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Announcement :: Arts : Media : UCIMC |
WRFU Establishes Structure, Announces June 8 Meeting for Those Interested in Programming |
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by WRFU Collective Email: rfu (nospam) (unverified!) |
05 May 2004
Modified: 05:44:13 PM |
WRFU, a new low-power FM radio station, has finished its initial structure document. Radio Free Urbana, as it is also known, will hold a meeting on Tuesday, June 8th, at the UC IMC for those wanting to get involved in putting their programming on the air or otehr aspects of bringing another community radio station to life. |
WRFU, a new low-power FM radio station, has finished its initial structure document. A copy is included below. Radio Free Urbana, as it is also known, will hold a meeting on Tuesday, June 8th, at the UC IMC for those wanting to get involved in putting their programming on the air or other participating in any aspect of bringing another local community radio station to life.
WRFU holds regular meetings on the First and Third Tuesday of every month at 8pm at the UC IMC. All meetings are open to the public. We welcome your participation. To sign up for the WRFU email list, go to:
Inquiries about participating or for other info about WRFU may be sent to: rfu (at)
WRFU E-mail list archives (at this time, available only to list members):
WRFU will be on your radio dial at 104.5 FM by June 2005.
You can read more about WRFU and the background on what brought low-power FM radio to the public on the front page of the May 2004 Public i, available now at the UC IMC and many locations across Champaign and Urbana.
WRFU is a fiscally-sponsored project of the UC IMC, a 501c3 non-profit. All donations to WRFU are tax-deductible as provided for by law. WRFU is a joint project of Socialist Forum, a non-sectarian democratic socialist organization, and the UC IMC.
WRFU Structure Document: Consensed to on May 4th, 2004, the 34th anniversary of the death of four young people at the hands of the Ohio National Guard at Kent State University.
Meeting Operation
* The full membership must be in attendance in order for decisions made to take immediate effect.
* Decisions may be made "pending objection" if at least a simple
majority of the membership is in attendance. Such decisions must be
posted to the RFU membership e-mail list and in writing at the station.
* Decisions made "pending objection" take effect once half a meeting
cycle has elapsed, only if no objections are raised by any spokes absent
from the meeting within this time period..
* All meetings are conducted by consensus, inclusive of all RFU members
in attendance, who have equal standing with group members, except in the
case of irresolvable blocks..
* In the event of an irresolvable block, after all consensus procedures
have been exhausted, decisions will be made by consensus of the group
membership (IMC, SF and working group spokes), further failure of
consensus will default decisions to a consensus of the core membership
(SF & IMC).
Here's the full version:
Organizational Structure for WRFU
1. RFU Membership
* Open to anyone, with annual membership fee and orientation/training
Membership Fee
* IMC Members: $10
* Non-IMC Members: $35 - $50 (covers IMC membership)
Privileges and Responsibilities
* All RFU members have access to IMC membership resources, especially
radio production resources.
* May be a member of any Spokes, Programming and/or Working group per
the terms of this document.
* Must adhere to station policy and all relevant broadcast laws and
2. Steering Group
* Primary responsible body for the station, able to make policy and
create new programming and working groups.
* Responsible for ensuring compliance with applicable communications
laws and policies.
* Able to dissolve any programming group or working group.
* Empowered to cancel individual RFU memberships, and thereby remove
persons from air, and from programming or working groups.
* May delegate specific responsibilities and powers to
o teams of at least 2 members of this group,
o RFU working groups
o Ad hoc groups with at least 2 members from Steering
Group Membership
* Must be members of RFU
* Core membership of 4 spokespersons, 2 each nominated by the SF and
* Full membership is core members plus one spokesperson from each
programming and working group at the station.
* A member of this group may be the spoke for only one group or the SF
or the IMC.
* A member of this group may not be in management or on the board of
directors of any other radio station or broadcast licensee.
* Working and programming group spokes may serve on the Steering Group
for no more than two consecutive years.
* All groups must have a spoke in attendance at a simple majority of all
meetings within a calendar year.
* Groups attending less than the minimum number of meetings will become
"inactive" and members of that group lose standing in the steering
* Must be held at least monthly at the IMC at a regularly scheduled
* Are open to the public.
Meeting Operation
* The full membership must be in attendance in order for decisions made to take immediate effect.
* Decisions may be made "pending objection" if at least a simple
majority of the membership is in attendance. Such decisions must be
posted to the RFU membership e-mail list and in writing at the station.
* Decisions made "pending objection" take effect once half a meeting
cycle has elapsed, only if no objections are raised by any spokes absent
from the meeting within this time period..
* All meetings are conducted by consensus, inclusive of all RFU members
in attendance, who have equal standing with group members, except in the
case of irresolvable blocks.
* In the event of an irresolvable block, after all consensus procedures
have been exhausted, decisions will be made by consensus of the group
membership (IMC, SF and working group spokes), further failure of
consensus will default decisions to a consensus of the core membership
(SF & IMC).
3. Designated Problem Solvers
* These two designees are the first point of contact for dealing with
emergency situations, conflicts and other problems.
* Respond to emergencies and other situations that pose an immediate
threat to the station and its license.
* Be a point of contact to receive reports of non-emergency conflicts
and problems with programming, especially those that cannot be resolved
with a Programming Group.
* May form ad hoc groups for conflict resolution with
Steering/Board/Council consent.
* Two designated members of the Steering Group core membership: one
spoke from SF, one spoke from IMC.
* Designated by consensus of Steering Group.
4. Programming Groups
* Responsible for creating, engineering and airing the programming
occurring during a particular daypart or other portion of the broadcast
* There is no minimum or maximum number of Programming Groups.
* Must have a minimum of two members.
* Any member of RFU, wishing to join and accepted by consensus of the
existing group membership.
* No RFU member may belong to more than two Programming Groups.
* Programming and airshifting a portion of the broadcast day or week as
defined by the group and consented upon by the Steering Group.
* Members must attend meetings and do programming work.
* Must nominate one spoke to Steering Group who attends at least a
majority of Steering meetings within a calendar year.
* All program time must be staffed and airshifted by at least one
* Must be held at least monthly at the IMC at a regularly scheduled
* Are open to the public.
Meeting Operation
* Conducted by consensus, inclusive of all RFU members in attendance. In
the event of an irresolvable block, after all consensus procedures have
been exhausted, decisions will be made by consensus of the group
memberhip. Further failure of consensus will be brought to the Broadcast
Board/Steering Group/Spokescouncil.
5. Working Groups
* Responsible for doing all non-programming work of the station (such as
publicity, engineering, fund raising.)
* There is no minimum or maximum number of Working Groups.
* Any member of RFU who attends a Working Group's meetings and does
* As defined by the group and consented upon by the
* May not be responsible for programming any given timeslot or daypart.
* Must nominate one spoke to Steering/Board/Council who attends at least
a majority of Steering meetings withina calendar year.
* Must be held at least monthly at the IMC at a regularly scheduled time,
and be open to the public.
* Conducted by consensus, inclusive of all RFU members in attendance. In
the event of an irresolvable block, after all consensus procedures have
been exhausted, decisions will be brought to the Broadcast
Board/Steering Group/Spokescouncil.
6. Traffic Working Group
* Programs and facilitates programming for time periods not programmed
by a Programming Group.
* May use automation for these times. Members do not have to be present
at the station during these times..
* This group has no rights to the times it programs, and must cede any
time that becomes programmed by a Programming Group.
* This group exists at the consent of steering.
* There may be a maximum of one Traffic Working Group.
* Must be a member of RFU.
* Made up of persons chosen by the Steering Group, who do not have to be
members of any existing RFU Steering, Working or Programming Group..
* Minimum membership of three people.
* Members of this group may not block the creation of a new Programming
* Meetings must be held at least monthly at the IMC at a regularly
scheduled time, and be open to the public.
* There must be a minimum attendance of a simple majority of group
members for business to occur.
* Conducted by consensus, inclusive of all RFU members in attendance. In
the event of an irresolvable block, after all consensus procedures have
been exhausted, decisions will be brought to the Steering Group.
7. Emergency Clause
* In the event of an emergency that threatens the legal status of the
station, its license or its resources, action may be taken by the
Designated Problem Solvers or a consensus of the core steering
* In the event of an urgent emergency on the station premises or
transmitter site that poses an imminent threat to the health and safety
of station property or volunteers, the airshifter on duty may take
reasonable action to ensure the safety of the station and volunteers.
* Notice of emergency actions must be made to the RFU e-mail list as
soon as reasonably possible.
* All emergency actions are subject to review and consent by the
Steering Group. |
This work is in the public domain |