Valuing the Lives of the People vs. Wanton Police Murder
When the Proletariat Rules
by Bob Avakian
Revolutionary Worker #1255, October 17,
2004, posted at
Let's take the question of police brutality and murder.. it seems
like every time you open the RW there is at least one and often
more than one article about another one of these outrages--basically
the same story of how the police go in and wantonly murder someone,
especially basic Black and Latino youth. And in this [one] particular
article I believe it was a Latino youth who was involved, it was one of
these things where he, you know, lost it a bit and had a gun or
something, and was out in a public place, and there was sort of a
standoff and I guess the police shot him and wounded him, if I have all
the facts right, and his girlfriend was there with him, and she at one
point told the police that she would get his gun away from him and then
the police said if you touch the gun, you'll be shot! And his mother
came up and begged the police to let her go get the gun away from him,
and they told her the same thing.
This article was really very compelling, and by the time you were
through reading it, both the anger at what had gone on and also the
fact that with these police, this is not some accidental thing, they
want to shoot down these masses, and this is an integral part of
what they do--what their social role is, what their political role
is--this was brought out very powerfully in this article. You know, I
finished reading it and I just had this restless anger where you can't
sit still, plus this really strong feeling that, as the article brought
out, not once but twice there was a solution there, but the police
specifically rejected it and threatened the people with being shot
themselves. I mean this shows, once again, that they're not out there
"doing a difficult job and faced with difficult choices" and they
couldn't find any way out of this other than shooting this person.
Or you can take the [police murder] of Tyisha of the
things that really needs to be driven home is-- here's the scene where
she is passed out in the car and they come up to the car, the police,
they surround the car, and there's a whole bunch of them, they're all
armed, they're surrounding the car, and they just shoot her--execute
her basically. And it seems to me that one basic point to be made is
this: if you can't handle this situation differently than this, then
get the fuck out of the way. Not only out of the way of this situation
but get off the earth--get out of the way of the masses of people.
Because, you know, we could have handled that situation any number of
ways that would have resulted in a much better outcome, and frankly if
we had state power and we were faced with a similar situation, we would
sooner have one of our own people's police killed than go wantonly
murder one of the masses. That's what you're supposed to do if you're
actually trying to be a servant of the people. You go there and put
your own life on the line, rather than just wantonly murder one
of the people.
It seems to me that this kind of point can be brought out very
powerfully to people. What were they there to do? You know, fuck all
this "serve and protect" bullshit. If they were there to serve and
protect, they would have found any way but the way they did it to
handle this scene, they could have and would have found a solution that
was much better than this. This is the way the proletariat, when it's
been in power, has handled and would again handle this kind of
thing--valuing the lives of the masses of people- -as opposed to the
bourgeoisie in power, where the role of their police is to
terrorize the masses, including wantonly murdering them, murdering them
without provocation, without necessity, because exactly the more
arbitrary the terror is, the more broadly it affects the masses. And
that's one of the reasons why they like to engage in--and have as one
of their main functions to engage in--wanton and arbitrary terror
against the masses of people.
From "Putting Forward
Our Line-In a Bold, Moving, Compelling Way"
Also: The Call for October 22, 2004: National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression, and the Criminalization of a Generation |