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A Series of Eyewitness Accounts from Police Raid On Italy IMC and GSF |
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by SF Bay IMC, reposted by Paul R. (No verified email address) |
22 Jul 2001
Many injuries, much blood. Many eyewitness reports of July 22, 2001 police raid (around midnight) on Italy Indymedia Center and also other Genoa Social Forum (GSF) buildings nearby and across the street. All are in Genoa, Italy. Genoa (for those living in a cave) is the site of the G8 (Group of 8) meeting, and mass protests of over one hundred thousand people from over a thousand groups. A broad spectrum of groups seeking economic, environmental, and social justice |
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Italy Independent Media Center.
Italy Indymedia is sometimes offline. Try later if problems, and also check out other Indymedia sites. Many are covering Genoa G8.
Latest reports are on top. Time is listed for each report.
Police in brutal raid on G8 protesters\' press centre
GENOA, Italy, July 22 (AFP) [Agence France-Presse] -
Italian police conducted a brutal lightning raid on the press centre of the anti-globalisation movement Genoa Social Forum early Sunday, AFP journalists reported.
The raid began shortly after midnight and ended just before 2 am (0000 GMT).
Yelling, the police smashed open the door and barged into the building on the via Cesare Battisti where there were around 50 people inside.
As people threw themselves on the ground they were kicked and clubbed by the police. Around 40 were injured in the raid, according to the Forum, a figure that was disputed by Genoa police.
Afterwards there was blood all over the place. One injured man with a huge bruise on his cheek said young policemen continued to club and kick people on the ground even when an officer shouted at them to stop.
The police were looking for film and photographs in the possession of the organizers of the anti-G8 demonstrations which degenerated into violence Friday and Saturday, resulting in one death and many wounded in clashes with security forces, the GSF said.
Others images from the attack
by Indymedia France 4:28am Sun Jul 22 \'01
nico (at)
Others images from the attack
Report on BBC
by nz 4:16am Sun Jul 22 \'01
BBC World Radio has just reported the raid on the GSF and
italy.indymedia site.
BBC. World Radio News has just reported the raid on the
GSF Building and italy indymedia NZ Time 2.10 pm.
The serious beatings, and the pools of blood in the GSF Building were well described as the result of police brutality.
The groups involved were referred to as anticapitalists
who organised the protest marches against the G8 and those
who were beaten as protestors against the G8. The report
went on to say that the protestors were asleep inside the
GSF and their report came from a BBC journalist who was present at the raid.
Report on BBC
by nz 4:11am Sun Jul 22 \'01
BBC World Radio has just reported the raid on the GSF and
italy.indymedia site.
BBC. World Radio News has just reported the raid on the
GSF Building and italy indymedia. The serious beatings, and the pools of blood in the GSF Building were well described.
The groups were referred to, not as anti-globalisation but as anti-capitalist, and those beaten as protestors against the G8. They said their report came from an official media journalist who was present at the raid.
IMC in the GSF
by imcista 3:59am Sun Jul 22 \'01
This is how the Indymdeia centre looked just after the Carabinieri left.
Police raid sleeping, protesters injure dozens (photo)
by Devin Asch 3:38am Sun Jul 22 \'01
masterdevin (at)
Blood stains in the gsf building (across the street from IMC)where protesters were severly beaten. More than twenty were badly injured and taken from the building on streachers. The number of arrests in has not been released.
Police Raid GSF, IMC other groups
by el pato 2:53am Sun Jul 22 \'01
At half past twelve, police raided the media building which housed the Genoa Social Forum, the Independent Media Center, legal and medical support groups.
At half past twelve, the police raided the Media Center in Genoa which contains the Indy Media Center, Legal Support, and Medical teams. At first the police attempted to enter on the ground floor, but the doors were quickly barricaded against them.
Many activists, journalists and others outside were beaten by police. There were dozens of injuries. Before long police were in the building and entered the third floor where indymedia is located.
IMC journalists stood with hands against the walls of the halls. Police gathered all journalists, and then searched the rooms. The confiscated mini discs, a digital camera, and other materials, like gas masks and swiss army knives.
Soon after, an official of some sort of officials (a woman) arrived and told police to leave. The police left this building and went out side where police vans and riot police were parked.
There were a number of representatives of official press in the building, and they documented much of these events. The Genoa Social Forum gathered to hold a news conference, and went out to the street to meet with more press.
From the window, we could see riot police try to take GSF people behind police lines, but there was much resistance. For the next one and a half hours, police beat many people, and there is blood visable in many places.
At the school across from this building, it is reported that police entered around the same time they came here. Activists who were staying there were lined up against the wall, and reportedly beaten. Witnesses report blood all over the halls of this building.
It is now 2:55 am, and police have left the area. People are milling about in the street and both buildings, shocked at what has happened.
Calmer at the IMC
by Hanna 2:31am Sun Jul 22 \'01
The situation is a bit easier at the IMC now. The police cars are still there, but further away. Everyone from the school is getting arrested. The rumours of deaths have not been confirmed.
People inside the IMC saw two black bags being carried from the school. They looked suspiciously like body bags. That\'s all that is know right now, although I don\'t speak Italian.
The police that charged into the IMC building were in plain clothes, only wearing a vest with the text \"policia\".
Lots of people have been hurt, many quite seriously.
People that are free to move are hoping to get on a train and somewhere as far from Genoa as possible - and fast.
by militant_0 (at) 1:36am Sun Jul 22 \'01
address: militant_0 (at)
fascist way to stop the truth
the police using fascist methods forced people to lie down on the ground, then kicked their bodies and hurt them with sticks.
computers were crashed and floppies/CDs were stolen, many injured persons.
all this is horrible.
all this gotta stop.
hasta siempre
Situation at the IMC
by Hanna 1:26am Sun Jul 22 \'01
hanna.nikkanen (at)
Several injuries, as police has charged into IMC and the school opposite. IMC journalist has the attack to the school on video.
One British IMC-journalist is badly injured. He had been lying still at the schoolyard for a while before he was taken away in an ambulance twenty minutes ago.
At least three people have been carried to ambulances from the school, last with a bloody bandage covering his/her head. Several others have been able to walk in on their own feet.
There are at least a hundred fully armed riot police waiting between the school and IMC building.
The place is swarming with press.
Lots of people are leaving the stadium, afraid that it will be attacked next.
news from police in mediacenter
by tx0 1:23am Sun Jul 22 \'01
Agnoletto talking at radio
Agnoletto is talking at radio reporting about intrusion at mediacenter.
Police said they invoked article 41 about permission to intrude in search for weapons and other bellic material. In mediacenter they\'ll found just press material and medical supplies.
6 ppl exited mediacenter seriously wounded taken away on ambulance.
police left indymedia centre
by keep cool 1:22am Sun Jul 22 \'01
police left the building but at the house in opposit they hit people who sleep badly
the police entered the building of indymedia. everyone had to lay on earth. they destroied the computers of legal service. after laywers showed up and declared the act as illegal they left.
at the building in oppoisit, where peopèle have been sleeping they hit people sirious without any matter.
their behaviour was like in southamerika
they are so fashist bastards
by tx0 1:18am Sun Jul 22 \'01
police declarations about motivations of entering in mediacenter
Police claims a patrol car has been hit by a rock dropped out a window of mediacenter. Claims also that a policeman has been hurt with a knife. Reported founding of molotov bottles, lead pipes and rocks. 50 ppl arrested. Also reported presence of black block ppl inside mediacenter
police beat up people opposite imc
by indy 1:13am Sun Jul 22 \'01
after the imc left from the genoa imc, the situation is still not clear. the police also stormed the building opposite the imc and beat a lot of people. now they dont let someone in. some ambulances arrrived.
it seemd that there are a lot of people beaten bzy police in the building opposite thje imc. the police is still blocking the door. some ambulances arrived and the situation can escalte again. more information soon.
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Situation is still going on!!!!
by Finnish IMC 1:19am Sun Jul 22 \'01
Situation is still going on!!!!
Police are coming back IMC!!!Make a rating on this comment.
Police wants to take all proofs regarding their actions against the protesters
by caraspa 1:02am Sun Jul 22 \'01
all audio or video which was used to denounce the police infiltration in the BB is being sized by the police here in Indymedia
The siezure of all material against police is being seized here in the school where indymedia was working. We are still surrounded bz lots of police and we can not move from inside. We need help to denounce this action and the lack of freedom of press. There are people who are being beaten.
POLICE RAIDED GSF AND IMC center in via Cesare battisti in genoa
by indymedia 12:59am Sun Jul 22 \'01
radiogap recording while raided by the police.
mp3 64kbit mono - 2.2M
GSF HQ raided
by imc 12:45am Sun Jul 22 \'01
44 minutes of police raid at GSF HQ and location of Indymedia journalists- will update when possible
do not know what has happened to others
Police, indymedia and radiogap
by Key 12:45am Sun Jul 22 \'01
The police are impounding materials
There are deputys, lawyers and foreign reporters. They
say they can get in because they are searching for weapons.
No italian media in there
media center: voices under siege
by tx0 12:41am Sun Jul 22 \'01
tx0 (at)
Italian police are confiscating floppy and videos from media center. RadioGap was cut for more than 15 minutes. Now restarted broadcasting. It\'s imperative to amplify the news throug conventional media. Broadcast latest facts everywhere!!!
Italian police are confiscating floppy and videos from media center. RadioGap was cut for more than 15 minutes. Now restarted broadcasting. It\'s imperative to amplify the news throug conventional media. Broadcast latest facts everywhere!!!
carabinieri start entering school centre !
by activist 12:25am Sun Jul 22 \'01
address: sergio.o (at) trasgu (at)
The police is attacking the indymedia centre in the school centre in Genova. It is clear that the reason is taken the material for indymedia.
The police is still here. Press and lawers have been called.
Also the building in front of the school, a space where people was sleeping is being attacked by the police.
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police entering in mediacenter, last news
by tx0 12:34am Sun Jul 22 \'01
pepople has been devided in two groups, laying on the floor, voices claim that they want to get back videos about manifestations
Police inside Indymedia and RadioGap
by Key 12:21am Sun Jul 22 \'01
lots of tanks
Hundreds of policeman outside. All the people is being
identificated. They are picking up injured people.
People is being beaten up
They are \"interested\" in indymedia people at the moment
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by # 12:28am Sun Jul 22 \'01
how can we help?
we are still surrounded by the police in Indymedia Genova
by yops 12:42am Sun Jul 22 \'01
Please tell all media internationally that we are here inside a school used by indymedia to work with Genova Social Forum and now police have entered and we are surrounded by them and we cannot go outside. We need help from lawyers and medical doctors. Please we are asking to all people to make everything possible to do whatever action so we are not emprisoned or hurt. IT IS REALLY IMPORTANT TO USE THIS INFORMATION TO SPREAD THE LACK OF LIBERTY TO EXPRESS AND TO MEET. SEND URGENTLY AID IN ORDER FOR US TO GET OUT OF HERE SAFELY!
cabinerai outside IMCUK
by ç 12:03am Sun Jul 22 \'01
4 cabineria van pulled up outside IMC and banging on door trying to get in
police surrounding media center please help
by YOPS 12:03am Sun Jul 22 \'01
please help us here in genova. all police is surrounding the media center, please call all international media to announce and denounce this information. URGENT PLEASE HELP
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NPR covered the raid |
by mid america (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 22 Jul 2001
In NPR's hourly newscasts this morning, their first story described the closing of the meeting, Bush's isolation on global warming, and today's meeting with Putin on star wars. The second story was a short description of the police raid, although they didn't mention the raid on the IMC, and the most of the reporter's comments centered on police assertions that 'bomb-making materials' and weapons were found inside. |