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News :: UCIMC |
Time to call out the Adam/Bobby Lee trolls here |
Current rating: 0 |
by IMC supporter Email: btfstl (nospam) (verified) |
22 Jan 2005
Modified: 02:26:26 PM |
So who is this Adam (of Bobby Lee and me) troll? And what are they trying to prove? |
A few thoughts here on this Adam/BL troll that's been acting like unsupervised 12-year-olds here lately...
I'm starting to wonder if it's someone with connections to Tod Satterwhite or the infamous Jack Ryan? (BTW, I've seen Jack doing the same thing at the Madison IMC site lately - looks like he found another IMC to get his butt tossed from.)
If it's Tod, what are they trying to prove? Or are they trying to disrupt IMC operations in order to keep discussions from going on?
I've noticed they feel the need to make accusations on EVERY post and article here for the past week or so. And it's always the same thing - "Reject IMC-OJC, Inc. Support all those who are aligned with Tod." For good measure, they've included WEFT-FM and one other thing as well.
I find it interesting they make all sorts of accusations but have nothing to back it up with. Guys, have you ever heard of a slander suit?
If it is indeed proven that these ass-clowns have connections with Tod, I'd be doing everything I could to sue the bejesus out of these folks and Tod as well. If it's just idiot unsupervised junior-high punks doing this for laughs, it's not funny. And you could be looking at some major trouble here.
The game is growing tiresome boys. Put up or shut up. Show your work.
I'm guessing the UCIMC may have ways to track their IP addresses. If so, I'd be doing some detective work on it and then prepare a suit against these jokers.
I'm tired of this crap, and I'm guessing a lot of other people are sick of it too. Time to call these folks out. |
This work is in the public domain |
Please Don't Feed the Trolls |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 22 Jan 2005
Yes, BobbyLee/Adam is Jack Ryan. Yes, Jack gets little traction here anymore since he was banned, so he has taken his dog-and-pony show on the road. Yes, UC IMC pays close attention to Jack's crap and it is quickly wiped away out of sight. Yes, if Jack stepped in front of a speeding truck, the world would be a better place, even for conservatives who mostly probably find Jack to be a particularly embarrassing stereotype to live down, let alone the real Jack Ryan, who strangely enough actually somewhat fits the stereotype that will forever be associated with his name via Google thanks to the troll Jack Ryan's use of his name. I guess there really is very little honor among conservatives.
No, I doubt that Tod is Jack. No, I don't think devoting an article to it helps.
Ignore him, because his turds pretty much go away quickly after they get posted. Like an un-potty-trained 2-year old, giving him a headline about how he's crapped his pants again is unlikely to discourage him. |
Re: Time to call out the Adam/Bobby Lee trolls here |
by IMC supporter btfstl (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 22 Jan 2005
ML, that's what I thought. I know, as you said and I've said in the past, don't feed the trolls.
This latest outbreak, though, got my blood boiling. Something goes up, Jack/BobbyLee/Adam has something quickly. You or Paul or anyone else gets rid of it, two more go up in its' place. It's tiresome, to say the least. And I *personally* think it's time to toss it back into thier face and let them get a taste of their own medicine (feel free to agree or disagree as you wish).
As I said earlier in the week, even though I live in Charleston/Mattoon, I've got your backs. I believe in what you're doing. I'd like to do more but my work schedule (I work second shift) prevents me from getting to meetings.
If there's anything you think I could help with, please e-mail me *privately.* My e-mail addy is with my posts, as you probably know.
Thanks ML, keep up the good work!! Take care. |
Re: Time to call out the Adam/Bobby Lee trolls here |
by Guest (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 22 Jan 2005
Ignore Jack Ryan. This guy has been trolling the IMC for about two years now. I do not read any of his comments. ML, keep up your great website editing. |
Re: Time to call out the Adam/Bobby Lee trolls here |
by Wayne Pickette waynedougpick (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 26 Jan 2005
Where is any proof that Bobby Lee (Adam), who were and are so supportive to my case, are both the same person as Jack Ryan? Who is Jack Ryan exactly? Where is any proof that Jack Ryan is not, for example, the same as ML? What is this entire witch fighting (sorry, troll fighting) without ANY proof about? According to what I have learned at school, we still have the official presumption of innocence in this country, don't we? |
Lots of Evidence |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 26 Jan 2005
There is extensive evidence that Jack Ryan, who is banned for his abusive practices, has assumed a number of different identities, among them the BobbyLee/Adam one, in a rather lame attempt to evade the prohibition on his posting here.
Generally, the IMC operates in a very open and public manner. Most of our email lists are open to the public, as are our meetings. I would be glad to discuss this in person. Mr. Ryan and his numerous pseudonymns were given a chance to have their say before the IMC Steering group and, like trolls usually do, passed on the chance to tell their side of the story. Steering made the decision to ban Jack Ryan, regardless of who he chooses to call himself at any particular moment, and I am simply implementing this decision.
However, we do not discuss the specifics of our anti-abuse measures online, as that would be similar to handing the keys to our front door over to the troll. We long ago noticed that trolls take advantage of our open list structure, in general, and that Jack Ryan, specifically, reads the lists in the vain hope that they will give him info that he can exploit to evade his ban from UC IMC. Thus, such info will not be posted to our lists and will certainly not be specifically commented on here.
As for any support he expressed for your case, he has your email address. If he was truly supportive, and not merely trolling you, he could easily contact you. As it is, he is probably reluctant to send any more emails to anyone connected with this, since he has already burned himself at least once by his clumsy ignorance of how the internet works in ways that are often far less anonymous than people would like to think.
Despite the way some(one) feels about this, UC IMC has always been supportive of getting your story out to the public. I would judge Jack Ryan's false and empty expressions of support for you against the very real fact that UC IMC has allowed you to tell your story here several times and remains available to you to do so again. |