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If I Were a Conspiracy Theorist... |
Current rating: 0 |
by Just an Average Person (No verified email address) |
17 Sep 2001
Modified: 18 Sep 2001 |
If I were one of those crazy conspiracy nuts, I might think something like this: The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were carried out by the CIA, in collusion with the President and his "advisors", in order to bring about an inter-related set of objectives. |
If I were one of those crazy conspiracy nuts, I might think something like this: The attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon were carried out by the CIA, in collusion with the President and his "advisors", in order to bring about an inter-related set of objectives:
The President needs a convincing excuse to invade Afghanistan, or some other oil-rich Middle Eastern country, in order to get his hands on foreign reserves without having to answer to OPEC. Of course, Big Oil would love to do some drilling in ANWR or off the Florida coast, but environmentalists have been squawking too loudly. This has damaged the President’s Public Approval Rating, threatening his shot at re-election.
The Pentagon needs widespread endorsement of its multi-billion dollar Star Wars Missile Defense Program. So far, the public has been skeptical, but the threat of unpredictable nuclear attacks is sure to rally their support.
The U.S. needs a war to revive its failing economy. War will create jobs, and citizens will consider it their patriotic duty to spend lots of money, just when those rebate checks are starting to arrive in the mail. Americans love spending money, and they’ve been too fearful to do much of that lately. But they feel comforted when the President declares war and talks tough. They also like it when he cries. If he can do BOTH in the same speech, he is all but guaranteed a second term, which is crucial to his corporate bosses.
Multinational corporations need help in reversing a decline in their profits. Part of the problem, it seems, is the anti-globalization movement, which has been impeding access to resources and cheap labor markets, as well as undermining consumer confidence. In developing countries, the corporate paramilitary has been able to keep the movement under control by "disappearing" its leaders, but this tactic is not feasible in the so-called North, where well-educated dissidents often operate unilaterally using an unregulated mode of communication. Naturally, during a "war on terrorism", Northern governments will need to impose strict measures of censorship and surveillance on all forms of communication, and may have to suspend certain civil liberties. Those who protest will face intimidation and arrest from an extensive, highly-trained and well-armed police and Intelligence force. With these constraints in place, corporate colonization of the planet can continue unabated.
Now, how might the conspirators be able to achieve all of the objectives outlined above, in the shortest amount of time? Somehow, they would need to unleash the threat of "terrorism" against the civilian population. There would need to be an incident involving many deaths – but not too many, which rules out a nuclear detonation. The attack would need to appear to be executed not by one or two godless kooks, but by a well-organized network whose leaders reside somewhere in the Middle East. Fortunately, the CIA has already manufactured a scapegoat in the form of Osama bin Laden, a disciple of whom just might be careless enough to leave an Arabic aviation manual or two in the trunk of a rental car paid for with a credit card embossed with an actual name.
The hard part, I imagine, was finding a way to steer a few half-full airliners into their designated targets, but I suppose the CIA has its methods. They succeeded in hitting the WTC when it was mostly empty, although they probably didn’t anticipate that both buildings would collapse entirely. They also succeeded in hitting the side of the Pentagon that was largely vacant due to remodeling, and in making it appear likely that the fourth plane was headed toward the White House, which of course was meant to remain undamaged.
So, these are some of the thoughts I might have if I were a conspiracy nut. But I am not a conspiracy nut. I’m Just an Average Person who believes that the President is basically a decent guy with good intentions who serves the interests of the people and would never allow – let alone endorse – the killing of innocent civilians. I believe that the CIA and other organizations are doing whatever they need to do to protect me and my family, defend our way of life, and preserve the glorious ideals of freedom and democracy.
God bless America. |
Glad to Know You're Not A Nut |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 17 Sep 2001
And don't believe in all those crazy conspiracy theories. We don't either.
What is strange is that you have such faith in institutions like the CIA, who are largely responsible for starting Osama bin-Laden's terrorist career. So it looks like you are just as gullible as all lthose who believe in wild theories such as you parody above. Wacky conspiracy theories are mostly the preserve of the far-right. Strange that you should make an association of them with us. It sounds like you are still a rather naive person when it comes to politics in general.
BTW, the president's terming this a "crusade" just lost us most of the Islamic world's support. Someone with a better connection between their brain and their mouth will have to spend a lot of time repairing this gaffe. This war is off to a completely laughable start with balatant incompetence like this at the top. It would be completely ridiculous except for the fact that the killing is only just starting.
Thanks to your prez and the others that preceeded him, we now have a world that is safe for US corporations, but isn't safe for US citizens. |
Better Theory |
by 'nuther nut (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 18 Sep 2001
Your motivation part is a bit weak - obviously the whole US (and allied countries) military-industrial complex(es) and worldwide military empire desperately needed a new enemy to justify their existence after the Soviet collapse.
The conspirators would not need to crash the planes themselves - they would just have to find a guy like Bin Laden and feed him some ideas and information and money (if necessary - see below) and possibly tamper with FBI computer records to help him avoid detection.
A good conspiracy theory also needs some Fishy Things. My Fishy Thing relates to Bin Laden's wealth. He is supposed to have a worldwide financial empire worth hundreds of millions so we do not need to think about who is financing him (such as Saddam or Qadaffi or our conspirators). Just get rid of Bin Laden and that's the end of it, no further investigation which might lead to our conspirators. But it's pretty hard to have wealth on this scale without leaving a paper trail at banks, stockbrokers, etc. - unless he carries it around in the form of gold or greenbacks. Fishily, the authorities don't seem interested in investigating his wealth. |
a wink's as good as a nod to a blind man |
by jacob richter instruggle (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 18 Sep 2001
My wife told me that this very method (CIA using a plane to hit the WTC in order to justify repression and war) was on "The Lone Gunmen" TV show, which is about the only reason to doubt the consiracy theory: it's already been exposed in the mass media. Not that I'm convinced, but neither would I be shocked or surprised if it turned out to be true.
However, it shouldn't be surprising that the elites didn't know they were exposed on the Fox Channel via entertainment: remember when Bush, Sr. freaked out upon seeing a bar code scanner at a supermarket in 1992? These elites are totally distanced from the everyday lives of the people, they don't know the "Lone Gunmen" from "Touched By an Angel." They can only remember the name Eminem because it's so easy, even though they've never heard a single song by him (but, hey, if his shit pumps the troops up before a bombing raid, well, all in the name of Amerikkka). |
evidence |
by jacob richter (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 18 Sep 2001
Oh shit, Just an Average Person: I'm seeing smoking guns. You'll want to check out "Bush Has Ties to Bin Laden" on the Chicago IMC website. Your scenario is not in the least bit crazy. |