Reality vs. the Big Fear Factor
Or How Scary Is Putting Your Trust in the U.S. War
by Sunsara Taylor
Revolutionary Worker #1248, August 8,
2004, posted at
"Be afraid. Be very afraid. We are living in a new age--an
age of global terrorism. Everyone is a suspect. Every place,
a possible target. Watch out for that foreign student who is
quiet and sits in the back of the classroom. Keep an eye on
that neighbor who didn't fly the flag on the 4th of July.
Throw out your Dixie Chicks albums and don't get caught
humming their songs--even alone in the shower. Stay away from
airports and train stations, liberal arts colleges and
libraries, large gatherings like protests...but baseball
games are fine. Best to just stock up on water and duct tape
and only leave your house to go to church or go shopping,
because those things send a message that the 'terrorists
didn't win.'
"Today, every kind of prying and spying is justified, as is
every act of preemption or aggression. So stop thinking about
the children who lost limbs from the cluster bombs that look
like food drops in Afghanistan. Put the pictures of the Iraqi
prisoners dragged on leashes and raped out of your head.
Don't concern yourself with the villages reduced to rubble,
the destruction of clean drinking water, and the
house-to-house raids from Mosul to Basra. All that stuff is
old-fashioned, it's just totally passé. In this new
age, people need to quit whining about privacy and immigrants
and the use of a little force around the world.
"Yeah, maybe a year or two ago thinking of the world, or
protesting the war, seemed like the `thing to do' but let's
get real, we are under attack and that is a luxury we can no
longer afford. In other words, and in a very immediate sense:
If you have a hard time swallowing this logic, if you think
it is absolutely unconscionable, if the base capitalist
immorality of this strikes you as criminal, makes your skin
crawl, or causes you to scream at the top of your lungs-- GOOD!
That means you still have a pulse and you have what it takes to
have a positive impact on the future of the world.
As outrageous as it is, this is the logic and the terms that
the rulers are fighting to set broadly in society. "Safety" has
become the new catchword and "fear" their emotion of
choice--and taken together, they use these concepts to justify
and rationalize the wars they launch and the disappearance of
people into their prisons and all the sinister snooping they
But the truth is that the biggest issue that is burning in
the minds of millions in this country is that they hate the
whole direction that Bush and his team are taking the world.
Across the board, people have made history in the largest
outpourings of protest ever--whether it be the massive
opposition to the war on Iraq, the million or so who went to DC
for abortion rights in the March for Women's Lives, the fact
that every week a new Bush-bashing book is on the bestsellers
list, or how common it has become for people to speak out
against the president openly or through metaphor in popular art
and culture. And the more revealing truth is that none of
this is up for debate in the elections. Instead, the debate
is about "safety" and "defending America."
It was made painfully clear during the Democratic National
Convention that you cannot vote against the occupation of Iraq
or the launching of more wars, since the only debate around
this is whether to go it alone or try to do this with more
allies. You cannot vote against the clampdown on civil
liberties and immigrants' rights--since the only debate around
this is who would crack down further. They are already making
it clear that no matter who gets elected-- the juggernaut of
war and repression which the Bush clique launched after 9/11
will keep on rolling.
This is why, right now, when the Republicans are coming to
New York to reclaim the cover of September 11 for the plunders
they've only just begun and the Democrats have refused to
oppose them, it is so urgent and needed, and so entirely
possible, to bring more than a million into the streets to
issue a huge and defiant "NO!" that will echo around the world!
This is the only way we will make our voices heard, not
to the leaders of the Democrats or the Republicans who have
continuously shown their disdain for the will of the
people--but to everyone everywhere who hates this whole program
so that no matter who becomes president everyone knows that he
is not acting in our interests or sanctioned by our will. And
so that as the occupation wears on and more wars are launched,
everyone everywhere knows that there is an opposition they must
join with and strengthen.
But, at this very moment when this manifestation of
opposition is most needed, we are being inundated by the
message that it is time to heal the divisions that opened up in
this country--the massive opposition to the war on Iraq on one
side, and the murderers who were calling the shots in this
immoral and unjust war on the other. We are told to forget all
"those people over there" suffering the daily realities of U.S.
occupation and come together again behind our "common ground"
of "defending the United States of America." The whole issue of
"safety" is portrayed as the one thing that
everyone is supposed to unite on.
And, in case you want no part of this kind of "unity"--in
case you wanted to stick to your principles and stand with the
people of the world--in case you wanted to make sure the world
sees this through issuing of a massive repudiation to Bush and
everything he stands for when the Republicans come to New York
at the end of this month to hold their convention--there is a
barrage of other, more overt "messages" being sent. Newspaper
headlines that equate anarchists with terrorists. In mid-town
Manhattan, police escalate their drills to tactics called
"swarming," where 80 heavily armed police will sweep through a
crowded area in a demonstration of force. The NY police
commissioner tells the world that the protesters need to
understand that things have changed, that every large
gathering is a potential terrorist target. All of these things
are meant to send two messages: first, they are supposed to
create a sense that there must be something to fear so
leave town or stay home, and second, they are an open threat to
any who are thinking about protesting.
In reality, it is the horrors that the U.S. has carried
out against the people all over the planet that has caused
millions around the world to hate this country and has put the
people of this country in harm's way. These
imperialists--who have perpetrated countless crimes and rained
havoc on the people of the world through their relentless
global exploitation, their military actions, their backing of
all kinds of reactionary forces, like the Islamic
fundamentalists who they alternately ally with and stab in the
back--have created a situation where millions of people all
around the world hate the government of the United States.
And now, they want to use the hate that they have engendered
as an excuse to carry out further plunder and wars. Look at the
war on Iraq. It had nothing to do with September 11 or
"protecting the American people." In fact, those who ordered
this war had no problem sending 140,000 of these
"precious American people" to go kill and risk their lives for
a war based on lies.And they have no problem with the
fact that this war is causing many millions more, all over the
world, to hate the U.S.
So, it must be said--none of this talk of "safety"
has anything to do with protecting the
American people! What it does have to do
with is creating an atmosphere where the millions and millions
of people in this country who hate the whole Bush agenda, get
sucked into a deadly compromise with the very agenda they
Let's get real. What they are telling us, through all this
talk of instituting unprecedented spying and creating new
agencies and government positions with dangerous new powers, is
that their plans for the future are going to unleash even
more hatred against them--even more of what they call
"blowback" resulting from their actions around the world--and
even more resistance rising up from the people.
So the idea that there can be "safety" in a world dominated
by the U.S. ruling class is a complete fantasy. And putting
one's trust in these world-class liars and criminals for
protection will only lead to a nightmare - society.
Through the resistance to the war on Iraq here and around
the globe, millions and millions across the planet began to see
our common interests and our common enemy. Millions and
millions in this country were standing with the people of
the world and opposed to what "our" government was doing
to them . And this has taken a big toll on the legitimacy
of the aggression the rulers are carrying out.
This is why both political parties and both
presidential candidates are working systematically to reverse
this, so that people here are afraid of the people of the
world and are standing with and relying on the
government that is terrorizing the planet to protect them.
They need this kind of polarization in society in order to
prevent and isolate and be able to crush any resistance that
could undermine their ability to carry out their ruthless
But their need for this goes still deeper. Chairman Bob
Avakian has spoken to how every dictatorship relies on and
maintains for itself a monopoly on the use of legitimate armed
force. Under this society, which is a dictatorship of the
bourgeoisie, the state reserves the right to kill, imprison, or
otherwise carry out acts of repression and have this be
"excused" in the eyes of the state and of the population
broadly speaking; but for anyone else to use force or take a
life--this is punishable by law and broadly looked at as wrong.
He says, "When, again, the legitimacy of this monopoly
of armed force is significantly called into question--and
particularly when this becomes widespread in society, affecting
broad strata, not just among the proletariat and basic masses
but extensively among the `middle class' as well--then this can
be a crucial part of the development of one of the key elements
making possible a revolutionary struggle, the emergence of a
revolutionary people, of millions and millions determined to
make revolutionary change."
This statement sheds a lot of light on Lenin's point that
never do the imperialists more need the acquiescence of the
people than they do at a time of war. That while they look
puffed up and strong, and rather daunting, in reality this is
also a time when they are vulnerable. This is because they are
extending their use of force in a brutal and concentrated way,
and they cannot know for sure at the outset whether they will
succeed or whether people will accept what they are doing and
see it as justifiable. So they work at convincing people that
this is right, and they always try to cloak themselves in some
kind of "worthy" excuse. But if people don't buy their excuse
and if instead we come out and resist , they risk losing
the cover for not only this particular war, but even more
fundamentally this can call into question the very right of
those who rule to determine when to use force, including in
their overall rule.
And even as the media works with the rulers to whip up this
climate of fear it is possible to see the contours of how this
could all unravel. Millions know that every excuse the Bush
team gave for the war on Iraq was lies. They saw the horrendous
brutality and inhumanity in the way the U.S. military treats
Iraqi prisoners and they saw in Farenheit 911 the
heartless military culture where the youth brag about what kind
of music they like to listen to while they kill. 56% of the
Democratic Party base feels that the U.S. should pull its
troops out of Iraq immediately, that there is no justification
for them remaining. Over a hundred cities across the country
have refused to enforce the repressive Patriot Act. What the
rulers are doing is deeply unjust and opposed to the interests
of the people here and all over the world, and millions have
been seeing this and fighting to oppose it.
So this mantle of "national security" and "safety" are
poison pills that the rulers desperately want the people to
swallow. They need to play up people's fear because their plans
for a whole global empire involve a great deal of force,
they do not want this being called into question among those
they rule over.
This is how they are working to scare people into going
along with the very repressive moves that millions and millions
would otherwise find morally repugnant. And, this is a way that
they are working to scare the people who would otherwise come
into the streets and protest and isolate those who are
determined enough to do so anyway.
So, what must we do?
Be brave. Be very brave. Not stubbornly, but strategically,
because we live in a new age--an age where the future holds the
possibility not just of great dangers and horrors, but of
earth-shaking revolutionary changes and liberating
possibilities. Everyone can take part. Every place can be
transformed. Have the back of that quiet foreign student who
sits in the back of the classroom. Get to know that neighbor
who didn't fly the flag on the 4th of July. Stock up on rebel
music and defy the censors and the cynics. Stay away from
recruiting stations and fundamentalist churches, fight to learn
the truth about the world in colleges and libraries and
everywhere and use this to help bring about radical changes,
definitely frequent gatherings like protests...and don't stand
for the national anthem at baseball games. Best to take stock
in the truth that the world doesn't have to be this way and to
have confidence and act on the understanding that the biggest
terrorist on the planet, the U.S. empire, doesn't have to
Today, and always , there is nothing that can
ever justify all the snooping and spying, or aggression
and plunder that is threatening to cast a permanent dark cloud
of heightened suffering and subjugation, exploitation and
turmoil over the billions worldwide. So, never stop thinking
about the real people's lives all around our blue-green
planet--the children in Afghanistan, the prisoners in Iraq, the
villages that need to be rebuilt and the dreams of so many for
a better world. Give them a basis to see--through our powerful
and visible resistance--that we have common interests and a
common enemy and that we are determined to fight. All this
stuff is the way of the future! It's totally
what's new and arising. These are rites of passage to a new
age, where people will look back in disbelief that the world
was ever riddled by such horrors and divisions,
because--together with people all over the planet--we will have
rid the planet of tyrants and oppressors and brought about a
whole new day.
There are millions who are opposed to everything Bush stands
for. So, let's get real. There is every basis --if we
counter this fear-mongering and hysteria--to build to bring
forward more than a million to say NO! when the eyes of the
world are on the Republican National Convention. One way or
another, what shapes up on this day will shape the terms for
going forward. Let's make clear to the world that America has
not "come back together," does not stand united behind
this program of plunder. And this can be part of
building a movement that can stop the very juggernaut that is
putting people all over this planet in danger.