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D.C. Trip Meeting Notes -- 9/09/01 |
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by Sascha Meinrath Email: meinrath (nospam) (unverified!) |
09 Sep 2001
These are the meeting notes from the September 9, 2001 D.C. planning meeting. The D.C. planning group meets every Sunday at 6 p.m. at the IMC. The goal of these meetings is to take care of people's basic needs -- what folks decide to do in D.C. is their own business. |
These are the meeting notes from the September 9, 2001 D.C. planning meeting. The D.C. planning group meets every Sunday at 6 p.m. at the IMC.
D.C. Prep -- "protester 101"
Before & After
Money Talk
Attending: Nick B., Sarah K., Paul M., Maiko C., Darin D., Molly S., Sehvilla M., Jay E., Pauline B., John, W., Sascha M.
The goal of these meetings is to take care of people's basic needs -- what folks decide to do in D.C. is their own business.
Sehvilla's car has at least 3 places left and will leave Thursday morning.
Jay's car leaves 5:30 Thursday.
Cindy will handle transportation issues, we are still looking for offers of other cars.
September 24th there will be a "protester 101" training session -- we will go over basic first aid, how to work in affinity groups, how to (re)act when in large crowds and being attacked by police.
Molly -- hasn't heard from Bob N.
Pauline -- may know of 1 or 2 spaces in D.C.
Sarah -- hasn't had a response to her e-mails.
Recommended that we book 30 beds with D.C. housing -- Jay will make the reservations.
Friday, September 14th will be a fundraiser performance at the IMC for the D.C. trip -- Pauline & Sehvilla are heading up the organizing effort.
-- we are looking to get the word out about the show.
-- Paul Kotheimer and the Prince Myshkins will perform.
-- we are looking for other performers.
-- Nick B. has offered to organize a show/info session in Bloomington -- Molly will organize from our side.
Tentatively scheduled for September 19th.
Sarah and Peter M. will be meeting Monday at Noon to talk fundraising strategy -- meeting is at Sarah's house.
Goal is to raise $100-150 for each person who is going to D.C.
September 24th -- there will be a class for people who are going to D.C. -- this will be an instruction session and people who will be in D.C. are encouraged to attend.
Sarah would like to see us do an "after D.C." information session.
-- press releases
-- airing our reports from the front
-- Molly & Danielle are working to get information on WEFT
-- John mentions that the Public i would like to get a report
-- we are still looking for people who would like to help with information dissemination in the local media
Paul K. would like to talk with people about what they would like from the home support team -- Friday September 14th before the D.C. fundraiser is tentatively scheduled for the brainstorming session.
Pauline & Molly will follow up with this.
List of things we need to buy.
-- GAS (for cars)
-- medical supplies
-- news gathering suppies (batteries, minidisks, videos, etc.)
-- copying costs
-- food
-- housing
-- misc. D.C. transporation
-- gasmasks/respirators
-- phone cards
Which of these things can we get for free -- if YOU would like to donate supplies or money (or earmark donations for certain supplies/costs), please contact Molly at: molly (at)
Molly proposes that we have a central person who is in charge of reimbursing people for expenses and dispersing supplies. Molly will be the supplies coordinator. E-mail Molly with additional supply requests, donations, other D.C. ideas.
Meeting adjourned 7:20.
Respectfully submitted,
--Sascha Meinrath |