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Review :: Political-Economy |
Kucinich on the Issues |
Current rating: 0 |
by WE MUST MAKE A DIFFRENCE (No verified email address) |
17 May 2004
Kucinich on the Issues |
Kucinich on the Issues
I am running for President to inspire America to take a new path, a different direction. I envision an America which has the capacity to reconnect with the heart of the world; an America which proceeds in the world optimistically and courageously. An America which understands that the world is interdependent, that it is inter-connected, and that what we do today impacts future generations.
I am running for President to break the shackles of fear which have deprived our citizens of rights. I am running for President to change the way this country values humanity, so that instead of fear and lies, we can live our lives based on principles of peace and hope. We need to regain the trust of the American people and we need to have a government which trusts the American people.
It's time for America to resume its glorious journey: time to reject shrinking jobs and wages, disappearing savings and rights; time to reject the detour towards fear and greed. It's time to look out upon the world for friends, not enemies; time to counter the control of corporations over our politics, our economy, our resources, and mass media. It's time for those who have much to help those who have little, by maintaining a progressive tax structure. It's time to tell the world that we wish to be their partner in peace, not their leader in war. Most of all, it is time for America to again be the land where dreams come true, because the government is on the side of its people. |
 This work is in the public domain |
work for change |
by we must (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 17 May 2004
Kucinich on the Issues
I am running for President to inspire America to take a new path, a different direction. I envision an America which has the capacity to reconnect with the heart of the world; an America which proceeds in the world optimistically and courageously. An America which understands that the world is interdependent, that it is inter-connected, and that what we do today impacts future generations.
I am running for President to break the shackles of fear which have deprived our citizens of rights. I am running for President to change the way this country values humanity, so that instead of fear and lies, we can live our lives based on principles of peace and hope. We need to regain the trust of the American people and we need to have a government which trusts the American people.
It's time for America to resume its glorious journey: time to reject shrinking jobs and wages, disappearing savings and rights; time to reject the detour towards fear and greed. It's time to look out upon the world for friends, not enemies; time to counter the control of corporations over our politics, our economy, our resources, and mass media. It's time for those who have much to help those who have little, by maintaining a progressive tax structure. It's time to tell the world that we wish to be their partner in peace, not their leader in war. Most of all, it is time for America to again be the land where dreams come true, because the government is on the side of its people. |
Re: work for change |
by paul (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 17 May 2004
dennis is still fighting for what he belives? |
Re: Kucinich on the Issues |
by NRA4Freedom nra4freedom (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 17 May 2004
>"I am running for President to inspire America to take a new path, a different direction."
Good for you, America desperately needs a different direction, it needs to go back to the roots of the founding fathers of the Nation itself, study their writings, and endeavor to make America what they envisioned it to be.
>"I envision an America which has the capacity to reconnect with the heart of the world..."
And what IS the "heart of the world" exactly? Please indicate what you believe the "heart of the world" is, or what Nation you believe most closely reflects it. This will reveal to us the true nature of your beliefs, rather than just stating something like "the heart of the world" without defining it.
>" America which proceeds in the world optimistically and courageously."
And, ummm, fighting against terrorists who murder innocent people the world over ISN'T "optimistic and courageous"? Is sawing off some helpless innocent persons head while shouting "God is great!" "optimistic and courageous" in your view, or is the opposite of that, the war on terrorism, really what you mean?
>"An America which understands that the world is interdependent, that it is inter-connected, and that what we do today impacts future generations."
Now that certainly is a noble goal. Please clearly outline your vision for the world, and the part the United States of America plays within that vision.
>"I am running for President to break the shackles of fear which have deprived our citizens of rights."
America, the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave lives in "fear that deprives citizens rights"??? What "fear" and "rights" are you talking about...please clearly define them.
>"I am running for President to change the way this country values humanity..."
Do you think America's "value of humanity" can be found in the millions of murdered unborn children? Or how about the fact that here in America, we don't saw off the heads of "infidels"? Or how about the fact that we don't imprison political opponents here? Please indicate what Nation in this world does more "valueing of humanity" that the United States of America, and what we can do here to live up to their example.
>" that instead of fear and lies, we can live our lives based on principles of peace and hope."
"Peace and hope" sounds good. Please name any part of the world that has ever had any "peace, or some form of lasting "peace" without the use of military intervention in the history of the world. Obviously we "hope" for peace, yet the evil of the world continue to pop up and threaten any possibility of it...please clearly outline your intentions towards those people.
>"We need to regain the trust of the American people..."
Who is "we" exactly? The government? Last I heard, the government of the United States WAS "the American people"? Duly elected and there to serve? How exactly do you believe "we" can accomplish what you indicate needs accomplished?
>"...and we need to have a government which trusts the American people."
BINGO! In fact, current events hit this nail directly on the head. The "American people" have CLEARLY gone to the polls and indicated that the vast majority of them do not want homosexual marriage in this Nation, yet it is being forced upon this Nation as we speak by renegade unelected and unaccountable judges. How can our government truly be "trusting the American people" when we welcome people appointed to their positions of power to override what "the American people" truly want for America? Please explain.
>"It's time for America to resume its glorious journey..."
You will need to clearly outline what you believe that "glorious journey" to be. One would think that this "journey" would be the continuation of the documents left to us by the Founders of this Nation, building on their visions and honoring their values and morality. Alas, America has strayed far from those already. So, do you purpose that America get back to the roots of its Founders, or do you see America's "glorious journey" as lying elsewhere than those who created this Nation?
>"...time to reject shrinking jobs..."
Last reports I heard, hundreds of thousands of jobs were created in just the last year or so. That indicates that the job market is expanding, not shrinking. But, clearly outline your vision and the steps you would take that the current administration is not taking that would accomplish the goal you have set forth. Maybe there is something specific that you know, that they don't know?
>"...and wages..."
Wages work on a supply and demand basis. Short of increasing the minimum wage, what do you believe can be done to actually increase the wages of the AMerica worker? It's a great goal to be sure, but just saying that it is what you want to happen doesn't indicate how you plan to accomplish it.
>"...disappearing savings..."
Most working American's savings have been increasing lately, so I assume you are talking about the elderly here? How do you intend to accomplish this?
" and rights..."
Peoples Constitutional rights are being trampled on in this Country and they have no recourse to address it??? Please provide the documentation and examples to clearly prove that this is the case.
>"...time to reject the detour towards fear..."
I am not afraid...who is it in this Nation that is afraid and are "detouring towards fear" exaclty?
>"...and greed."
Yep, greed is bad. But then, in a free Country, aren't "free" to be "greedy" also IF they want to be?
>"It's time to look out upon the world for friends, not enemies..."
Clearly outline exactly where America can expect to find all these "friends" in the world? And will these people be "friends" because they love and honor Freedom and Democracy like America does, or will they onluy be conditional "friends" when we stoop down and pay lip service to their agendas and give them money? Friendship is a two way street, no one wants "conditional friends" for in time of crises, they are worthless and cannot be counted upon.
>"...time to counter the control of corporations over our politics..."
That apparently went bad when Senators changed form being appointed by the States to being elected by the people. It made them into "super legislators" rather than fighters for each States causes and rights as was originally intened by the Founding Fathers, and turned on the "lobby" and money that now controls them. It was a huge mistake. How can that be changed exactly do you think?
>"...our economy..."
Our Nations entire economy runs on the backs of business. The government certainly is not capable of generating cash flow, since their only recourse is to tax others and redistribute it. So how do you purpose that we do away with the "evil businesses" that you clealry do not like and retain any "economy" at all?
>"...our resources, and mass media."
Big business controls the mass media? I thought it was the liberally minded among us that did that. At least, that's what it looks like from my side my TV set. Please, could you further outline how you believe our "resources and mass media" can be changed?
>"It's time for those who have much to help those who have little, by maintaining a progressive tax structure."
In other words, "soak the rich"? In this, a Country that cherishes freedom above all else, aren't the people that work hard and get wealthy because of that entitled to their riches? Sure, it's nice when they share, but can that "sharing" be forced upon them morally in a free society?
>"It's time to tell the world that we wish to be their partner in peace..."
Isn't that exactly what is going on now? Since there can never be any form of "peace" while people are running around the world looking to murder innocent people by sawing off their heads, isn't America at this time doing exactly that?
>"...not their leader in war."
Since history tells us that there have always been wars, and if we learn from history we know that there will always be wars, who better than a freedom loving America to be the "leader in times of war"? The U.N.??? Have they not proven their impotence time and time again? Who else do you purpose be the worlds "leader in war" exactly?
>"Most of all, it is time for America to again be the land where dreams come true..."
Can you name one single other world Nation better equipped and better suited to do just that? Is there ANY other Nation on the face of this earth that you believe America should use as a role model to accomlish what you claim you want?
>'...because the government is on the side of its people."
Since our government is elected...all except for activist renegade judges of CAN our government NOT be "on the side of the people"??? Please outline what you believe establishes whether out governemtn is "on the side of the people" and exactly how you intend to change our government to accomplish this goal... |
Re: Kucinich on the Issues |
by Nancy (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 17 May 2004
For the past year I have led the effort in the House of Representatives to challenge the Administration’s march to war in Iraq. I have used my voice and my vote to try to help avert the tragedy of this immense diplomatic failure and this departure from morality in world affairs.
- Dennis Kucinich
we have a new choice! |