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Bush regime damage repair shop open for business as usual |
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by Don Ogden (No verified email address) |
18 Jun 2004
In the real world these guys would’ve been out the door a long time ago, along with their neo-con fraternity brothers in the House and Senate |
In the wake of the 9/11 Commission’s weak references to Iraq-9/11 connections, the White House damage control repair shop has sent out the usual talking heads to claim they never said that Saddam had a hand in the destruction of the World Trade Center or the attack on the Pentagon. Were it not for our media-inspired national amnesia, most of us might recall all those many references to Saddam and 9/11, the mushroom clouds, the thinly veiled allusions. Dick Cheney and Condi Rice are doing their favorite media rounds, re-inventing history, catching all the softball questions lobbed by all the sycophants on the Networks and at NPR.
By now it’s become appallingly evident that the present occupants of the White House have slithered in from the dark side to drag this nation back into the depths of medieval chaos. Never has there been such a blatantly corrupt and morally challenged administration in the history of this nation. The Bush regime makes the Teapot Dome affair look like a…well, tea party!
Have you been losing track of all the scandalous moments? Not surprising, given the increasing number of outrages emanating from Pennsylvania Avenue. Most egregious to date: the illegal White House outing of a CIA operative; Dick Cheney’s Halliburton war profiteering; official sanctioning of torture in violation of international laws and treaties; an ongoing program of deception leading the country to war and occupation resulting in the deaths (1) of nearly 850 U.S. citizens and some 5,0000 wounded as well as the deaths of nearly 10,000 Iraqis; trashing the planet with an utter disregard of universally accepted science….
Those are but a few examples. In the real world these guys would’ve been out the door a long time ago, along with their neo-con fraternity brothers in the House and Senate. But, this is not the real world. It’s the surreal world of Washington, DC, a Kafkaesque nightmare where nothing makes much sense, complete with its own public relations machine: the U.S. corporate media.
As most mainstream reporters and editors perform stunning back-flips and enact seemingly impossible feats of obfuscation and servile disinformation, the public, long ill served by the U.S. media, can hardly be blamed for tuning out or having their eyes glaze over. (I say hardly because we allegedly learned in high school civics class that we’re not supposed to hand over what’s left of our democracy to the highest bidder or the most devious gang of pretenders.) But, even as they crank out the party line or facsimiles thereof in newsrooms across the nation, what more evidence do we need that something has gone terribly wrong in the nation’s capitol?
Just recently, a bi-partisan group (2) of military and diplomatic elites from both US political parties released a letter condemning the Bush regime for "policies [that] have failed in the primary responsibilities of preserving national security and providing world leadership". The list of registered Republicans bailing out on the regime grows by the day, Richard Clark, Paul O’Neil, Trent Lott, even neo-con hacks like William Kristol! World opinion of the U.S. presidency is the lowest it has ever been in the nation’s history. Respected international organizations like the Red Cross, who usually avoid any sign of partiality, published scathing reactions to U.S. treatment of Iraqi prisoners. The so-called Coalition of the Willing, presently occupying Iraq, makes a mockery of the term international cooperation. And yet, the drumbeat and chest thumping of far-right belligerence and spin drones on, even as the Bush regime’s poll numbers fall, even as rightwing fanatics grow more shrill and desperate.
How more surreal can this get? How far do you think this madness will proceed? Into the theft of another U.S. presidential election? Into the final creation of a U.S. police state? Given how far Washington has strayed from the course set well over two hundred years ago, given the number of scandals and blatant disregard for law or propriety from within the White House, is either of those potential scenarios far fetched? Not in the least.
What’s left of your once vaunted national integrity, your nation’s reputation for freedom and justice, is about to go down the proverbial tubes. Is this something you’re going to tolerate?
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