White Identity
by Kevin Alfred Strom
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American Dissident Voices Broadcast of June 7, 2003
Welcome to American Dissident Voices. I'm Kevin Alfred Strom.
If we are going to survive, that means that we have to decide who "we" are. That's so basic, so obvious, so essential that it's amazing how few people give much thought to it.
The Blacks have very little trouble deciding who they are. They know at a glance. Anyone of largely sub-Saharan African ancestry, who has the requisite dark complexion, kinky hair, and broad nose and thick lips qualifies. They don't much care whether the individual in question believes in Catholicism, Pentecostalism, the AME Church, or is a follower of Louis Farrakhan or an indigenous African religion. They don't much care if the person is a Marxist or a free-market entrepreneur. As much as individual Blacks may care about such things, race trumps all. What they really care about is the fact that the person in question is Black. It's a question of racial survival. Race has to trump all. It is of the essence.
Similarly, the Nation of Aztlan folks are deeply concerned for their race's survival. They know who they are and where they came from. They value their racial characteristics and demand that they have a future. They demand territory -- exclusive territory -- so their race can have food and living space and self-government. They don't, to my knowledge, define themselves through religion. So therefore the differences between the Catholic and indigenous religions practiced by members of their race do not fracture their racial unity, nor does religious conversion serve to pollute their gene pool. They may differ on economics and on the ideal social structure they'd like to see in the new nation they intend to carve out of the United States. But they all agree that they need to carve out that nation -- and they all agree that that nation will belong to their race and their race alone. That's essential. Everything else is debatable. Racial identity is paramount. They are a race which intends to survive.
Similarly, East Asian peoples have a very strong sense of peoplehood. Their communities at home, and in the countries they colonize overseas like the United States and Canada, are close to being racially pure. They maintain their racial integrity, and there is a vanishingly small percentage of non-Asian mmigration to their homelands. They know who they are. With almost no exceptions, they define themselves in terms of ancestry -- reverence for one's ancestors is a powerful tradition among Asians -- and the genetic integrity of their nations is secure.
But ask a few White Americans or Europeans to define their people -- to define who "we" are -- and you will get such a mass of contradictory answers that you'll quickly give up on getting any consistent answer to your question. You'll probably get more rational answers from other races if you ask them to define who "we" are. They have long and quite rationally regarded the White West as a racial and cultural unity.
Part of White confusion about who we are is no doubt due to the omnipresent propaganda of the Jewish-controlled media and educational establishments, which says that "race does not exist," that racial mixing is desirable, and that White identity is the sine qua non of all evil in the world. This propaganda undoubtedly does real damage to White psyches, and to innocent young White souls. And the promoters of such propaganda deserve whatever measures it takes to stop their hateful lies. But their propaganda does not fully explain the confusion of Whites about their racial identity.
Part of the confusion about our identity is religious in nature.
In the dying days of the majestic Classical civilization created by our race, the indigenous religion of that civilization was defeated, destroyed, and supplanted by Christianity, which had originally sprung from Jewish roots, and then spread among the slave population to the increasingly cosmopolitan and proletarian citizenry. In a few centuries, Christianity became the state religion of Rome. When healthier White tribes from the north invaded and eventually occupied Rome, many were undoubtedly awed by the culture, technology, architecture, and monumental art of the defeated Empire. They mistakenly associated these great achievements of our race with the recently-adopted religion of Christianity, and naturally the Pontifex Maximus, or chief Christian priest or Pope of Rome, anxious to preserve the wealth and power of his institution, did not disabuse them of this misconception. Thus many Whites, overawed by the remnants of Rome's grandeur and greatness, were converted to a belief in what they thought was the god of Rome.
In addition to these sincere conversions, there were other sincere conversions based on a true belief in the Westernized Christian doctrines eventually preached all over Europe; or on the qualities the Christians' Bible, which, unlike the more poetic and fanciful Classical or related Nordic myths, claimed to be an accurate historical record of events that actually happened in the real world. And it is commonplace knowledge that many conversions were made by the sword, and that thousands were killed who would not submit.
Thus it was that Christianity achieved what no other religion had done before. It brought all Europe and almost all of our race under one religion -- a remarkable achievement, which had many benefits, not the least of which was a realization of cultural unity and a doctrinal basis to unite all White tribes against common racial enemies, who naturally also had alien religions. It was under the banner of Christianity that Charles Martel defeated the Moslems at Tours and that the Moors were finally expelled from Europe by the troops of Ferdinand and Isabella.
With geographic Europe, and racial Europe, almost universally Christian, Europe became Christendom. And, for all practical purposes, the White race thought of itself as Christendom. And, although in a diminished sense, many of us still think that way today. Even in White nationalist circles, where our sense of racial identity must be strongest if we are to lead our people to freedom and security, we find such thinking is very common.
Even Lawrence Brown, author of the thought-provoking work The Might of the West, defined "us" as the descendants of those who were Catholic in 1492, with some additions, also Christian.
It's hard not to be emotionally moved by the racially healthy aspects of Christian ritual and culture: the all-White children's choir singing Mozart's Introitus Requiem or the intensely spiritual works of Bach or Handel; the magnificent Gothic cathedral or the white country church at the foot of the mountain; the upright moral folk who peopled the vastness of the American plains and made the greatest Republic in history. I am moved by these things myself.
But these things are in their essence more White than they are Christian. Without the White race, they could never have existed, even if Christianity had taken root among other races. The source of Mozart's music and the vast Gothic temples was not in doctrine, not in scripture, but in the genes. That is one reason we must define ourselves in racial terms -- in genetic terms -- or we and everything we built and everything we love will die.
That is why White Christians must put race first, above even their beloved religion. They must agree with other White nationalists that what we are is White, what we are is the European race, what we are is defined in biological terms and that what we are fighting for is the survival of that racial heritage and the culture that our race created and that it alone can sustain and move forward to its destiny. Race comes first. Race is how we must define ourselves. Whites of other religions are still "us." Non-Whites, even if they share our religious beliefs, can never be "us." Any other approach is suicide.
Defining ourselves in broad religious terms only means that either 1) Koreans and Jews, et cetera, who convert to our religion are "us" too or 2) that most Mexicans, for example, are "us" now.
That's giving up the game, lying down, and accepting racial death. If a few part-Whites survive someday who practice Christianity, that's defeat. Not victory.
Our race not only existed before Christianity existed -- making it impossible for that to be our defining characteristic -- but we existed before any known religion came into being.
Before Darwin and Mendel and Crick and Watson, we may not have known our distant history or the physical mechanism behind our identity as Whites. Before the rise of Jewish power in the 20th century, we may not have seen clearly that the Jews are a profoundly alien intrusion into our nations.
But the United States Congress in 1790 did make being "a free White person" a requirement for becoming a citizen of the United States, a legal requirement which remained in force for 162 years. They saw what was essential, and acted on it. They had an implicit White racial consciousness that was made explicit in the laws of the land.
Unfortunately, they had no conception of the non-White nature of the Jew, and that was the one flaw that allowed the mass immigration of Jews in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. And that alien (and racially conscious of its alienness) group proceeded to use all of its cleverness and all of its wealth to destroy the nascent racial consciousness of Whites and to erase the laws of our forefathers which protected our race from non-White immigration and intermarriage. Some have argued that identifying ourselves as Christians might have prevented the mistake of considering Jews to be White and so allowing them free access to our society, but I do not agree with that position. As in Spain 500 years ago, Jews could just have themselves sprinkled with 'holy water' and claim to believe in the right doctrine, and the religious barrier could be easily overcome. And furthermore, the Jewish connection to Christianity has most often worked in the Jews' favor, making religious and secular Christian leaders alike view them with misplaced sympathy.
The exalted beauty (dare I say Whiteness?) of the religious services I talked about, or the lovely and moving Easter service at a New England church a respected lady told me about in a recent letter, could never have been completely captured by non-Whites, no matter what their creed. One thinks of Black churches and their very different, if no less sincere, ambience and spirituality.
But I sincerely believe that a similar religious feeling (dare I say spirit?), perhaps even purer, _was_ present in ancient Hellas when choirs sang forth in praise of Eos -- or when Pan or Freya were invoked in the forest temples of our other old homelands.
I do not advocate a return to the old religions -- far from it. But the key to our spirituality -- the key to what we are -- is within ourselves, and is therefore within our genes. It is not found in any specific creed, particularly not within a creed we inherited from other peoples, or one that can be adopted by anybody.
America's founders had a sense of a White identity which transcended religion. That's why they defined citizenship in racial terms in the Naturalization Act of 1790. That's why even those who opposed Black slavery -- like Francis Scott Key -- were supportive of the American Colonization Society which proposed to repatriate the freed Blacks to Africa. That's why Thomas Jefferson supported racial separation on a continental scale. Jefferson pointed out the great difference between slavery in America, where the slaves were Black, and slavery in ancient Rome, where the slaves were White: "Among the Romans, emancipation required but one effort. The slave when made free might mix with, without staining the blood of his master. But with us a second effort is necessary, unknown to history. When freed he is to be removed beyond the reach of mixture."
That sense of White racial identity was even promoted and advocated by no less than the President of the United States (Theodore Roosevelt) as late as the early years of the 20th century. He stated:
"Nineteenth-century democracy needs no more complete vindication for its existence than the fact that it has kept for the white race the best portions of the new worlds' surface, temperate America and Australia.
"Had these regions been under aristocratic governments, Chinese immigration would have been encouraged precisely as the slave trade is encouraged of necessity by any slave-holding oligarchy, and the result would in a few generations have been even more fatal to the white race; but the democracy, with the clear instinct of race selfishness, saw the race foe, and kept out the dangerous alien.
"The presence of the negro in our Southern States is a legacy from the time when we were ruled by a transoceanic aristocracy. The whole civilization of the future owes a debt of gratitude greater than can be expressed in words to that democratic policy which has kept the temperate zones of the new and the newest worlds a heritage for the white people." -- Memorial Edition of the Works of Theodore Roosevelt, XIV, 245, 246.
"If there is one question upon which the philanthropists of the present day, especially the more emotional ones, are agreed, it is that any law restricting Chinese immigration is an outrage; yet it seems incredible that any man of even moderate intelligence should not see that no greater calamity could now befall the United States than to have the Pacific slope filled up with a Mongolian population." -- Memorial Edition of the Works of Theodore Roosevelt, VIII, 118
On the Texas war for independence from Mexico, Theodore Roosevelt said:
"Whatever might be the pretexts alleged for revolt, the real reasons were to be found in the deeply marked difference of race, and in the absolute unfitness of the Mexicans then to govern themselves, to say nothing of governing others." -- Memorial Edition of the Works of Theodore Roosevelt, VIII, 131
Theodore Roosevelt's virtue in having a strong racial consciousness was something he shared with America's founding fathers of the late 18th century. In a way he was a continuation of their legacy. He also embodied some of their flaws, such as a naive belief that representative government, miscalled "democracy" by TR, could cure all ills and somehow ensure wisdom. Another flaw -- a fatal flaw -- possessed by both Teddy Roosevelt and the founders was the foolish belief that the Jews were, in essence, the same people as European Whites and differed only or mainly in their religion. In fact, Teddy Roosevelt once ridiculed an anti-Jewish preacher who came to New York when TR was police commissioner there. The Jews were, then as now, anxious to shut the preacher up and close down his speaking engagements. This Roosevelt refused to do, but he did employ a group of Jewish policemen to protect the clergyman.
The nine decades from the time of Theodore Roosevelt to the present have educated all of us on the utter folly of regarding the Jew as just a odd kind of White man with a peculiar religion vaguely related to our own. The Jew's open and aggressive promotion of everything which destroys our race, from non-White immigration to miscegenation to homosexuality have shown us that the Jewish survival strategy is one of destroying the racial integrity and consciousness of their host people. Whites must become racially conscious, and racially conscious Whites must never make the mistake of accepting Jews as White again.
We must regain a sense of racial consciousness, which is the heritage of the old America and the founders, and we must refine it with the lessons we have learned in the last century. We desperately need to regain that sense of identity again. It must not be based on beliefs, which can change in a moment or a decade and which allow the alien to claim to be one of us. It must be based not on what we believe, as important as that may be. It must be based on what we actually are. Only then can what we are -- our defining essence and the source of all that we create and love, and all that our descendants will create in love in the future -- survive and achieve its destiny.
Until next week, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you to keep on thinking free.
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