A quick reading of human history, will let us know, that it's only a history of strong ones preying upon weaker ones, it's true these human beasts don't eat the flesh of their preys anymore, but they still eat their freedom, efforts, life, health, and they assassinate their dreams and safeness, which is more savage than what predators do.
To get out form the jungle
{Uncompleted translation}
Complete article in Arabic only http://www.geocities.com/sameh562001/k3.html
By Sameh Saeed Abbood
Researcher and writer
Cairo Egypt
saeedslama (at) hotmail.com
sameh56 (at) maktoob.com
Humans think they got out from the jungle, about ten thousand years ago, when they discovered farming; while actually they're still trying. It's true they accomplished a great much of success; whether in the products they produce, both material and non-material, or in the methods they use to produce, it's also true they gained a lot of knowledge which increaced their surrounding things and phenomenons, but yet the jungle laws is still what organizes their social relations and most of their behaviors and thoughts. A quick reading of human history, will let us know, that it's only a history of strong ones preying upon weaker ones, it's true these human beasts don't eat the flesh of their preys anymore, but they still eat their freedom, efforts, life, health, and they assassinate their dreams and safeness,which is more savage than what predators do.
The human history in the most of it, is disgusting to any one with a nobel feeling, and defnitly makes anyone with a conscience sick when reads its events, not only the bloody events commited by all the armies both victorous or defeated, or the crimes perpetrated by all the ruling elites over ages.but also the truth of the miserable reality and the continuous sufferring of the absolute majority of human beings over all the ages, which
we wrongfully, arrogantly and illusionly called civilization .
Surely, some people will be blinded to these horrific historical facts, by the civilized achievements, which were built by the blood, efforts and minds of billions of subjugated, robben and tyrranized over people.
Those forgotten victims, who were crushed with no one feeling sory for them, they went pricelessly paying for the luxury and impulses of the controlling Elites, those whom the voices of their oppression and moaning are repeating from the Pyramids to the Colossm, St petre cathedral, Tag mahal and even to the skyscrapers and orbting space stations.
For in the 20th century, in which space was invaded, over than 200 millions were killed in wars, and multiples of this numper were tortured, wounded, captured and became homeless, all of this happens so that a minority gets richer on the expense of the majority.
History confirms that humans are oftenly still controlled by the minds of repiteles, which cares only for satisfying its impulses which neither emotions or morals can stop and that the majority of them still carries insid them, what mammals carry herd emotions, which even if improved their behavior towards what ever herd they belong to, it the same herd so they consider, murdering, toruring, distruching, lying, anastealing for the benefit of whatever collective identity they share, whether a tribe, homeland, race, nation, religion, culture, or sex, is an honour .this collective identity they belong to, is symbolized in a state which they worship, and an authority they submit to. And while those who belong to this identity, whether willingly or unwillingly, should behave well among each
other, and toward their abstract collective identity, and also toward the transcendent organization.But behave according to balances of power and principles of the education,with others who belong to other collective identities .
And all human cultures over ages are filled with steady development and
growth, which is to be called the human conscience. This conscience with all what it carrries from values and morals which overcomes the impulses of repitiles, and the emotions of the herd, is the standard which distinguishes the man from other creatures. And only if this conscience, really moves from the world of awarness, limited emotions and rare actions of some humans, to the actual and total practising of all humans, only then will the man be able to realy leave the jungle, a matter to which humans are stil crawling to reach. And their trials, will remain failed ones, becoause the majority of them stil holds to the herd way of thinking, which divides and thus descriminales people according to their nationalities, colours, religions, languages, races, cultures and sex, And so the herd emotions will control them with what it carries from self _fanaticism, which puches them to be savages with others, and to tame the conscience for the benefit of the herd.
And the truth is that division (we mentioned), besides being the industry of the state and for foundation the authority, whith the intellectual elites vauling it by more than its actual value, and to discard the subjugated attention from the real struggle with the ruled elites, and to use the masses charged with heard emotions and programed with advertisement and education, to achieve the benefits of controlling elites in its struggle
with other elites, on robbing and subduing these masses and other's , or to use it as a fuel for its wars and steps to reach its ambitions of wealth, access and authority.
The collective identity ideologies is what drags us back to the jungle and locks us inside, from which there is no way out, unless we get rid from its shackles by a human internationalism which considers the right of all humans to enjoy all the fruits of the earth, without any geograohical or non_ geograohical boarders, equally and regardless of any thing that might divide them. Becouse the earth is there all and should break any racist border between them.
Thus, internationalism is a fundemental condition; to give any political and social movement, its progressive, liberal, and revolutionary view, or else any of the previous movements is to be considered conservative, authoritative, reactionary and racist, regardless of its mottos, principles and gools that is may seen progressive, liberal, and revolutionary. For using words like progressive, liberal, and revolutionary in mottos and signs means nothing except to those who're advertising it, as long as they hold to the idea of collective idrntity.
And so the class struggle is the only struggle, we should care for, which is the ongoing struggle between authority monopolists, becouse they own the means of production, violence and knowledge, and those deprived from the authority becouse they're deprived from the means of production, violence and knowledge. And talking about movements that mix the collective identity struggle with the class struggle is like talking about squared circles, just modern nonsense to distract the abused puplic from the truth of their
Party political or social movements that's based on "superior collective identity", is characterized by:
1 st: Neglecting the class struggle, for the benefit of keeping the authority of some subduing elites, or to replace them by other ones, which make it earn the conservative look .For the national ruling elites were no less abusive, corrupted and tyion than colonialism authorities or the elite cooperahing with it,it might even exceeded the last one .this is proved in the last century's experience.
2 nd: Works to build mechanisms to subdule the people socially and politically in the farm state symbolizing Collective identity, which gives it the authoritative and Non-liberal view. For a transcendent authority, that's seperated from the people, cannot be their real way for liberation. And thus real contradicts with the state itself, as long as it's the institution of authority.
3 rd: it fixes the struggle and discrimination between different Collectives identities, which keeps us living in the jungle with its laws and conditions, and thus still is considered reachionary. And to protect the Collective identity a resistance takes place towards what might change the identity aspects, or its bureness. This resistance takes the form of controlling individual choices, freedom of criticism and creation, which is
threatening the Collective identity.
4 th: those who worship the state, authority and the Collective identity are racists in different degrees. Whatever they did to deny it .For even if they didn't oppress others, they as least excluded those who doesn't belong to their Collective identity, which they see very special, and thus must be kept protected from mixing with other Collectives identities. And they stick to their racism, defending it by saying that others are racists, this tilted explanation, and work is to keep and devot it instead of uncovering and distroyying it by the human internationalism those more progressive.
Wrote this article before the bloody events of Tuesday in New York and Washington, which is committed by facist, racist and unhuman criminals, nodoubt. Whatever were the identities they belong to, and whatever were their motives and reasons, for the majority of those harmed belong to the subdued, abhused, deceired masses. And the tools used to plan and come with the action, must not discard us from the real criminal behind this crime, which is obeviously Capitalist, Bureaucracy, political and military elite American itself, for these are the biggest terroristic gangs in our modern world, which causes most of the violence in our world today.
And the big insult to these elites, and what happened to its degnity from staking,
wouldn't have happened but for that severe barbarian arrogance, which these elites used to treat all the people of the world specially the arab people, most specially the palestinian people since many decades.
And the truth is that what happened is in the benefit of the elites we mentioned, which is the racist wars, for which arabs and muslims are the most qualified to be their victims, for they are the most undeveloped and discarded in our modern world, after the people of Africa (south of desert) which is hardling the destruction of each other by themselves with no need for any outside interference from the capitalist elites. And the Arabs are the most filled with bitterness from what they went through of unfairness, and their owning of a special culture which mixes politics with religion which puts them in front of the modern global culture, for all these reasoms they become the best target to the coming racist wars.
Maybe what happened is the begining of the process of getting rid of the excessive population in the weakest parts of the world, so that capitalism will go on for many coming years, which was introdued theoretically by the idea of civilizations struggle which is adopted whether publicly or secretly by most of the American policy makers, zionists, christian fundementalists and new facists as much as adopted by Islamic fundementalists and arab nationalists, in an identity struggle that's about to go stronger,it's feeded by picturrizing the Palestinian /Israelian struggle as a religious or
national struggle to hide it's truth which is a class struggle.For the target of all these conflicting elites is abusing and obssesing the arab cheap labor in the name of nationalism or religion.
Complete article in Arabic only
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