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[anti-Semtic Headline Deleted] Current rating: 0
04 Mar 2004
March 4 2004

Most Christian televangelist organizations support Israel. They support Israel even though the Jewish government has sponsored public burnings of the New Testament.
I can prove the shocking statement I just made, and have a lot more shocking things to tell you in this broadcast. I know that many of you hearing this broadcast are not aware about the things I claim here, but I can document and prove it everything I say here, and I can do it from Jewish sources themselves!

Here are a few more things that most Christian Americans are not aware of.

Israel has laws that make Christian evangelizing a serious crime punishable by imprisonment.

Orthodox Judaism, the official state-sanctioned religion of Israel, in its most important religious writing, The Talmud, calls Jesus Christ a bastard, Mary a whore, and says that Jesus Christ has been conjured up from hell by Jewish priests and boiled in hot semen.

Devout Jewish priests in Israel are taught to spit three times upon seeing a Christian cross or a Christian church, Some Jewish priests in Israeli are actually taught that when passing a Christian cemetery, they should quote "curse the mothers of the dead."

Imagine if a major order of the Catholic Church commanded its followers to spit three times upon seeing a Star of David or passing a synagogue, or instructed them, when they pass a Jewish cemetery, to "curse the mothers of the dead." Would this anti-Jewish hatred be covered up by the media-- would it be accepted? In fact, the Catholic Church was condemned in the mass media for a centuries old prayer sentence that simply asked for God's mercy on infidels, heretics and Jews. The Catholic Church subsequently removed the offending passage. "But Christian leaders" do not dare to say a critical word about the vicious anti-Christian teachings of Judaism.

Ironically, the Jews will accuse me of quote "hate" and anti-Semitism" for simply exposing the hatred expressed by Jewish supremacists toward non-Jews and Christians.

The pro-Israel ministers have been brainwashed by the same anti-Christian, Jewish-run media that opposes the Christian position on every major moral issue such as abortion and pornography, but they quietly accept the media's biased position on Israel. Why, because, they know they can criticize abortion and pornography and still have their TV programs broadcast and bring in their 30 pieces of silver, but if they said one word criticizing Jews or Israel they know that a raging storm would fall upon their heads, and the Jewish media moguls would pull their plug! They would face character assassination and financial ruin.

It is similar to the conversation that President Richard Nixon had with the Reverend Billy Graham. Graham told Nixon that the Jewish Stranglehold on the media in America was ruining the country. Nixon agreed wholeheartedly with Graham but he counseled Graham never to admit that fact in public. Of course, Rev. Graham and Richard Nixon never did say a public word about what they say as a dire threat to the American people. When asked by the media about the taped conversation, Graham at first said he did not remember talking with Nixon about the terrible damage done by the Jewish stranglehold on the American media, and then publicly repudiated his statement to Nixon. Graham as well as all of us, knows of the career suicide of exposing Jewish supremacism, evil and treachery.

Another reminder of this power is comes from a Brit Hume show on Fox News last December when correspondent Carl Cameron pointed out that if anyone in the FBI dared to publicly expose and condemn Israeli spying against the United States, that it quote, "would be career suicide." Now let that sink in. If an official entrusted to enforcing the Constitution of the United States and our laws dares to try to prosecute Jewish espionage, he is committing quote, "career suicide." This is even after the terrible damage inflicted upon America by the Jewish spy Jonathan Pollard.

So, do you really have any doubt about who really rules the government of the United States? Sen. Fullbright was certainly right when he said that Israel controls the United States Senate, yes the Senate and much more! Imagine, a foreign power controlling our Government. There is a word for those who support the illegal actions of a foreign nation over their own nation. It is called TREASON. But Jewish media supremacy hides all this and covers up the truth, just as it covered up the recently apprehended -- biggest spy ring in American history; an Israeli spy ring that supported the 9-11 attacks. Instead of being prosecuted and exposed, they were quietly sent back to Israel so we the American people would not learn of Israeli treachery against us. And, of course, Jewish media supremacy cooperated fully in suppressing what should have been a huge media story.

If you are not aware of these things, I can prove every statement I have made in this broadcast. If anyone proves them to be untrue, I will resign my position as President of the European-American Unity and Rights organization, and never say an ill word about Israel again. If you want documentation on these facts, go to my chapters from My Awakening on Jewish Supremacism posted on this website, I have a thousand footnotes and references on these issues, check them out for yourself. If you have even a shred of doubt about the Jewish Supremacy over the American mass media, read my thoroughly documented chapter on Jewish media control and I promise you, you will no longer have any doubt about it.

Do you need more proof of the Evil of Israel? Consider the following.

Israel was formed by terrorizing and ethnically cleansing 800,000 Palestinians from their homes, farms, and businesses. (Israel still does not even allow them return to the place of their birth)

Israel has committed hundreds of massacres against Palestinians and others who have opposed their evil. In Lebanon, Israel's Ariel Sharon organized the cold-blooded massacre of 1,500 Palestinian men women and children at the Sabre and Chatila camps in Beirut. At least 15,000 civilians were killed in the Israeli invasion and tens of thousands of homes destroyed.

Israel has militarily occupied the West Bank of Palestine for 35 years completely oppressing it's 3 million inhabitants. During this period it has jailed hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. Israelis tortured at least 100,000 Palestinians in their dungeons. Over the years, Israel has sent missiles into crowded neighborhoods and refugee camps killing thousands of women and children.

Israel is nation occupying another nation against their will, violating every principle of freedom supposedly sacred to the United States. Israel has also violated many UN resolutions to withdraw from this territory, even many of them that the United States voted for.

Ironic isn't it, spouting moral platitudes for freedom, we went to war against Saddam Hussein for invading and occupying Kuwait and disobeying UN resolutions to withdraw, but where our quest for freedom when it comes to the occupied lands of the Palestinians? Israel violates every principle of freedom, and yet we support it and provide the very weapons Israel uses to kill Palestinians. Is it any wonder why hatred and terrorism is growing against the American people? It is truly in America's best interests to support Israel? Of course it isn't, in fact our unconditional support of Israel's evil is the major reason why Americans have suffered the Trade Center attacks and will suffer increasing terrorism in the years ahead.

Many of these Israeli atrocities have been committed against Christians, for a significant percentage of the Palestinians are Christians. How do the Christian televangelists justify this oppression and murder of Christians by the very anti-Christian nation: Israel?

I want to share with you a very recent news item that should offer you some final proof of the evil of Israel. It comes from the French Press Agency (AFP) (much like AP in the United States) of March2. 2002.

In the recent Israeli occupation of the Palestinian town Ramallah, the army took over three of the four television stations. In control of the three stations, Al-Watan, Ammwaj, and Al-Sharaq channels. The Israelis began broadcasting hard-core pornography into the Palestinian homes beginning about 3:30 pm in the first day of their occupation.

The reaction of the devoutly religious Palestinians to the Israeli pornography was pointed. The article quotes a number of Palestinians on this latest Israeli outrage, quote:

Anita, a 52-year-old mother of three children, complained about "the deliberate psychological damage caused by these broadcasts".
"I am furious, these are the people who are shooting at us that also play this disgusting trick on us," she said.

Yes, the supposedly moral, upstanding, wonderful nation that the United States supports with billions of tax dollars is broadcasting hard-core pornography as part of their war to destroy the Palestinian people. Next time a Christian minister says we should support Israel, ask him if we should support Israel broadcasting hard-cord pornography to Palestinian children?

Any Americans who have a shred of moral fiber, Christian or not, need to know the true nature of Israel, who is not America's ally, but an evil, anti-Christian, long-standing enemy of every people on earth that is not Jewish. They seek Jewish Supremacism not only over all of Palestine, but over the whole world.

Of course, why should anyone be surprised that Israel is broadcasting pornography into Palestinian homes? They do the same thing in America, but are just a little more subtle here. Jewish Hollywood and TV relentlessly attacks the moral fiber of the American people. As Billy Graham said, the Jewish stranglehold over the media is destroying our country.

When will learn that the Palestinian problem is our problem?

As Palestine is occupied, so are we.

At least the Palestinians though, know that they are occupied,

While the American people still operate under the illusion that we have a free press, and a government of, by and for the people. In reality is become a government and a media of, by and for Jewish supremacists.

Actually, the Palestinians are in some way more free than we are, for they at least know that they have a mortal enemy bent on destroying their heritage, culture and rights and even existence, while we European-Americans face a far more dangerous occupation: the control of our minds through an almost total Jewish supremacy of the media. Jewish supremacists have the same objectives in America and Europe as they do in Palestine. They want total supremacy over our nations and our peoples.

American support of Evil Israel is a clear manifestation of the fact that we truly are not free. If we love freedom, if we believe our people have a right to preserve our way of life and our heritage, we must, with all of our strength and devotion, oppose the Jewish supremacism that threatens us all.

"Israeli Principal and Teachers Dismissed for Burning New Testament"

11:04 Dec-30-01, 15 Tevet 5762

Israeli Principal and Teachers Dismissed for Burning New Testament
( The principal of the Beit Shemesh based Orot School, Rabbi Yair Bachar, and a teacher, Ronen Tzarum, were temporarily suspended from their positions by Ministry of the Education Director-General Ronit Tirosh after they burned a copy of the New Testamant in the classroom last week. The bible was brought by a student who explained it was given to him by a missionary.

Tirosh indicated that a committee will determine what action is to be taken against the two.

Statement by Professor Israel Shahak on the Jewish hatred towards Christianity

Dishonouring Christian religious symbols is an old religious duty in Judaism. Spitting on the cross, an especially on the Crucifix, and spitting when a Jew passes a church, have been obligatory from around AD 200 for pious Jews. In the past, when the danger of anti-Semitic hostility was a real one, the pious Jews were commanded by their rabbis either to spit so that the reason for doing so would be unknown, or to spit onto their chests, not actually on the cross or openly before the church. The increasing strength of the Jewish state has caused these customs to become more open again but there should be no mistake: The spitting on the cross for converts from Christianity to Judaism , organized in Kibbutz Sa'ad and financed by the Israeli government is an act of traditional Jewish piety. It does not seize to be barbaric, horrifying and wicked because of this! On the contrary, it is worse because it is so traditional, and much more dangerous as well, just as the renewed anti-Semitism of the Nazis was dangerous, because in part, it played on the traditional anti-Semitic past.

This barbarous attitude of contempt and hate for Christian religious symbols has grown in Israel. In the 1950s Israel issued a series of stamps representing pictures of Israeli cities. In the picture of Nazareth, there was a church and on its top a cross - almost invisible, perhaps the size of a millimeter. Nevertheless, the religious parties, supported by many on the Zionist "left" made a scandal and the stamps were quickly withdrawn and replaced by an almost identical series from which the microscopic cross was withdrawn.

Then there was the long-drawn-out battle about Christian influence in elementary arithmetic. Pious Jews object to the international plus sign for it is a cross, and it may in their opinion, influence little children to convert to Christianity. Another "explanation" holds; it would then be difficult to "educate" them to spit on the cross, if they become used to it in their arithmetic exercises. Until the early 1970s two different sets of arithmetic books were used in Israel. One for the secular schools, employing an inverted "T" sign. In the early '70's the religious fanatics "converted" the Labour Party to the great danger of the cross in arithmetic, and from that time, in all Hebrew elementary schools (and now many high schools as well) the international plus sign has been forbidden.

Similar development is visible in other areas of education. Teaching the New Testament was always forbidden, but in the old time conscientious teachers of history used to circumvent the prohibition, by organizing seminars or sending the students to libraries (not the school libraries, of course). About 10 years ago there was a wave of denouncing such teachers. One in Jerusalem was almost sacked, for advising her history pupils, who were studying the history of Jews in Palestine around 30-40 AD, that it would be a good thing if they would read a few chapters of the New Testament as a historical aid. She retained her post only after humbly promising not to do this again.

However in recent years, anti-Christian feelings are literally exploding in Israel (and among Israel-worshipping Jews in Diaspora too) together with the increase of the Jewish fanaticism in all other areas too.

The real enemies of truth here, as in many other aspects of the Israel reality, are the socialists, "liberals", "radicals", etc. in the USA. Imagine the reaction of the US Liberals, and of such papers as The Nation and New York Review of Books, not to speak of the New York Times if in any state whatsoever, the government financed spitting on a Star of David? But when here in Israel, the government finances the spitting on a cross, they are and will continue to be, quite silent. More than this, they helpt to finance it. United States taxpayers, who are of course mostly Christians, are financing at least half the Israeli budget, one way or another, and therefore the spitting on the cross too.

Professor Israel Shahak is an Israeli citizen, former concentration camp inmate during WW II, and the founder of Israel's Human Rights League. His new book "Jewish History, Jewish Religion" about Jewish hatred and contempt toward Gentiles, is highly recommended.

Copyright by the author. All rights reserved.
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