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Daring To Be Radically Human in 'The Hood': The Beauty of Creative Nonviolence! |
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by human spirit liberation (No verified email address) |
18 Nov 2004
Another experiment in creative, yet confrontive nonviolence successfully out-manuvered thugs (and fears of violence) after an open challenge from anarchists. More than 50 people participated. A Crucial Arts expert-in-training literally "pushed da envelope" in one of Portland's 'Hoods. |
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PDX: The thug in all of us, in our heads and expressed in myriad ways was beautifully ju-jitsued and derailed Thursday (today) in NE Portland thanks to "key timing" and the "radicalness" of a method of nonviolent confrontation which blows traditional nonviolent "pacifism" out of the water as far as the concept of DESIRE ARMED is concerned.
"Its a form of art in process, really," said Chaz d (distant cousin of the infamous Chuck D.), "and the 'key timing' is the *suddenness* of our appearances, which have been going down all over the USA. It's a provocation, to use fancy-buttoned words. It's a way of interacting with people (instead of always 'to' or 'against' people) that allows us to escape our gripping fears and make *community* wherever and whenever we desire!"
The method appears to come from the ideas of Saul Alynsky, the early 20th Century community organizer. "I like the basic style of his tactics, and that's about it," says Chaz, who is primarily referring to Alynsky's somewhat rare book _Rules For Radicals_. "He came up with some really funny ideas, and I see myself as evolving them."
The idea Chaz played with today was "Pushing da Envelope". He took a big white paper board, affixed an envelope to it, and stuck it on a push-cart, and pushed it around town, from over by Portland Community College (PCC), down Killingsworth to Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd, up to Portland Av NE, back down MLKj and meandering around to Albina, then back up various streets to Killingsworth and back over to PCC.
At least fifty people participated in the *direct action*, writing down their own ideas of what "Pushing the Envelope" meant to them. The complete list of their thoughts will appear soon.
All kinds of people were approached, from rough-looking street-looking folks, to professionals in the PCC library and students there.
"It was really an exceptionally excellent experience, especially since i myself have been so AFRAID to even walk around there all these years!" Chaz said.
A few people thought Chaz had to have a lot of courage (or craziness) to do as he did, dressed all far out and what. What exactly was their fear, remains to be seen (as we list all the thoughts, maybe that will become clearer).
More report coming up tomorrow or very soon! |
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