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Anarchist call for O16 & the fall campaign |
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by The Freyheyt collective (No verified email address) |
07 Sep 2001
Shut down, disrupt and damage Toronto's financial district on October 16th and Ontario's economy throughout the fall!
A call for an united anarchist contingent on Oct. 16th |
Shut down, disrupt and damage Toronto's financial district on October 16th and Ontario's economy throughout the fall!
On October 16th, the economy of the bosses will no longer be permitted to do business as usual. Strike at their cold, callous, empty hearts as they sleep, when they eat, when they rob us, when they jail us -- make them aware by any means that the good days have ended. From this moment on their every waking thought will be on when, where, what, and whom we strike next.
On Oct. 16th, thousands will converge in Toronto's financial district to paralyze the center of capital in Canada. Thousands have had enough of token protest and registering dissent, thousands will fight together
and win if only for the reasons of necessity and survival, if only for the simple fact that now many upon many thousands can no longer bear to do nothing.
The battle lines have been drawn. "Enough is enough!" is our declaration. We call on all anarchists, anti-athoritarians, anti-capitalists and other allies to form an united anarchist contingent on Oct. 16th and to participate in economic disruption throughout the fall. We call on all so-called "hooligans", "thugs", and "brutes" -- everyone pregnant with capitalism's ruin-- to converge and destroy the bosses' privilege.
You! We call to you and those with whom you work, run, live, and were imprisoned with. Everyone tired of existing on too little to live and on too much to die. All struck sick with a new contempt, a new dawn to stand firm and be ungovernable.
For six years we have suffered vicious state attacks on social welfare, heathcare, housing, and work standards. Even basic water treatment has not escaped the neo-liberal / neo-conservative agenda that the Ontario Tories so arrogantly lead, blazing a path that other provinces and the federal government follow regardless of what parties are in power.
The state alone is not to blame. It is not some abstract
bogeyman residing in the dark, it is concrete --as solid as the bricks we hurl-- protecting the beast known as capitalism. The policies brought forth by the Progressive Conservatives are the local examples of globalization and the restructuring of international capital. While other countries have been forced to cut social programs because of IMF loan conditions the Progressive Conservative government has energetically and voluntarily done the same in order to make Ontario "open for business". Premier Mike Harris makes it very clear that he sees the real priority in society lying not with the millions of people who need housing, a living wage and clean water but with the largest companies and their profit margins.
In response to all of the above, the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (OCAP) has fought back. Most dramatically with last year's march on the legislature that turned into a pitched battle with riot police. Since then they have organized hundreds of community groups, labour councils, unions, and others into an Ontario Common Front to participate in a fall campaign of economic disruption, starting with the shut down of Toronto's financial district on Oct. 16th. We will go directly to the companies making huge profits off the backs of Ontario's poor and working people and shut them down by any means necessary.
We, anarchist and anti-authoritarian revolutionaries, must stand by and fight as the poor and working people of Ontario on Oct. 16th and throughout the fall as we wage a long, hard, uncompromising fight against our class enemies. This is the anti-capitalist movement becoming pro-active instead of merely reacting to summits, meetings and the bosses schedules. On Oct. 16th and the months to follow Mike Harris and the bosses will lose millions of dollars and a lot of sleep.
The Anarchist contingent is open to all anarchists and
anti-authoritarians. A black bloc is but one tactic and we are in favour of a diversity of tactics. We do, however, strongly recommend people come prepared to protect themselves from police violence (gas masks, helmets, shields, padding, water, and above all else self-organization. Do not bring ID, phone books, or anything that will make the police's job easier. )
The demonstration will mass at Nathan Philips Square, in front of city hall, at the intersection of Queen and Bay St. There will be a free pancake breakfast at 5:00am before stepping off towards the financial district at 6:00am. The goal is to shut down the streets, underground walkways, subway and train stations, and key corporate targets until 6pm. Be creative, use tactics that the police are not accustomed, use surprise.
To march with the anarchist contingent assemble at the banner reading: "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!"
To wait is defeat,
Issued by the Freyheyt collective (NEFAC-Toronto)
Endorsed by: Trouble-dot news bulletin
To contact Freyheyt email: freyheyt (at)
or mail Box 116, 339a College St., Toronto ON, M5T 1S2
To endorse the anarchist call to action email troubledot (at)
To sign on to the Ontario Common Front's campaign of economic disruption contact OCAP at: 249 Sherbourne St., Toronto ON, M5A 2R9 Phone: 416-925-6939 email: ocap (at) Website: