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Announcement :: Media |
More Media Bias and Slander, Disinformation etc |
Current rating: 0 |
by David Johnson Email: unionyes (nospam) (unverified!) Phone: 356-8247 |
22 Sep 2006
Modified: 11:23:27 AM |
Last Sunday's News Gazette editorial featured an attack a longtime union and anti-war activist! |
FW. Bob Wahlfeldt wrote a letter to the News Gazette identifying himself as a WW-2 veteran and opposing the appearnce of an Army reserve colonel at a local grade school who was quoted in the News Gazette as telling the
children that ; " we are in a war against terorism against people who are intolerant of other people's beliefs ".
FW. Wahlfeldt stated that this was recruitment and propoganda for Bush's war.
The Publishing Editor of the News Gazette ( John Foreman ) wrote a THREE column opinion piece ( last Sunday 9 / 17 / 06 ) attacking all whocriticized Bush's war as the " bash America first crowd " and specifically attacked FW. Bob Wahlfeldt as a ; " draftee potato peeler in Virginia for the duration of WW -2 ". FYI , FW. Wahlfeldt was a Navy rescue swimmer who from 1943 to 1945 swam in shark infested waters and artillery
barrages from enemy ships and planes, to rescue downed U.S. pilots and torpedoed ship survivors.
This publisher of the News Gazette ( John Foreman ) reveled his extremist right-wing ideology and his ignorance in this opinion piece and refused to meet with FW Wahlfeldt on Monday and Tuesday when FW. Wahlfeldt went
to the News Gazette with his military service records in hand.
This attack on FW. Wahlfeldt is the brick that has broken the camels back with the News Gazette and their skewed right-wing biased reporting. whose views are not shared by the vast majority of this community, not to mention their refusal to cover and almost total media black-out of any Labor
Lets give them something to report about or at the very least, show the community that we are sick of their lies and distortions.
Saturday October 7th has been suggested as a tenative date to fight back against this right-wing rag that pretends to be a community newspaper.
Please respond to let me know if you are willing and able to come out for this picket.
More than likely it would be at 1pm.
FW ( Fellow Worker ) David Johnson
posted for DJ, working class hero, by Paul Mueth who suggests that the comment area be used to dsicuss co-ordinate media actions, letters, demonstrating at NG office or at Foreman's house if it's near busy street with sidewalks |
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