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by Walter F. Wouk Email: tpp (nospam) (verified) |
10 Nov 2004
The election is over and you Bush supporters are literally cackling with glee and basking in the glow of your own personal “Mission Accomplished.” Gloat while you can, because you're still stuck with the war on Iraq.
Prior to his re-election, it was clearly George Bush's war. He wanted it, he worked for it and he got it. It was his personal crusade. And now it belongs to you too. By voting for George Bush, you reaffirmed the deception, the misinformation and the outright lies that the boy used to justify his invasion of Iraq.
By voting for George Bush you assumed personal responsibility for the ever-widening vortex of death and destruction in Iraq. From now on, a little bit of every shattered body, blinded eye and flag-draped coffin belongs to you.
It's still the wrong war at the wrong time and it will prove to be your "Mission Accomplished." |
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by NRA4 (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 10 Nov 2004
That's ok Walter, because frankly, I'd rather be responsible for a war that has liberated hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women, and children from a harsh and brutal murderous dictator, and a war that has taken out thousands of murdering fanatical Muslims who would murder you and your whole family in a heartbeat if given the opportunity to do so, than to be a Kerry supporter and be responsible for furthering what God refers to as an "abomination" upon America, and worse, to have the blood of millions of innocent unborn babies dripping from my fingers.
But you just keep believing whatever you want to, and enjoy your dream world, Hmmmkay! |
Got Values? Republicans Apparently Think They Do |
by Susan Reimer (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 10 Nov 2004
My Friend Norine has come up with a way to turn the disappointment of last Tuesday's presidential election into cold, hard cash.
She is putting the finishing touches on an ad campaign she is calling "Got Values?" and I am putting all my Starbucks money behind it.
There will be T-shirts, bumper stickers, magazine ads and television spots, and instead of a milk mustache, our celebrities will have their foreheads marked with a cross of ashes.
We are banking on the fact that the lesson of the presidential election is: "It was values, stupid!"
We figure that because it was the Republicans teaching this lesson, there has got to be a way to make money on it, to keep that money from the poor and to protect it from taxes.
And I think my friend Norine may have found it.
We just have to figure out which values.
Apparently, if you are more worried about a Super Bowl halftime show than about the fact that the United States invaded a sovereign nation without provocation, you've got values.
If you are more offended by two guys kissing than by the fact that 100,000 Iraqi citizens have died while being liberated, you have values.
And if you care more about a single, fertilized egg in some deep freeze somewhere than about all the children with diabetes and all the grandparents with Parkinson's and Alzheimer's, you have values.
If you care more about your exclusive and personal relationship with God than you do about his admonition to care for the poor and the weak, you have values.
The right values, anyway.
Apparently, if you "believe" that the United States has clear evidence that Saddam Hussein was in cahoots with al-Qaida; that we have found those weapons of mass destruction; and that the majority of world leaders backed our decision to invade Iraq - "beliefs" held by nearly 70 percent of those who voted for George W. Bush, according to a University of Maryland study - you believe in the right things.
If you believe that "under God" must remain in the Pledge of Allegiance; if you believe that the Ten Commandments and nativity scenes should be on display at courthouses; if you believe that simply telling teenagers not to have sex will guarantee that they do not, you have the required credentials to run for public office.
If you believe that we need to junk up the Constitution with an amendment designed to punish the people who might be so greatly moved as to burn a U.S. flag, you have passed the new values litmus test and you are eligible for the Supreme Court.
If you don't believe that the preservation of the environment is a relevant part of any discussion about the sanctity of life, you are eligible for my friend Norine's ad campaign.
If you believe that a 3 percent plurality is a mandate; if you believe that the 55 million Americans who did not vote for you don't count, you can serve in the Bush administration's second term.
And if you think that you can just start talking about God more often or trot out Southern Baptist candidates like Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter who are comfortable with such talk, then you are a Democrat.
Sound bitter?
I am.
And that might be the start of our next ad campaign.
© 2004 Baltimore Sun |
by NRA4 (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 10 Nov 2004
No, you don't sound "bitter", you sound like another clueless liberal Democrat Kerry supporter who voted for a man who lost the election because no one REALLY had a ghost of an idea what he actually stood for, IF anything. |
by Walter Wouk tpp (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 11 Nov 2004
A typical right-wing "BS" artist who doesn't have the guts to sign their comments. Go find a public restroom wall to scribble on. |
Edited Version Accepted |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 11 Nov 2004
Dear Walter,
First, let me thank you for your service to our country. Secondly, let me say that this election guarantees that the left will not be able to abandon our soldiers like you were abandoned in Vietnam. This time we will win and not let those that you have chosen to ally yourself put us on the path of surrender.
We are not gloating or basking in our tremendous victory. We are attempting to bring all of us together in the common goal of victory. I am getting a little tired of your incessant whining though. WE WON, YOU LOST!!! Perhaps you should begin the difficult analysis of why your side consistently goes down in defeat.
When presented with a clear choice, Americans will always choose to rely on themselves rather than government which seeks to confiscate wealth and advocates surrender in the face of our enemies.
Your Good Friend,
P.S. How's That??? |
by Walter Wouk tpp (nospam) wintersoldier (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 12 Nov 2004
Jack Ryan! Doen't Tom Clancy have better things to do with his fictional characters? |