The Logic of War and Empire
Revolutionary Worker #1235, April 4,
2004, posted at
Countless eyes were glued to the days of public testimony on
March 23 and 24 before the "National Commission on Terrorist
Attacks Upon the United States." The ten-member panel grilled
policymakers from the Bush team and the previous Clinton
administration. There were angry outbursts and finger-pointing. For
days, charges and countercharges echoed back and forth outside the
commission hearing--through the power structure and the
intensifying electoral arena.
But the central verdict of this inquiry was decided before it
even started: The U.S. government has (people would be told over
and over again) been too restrained, too "risk-averse," too
distracted, too worried about killing innocents, too worried about
world opinion, too cautious about launching wars and
Since this verdict was, from the beginning, the defining
assumption of this whole circus--the in- fighting that broke out
inevitably centered around a specific set of questions: Who
in this government's ruling circles were most guilty of this
supposed restraint? Which political and strategic teams would in
the future be the most hard, far-sighted, determined and ruthless
in exercising U.S. power throughout the whole planet?
Many people watching have been so glad to see any public
criticism of Bush, and to see his arrogant team "knocked down a
peg"--that many have missed the whole point here: The main
criticism of this Bush team of cutthroats to emerge from this
hearing was that they were (supposedly) not aggressive
enough in launching wars and attacks on foreign "enemies."
Think of the implications of such a claim!
Think of what this Commission is demanding that the presidential
team of the coming years (whether Democratic or Republican) should
send their armies and covert teams to do!
Think of what the people of the U.S. are being trained to think
and accept!
These hearings come after a year when the public doubts about
the war on Iraq and other U.S. actions have deepened. White House
lies have been exposed, and many people suspect that the foreign
actions are not really about their "safety" at all. The testimony
of Richard Clarke at the hearings actually help confirm that the
plans to invade Iraq and Afghanistan were developed before 9/11
ever happened. (More on this below.)
But at the 9/11 Commission the 3,000 dead of the World Trade
Center were evoked, again and again, to justify the tens of
thousands of people the U.S. military has killed around the world
since 9/11, and to justify (ahead of time) all the killing this
government plans to do in the future.
The central lesson of September 11, 2001--according to this
Commission and its many witnesses, including Richard Clarke--is
that the U.S. government needs to be even more ruthless
around the world, and people within the U.S. should be prepared to
give the U.S. government a complete carte blanche to carry
out wars, assassinations, massive spying and other extreme measures
of many kinds, both inside and outside the U.S. And all of this is
being demanded in the name of the "safety" of the people of the
United States.
This commission should have been renamed "The Empire's
Commission for Justifying Even More Pre-Emptive War and Global
Covert Operations in the Name of Stopping Terrorist Attacks."
Ridiculing Imperial Restraint
Over and over again in these hearings, former government
officials explained why they hadn't simply sent armies to kill
suspected enemies of the U.S. everywhere in the world. And over and
over again, such statements were ridiculed before a television
audience of millions.
Former Senator Bob Kerrey--the most outspoken commission
member--grabbed the national political spotlight by angrily
demanding to know why the U.S. had not landed more commando
killing teams or launched full invasions before 9/11.
Clinton's Secretary of Defense William Cohen said: "The
notion that somehow President Clinton or even President
Bush--absent 9/11--could have walked into the halls of Congress,
say, `Declare war against Al Qaida,' I think is unrealistic. Prior
to that time, I dare say there is not a single country that would
have been supporting the president of the United States declaring
war and invading Afghanistan prior to 9/11."
Clinton's Secretary of State Madeleine Albright said that one
reason the U.S. has not simply launched invasions (after attacks in
Kenya and Yemen) was that "diplomatic backing would have been
virtually nonexistent."
Commission member Bob Kerrey dismissed this argument:
"The fact that it's unpopular, that it's difficult, that our
allies are not necessarily with it shouldn't deter a president. We
had a round in our chamber and we didn't use it. That's how I see
it. And I don't know if it would have prevented 9/11. But I
absolutely do not believe that just because a commander-in-chief
sits there and said, `Gee, this thing is unpopular therefore I
can't do it,' I don't think that's a good argument. I know
Secretary Rumsfeld is going to use it here in a few minutes and I'm
going to be just as harsh with him."
Just look at these blood-soaked war-makers Cohen, Albright and
Rumsfeld being bashed for not being aggressive and ruthless
Think of all the wars, bombings, covert actions, assassinations,
embargos, bullying these three monsters have carried out for this
empire. And imagine what it means that people are now supposed to
believe they have (all along) been too lax and restrained!
In the hearings, Kerrey confronted Clinton's Secretary of State
Madeleine Albright with these words: "I keep hearing the excuse
we didn't have actionable intelligence."
"Better to have tried and failed than not to try at
all,"Kerrey later tells Clinton's Secretary of Defense William
Think for a moment, what is being said here: Our world has just
watched the U.S. conquer Iraq based on false "intelligence" claims
of weapons of mass destruction. The damning exposure of these lies
has greatly weakened the credibility of U.S. war-makers.
But now this commission wants to reverse all that --by
demanding that everyone accept future U.S. acts of war even
without "actionable intelligence."
No one should doubt that this Senator Kerrey knows a lot about
what he is proposing:
On February 25, 1969, this same Bob Kerrey led a team of six
Navy SEALS into the tiny Vietnamese fishing village of Thanh Phong.
Kerrey personally helped slit the throats of the first family of
villagers they jumped. His death squad then rounded up the
remaining unarmed inhabitants. One survivor, Bui Thi Luom, later
said: "I thought they would let us go after they saw we were
only women and children. But they shot at us like animals."It
was a cold-blooded massacre at short range, for which Kerrey got
the Bronze Star and a lifetime label of "war hero."
A question: What does it mean when the ruling class brings back
a war criminal like Bob Kerrey and gives him the spotlight to
lecture government officials and the public about the need for even
more ruthless military aggression?
Bob Kerrey is now being widely mentioned within the Democratic
establishment as a possible vice presidential running mate for John
Another question: What does this say about which kinds of
"criticisms" of Bush policy will be promoted in this election
arena, and which ones will not be allowed?
In one exchange, CIA head George Tenet insisted forcefully that
his agency is fully committed to covert actions and assassinations.
This is chilling for anyone who remembers the bloody trail of U.S.
covert operations--from Tibet in the '50s, to Laos in the '60s, to
the building up of the Islamists of Afghanistan in the '80s, to
Nicaragua's contras, and on and on. These are the kinds of
operations that should be ended forever--not unleashed in a new
flood on the world.
Then Tenet added that he believed that the key to future
"security" was vastly increasing " domestic intelligence"
and integrating it fully with agencies for "foreign intelligence."
Here is an undisguised plan for even more police-state
operations within the U.S.--and this chilling vision was simply
accepted and broadcast from these hearings as if it was a natural
and obvious fact of modern life.
At every point in these hearings, any notions of military
restraint, diplomacy, international law, domestic privacy and civil
liberties were treated as dangerous softness--and this chilling
vision of the future was put forward in the name of "national
security" and "keeping the homeland safe."
And in case anyone had missed the edge of the continuing war
mood here--Tenet announced that there are at least 100 active
"al-Qaida operatives" now operating in Europe, the FBI announced
there was a "terrorism" danger for Texas oil refineries, and the
U.S. government closed many of its embassies in the countries of
the Persian Gulf.
A Glimpse of the Current Mission
Whenever powerful ruling class forces fight publicly over
policy, there are revelations of things that were previously
hidden. These hearings were no exception.
Chairman Bob Avakian noted (in The New Situation and the
Great Challenges ) that when they came to power the Bush
strategic team (including Paul Wolfowitz, Dick Cheney, Donald
Rumsfeld and Condoleezza Rice) thought that an aggressive change
was needed in the global policies of U.S. imperialism.
Chairman Avakian characterizes their thinking this way: "Look,
we had this great victory in the Cold War. Then we had this whole
period when we had Clinton in there, and we didn't really take
advantage of the victory in the Cold War. We didn't `roll up' the
whole world the way we could have, and should have. We let things
drift, and it's time to get in there and follow up the victory of
the Cold War with this whole new world realignment that we're going
to bludgeon into being."
The testimony of Richard Clarke in these hearings revealed more
evidence of these strategic goals pursued by the Bush team.
Richard Clarke served the U.S. government for 30 years, as a
high-level ring leader of U.S. government counter-insurgency,
spying and covert operations. He served as head of "counter-
terrorism" under Clinton, and as the new Bush team came to power he
was "kept on." He suggested that the new administration continue
the "anti-terrorist" plans of the Clinton administration and says
he was rudely ignored.
Clinton's government had been highly aggressive
internationally--maintaining murderous sanctions on Iraq, launching
repeated bombing attacks on Iraq, and sending cruise missile
attacks into many different countries like Sudan and Afghanistan to
assassinate U.S. opponents. But Richard Clarke and other witnesses
document that the Bush team disdainfully felt that the Clinton
policies had wasted U.S. military superiority on pinprick actions
and low-level interventions in non-strategic areas (Haiti, Somalia,
Yugoslavia, and so on).
Clarke describes how his plans and proposals were shoved aside
as the Bush team formulated new, global strategic plans. Meanwhile
Clarke and other testimony before the 9/11 Commission documents how
the Bush team (in the months before 9/11) was focused on
creating war plans to actually take over the countries of
Afghanistan and Iraq. The preliminary report of the National
Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (released
March 23) officially acknowledged for the first time that the Bush
administration adopted a plan for invading Afghanistan and imposing
a pro-U.S. government--and approved that plan the day before the
September 11 attacks!
Richard Clarke also describes how after 9/11, the White House
and Pentagon heads suddenly realized they could use the 9/11
attacks as an opportunity to carry out those aggressive
international moves they had long wanted to make.
After 9/11, the U.S. government first carried out the invasion
of Afghanistan that they were already planning. Then (as phase 2)
they carried out the conquest of Iraq--which Bush's Treasury
Secretary Paul O'Neil confirmed they had planned from their very
first days in office, in January 2001.
Richard Clarke describes how after September 11 Bush and
Rumsfeld were especially interested in finding the way to justify
an invasion of Iraq. Clarke said (in a March 21 interview with
CBS'60 Minutes ): "The president dragged me into a room with
a couple of other people, shut the door, and said, `I want you to
find whether Iraq did this.' Now he never said, `Make it up.' But
the entire conversation left me in absolutely no doubt that George
Bush wanted me to come back with a report that said Iraq did this."
I said, `Mr. President. We've done this before. We have been
looking at this. We looked at it with an open mind. There's no
connection...' He came back at me and said, `Iraq! Saddam! Find out
if there's a connection.' And in a very intimidating way. I mean,
that we should come back with that answer."
Clarke said he wrote a report together with the CIA and FBI that
concluded that Iraq had few links with al-Qaida and no involvement
in the September 11 attacks. Clarke said: "We sent it up to the
president and it got bounced by the National Security Adviser or
deputy. It got bounced and sent back saying, `Wrong answer... Do it
again.' I have no idea, to this day, if the President saw it,
because after we did it again, it came to the same conclusion."
What emerges from these descriptions is one central fact about
today's world: The attacks of September 11 were exploited by
the U.S. government to unleash a long-prepared global offensive to
consolidate and extend U.S. domination over the globe, and
especially over key strategic regions like the Persian Gulf.
On one hand, like the gangsters they are, the rulers of the U.S.
felt they had to respond after they were hit on 9/11--but
they responded by pursuing a larger, established plan for enforcing
U.S. domination over the planet.
The so-called "war on terrorism" is fundamentally not about the
"safety of the American people." It is about using U.S. military
superiority to forge a new world order re-organized to better serve
U.S. capitalist interests. It is about imposing new "norms" of U.S.
actions in the world--the so-called Bush Doctrine--that frees the
U.S. government from earlier restraints of alliances, international
treaty and public opinion, and gives them a blank check to use
their military wherever their interests suggest.
A Twisted Use of Apology
Richard Clarke grabbed headlines by publicly apologizing to the
families of 9/11 victims and saying: "Your government failed
you. Those entrusted with protecting you failed you. And I failed
you. We tried hard. But that doesn't matter, because we failed. And
for that failure, I would ask, once all the facts are out, for your
understanding and for your forgiveness."
This seemed, to many, to be a rare and refreshing act of
responsibility in a swamp of finger-pointing and "cover your
But in fact, this "apology" promotes dangerous illusions about
this "global war on terror." It suggests that the "failure" of the
U.S. government was not being aggressive enough, and that new U.S.
assaults must be embraced in the name of "the safety of the people
of the U.S."
This is exactly upside-down.
On September 14, 2001, only days after the attacks on New York
and Washington, the Revolutionary Communist Party argued:
"Who has put the masses in the U.S. in harm's way? The U.S.
power structure points the finger to the Middle East. But the
answer lies on U.S. soil. These imperialists--who have perpetrated
countless crimes and rained havoc on the people of the world
through their relentless global exploitation and their military
actions--have created a situation where millions of people all
around the world hate the government of the United States. As the
dust clears from our eyes, the people in the most powerful country
in the world find ourselves held hostage to the inevitable
repercussions of the actions of this U.S. power structure and their
bloody military machine. Now, besides the horrors that they have
perpetuated against the people around the world--horrors that
multiply the tears shed in NY and Washington a thousand
times--these cold-hearted imperialists have called forth the same
kind of devastation in the belly of their own beast."
This "war on terrorism" is fundamentally a historic and
imperialist grab for world power by the rulers of the U.S. It seeks
to reorganize the world at gunpoint and will not provide "safety
and security" for anyone--inside or outside the U.S.
What does it mean when a "bi-partisan" government commission and
its "bi- partisan" government witnesses all argue that the U.S.
government must be more ruthless in launching wars and
covert actions on other countries--pre-emptively--without proven
cause, without regard to public opinion, and without international
It means there is a consensus in ruling class circles to press
ahead with a reckless and brutal grab for world domination--even
while there is a heated and visible cat-fight among them over how
best to pull all this off.
And it means the challenge of this moment is to reject and
expose all this--especially when it is done, perversely, in the
name of the people and their safety.