A widely distributed PSA for "Students for Chief Illiniwek" on Wednesday contained the statement:
The Board has ALREADY deceided to get rid of Chief. Farewell plans are already in the works and the retirement party is nearly underway.
Apparently since then the current Chief himself has clarified (and BOT meeting materials and newspaper articles confirm) that:
First and foremost: NO DECISION has been made to eliminate Chief Illiniwek.
Here is the text of the original PSA:
I apologize and i do not mean to offend anyone. I also apologize for posting about something so touchy as the Chief in this community, but this is URGENT!
THIS MORNING! the Board Of Trustees deceided to vote on the Chief issue (once again)on November 11, after the final football game of the year. The Board has ALREADY deceided to get rid of Chief. Farewell plans are already in the works and the retirement party is nearly underway.
i URGE you, if you care at all about what happens to the Symbol of the University of Illinois, please come to the Students for Chief Illiwek meeting tomorrow night (Wednesday, September 22) at 8pm in 319 Gregory Hall.
If you are interested in the tradition, the story, or any other information regarding Chief you can check you these websites.
Thank you.
Here is the text of the email from the current Chief:
Hey everybody,
Ok, I want to give all of you the FACTS right now on what is
going on with the University Board of Trustees (BOT) and
Chief Illiniwek.
The Board of Trustees began discussing over the summer the
possibility of finding a solution to the Chief Illiniwek
controversy that would be agreeable to the majority of
members of the University of Illinois family... meaning
students, faculty, alumni, etc...
They have called this process an attempt at finding
a "consensus" on this issue. So basically, the BOT is
looking for some kind of middle ground agreeable to the most
amount of people.
The next 2 board meetings over the next 2 months are
absolutely critical... because the BOT will be deciding how
best to propose this consensus, and what exactly this
consensus will be.
So how does this apply to what happened tonight at rehearsal
and how does this apply to you:
First and foremost: NO DECISION has been made to eliminate
Chief Illiniwek.
Therefore, our voices still count! :) We need to let the BOT
know that a decision to eliminate Chief Illiniwek is not a
decision that is agreeable to the majority of members of the
University of Illinois family.
I know I speak for all of the former Chiefs and thousands of
alumni and friends when I say THANK YOU for all of your
continued concern and support for our beloved symbol, Chief
Now we must voice those concerns to see that Chief Illiniwek
remains the honorary symbol of our prestigious University.
Kyle Cline
Here is the text of the last actual resolution from the board of Trustees:
WHEREAS, at its June 17, 2004 meeting, the Board of Trustees resolved to reach a consensus conclusion to the issue of Chief Illiniwek. In respect of that resolution and in recognition of the heritage of the State of Illinois and the culture and traditions of the American Indians, it is the board’s belief that the University should pursue a solution that recognizes the heritage of the State and the culture and traditions of the American Indians; and
WHEREAS, many opinions expressed on the issue share a mutual concern for finding ways to preserve and celebrate the State’s heritage and American Indian culture and traditions; and
WHEREAS, an essential step toward reaching a consensus conclusion to the issue of the Chief is the establishment of a board policy that affirms that the core of the issue concerns the preservation and celebration of the State’s heritage and American Indian culture and traditions; and
WHEREAS, the University’s Urbana-Champaign campus, the State of Illinois’ great land-grant university, has long drawn on and paid tribute to the culture and traditions of the native people of Illinois; and
WHEREAS, the State’s name is a French transliteration of Illiniwek, a confederation of American Indian tribes that thrived throughout the State and the region; and
WHEREAS, the term Illini, taken from the State’s name, has been used in referring to students, alumni, the campus’ student newspaper since 1874, and later to its athletic teams; and
WHEREAS, the campus possesses rich collections of research materials and art works related to American Indian culture and traditions that attract scholars and students at all levels; and
WHEREAS, these resources provide the basis for education and appreciation of our State’s heritage and American Indian culture and traditions; and
WHEREAS, the preservation of the State’s heritage and American Indian culture and traditions is a fitting goal for the Urbana-Champaign campus; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has resolved to reach a resolution on the issue of the Chief through consensus; and
WHEREAS, a solution must best serve the University rather than particular interest groups;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that in implementing a consensus solution, it shall be the policy of the University and the Urbana-Champaign campus that the State’s heritage and its American Indian culture and traditions shall be preserved, affirmed, and publicly celebrated.
Details on this controversy can be found here: