CIA/Mossad
foreknowledge/forewarning + insider trading + elder bush doing business
with bin Laden) = sufficiently suspect coincidences which warrant a Full
Congressional Investigation into wrong-doing which may lead to
Impeachment of the Bush administration. |
Those unwilling to learn from past events are doomed to relive identical
events. The US is reliving Bush's Iraqi human slaughter for Oil! war of
1990 all over again as the 'war on terrorism' is based on past failures
like the 'war on drugs' or the war in Korea or the war in Vietnam. Why -
it's Impeachment time from the Nixonian era all over again!
Scoop: Michael Rowbotham: Written In Belief
Zizek- Welcome To The Desert of the Real
Given the CIA had foreknowledge, Congress must act on behalf the
public's right to investigate why no preventative actions were taken.
This is an URGENT CALL for Immediate CONGRESSIONAL Investigation into
the competency of the US Executive Branch with respect to the tragedy of
September 11, 2001.
If Congress refuses to open the appropriate Inquiries then the US People
have every right to convene and hold a new Constitutional Convention to
form a Congress which does represent the US people.
CONTACT your ELECTED OFFICIALS: local - state - federal - to add your
voice to call for an Congressional Investigation of the September 11,
2001 tragedy now!
US foreign policy amounts nothing more than a armed protection service
for US corporations abroad to enjoy unbridled use of foreign assets and
populations for private US corporate growth. Individual US citizens (or
even citizens of nations where US corporations are active) are not
considered in the equation as vital US interests. Only natural resources
(especially fossil fuels which have created a runaway climate with
temperature increases which promise to further destroy our economic and
financial future) and the access to a world-wide cheap labor pool and
the private corporate model are considered 'vital US interests'.
So the expenditure of 5000 US human lives by those responsible must in
turn be held accountable against the actions of US foreign policy. The
perpetrators motive must be analyzed in the big picture of who has more
to gain. Will the unlimited military retaliation which excuses
unacceptable loss of civilian life (as the sinister phrase 'collateral
damage' denotes) result in the US gaining secure access to foreign
natural resource assets (oil). The greed obsession to maintain the
oil-based economy is a Crime against Humanity.
Many alternative sources of energy are available today (or with
continued development) to phase out the planet destroying oil-based
economy which only benefits families such as the Bushes and Cheneys to
build personal wealth dynasties at the Government trough.
Had not one million Iraq civilians, women and children been starved by
the leftover dictator of a failed US mission, had not the Palestinian
people been forcibly removed from their country by Israeli settlers
relying on unlimited US foreign assistance, had not Saudi Arabia been
transformed into a US subsidiary and had not world-wide poverty gone
unchecked, no one would listen to and act on behalf of the extremist
fanaticism of religious zealots like bin Laden.
To the present US unelected Executive regime: It's the foreign policy,
Do not believe that the enemy of your enemy can be your friend as the
present house of cards foreign policy is based upon.
Evidence of CIA/US State Department foreknowledge/forewarning
U.S. and Israeli intelligence agencies received warning signals at least
three months ago that Middle Eastern terrorists were planning to hijack
commercial aircraft to use as weapons to attack important symbols of
American and Israeli culture, according to a story in Germany's daily
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).
From: http://www.bizreport.com/article.php?art_id=2137&width=800
Echelon Gave Authorities Warning Of Attacks
The United States is expecting a terrorist attack orchestrated by the
Saudi extremist Osama bin Laden soon,..... "In the past such individuals
have not distinguished between official and civilian targets," the State
Department said.
From: http://www.smh.com.au/news/0107/20/world/world6.html
US alert: coded message reveals bin Laden terror plot
Powell and Bush (showing conflict of interest) summarily excused the CIA
from culpability.
The Nando Times: ANALYSIS: Attacks might have been detected
Prescott Bush, grandfather of Bush the present White House resident had
business dealings with Hitler's nazis and his company's assets were
frozen. The Bush family business connections with German nazism by
itself is high treason.
more bush family history
Bush the Elder, father of Bush the present White House resident, had
business dealings with bin Laden until August 2001 and said Carlyle
company's assets should be frozen.
Conspiracy Planet - Bush Crime Family - Bush Family Terrorism
Bush, Bath and Bin Laden, by J.H. Hatfield
More Bush Financial Ties to bin Laden
Why did the US Executive Branch of Government not stop or prevent the
tragedy and decide to take no action with the CIA's foreknowledge of the
plot specifics?
Is the US Executive Branch of Government criminally negligent or
treasonous by doing nothing to stop or prevent the tragedy?
Bush the Elder (being an ex-CIA Director, ex-US President and father of
the present White House Bush resident) was considered by the CIA and the
current occupant of the White House to be above the law; immune from any
conflict of interest, immune from committing treasonous acts by having
business dealings with a known enemy of the US.
Bush family’s dirty little secret
Since Bush the Elder did business with bin Laden, a known enemy of the
US, Bush the Elder must be investigated for committing treasonous acts
against the people of the US. Since Bush the Elder commands a huge and
continuous impact of our President Select Junior, we need to ask Select
Junior what he knew and when he knew it.
Impeachment of our President Select Junior Bush may result based on High
Treason and Crimes against Humanity. Bush the Elder and Junior Bush
frequently exchange written correspondence between each other.
Insider trading of stocks of companies two weeks prior to the Tragedy
require the scrutiny of investigation. Word may have been passed from
the CIA (which possessed foreknowledge of the tragedy) and or Bush the
Elder to the stock traders. Evidence of these misdeeds also constitute
treasonous acts against the US.
Suspicious trading points to advance knowledge by big investors
Judicial Watch, the public interest law firm that investigates and
prosecutes government corruption and abuse, reacted with disbelief to
The Wall Street Journal report of yesterday that George H.W. Bush, the
father of President Bush, works for the bin Laden family business in
Saudi Arabia through the Carlyle Group, an international consulting firm
and that senior Bush had met with the bin Laden family at least twice.
Bush Sr. in business with bin Laden
The Wall Street Journal reported on or about September 27, 2001 (buried
in a few pages) that the Elder Bush (associated with the Carlyle group)
HAD business meetings with the Bin Laden partners in Saudi Arabia as
recent as August 2001 and INCLUDED former Secretary of State James A.
Baker and other top Republicans. The treasonous involvement by members
of Congress explains why every member of Congress (except Rep. Barbara
Lee of California) fell into goose-step behind Bush giving him a false
authority of carte blanche dimensions to wreck havoc, death and
destruction in all countries who harbor terrorists.
Say what you want, but this war is illegal
WSJ-bin Laden Family Could Profit From Jump In Defense Spending
Probe links WTC, Kandahar hijacks
FEMA and Cheney are implicated by the facts that Cheney was appointed on
May 9, 2001 to lead the US government's anti-terrorism plan with a FEMA
team. Reports show that US intelligence ignored warnings of planned
terrorist attacks.
FEMA culpable - Cheney should resign
Evidence of Israeli-Mossad Secret Service foreknowledge and involvement
Ha'aretz-Odigo says workers were warned of attack
5 Israelis detained for `puzzling behavior' after WTC tragedy
UPI Interview with Gen. Hameed Gul
ArabNews: ‘Mossad capable of US attack’: US Army officials
What's your definition of Treason? Violation of the Public Trust?
Willful and Intentional actions (or inactions) which do harm to the US
People? Criminal Misuse of Public Funds? Given numerous warnings over
the past six months, the $340 billion US War Department and $40 billion
CIA had it well within their powers to heighten airline and airport and
border security to stop or hamper the tragic events on September 11,
In the fury of Bush's crusade-jihad, is the US public expected to meekly
allow US Constitutional rights to be permanently erased while
never-ending reprisals are executed against the US people by thousands
or millions of bin Laden-inspired sympathizers?
By lending a false legitimizing influence to transforming the US
government into an Orwellian state in both domestic and foreign policy,
the Bush government rises to the level of the Taliban. Bush had never
considered anything but a military response and had planned to topple
the Taliban prior to the tragedy of September 11, 2001.
In answering terror with more terror, Bush only fans the flames of
terror and ignores the underlying causes of the tragedy - namely a
foreign policy (which meddles in the affairs of other nations) abhorrent
to (and warned against by) the Founders of the US Republic.
Bush's 'war on terrorism' destabilizes nations and does not address the
root causes of terrorism: poverty and unwieldy, unaccountable US foreign
intervention of favoritism and sanctions.
The algebra of infinite justice
On October 2, 2001 around 50,000 people took part in a protest organized
by the Jamiat Ulema-i-Islam (JUI) party in Quetta, shouting
anti-American slogans and condemning Musharraf for backing the US. The
Taliban regime in Afghanistan and its supporters in Pakistan have warned
Musharraf that he faces a civil war if his administration supports the
US military action.
From: http://www.wsws.org/articles/2001/oct2001/pak-o05.shtml
A combustible political situation in Pakistan
The US Congress (strong-armed by Bush) has nullified the US Constitution
with this legislation now pending.
Terrorism Bill House Resolution 2975
Uniting and Strengthening America Act (S. 1510)
With this legislation, Bush and a compliant US Congress have voided all
our Constitutional rights under the false pretenses of the 'war on
terrorism'. Police are now handed unconstitutional unlimited search and
seizure powers.
New law says police can search w/out warrants
EPIC Analysis of Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001
In addressing terror by permanently removing our hard-fought US
Constitutional rights, Bush only seeks to blatantly squash dissent,
protection of the environment, right to assemble to redress grievances,
right of habeas corpus, freedom of the press, freedom of speech and
freedom of expression in order to proceed unfettered toward gas and oil
development of the oil-rich Caspian Sea on behalf of UNOCAL by means of
using the September 11, 2001 tragedy as a pretense and US military
retaliation as a corporate proxy mercenary force.
The U.S. in the Caspian: The Divergence of Political and Commercial
Asia Times: The oil behind Bush and Son's campaigns
Statement by John J. Maresca, Vice President, Unocal Corporation
Take your pick:
Bush-Fawell's fundamentalism is pitted against bin Laden's
fundamentalism. That's a Hobson's choice. There's no difference in the
extremist positions of either side.
Ha'aret-U.S. nuclear weapons sent to Afghanistan as 'last resort'
Very Fast war? A likely Pakistani civil war which could see Pakistani
nuclear devices fall into terrorist hands. If terrorists (or the US)
detonate small tactical nuclear devices, China and Russia will be drawn
into the mix, stepping up to massive nuclear unleashing. According to
mid-east news feeds, China has mobilized several thousand PLA troops on
the Afghani-Sino border to stop any refugees from entering China.
Fast War? 'Taking out' city by city in a nuclear tit for tat exchange.
Unaccounted for suitcase-sized nuclear devices are presumed to be in bin
laden's hands. Russia (from the days of the breakup of the Soviet Union)
is missing a number of nuclear devices.
Bin Laden has several Nuclear Suitcases
Osama - Suitcase Bombs
Osama, Suitcase Bombs, and Ex-Soviet Loose Nukes
Frontline - Russian Roulette
A New Vision for Russia: Security Issues Relating To Russia
A number of Wars? Afghani, Iraqi, Sudanese, Palestinian, Jewish, Balkan,
South Asian, Central and South American and US causalities in the
millions over 20 years. US foreign policy acts are responsible for
two-thirds of the planet's 23 million war deaths over the past 50 years.
Centre for Research on Globalisation -- "OSAMAGATE"
No War? This is the only answer for the future of Humanity. Massive
Pro-Democracy movements around the world including in the US with free
and fair elections where the election winner gets the expected and
deserved privilege of sitting in the office. In this way, the winner
would be responsible to the will of the People to pursue Life, Liberty,
and Happiness.
In line with the fact that 50 million US voters who elected Al Gore as
US President in 2000 with a 500,000 plus majority including a majority
of Florida voters, an international Gallup poll from September 21, 2001
registered 46% of US people were opposed to military action or in the
undecided category.
Gallup International poll on terrorism in the US (figures)
Polling revealed that people in 32 of 35 of the world's countries are
opposed to military attack - in favor of extradition to stand trial.
Israel, India and the US are the exceptions. Anti-war sentiments are at
80-90% in Europe and Latin America. People have expressed misgivings for
a military solutions at home and abroad.
Bush holds no public mandate for the office of President which he
occupies. Bush was not elected rather appointed by five members of the
US Supreme Court. The National Lawyers Guild is gathering support on the
Senate Judiciary Committee and public sentiment to impeach the felonious
five Supreme Court members. Treason was committed by the five Court
occupants which disallowed a full and fair vote count.
NLG Impeachment Committee Research
None Dare Call It Treason
Beyond adding embassy security 50 days prior to the tragedy, the US
State Department's terrorist alert was ignored by the US Executive
branch of Government. Congressional Investigations would be able to
conclude whether or not:
1) US intelligence used the foreknowledge to hatch a CIA-inspired plot
within the plot of the foreign nationals in order to justify toppling
the Taleban and massive military retaliation against all terrorists
including domestic and foreign political opposition and dissent. The
CIA-inspired plot could have easily employed and had planted on the
aircraft remote control technology used on 'Global Hawk' or VDAM
GPS-guided missiles; or
Operation 911: NO SUICIDE PILOTS
"Home Run" Electronically Hijacking the World Trade Center Attack
Did the terrorists do it? Duh.
2) The terrorists may not have been physically on the aircraft.
First-hand observation of the flight's missile-like precision (with
which all four of 'hijacked' aircraft displayed) indicates the use of
'global hawk' ground-based remote flight control technology. In this
scenario, the terrorists (who controlled the aircraft from the ground)
may not be those identified by the FBI as the hijackers. Elements within
Mossad, CIA and other extremists may have acted in concert.
3) US intelligence with foreknowledge did nothing and in effect -
criminally and treasonously sanctioned the actions on September 11,
2001; or
4) US intelligence with foreknowledge did nothing since there were too
many just as urgent plots which the CIA was monitoring - which would
show gross criminal negligence; or
5) the US Executive Branch of government is guilty or innocent of any
other charges.
See also:
http://www.lib.umich.edu/govdocs/congress/conemail.txt |
It's Silly To Talk Of Impeachment |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 14 Oct 2001
When Congress is probably just as corrupt as the office of the President. They're in it together with W.
Besides, the only realistic investigation would have to focus on incompetence. Sure, there's a lot of evidence of prior knowledge of an attack. However, it's a ridiculous reach to imply that somehow the US government sponsored the attack, other than helping make bin-Laden who he is.
Any theory like that also implies that US policy has NOT made our country a pariah in many parts of the world, with the result that there are people who might be motivated to attack us. I wish that were the case, but it is a fact that US policy has indeed done exactly that. Are you saying that nobody has reason to hate US policy enough to have carried out the attacks of Sept. 11? I think you are wrong and going down that road is a distarction, when we need to focus on making the American people aware of the connections between policy and the situation we find ourselves in.
Anyone seriously proposing a campaign along these lines is simply out to waste a lot of effort barking up the wrong tree.
Get real. Ignore loony theories that are fundementally unsound, in addition to being highly unlikely. |
Impeachment of the US Judiciary and Executive |
by might leave the puppet-in-place (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 14 Oct 2001
ML, (only the Shadow knows)
What part of gobal hawk technology is it that you do not understand?
I'm awed by your incredibly fast digestion of the URLs (and their references too - and on and on) which are provided for you.
What do you suggest beyond what is suggested here: namely having a new Constutional Convention since the present Congress is too pre-occupied with self-denial and overseas representation rather than representing the US people.
Just like the puppet-in-coup command offering the taliban a second chance, we ought to offer the minions of Congressional special interest office holders a second chance before We The People act.
The same genocide with which euro settlers used on the Native americans is compatible with the Zionist euro settlers' relocation campaigns against the Semite Natives of Palestine. |
Exactly What Evidence Do You Offer? |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 14 Oct 2001
I am familiar with Global Hawk-style technology. You seem to imply it played a role in the events of Sept. 11, without offering a shred of proof. That is why I say that this entire mess, that you've spammed to not only the U-C IMC site, but the entire IMC network, is NOTHING but wacky conspiriacy theory.
And I really don't like the tone of your racially charged remarks to my comment. Are you just another version of Bobby Meade's anti-Semitic obsessions? It is sure starting to sound like it. |
. |
by . (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 14 Oct 2001
push |
Read the URLs ML. Evidence is there. |
by Hey karma - ML aka juli aka Fluff Read the URLs (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 14 Oct 2001
ML You are over the top.
Kettle to Pot::::
Define Semite |
I Will Repeat Sloooowllllllly |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 14 Oct 2001
For the intelectually impaired author of this ridiculous post (and for any IMC rreaders who might be so gullible to believe this nonsense):
There is absolutely no proof or corroboration provided for any alleged remote control flight of the airplanes involved in the Sept. 11 incidents.
In none of the above "references."
Simply repeating speculation by well-known peddlers of second-rate conspiracy theories is simply not proof of anything, other the the limited intellectual capacity of those involved in formulating and reposting this crap.
And once again, the race-baiting agenda of the poster is apparent. Insisting that the definition of Semite is at all relevant to what is being presented is a solid indication that we are dealing with another one of Bobby Meade's multiple anti-social personalities. |
ML was disbarred |
by Anti-ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 14 Oct 2001
Is ML giving the author way too much credit?
What is being called here is an Investigation.
ML, Show up and present your PROOF and evidence. |
Proof? |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 14 Oct 2001
I don't think the question of proof is relevant to my side of this argument. I'm simply noting that there is nothing within the "evidence" that you quote above that should be taken seriously.
People in Congress would simply laugh at you if you showed up with this kind of material and said that you think it warrants an investigation.
People here on IMC feel pretty much the same way; it's nothing more than a lame joke, just like your Booby Meade/damn fool/ etc. multiple personalities.
BTW, why did you leave out your usual racial slurs this time? Were you starting to sound like Bobby Meade a little too much that it was undercutting your already limited credibility?
I hear there's at least one job open at a supermarket tabloid office down in Florida. You MIGHT be qualified for that. You simply don't cut it here at IMC. |
Notice To Our Readers |
by anti-spam (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 15 Oct 2001
The pathetic excuse for conspiracy theory presented above was brought to you by the Daily Weakly World News, unofficial suppliers of spam-laden editorial material to practically every IMC on the Planet.
Our motto: "If it’s stupid, we hope you read it."
Remember, we save you time at the checkout line, because you’ll already have read the wackiest stories presented first by the Daily Weakly World News.
Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger, CEO and Chief Turd Inspector
Bobby sez, "If it passes my sniff test, it really stinks!" |
Don't be intimidated by these bush lackeys |
by Anti-ml (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 15 Oct 2001
There is no conspiracy presented by the Call for Congressional Investigation.
That's the job of the Investigators.
Seriously suspect events which defy reasonable probability of random occurance are presented.
To those in denial here: Where you the paid Nazi-Republican staffers shouting down the Florida recount? You got what you deserve but We The People will not subscribe to your nightmare much longer. |