Photo: Carlo Guiliani, murdered by the Italian police on Friday, July 20 in the streets of Genoa. We will never forget.
Over 100,000 people were in the streets of Genoa, Italy, on Friday to express dissent against the closed meetings of the Group of 8. The 'G8' - leaders of the world's most economically powerful countries - meet yearly to discuss general international policy direction. Demonstrators from all over Europe have converged on Genoa to protest the undemocratic nature of the global social planning of the G8 meetings and to present alternative visions of the way the world's population could undo poverty, inequality
and environmental disintegration.
Italian authorities tried to derail the protests by creating a barricaded "no go" red zone near summit sites, deploying 20,000 riot police and army troops armed with tear gas, batons, and water cannons. Earlier authorities restricted border traffic, blocking entry to thousands of activists, and sealed off Genoa's harbor, airport and most trainstations. Yet, the manifestations [protests] have been extensive and spirited.
The protests mark the climax of the European Summer of Resistance ( which included festivals and demonstrations around the continent in places like Barcelona, Bonn, Gothenburg, and Salzburg where
activists expressed dissent against the severe consequences of neoliberal economic globalization and mobilized to create social models and actions toward global democracy. On Thursday, over 50,000 were in streets to state their protest for, and offer alternatives to, worldwide immigration policy.
From July 16-22, the Genoa Social Forum ( is hosting organizations and groups from around the world who seek alternatives to the current destructive policies pursued by Western governments. The mainstream press, beyond the usual distortions of focusing on violence by the few, are beginning to consider the movement’s positions and question the legitimacy of extensive, repressive police buildups in response to popular protest.
On Friday, while over 100,000 persons protested, thousands participated in acts of organized civil disobedience. Headed by the Italian Ya Bastas and Tutte Bianchi, activists attempted in variouslocations to break through the sealed off 'Red Zone' G8 security barriers.
There has been one confirmed death in Genoa today of a young man, Carlo Giuliani. He was then run over by a police vehicle. IMC-Italy has a picture sequence of the protester at the time of his deat(
There are still unconfirmed reports of a death of a woman. At least two others received serious injuries to the face after being hit with 40mm tear gas canisters. Many other people were injured. Alternative press members have been beaten and their equipment destroyed.
Similarly to previous alternative globalization protests, solidarity demonstrations have been organized worldwide against the G8 and the police violence in (see local IMC websites, left column, global site) locations such as Athens, Australia, Barcelona, Buenos Aires, Germany, Los Angeles, New York City, Salzburg, Stockholm, San Francisco/Berkeley, Vancouver, and Washington DC.
A call for further solidarity protests is here:
Thursday saw a massive demonstration by migrants and anti-G8 protesters. At least 50,000 people met in the late afternoon to march through the town along the red zone. Migrants, greens, anarchists, communists, members of non-governmental organizations and many more demonstrated against the G8-meeting and policies that open the borders to trade, money and power while closing them to poor immigrants, refugees and dissenters. Thousands of people were prevented by authorities from reaching Genoa in the past few days.Earlier in the week the Genoa Social Form held educational events.
Schedule of Genoa actions:
* July 19th: The migrant march.*
* July 20th: First day of the summit. Activists lay siege to G8 to set free a city and a world under sequestration.
* July 21st:. The big march.
* July 16th to 22nd July: Genoa Social Forum
Program of Demonstrations for July 19-21
This post includes 1. Complete program of the demonstrations on 20th July; 2. Proposal of the development of the Manifestations of Public Square of the GSF in Genoa, 19-20-21 July 2001; 3. Complete program of Public forum (Genoa Social Forum)
A Day Of Battle
by Michael McCaughan, 1:10am Sat Jul 21
Authors summary: "The 150,000 people gathered in Genoa today represent the suffering majority whose dignity is denied each day, forced to beg, starve or die so that corporations and politicians can enjoy shameful wealth." Michael summarizes some of events of Friday and offers general arguments points against neoliberal globalization.
Genova 20th personal report (english)
by Brian:
Brian elaborates on the various protests actions and craziness of the street fights in Genoa.
From June in Genoa (english)
by June Terpstra
Eyewitness account from Italian-American June C. Terpstra. -
This series of stories from streets of Genoa are full of color, front line reporting, critical insight, and revolutionary passion.
7/20, late:
July 19th Report from Genova
by anti-capitalist 12:18pm Wed Jul 18 '01
Pictures of the various activist spaces: convergence center, media office, stadium where direct action activists meet, and surrounds.
By anti-capitalist on march on the 19th.
Globalise Resistance train let through (italian and english)
Quote from story: "The Globalise Resistance train which was cancelled yesterday by the SNCF, has just been given the go ahead after pressure had been applied by the French Rail Trade Unions. Railway company SCNF was told that they must cancel the train following a high level meeting between the Italian authorities and Jean-Claude Gayssot, the French Minister of Transport. The train had been paid for and was perfectly legal."
Police repression (italian and english)
by IMC ITALY by caparossa 1:24pm Tue Jul 17 '01
Reports of police searches.
From Germany to Genoa, Europe Cracks Down on Political Dissent (english)
by Popolo Seattle 12:23pm Tue Jul 17 '01 (Modified on 5:58pm Tue Jul 17 '01)
As the Italian government heightens security in Genoa for the upcoming G-8 summit, other nations, including Germany and the Czech Republic, are instituting draconian reforms to halt the burgeoning anti-corporate globalization movement.
What the Protesters in Genoa Want (english)
by Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri, 6:42pm Fri Jul 20 '01
By best selling authors of recently released _Empire_, a call for global democracy.
The authors write in this indymedia post: “The ruling ideology about the present form of globalization is that there is no alternative. And strangely, this restricts both the rulers and the ruled. … Protest movements are an integral part of a democratic society and, for this reason alone, we should all thank those in the streets in Genoa, whether we agree with them or not. Protest movements, however, do not provide a practical blueprint for how to solve problems, and we should not expect that of them. They seek rather to transform the public agenda by creating political desires for a better future.
"We see seeds of that future already in the sea of faces that stretches from the streets of Seattle to those of Genoa. One of the most remarkable characteristics of these movements is their diversity: trade unionists together with ecologists together with priests and communists. We are beginning to see emerge a multitude that is not defined by any single identity, but can discover commonality in its multiplicity."
Now it's a turning point!!!
by Flaco, 3:49am Sat Jul 21 '01
(Modified on 4:34am Sat Jul 21 '01)
A call for global General Strike: "From everyone who walked away from the streets of Genoa today, and from our brother Carlo Giulliani who was gunned down for caring too much, the call is going out to the workers, the players and the carers of the world: the time has come to say: Ya Basta!. Enough is Enough. On Monday the workers of Italy are threatening to embark on a general strike in defiance of a global elite who think they can kill those who will not tow the party line. And, the call is going out from Genoa to the people of every country on this planet. Join us, and down tools in solidarity with Carlo and the millions who died alongside him, and demand that we finally set this planet on the road to a genuine, inclusive
Italy Indymedia Manifesto
by Indymedia Italia 1:35pm Sat Jun 30 '01 (Modified on 8:49am Tue Jul 17 '01) (italian) (english) (german) (spanish)
"We were born one year ago in Bologna, in June 2000, during the days of protest against the Ocse meeting. A group of young media-activists of the social centre network felt the need to add to the already existing channels of digital counter-information, a tool that could go beyond the undergrounds of communication. We wanted to reach out to the masses with a new form oflanguage, that would challenge the corporate mainstream exactly where it seems still inaccessible and prohibitive given the expenses: the moving image, the streaming video."
What's wrong with the G8
by WSM 6:30am Wed Jul 18 '01 (Modified on 8:12am Wed Jul 18 '01)
From article: "Make no mistake, in Genoa, as elsewhere two incompatible visions of the world will collide. On the one side are the G8, the most powerful governments of the planet. They are Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Great Britain, Italy, Russia and the United States. … The G8 summits effectively decide what sort of world you and your children will live in. Behind closed doors decisions are made that mean our environment is sacrificed to profit, our health service is run down and privatised and
millions of people continue to die for want of clean water and basic
Seeking Change in Genoa (english)
by Patrick Beckett, 5:12pm Fri Jul 20 '01
Patrick contextualizes Genoa with the arguments of the alternative globalization movement. For instance, he writes, "Critics of globalization are often characterized by the media as rock throwing anarchists, partly because of the difficulty of analyzing the complex issues that are really at stake. In truth, many demonstrators use the convergence of so many diverse interest groups to share ideas, and develop effective strategies to achieve their goals!"
Background information about the protests in Genoa (english)
by Kanal B, Thursday July 19 '01
another version:
Hundreds of thousands of global citizens will protests against the neoliberal re-organization and capitalism on the streets of Genoa during the next days.
Globalize Revolution! (english)
by International Workers' Committee 9:07am Sat Jul 21 '01
A call by the Balkan Socialist Center "Christian Rakovsky" for a workers' internationalist perspective for the anti-G8 protests in Genoa.
Message from Global Village Tribunal in Genoa (english)
by Villager X 11:06pm Wed Jul 18 '01
“The Global Village Canadian media analyst Marshall McLuhan wrote about forty years ago is constelated here today, on the soil of Genoa. We have woven a web of global solidarity that exposes the lies of the international killer elite. We are gathering in this country, in this city, that still remembers the horror of corporatist violence, to condemn the lawless fascists in our midst. We convene a court that demands justice.”
In Defense of Black Bloc (english)
by Angus Durant 11:00am Sat Jul 21 '01
"Those of you who condemn the Black Bloc for acting too aggressively should learn the history of your imperialist culture and then decide if change should come sooner or later. The world does not have the luxury of peaceful protest, for they need change and they need it now!"
When can we finally say we've had enough of violent protestors? (english)by BCJ, Thu Jul 19 '01
When can we finally say we've had enough of violent protestors?
Charges of infiltration against the Black Block:
No Black Bloc: cops in disguise (italian and english)
In Defense of Black Block:
The Problematic Nature of Police Infiltration (english)
by Cap'n Weatherwax, 5:43pm Fri Jul 20 '01
Police infiltration is a problem, but can also backfire on them. While some have accused the black block of being infiltrated, Cap'n argues that "provoking violence can a poor strategy on the part of police. Since Seattle, the Black Blocs (aka the Revolutionary Anti-capitalist Blocs) have continually embarrassed police attempts to protect the various gathers of the ruling class, helping to keep attention focused on the problem of "globalization from above", while advocating a working class "globalization from below" to smash capitalism and create a world community based on the autonomy and solidarity of communities and the "free social individual"."
Homicide sequence
by 8:05pm Fri Jul 20 '01
Sequence of photos showing protestor run over after shot. Many comments.
The voice of the people must be heard now
by Free Press International 4:46am Sat Jul 21 '01
Shot of large crowd.
Pink and Tutte Bianchi Marches
by han 12:54am Sat Jul 21 '01 (pink march, 4 photos) (more pink) (Tutte Bianchi, 4 photos) (4 more) (4 again) (guess)
Pictures of march, protestors, burning van, tear gas, etc.
Police control to the Carlini Stadium (video, italian)
A few takes of the stadium.
J19 TheatreActions (video)
by PublixTheatreCaravan
Blurred shots of funky little green spaceman in inner tube troubling the police and lots of red folks then some lively drumming.
Compilation of photo and video links:
Death in Genoa: testimony of the photographer (english, realaudio)
Devin Asch was on the scene of the Genoa shooting today and took pictures. He explains how it happened. (duration: 5'01)
Barricades In Genoa (english)
by V-Man 3:28am Fri Jul 20 '01
Update from FRSC reporter, Roberto, at 8:15 AM Friday July 20. (1:41, 48 kbps)
Speaker on Refugee and Human Rights at the Immigration Demo (english, mp3)by pab 10:42am Fri Jul 20 '01
A representative of The Voice Africa Forum, Refugee and Human Rights Group in Germany, spoke to a crowd at the convergence plaza in Genoa after a demonstration attended by 50,000. He spoke for the rights of refugees and immigrants in Europe and around the world. (1.9 megs)
Live Audio
To listen to live radio reports, simply open whatever you are using to
listen to mp3 and set it to stream from one of these locations:
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See Indymedia print summaries (in distributable newsletter/flier format)
At this site:
special edition: 20 July 2001
--Italian police shooting to kill
--100,000 take to streets to protest G8 summit in Genoa, Italy
edition #14: 18 July 2001
--Protecting profit in Genoa: how far will the G8 go?
--journalists shot in Israel in 9 months
--Exxon-Mobil/Esso global protest
--Honduran military report reveals US complicity in disappearance
--English community uprising
Flier promoting Indymedia coverage:
The Forum is a large network of people and numerous Italian and international organizations that came together manifesting against the G8 summit in Genoa and criticizing today's world order, as unequal and unjust. They hold that "The international importance of this summit represents a challenge to [work] with different methods and priorities - principles of social justice, solidarity, and just and sustainable development." The GSF organized many meetings and educational events in search of alternatives and was also a major planning base for protests.
Like other recently created forums, the GSF was inspired by the World Social Forum ( meeting for planning another world through democratic approaches to global society, which met in Porto Alegre, Brazil inJanuary. Similar people's forums have occurred at all major global justice/alternative globalization mobilizations since Seattle. But, the mainstream press has not covered these. The GSF organized educational forums on various topics early this week, including "Fighting poverty and inequality," "Globalisation and work," "Which public spaces for knowledge," "Which mechanism for global democracy." The main website ( offers important articles, logistic advices, legal information and news updates. (Main website is in Italian with links to pages in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, German)
GSF Program for 7/16-22 educational and activist engagements. (english) (italian)
GSF FAQs (english) (italian)
These are selected links to groups active in mobilizing in Genoa.
Bologna Social Forum ( This is a net of persons and groups created to stop the OECD (Organization for the Economic Co-operation and Development) Conference that toke place in Bologna from the 12 to the 15 of June, 2000. The net is called:CARTA ( Carta, which is also an active association with weekly and alternative publications, maintain this site as social space for spread projects, campaigns, and projects favoring alternative realities.
G8 Online:
Links to past officile G8 meetings and official offices.
G8.ECN.ORG ( This site has a collection of materials and web sites about G8 meeting.
GNG ( The Genoa Nongovernmental initiatives, a coalition of international civil society networks - NGOs, Third Sector organizations, interest groups, and local administrations, maintains this web site to facilitate international consultation along with producing the Recommendations Report for the Genoa summit. The GNG Working Groups deals with: Poverty eradication strategies working group, Finance for Development & debt relief working group; International governance and WTO reform; and Environment and sustainable development working group.
Genoa Social Forum ( This website offers information about a network of people and numerous Italian and international organizations who came together manifesting against the G8 summit in Genoa and criticizing today's world order, as unequal and unjust. The site offers important logistic advices, legal information and news updates.
Rete Contro G8 ( This is the website of ControG8 (Against G8) Network, a voluntary, independent movement gathering the organizations debating of and working against the G8 summit in Genoa, Italy, in July 2001. This site gives visibility to the network Rete controG8, provides a new view on globalization and offers the latest press releases.
Rete Lilliput ( The various associations who participate in this initiative agree that big social changes come from small contributions of many (Lilliputians). The site gives important news on the G8 summit in Genoa and about numerous concomitant initiatives in Italy.
Torino Social Forum ( ) Inspired by Plato’s idea of the cave, recently developed by José Saramango's recent book: La Caverna, the Torino Social Forum maintains this site entitled to create alternative and critical views of globalization.
Tute Bianche ( Tutebianche, the group who recently accompanied the EZLN march to Mexico City, maintain a this newly created web site. It is relevant for the discussions about the Genoa Summit.
Ya Basta! (
The view of the Ya Basta Association is for the dignity of the people against the neoliberalism. It is in refresh, for give a more agile shape for being able to directly follow the campaign against neoliberalism.
Stay tuned to IMC Italy,, Philadelphia (, mirroring italy indymedia), and global IMC,, for up-to-the-minute updates of the G8 street protests.
Other IMCs are providing detailed coverage include (see global website left column for links): France, UK, Belgium, Barcelona, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, IMC-Sweden, Brasil, Argentina, Chicago, and New York City.
The IMC is a decentralized network of independent media makers, organizers, and activists working to increase democracy and social justice by reporting events and producing information as acts of autonomy, resistance, and liberation from corporate control.
The IMC was established to cover the WTO protests in Seattle in November 1999. Hundreds of media activists have since setup over fifty independent media centers in London, Canada, Mexico City, Prague, Belgium, France, and Italy, with more to come.
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