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Commentary :: Globalization
Mediocrity Of The Fittest Current rating: -2
13 Mar 2004
Short Science Fiction that may not be Science Fiction at all.
Mediocrity Of The Fittest
by Bill Gallagher

³I do not mean for you to adopt mediocrity,² said the father, again
and again to his son, ³but to give the Illusion of adopting it. The world
is changing quickly, and only by adapting to the changes can you hope to
survive. Anonymity and privacy are about to become obsolete. You are
already in a spotlight of sorts, just because you are my son. In order to
avoid undue scrutiny, your only hope is to blend in with the norm, the
vastness of the herd will protect you, to some degree.²
The boys father, a senior member of an elite intelligence structure
within the US government, knew from whence he spoke. The machinators of
Americas Death had worked long and hard to make America complacent with
electronic toys for entertainment, and that gambit paid off. A lid went on
new technology around 1980, and very few even noticed. Henceforth new
technology became secret, as a means to control the mass in the very worst
way, for reasons of National Security, of course.
And what a God awful bunch of technology there was. Artifacts, both
terrestrial and not, as well as Teslas inventions, and certain other things
stolen from unknown inventors since Tesla, who could safely remain unnamed,
because not only had their technology been assimilated, but their records as
well as themselves became terminated in damnation.
So from early on, the boy was schooled in maintaining a facade of
trying hard, while never seeming to quite grasp things, all the while sating
his voracious intellect with the books given to him by his father, as well
as the occasional ³Secure Briefing², as he came to know the conversations
they had when they were alone.
The boy became a young man, and over time had learned that his father
was of a small rebellious faction within The Agency, which was definitely a
no-no, now that secrecy had become the cloak which designer-crime hid
behind. Eventually his fathers ³Alarming² attitudes were detected, his
basic disagreement with the way The Agency toyed with the destiny of the
country, and before he died of the rotting sickness, he told his son many
things. The very cancer that was taking his life was a contractible form
developed by, and considered a signature of, the very organization he had
worked for. This medical ³Technology² was as much a part of the medical/
insurance structure of the USA as were pharmaceutical medicines and surgery,
and it also dovetailed with other technologies of electronic sort, which
actually accelerated growth of the oh-so-special cancers, funguses, and
other infection types created in Agency funded labs.
³Is it not elegant?² The father had asked his son, from his deathbed in
their Virginia home. ³The insidiousness of it all, the PLANNING, not just
for years, but For DECADES, and going on a CENTURY now. Gross mismanagement
of the taxpayers largess, furthering the fortunes of a few spiritually
retarded non-American families, and made to look like protection. Its a
protection racket, simple as that. Create pain and hunger, both physical
and intellectual, then withhold alleviation.
³The so-called Stewardship of America, touted by the Agency, and the
family that created it, as their number one justification for being, was not
such great stewardship afterall: the Russians were the first to understand
that it was Tesla who had caused The Tunguska Event, as a display for
Morgan. The Tunguska Event was actually an exhibition of Teslas newest
³Military² technology. And as you already know, the dates match up very
well. So the Russians pursued and utilized Teslas technology first; they
caught even The Agency with its pants down, and then they ransomed Americas
continued existence for a big cut of the New World Order....² The coughing
began again, and the grimace of pain on the old mans face contorted his
features into a grinning deaths head. He reached out and grasped his sons
hand, hard. ³Remember. Mediocrity² he hissed, ³Pretend...² Then it was
over. He lay back, and quit breathing. Animate to inanimate, from one
moment to the next.
The boy, now a man, never forgot.


He called himself Revvy, told people it was his nickname from
childhood, if they even asked, and he did his best to blend in, to fit
within the herd, as his life progressed. This became increasingly difficult
as time went on, but he found, even in (Or especially in) mediocrity, minor
wealth, which allowed him to secure for himself certain privacy and freedom
not available to all, and unsuspected by most. The wisdom of his fathers
words were driven home over and over as he watched the monsters behind the
final take-over of America begin their last song and dance. Revvy was then
38 years of age. He also watched as Terrorism struck America, and he became
enraged, but not toward the enemy that pop media scapegoated. Not toward
the enemy his Handlers would have him believe.
To Revvy the destruction of the two buildings in New York by
commercial aircraft was blatant in its diversionary intent, and its homeland
source, and even though the family still running The Agency was going for it
finally, after all the years of murder and deception leading up to this
take-over, even though it was All Going Down, it was easy to see they had
not prepared enough, not nearly enough. And they had made many other
serious mistakes too. These anti-Americans who had taken over Americas
military for foreign powers were already finding it necessary to spin their
first lies about this technology of control, making excuses, as it were,
even to their own side, many of which were beginning to question things
also, and realizing they too had been lied-to all along. These excuses and
lies by the traitor government which had taken over America were palimpsest
layers of deceit, preconceived, and designed, to nullify any questions
concerning the hazards of this technology of control, and the lies were not
just half-baked, but downright ludicrous, to all but the most ignorant and
mind controlled.
The bottom line was this: the dangerous and powerful energy technology
of Tesla was being deployed before Americas eyes, in the skies above their
heads, and the reflective and conductive chemicals were being sprayed daily,
in lines like prison bars across American skies.
One of the lies told by the traitors in power was that it was a
shield, another was that they were just normal clouds. The inundation of
the atmosphere and land with conductive and reflective metallic powders was
actually a vehicle for the propagation of broadcast fields being used by the
traitor government of The Agency for ultra-secure communication, and
all-pervasive surveillance, as well as weather modification and behavior
modification of subject populations. And again, all in the name of National
Security, of course.
Many many people of America were really seeing all this though, and a
large percentage of the Mass were waking up, asking questions.
Alterna-Techno explanations were being furnished by a few scholars of
esoteric technology, and after learning even just a little,
john-on-the-street had no trouble whatsoever seeing the suppression of
inventions which had taken place in the last 23 years, since 1980, so that
the advances could be employed for control, as an automated type of
law-enforcement, and more.
All this truly said something about the mindset of the Agency-traitors,
too. They had really believed the people at large were so conditioned they
would not question, nay, they would not even NOTICE, jets laying down grids
of chemical lines above their heads, or lethargy on weirdly cloudy days, or
VERY odd weather patterns. The traitors were slipping. And they were
beginning to understand that. Their demise took on new aspects of reality.
It was Revvys intent to hurry that demise along as much as possible.
This in fact was the main reason it was becoming so difficult for Revvy
to operate and live without being noticed. He handled it well though;
everything just took a little longer. Each and every step of his plan had
already been choreographed across time, sometimes for years, and for the
most part people were the levers and gears of this anti-machine, unwitting,
perhaps, but never unwilling. He watched. He bided. He Studied and
Worked. As chances to strengthen his plan presented themselves, he spent
time assessing each for probable futures, all the while weighing many other
things, not least of which was avoidance of detection. He had become aware
of numerous human test subjects being tormented by The Agency, and he
watched them too, from afar, until he felt it safe to sometimes approach
them clandestinely, which again, many times took years. Thats how he
finally met the man. The Man. The one to see it all through.


Revvy followed The Man through the crowd of Quartzsite Arizonas annual
Rock and Gem Extravaganza, and he was surprised the guy was taking a break
from his booth where he sold his line of collectible rocks, which he spelled
ROX on his sign. Revvy was very aware of the numerous government operatives
and minor paid ratz in this crowd, as well as the wealth and their private
security. He was dressed drab. Good desert hat, shades, t-shirt under
flannel, and jeans. He listened to his boots crunching the dry gravel and
sand that was Quartzsite, and he hurried his pace. The dude was buying an
ice cream cone. Yes, all Gods chillun¹ gots ta eat. Revvy made ready, and
sidled up to the man as he left the ice cream vendor.
³Hows the scream?² he asked. It was a favorite of his, scream for ice
cream. Amazingly, the man seemed to understand it with ease, because in
between bites he said:
³Was wondering if I could have a few moments of your time. Its rather
The man, the unnamed man, looked around at his walking partner for the
first time.
³Important how?² he asked. ³I kind of have to get back to my
³Its time you had some help,² Revvy said, ³But we have to make it
quick, because many eyes watch here, and there is always that...² He was
pointing upward slightly. The man, making quick work of his ice cream cone
glanced upward at the lines in the sky. A small jet of the world government
was laying down a line as he watched.
³OK,² he said, ³But the quicker the better...²
Revvy said ³Follow me² and led the man to a gigantic vendors tent
where many people were shopping the wares. He turned around to look and
smiled inside himself as he saw the man, who was a few years older than
himself, casually making his way in the same direction, all the while
admiring the behind of one of the rainbow girlz, who was about 21 and had an
admirable bosom, as well as several other attributes endearing her to the
Revvy led the man towards a corner of the huge tent, and handed him a
folded envelope, which the man quickly pocketed. They acted like shoppers
as Revvy talked, facing the products, checking prices.
³Be Very Careful to read that in privacy. When you are done with it,
burn it. This will be very good for both of us, but the directions must be
followed Exactly. They¹re easy. You can do it.² He turned and stuck out
his hand, and gripped the others for just a second. ³Many of your questions
will be answered, but we will never meet again. When you find the box, read
everything carefully, and spend the money wisely. Above all keep doing what
you have been doing. This will make it easier. Good Luck.²
Without another word Revvy was gone. He just walked away, and The Man
pretended to browse a few of the shelves as he too made his way out.
Without so much as a backward glance, he went back to his booth. But he was
changed. As was the world. He suspected none of this then, but he was a
very quick study, which is the reason Revvy had picked him, and he would
soon learn. He never saw Revvy again.


Over the next few months Revvy observed with satisfaction as a mutinous
dissonance occurred among the inside club of the Agency; he saw trickle down
effects that only a few could see, and he knew now that at least some of
them detected the hunter, felt the noose lowering over their necks. This
was good. From library computer terminals he also observed other factors of
his plan, factors effected now by sources of energy other than himself.
Factors like weather patterns, and earthquakes. Factors effected now by The
Man, and his helpers.
Revvy considered his plans over and over again, making adjustments if
needed, but now, finally, adjustments were hardly ever needed at all.
The simple truth of the matter was this: The REAL reason behind the
Ultra-Secrecy and denials surrounding the traitors technology-of-control was
a fact so simple as to be horrifying: energies of a planetary scale are huge
beyond comprehension. But with just a little energy in the right places,
this planetary grid can be manipulated and employed, to great effect and
extent. And anybody can do it. The traitors actually facilitated that,
with their technology of treason which entailed creating great conductivity
and reflectivity within the atmosphere itself. The means of manipulating
this situation were huge antennae spread far and wide, they were everywhere,
and the controls of the antennae are easily hacked by adepts with broadcast
computer equipment. And finally, if that failed, antennae were very easy to
build, too. As well as many other things. Nikola Teslas first earthquake
machine was a trip-hammer device used to input a certain frequency of energy
into the earth via an iron beam driven into the ground. It worked so well
he had to take a sledge hammer to the motor which was driving the trip
hammer, in order to shut the machine down. It shook buildings for many
blocks in the vicinity, and was just the first of such devices. Tesla got
better and better at that, and his patents are still public information.
Now, with the present technology that is just laying around in dumps, and
thrift stores and places like Quartzsite Arizona, even BETTER things can be
built. Lightweight. Easy to conceal. More effective.
And from the looks of things that was beginning to happen. The Man
was busy, the evidence was clear, and he was becoming invisible to the
traitors. ³Very good,² thought Revvy, ³Very Good.²
As Revvy readied yet another package for burial in a secure spot, he
thought ahead, and hoped it would not ever need to be accessed, but better
to be safe than sorry. These secretions of his were a dance across time,
and it was certainly a fine day when he had been able to direct The Man from
Quartzsite to his package and destiny. He wondered what The Man had thought
about the package when he had first found it. No matter, the information
was at work, so the end result was as intended. The man now knew that Tesla
was just the first tweaker of the worlds energy grid during this latest
civilization, this latest time of Man, this fifth world. He also knew that
the energy had been used in several of mans worlds, as the relics of the
fourth world were still in evidence. The three original Egyptian pyramids,
as well as some of the South American Pyramids, were foci and transmitters
for this type of energy, and Teslas Magnifying Transmitter was as a squirt
gun to a Cannon in comparison. But even this type of energy had never saved
Man from the threat outside, the impact cataclysms that have ALWAYS ended
things in fire and ice on this planet.
Men like those of The Agency had always ruled, by stealing and killing
and lying, threatening their way into power, all the while exhibiting their
basic and true simianship in the sense that they had no clue about the long
term, and it showed. It has always shown.
Revvy continued to monitor the weather and earthquakes, and was
pleasantly surprised to see that the weather patterns were becoming even
More Weird in places, and there were some tell-tale seismic happenings going
on too, a warm up of sorts, in places where seismic activity was usually not
too prevalent. The Man and his helpers were wresting control from the
agency. From the foreign military. From the take-over powers. A
relatively easy thing to do right now, as the traitors still had no idea
anyone else even suspected their true manipulations. Revvy couldn¹t be sure
but he thought something was coming. Something big. He was right. It
happened during the republican convention of 2004. Immediately following
the largest earthquake ever recorded in the Northeast United States, New
York City as well as twenty to fifty miles surrounding it, fell into the
Atlantic Ocean. Simultaneously London England was wrecked by Earthquake
with huge fireballs and lightening from the ground demolishing the banking
district there.
See also:

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Mediocrity Is Believing Anything billder Posts
Current rating: 0
13 Mar 2004