Exposed at Abu Ghraib: Torture of U.S. Rule
Revolutionary Worker #1240, May 16,
2004, posted at
Day after day, there is more. Much more. More horrific pictures,
depraved videos, and the heart-rending testimony of former
The U.S. interrogators, officially called "Human Exploitation
Teams" (HETs) have been terrorizing, raping, torturing and
murdering prisoners in Iraq.
When Secretary Rumsfeld testified before Congress on May 7, he
admitted that even more evidence was going to come out. "It's going
to get a good deal more terrible, I'm afraid," he said.The next
day, senior military officials told NBC News that the next
round of images showed U.S. soldiers beating an Iraqi prisoner to
the brink of death, and guards raping a Iraqi female prisoner and
young boys held in Abu Ghraib.
A British government envoy, Ann Clwyd, now reports that last
year at Abu Ghraib, U.S. soldiers put a harness on an elderly Iraqi
woman and made her crawl on all fours, while one of them rode her
like a donkey.
Former female prisoners have reported repeated torture-by-rape
in the women's wing of Abu Ghraib. And there is new proof that U.S.
interrogators repeatedly tortured people to death around the
The shock of the published pictures has brought millions of
people face to face with the actual deeds of U.S. occupation. Here
is a glimpse of a long-suppressed, heatedly denied reality--and the
reactions have been explosive. This gruesome evidence is shattering
U.S. government claims to be liberators--in Iraq or anywhere
These atrocities were no "exception" or "aberration." The
techniques of Abu Ghraib were developed and refined over decades of
vicious interrogations in all the many wars and interventions the
U.S. has waged. There are countless people, who in countless prison
cells all over the world--including in the U.S.--have seen this
face of U.S. rule.
Look at those photos again: This is what U.S. domination and
U.S. democracy looks like.
For many people in the U.S., that truth is as shocking and
difficult as the photographic evidence itself. Many in the U.S.
desperately want to believe that the U.S. army is "the good guys."
Many look at the relative prosperity and "democratic" trappings of
U.S. society--including its so-called "rule of law" and electoral
procedures--and assume that this (or something like it) is what the
U.S. troops would bring to foreign countries.
And even in oppressed countries, there is a widespread tendency
to believe that the goal is, somehow, to win for their countries
the kind of democracy (and the corresponding economic conditions)
that seem to exist in the U.S.--even while the U.S. is directly
oppressing them!
And with such views come the dangerous hopes that a U.S.
invasion might (perhaps, somehow) prove to be a "good thing"
(especially for those with "failed states," or harsh governments or
desperate crises of famine and genocide). Such false hopes are
reinforced, every day, by this government, the media and the
democratic opposition.
After it became clear there were no weapons of mass destruction
in Iraq (and so the invasion was not some act of preemptive
"self-defense")--the White House then claimed that the invasion was
to "liberate" the Iraqi people from the horrors of their past
government. And now, every discussion of these atrocities is
accompanied by disclaimers that none of this ("of course"!)
reflects the larger U.S. mission, or its role in the world, or its
motives, or the usual behavior of its troops.
These are illusions. And the evidence of Abu Ghraib shows how
dangerous those illusions are.
Here is the sharp contradiction playing itself out before our
eyes: The troops of the great "democratic superpower" storm into
Iraq and carry out the most outrageous fascist atrocities. They
label anyone who falls into their hands "terrorists" and then
arrogantly proclaim that none of the rules of war or basic humanity
apply. On one level the torturers of Abu Ghraib were determined to
identify the networks of resistance in Baghdad, but on another
level the outrages of this prison and similar prisons were designed
to simply brutalize the many thousands of prisoners who passed
through their hands--to terrorize the whole larger population
This shows, in a profound way, the nature of this war--which is
not a mission of "freedom and democracy"--but an imperialist
invasion to dominate Iraq and the surrounding Persian Gulf, to
seize control of the labor, wealth and strategic territories of
this region, in direct opposition to what the people living there
need and want.
And on an even deeper level, it reveals that the political and
economic system of the U.S. (including the democratic trappings of
its political system) rest in fundamental ways on the continued and
expanded exploitation of people all over the world--and on fascist
terror in the oppressed nations.
Sometimes this reality comes to the surface.
This is just such a time.
The real guarantor of the stability and capitalist "democracy"
in the U.S. is not the stacks of laws or pompous courtrooms. It is
the calculating bomber pilot dropping bombs on Fallujah, the secret
Delta-Force death squad invading the Philippines, the brutal CIA
torturer of Abu Ghraib and a dozen other prisons around the world.
They are there to defend the U.S. domination over vast stretches of
the globe, and they do it through the most brutal and ruthless
suppression of the people--because both history and the current
situation teaches these killers--and the ruling class that commands
them--that this is the only way that their ugly mission can be
The victims of Abu Ghraib, at great risk, are stepping forward
to speak. Whistle-blowers at various levels in the U.S. have dared
to expose these photos and events. People all over the world have
demanded to know more, and are piecing together the facts that
emerge. All this has created a rare glimpse into the usually
clandestine and secretive workings of an empire.
Everyone needs to take a clear-eyed look at the hard truths this
brings to the surface.
What America Has Done
"This does not represent the America that I
President George Bush, May
During the U.S. invasion a year ago, Iraqi people stormed the
notorious Abu Ghraib prison. They freed the prisoners and left a
ruined, empty shell behind. Now we know that the U.S. occupation
authorities rebuilt this prison.
While they talked of "liberating" Iraq's people, their troops
and interrogators were busy torturing, raping and murdering Iraqi
people. The majority of these prisoners, according to the
Pentagon's own report, were civilians caught up in the military
sweeps of Baghdad neighborhoods and held without charges or
When the U.S. high command learned in January that photographic
evidence of torture was circulating on CDs-- they quickly tried a
massive cover-up. They secretly transferred some low-level
soldiers, retired their commander, commissioned a secret internal
report on the potential damage, and then tried to prevent CBS from
reporting on the pictures.
The pictures leaked out anyway--including sexual tortures,
forced masturbation, handcuffing naked men to each other in piles.
Female soldiers had been brought in to mock the naked prisoners
and, in one case, hold an Iraqi man on a leash, like a dog, as he
curls up naked on the ground in agony. More leaks followed--of how
prisoners were kept naked in tiny isolation cells, without
ventilation or toilets. And how prisoners were forced to beat each
The internal (and previously suppressed) Pentagon report was
then revealed by reporter Seymour Hersh in the New Yorker
magazine. This report on Abu Ghraib by Maj. Gen. Antonio
Taguba documents "sadistic, blatant and wanton criminal
abuses"--including using attack dogs on prisoners and "sodomizing a
detainee with a chemical light and perhaps with a broomstick."
Now, unable to deny such crimes, the U.S. government is doing
damage control. On May 7, Rumsfeld said that the tortures of Abu
Ghraib were "inconsistent with the teachings of the military to the
men and women of the armed forces, and it was certainly
fundamentally un-American."
Let's tear off the blinders and illusions--and look at things
the way they really are!
Over and over U.S. forces have carried out the most ruthless
suppression and torture of resistance forces, and even more widely
they have hired and unleashed local death squads to do the dirtiest
work for them.
The stories of these atrocities are a history of modern American
interventions--from the "tiger cages" of Vietnam to the death
squads of El Salvador and the torture chambers in Pinochet's Chile.
The U.S. has sent its CIA trainers to places like Peru and
Nepal--where government torturers daily rape and brutalize captured
Maoist guerrillas. To this day, the U.S. Army maintains its
notorious "School of the Americas" at Fort Benning, Georgia-- where
military torturers, death squad leaders, counterinsurgency experts
and coup-makers are trained for the armies of Latin America.
Yet President Bush announced after the pictures of Abu Ghraib
came out, "That's not the way we do things in America."
Right there we have to stop and again challenge his lies!
Not only are such atrocities standard for the operations
of the U.S. forces around the world, they are vividly familiar to
many people who live inside the United States itself. The U.S. is a
starkly divided class society. Perhaps those with privileges and
status believe Bush's words, and can't imagine themselves
being stripped, beaten and sodomized behind bars in the U.S.
But many people here in the heart of the empire have a
very different view of "the way we do things in America."
How many of our youth are beaten in courthouse elevators and
ordered to give up the names of their posse? How often are limp
corpses are taken out of police interrogation rooms, with paperwork
that says "found hung in his cell"?
Ask the prisoners of America about the widespread rape
and humiliation behind bars--and whether it is officially
encouraged as part of the punishment!
Ask Abner Louima about police rape with a broomstick. And ask
the people of Black and Latino communities how often police torture
and murder is covered up, denied, or else blamed on a "few bad
Come look in the dark stifling punishment cells of state prisons
where prisoners are thrown in naked and then forgotten.
Come look at the high-tech hell of California's Pelican Bay
SHU--where prisoners are tortured using sensory deprivation cells
and forced to fight in gladiator contests by their guards.
The photos from Abu Ghraib repeatedly show Spec. Charles A.
Graner Jr. in photographs giving the "thumbs up" over piles of
naked Iraqi men. This same Graner was originally trained as a guard
in SCI Greene--the notorious prison in southwestern Pennsylvania
where political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal is held on Death Row, and
where the racist abuse of prisoners has been scandalous.
Torture on Command
"What took place in that Iraqi prison was the
wrongdoing of a few."
President George Bush, May 8,
"What we have described is part of a pattern and a
broad system."
Red Cross director Pierre
Kraehenbuehl, May 7, on how his teams found abuse and torture in
U.S. prisons in Iraq
"We were told that [Military Intelligence] had
different rules."
Sgt. Javal S. Davis, 26, guard
at Abu Ghraib
The U.S. government insists--in every possible forum--that the
atrocities of Abu Ghraib were just the horrible acts of a few "bad
apples" (with perhaps some troubling "laxity" in the chain of
command). But this shameful cover-up theory is shredded from every
The torture process in Abu Ghraib was a carefully constructed
operation. Professional teams of interrogators from the CIA and
Marine Military Intelligence set up a "hard site" within Abu Ghraib
prison--where they tortured, interrogated and killed prisoners.
They trained MPs to "soften up" the prisoners first--using the
extreme and brutal means revealed in so many photos. And to do this
they gathered experienced and sadistic prison guards from the U.S.
and put them in charge of a squad of gung-ho cop-wannabees, and
trained the crew in psycho- logially targetted brutality and
The Pentagon's own Taguba report documents that the abuses were
"systematic" and that interrogators from Military Intelligence (MI)
and the CIA "actively requested that guards set physical and mental
conditions for favorable interrogation of witnesses." These
low-level MPs would never have posed, leering, for these photos of
torture and swapped them so casually if they didn't see all this as
an approved part of their "jobs." The interrogators told the
guards, "Loosen this guy up for us," and "Make sure he gets the
treatment"--and praised them saying, "Good job, they're breaking
down real fast."
These operations in Abu Ghraib was fine-tuned on orders from the
high command. Last summer the high command was reportedly
dissatisfied with the information gotten out of prisoners in Abu
Ghraib. They sent Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller (commander of the
top-secret military prison at Guantánamo Bay in Cuba) to Abu
Ghraib in early September. One general said Miller described his
task as "Gitmo-izing" the operations at Abu Ghraib- -meaning that
the methods put in place were copied from the U.S. prison camp at
Guantánamo Bay.
One of Miller's recommendations (known from the Pentagon's
Taguba report) is that MP prison guards should act as "enablers for
interrogation," breaking down prisoners through abuse.
The torture by low-level MPs was only the opening--in a process
that led to the real interrogation by professional "human
exploitation teams." Very little is known about those
tortures, and not a single intelligence officer or "civilian
contractor" of those "HETs" has been charged or even named in these
events. The employers of the contract torturers claim that the
Pentagon never made any complaints to them.
One thing that is becoming clear: The methods of the HETs were
even more extreme than the abuse by MPs. The HET in Abu Ghraib
routinely brought in captives without paperwork, so there would be
no records when such "ghost detainees" were tortured to death. A
photograph shows one of these dead, packed in ice for later
disposal. The diary of one prison guard refers to this dead man as
an "O.G.A. prisoner." (O.G.A. stands for "Other Government Agency"
a term used for the often-unnamable CIA.) The CIA moved prisoners
around to hide their actions from Red Cross teams.
U.S. Army officials told Reuters that at least 25 prisoners have
died in U.S. custody. There are investigations into at least 13 of
these deaths--including several CIA murders of prisoners in Iraq
and Afghanistan.
A Global Network of Torture
"If you don't cooperate, we'll just send you to
Threat made by U.S.
interrogators to prisoners all over the world
"A Briton released from Guantánamo alleged that,
as in Abu Ghraib, sexual humiliation was identified by U.S.
officials as a way of breaking Muslim detainees. Abuse allegations
against the U.S. have now surfaced in Iraq, Guantánamo,
Bagram, in Afghanistan, and even in Gambia, where a British
businessman told the Guardian he was
threatened with rape and beatings while being questioned by U.S.
Guardian , May 6
The U.S. is holding prisoners in a network of prisons across the
world--and these operations are wrapped in intense military
In Guantánamo, Cuba, the U.S. government has held more
than 700 prisoners from 44 countries--without charges, trials or
public evidence--and claimed that the facilities are outside the
reach of U.S. courts and not covered by the Geneva Conventions. The
Guantánamo Bay camp is literally a "law-free zone" where the
U.S. president and his agents claim the right to do whatever they
want--including executing them after secret "military
In Iraq, the U.S. holds at least 10,000 prisoners, with very
little accounting. There are no charges or trials. Often their
families know nothing about them. But now we are all starting to
find out the kind of treatment they have gotten.
In Iraq too the U.S. is creating "law-free zones"--operations,
including interrogations, are increasingly performed by "private
contractors" who are outside Iraqi law and U.S. military law.
In Afghanistan, the U.S. has held large numbers of prisoners in
a network of secret camps--also usually with no charges, trials,
legal access, or family notification. Human rights organizations
have charged widespread abuses here-- including beating and
exposure to freezing temperatures. At least two deaths are being
investigated as murder.
And meanwhile, there is a global system of "rendering" U.S.
captives to allied countries for torture-- including Egypt, Jordan,
Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Pakistan and Morocco.
Resolve, Arrogance and Crisis
"The United States has been humiliated to a point where
government officials could not release this year's international
human rights report this week for fear of being scoffed at by the
rest of the world."
New York Times
editorial, May 7
"We are in danger of losing something much more
important than just the war in Iraq. We are in danger of losing
America as an instrument of moral authority and inspiration in the
world. I have never known a time in my life when America and its
president were more hated around the world than
Thomas Friedman, major Middle
Eastcolumnist and expert, May 6, 2004
Everywhere across the planet, people reeled in horror over the
photos of leering U.S. torturers and their victims. Opponents of
U.S. domination feel emboldened. Victims of the U.S. feel
encouraged to speak out and fight back. Supporters of U.S.
domination feel betrayed and isolated.
Overnight a heated debate has erupted in the ruling class over
how to recover, and how to press ahead. The divisions within the
U.S. ruling class are sharpening. There have been open calls, in
the Congress and editorial pages, for the resignation of Secretary
Rumsfeld. There is open talk in some ruling class circles that the
U.S. presence in Iraq may now be too "radioactive" to pull off its
own victory over the resistance. And there is a sickening mix of
apology and arrogant resolve from Bush and Rumsfeld and their top
generals--who claim, of course, that they did not know and will not
tolerate. And yet in the middle of all this, the U.S. military has
launched new bloody attacks in Shiite strongholds across southern
The tremendous turmoil of this period, what Chairman Avakian
calls that "cauldron of contradictions," is churning fiercely. The
desperate attempts by the U.S. to suppress resistance in Iraq has
produced these monstrous crimes--but then they have come to light
in a way that allows millions of people to catch a glimpse of the
true face of U.S. domination. Opposition is both broadening and
hardening, even while the crisis has intensified some rather deep
fractures within the U.S. ruling circles.
It is a moment to seize.
"If one is conscious of the reality that the world is
dominated by imperialism, and if one has any inkling of the
consequences of this for the great majority of the world's people,
then one should feel compelled to help shatter the whole
imperialist system and its entire framework, to remake social
relations on an international scale."
Bob Avakian, Democracy:
Can't We Do Better Than That?