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Commentary :: Israel / Palestine
Engendering A Boycott Against Israeli-Palestinian (I & P) Apartheid Current rating: 0
19 Oct 2003
__1 Overview of Boycott Aim & Purpose Against Apartheid
__2 Apartheid & Nonviolence Across the Previous Century
__3 Fighting Apartheid Violence ~ Israeli Style
__4 Fighting Apartheid Violence ~ Palestinian Style
__5 Historical Chronology of Shared Backgrounds in Apartheid
__6 Online Apartheid Chronologies (Africa/Americas & Mid-East)
__7 Divestment from Apartheid thru Coalition-Building (UC-Berkley)
__8 Enduring Goals for International Criminal Court
& OnLine Petition from Prominent South African Jews Against Israeli Apartheid
Engendering a Boycott against Israeli-Palestinian (I & P) Apartheid

Working Draft — Quotes-Insights — Response/Critique/Networking Welcome
Paul Hubers, PhD (paulhubers (at); efax (419) 828-7845)

See also —

Michigan Authors and Illustrators Search under "Nonviolence"

{Page Margins set at 1”}

__1 Overview of Boycott Aim & Purpose Against Apartheid__________

Aim: Corporate-“Consumer” Boycott; (“Consumer” – Not “Oil”/OPEC Boycott)

Purpose: Engage Inter-Positioning U.N. Blue Helmets & Peace Brigades Int'l
Discourage–Stop–Rollback Internationally-Illegal Settlements
One Person–One Vote Plebiscite (w/in Federated-Two-State/Cantonal Plan)
And — Quoting from Statement of Prominent South African Jews [See below]:
“To resume & sustain negotiations with the Palestinian Authority in good faith.
To conduct negotiations [via international law &] U.N. Security Council … [&]
To work … with the Palestinian leaderships … [toward] … reconciliation.”

__2 Apartheid & Nonviolence Across the Previous Century __________

Apartheid is discrimination, based by race or religion on torture; South African (RSA) Apartheid began through British Commonwealth laws, patterned on Ameri-Canadian Indian laws, (derived from U.S. laws), that virtually exterminated Native Ameri-Indians. The English word from South Africa, “nonviolence” — meaning mutual change for mutual benefit and mutual responsibility, has directed struggle against Apartheid, (as well as against Earth's so-called “widening poverty gap”). “Nonviolence” arose historically from South African struggles, led especially by “Mo” & “Ba” Gandhi — via pre-Sanskrit words like the Gujarati Ahimsa, relative to the “Caste System” in India. Apartheid parallels and its sequential architecture can be referenced, (as shown below), through — “academic” roots, in Hendrik Stoker (RSA) and Nahum Goldmann (Israel); “political” roots, from Hendrik Vorwoerd (RSA) and Abba Eban (Israel); and “military” roots, out of Jan Smuts (RSA) and Ben Gurion (Israel). (Note: South Africa’s Parliament is in Capetown, its other government branches in Pretoria and Johannesburg; Israeli and Palestinian (I & P) equivalents, from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.)

Lexis-Nexis Cites OnLine as to Direct Action Struggle Against (Israeli) Apartheid:
for I & P: Such as, e.g. “Mubarak Awad” / Nonviolence International
for RSA: Such as, e.g. “Albertina Sissulu” / United Democratic Front:

University Student-led Divestment Precedents / Consumer Boycott & Coalition Building
— Bronfman, Universal, Vivendi, Brascan, Koor-IsKoor, & Claridge Groups, and
— Digital (UC-Berkeley): GE, Raytheon, CiscoSys, H-P, MS, T-I, & AoL-TW

See also: and

__3 Fighting Apartheid Violence ~ Israeli Style ____________________

_220 Prominent South African Jews Join Planetary Critique Against Israeli Apartheid (2002)
Jon Jeter, “South African Jews Polarized Over Israel; Anti-Racism Leaders Equate Country's Treatment of Palestinians to Apartheid,” Washington Post (19 December 2001), A35.
and [For Full Text, See Below]
“Two Jewish heroes of South Africa's liberation struggle against the white government's apartheid system … [advocate an increasingly-more popular petition, circulating in South Africa and on the Internet, against Israeli Apartheid] …. Signed by 220 Jews, the document asserts that Israel's occupation of Palestinian territories … [causes] … the escalating violence in the Middle East…. [They pointedly co-identify] … Israel's treatment of Palestinians to the oppression of South Africa's black majority under apartheid. Ronnie Kasrils — [Former ANC Military Intelligence or RSA Spy Chief, likely the next National Minister of Defense, and the Leader of the ANC’s Party Campaigning Strategies (since 1991), from Johannesburg] — and Max Ozinsky [MP, Capetown] write … from a South African [Jewish] perspective…. [They equate the pain of] … Palestinians under the hand of Israel … [with] … oppression experienced in South Africa under apartheid rule; [Cf. maxo (at), bradleyb (at), & sacp1 (at); and, for Kasrils, c/o zan (at), bda (at), or zai (at);].
The document has triggered a raging debate; … Lifelong friends have stopped speaking to one another…. Dinner parties have ended abruptly following terse exchanges…. Stephen Friedman, one of the declaration's signatories and executive director of the Center for Policy Studies here, … [a Professor — steven (at), shaun (at), cps (at); in Johannesburg, Witswaterrand University, notes —] ‘There's never been a debate in the South African Jewish community quite like this. This is raw stuff.’ … South Africa's Jews, many of them descendants of Lithuanian immigrants, [like, e.g., Abba Eban, raised in the diamond trade of South African Jews, share a] … world view … shaped by … [desperate opposition to] … the Holocaust … [and] … apartheid …. Kasrils … [Deputy Minister of Defense since the 1990s, plus two other] … Jewish ANC members were arrested on treason charges alongside Nelson Mandela in 1963. Of the seven whites elected to the ANC's executive committee following Mandela's release from prison in 1990, five were Jewish.” [N.B. Edited only to clarify Washington Post article.]

_Israeli Social Survey Puts Israel in Forefront of Child–Domestic Violence Worldwide (2001)
Etgar Lefkovits, “Israel First in Violence by 12-Year-Olds,” Jerusalem Post (31 Dec. 2001).
“... Aharonot Daily reported on its front page a survey, which ranked Israel at the top of a list of 10 industrialized countries in the level of violence among 12- and 13-year-old children.... ‘Soon enough Israel will be No. 1 [globally] not only in juvenile violence, but in unemployment and environmental problems;’ … [‘A very serious illness, … no instant cure’] ….’ said MK Nehama Ronen (Likud)…. Ironically, as the level of juvenile violence hit an all-time high in Israel, two centers that deal with battered children have just been closed, while a third is about to be shut down, due to a NIS 485,000 deficit, a move Ronen is trying to stop.”

_ University Student-led Divestment Coalition-Building against Israeli Apartheid (2001) editor (at)
“SUSTAIN (Stop U.S. Tax-Funded Aid to Israel Now) has point people in a dozen cities around the country organizing teach-ins and letter campaigns. The San Francisco group, A Jewish Voice for Peace, is … conducting a petition drive, asserting that ‘as Americans, we do not want our foreign aid dollars used to deprive Palestinians of justice and human rights. As Jews, although we support a democratic Israel, we must criticize its security policies that have the effect of making it less safe, not more.’ And on campuses like the Universities of California, Michigan, and Illinois, a movement modeled on the anti-apartheid activities of the 1980s is beginning to call for divestment of university funds from companies with strong ties to Israel.”

_Jewish South African Minister of Water Affairs Against Israeli Apartheid (2001)
Iqbal Jassat, “Ronnie Kasrils Slams Israel” (Media Review Network, Pretoria, OnLine)
“October 23 … Ronnie Kasrils, … [reporting over Fact-Finding Tour by Members of Parliament to the Middle East in July 2001, drew many] … parallels with the ‘oppression being experienced by Palestinians under the hand of Israel, and the oppression experienced in South Africa under apartheid rule’.… Kasrils said that the establishment of Israel in 1948 inflicted a great injustice on the Palestinian people, compounded by the subsequent Israeli rule of the occupied territories and denial of the legitimate claims of the Palestinian refugees. According to him, this [statement of fact] constitutes recognition of the fundamental causes of the on-going violence. It does ‘not constitute anti-Semitism.’ Kasrils said he was appalled at the ruthless security methods employed by the Israeli government against Palestinians. ‘These include the deployment bulldozers, machine guns, tanks and helicopter gun ships and the use of lethal force, as a matter of policy, even against civilians armed with stones the doctrine of collective punishment of Palestinian communities, demolition of homes and olive groves, the stringent curfews and roadblocks making normal life impossible; the ritual of control and humiliation.’ Kasril’s statement was co-authored with Max Ozinsky …. Together they have called on Jews in South Africa and elsewhere to raise their voices in support of justice for Palestine.”

_Economic Roots of Israeli Apartheid, from U.S.A. $$ via (No “Wealth” Tax) Canada (1996)
Toronto Globe & Mail Archives Online (1996)
“Peter Bronfman (1929-1996) and his brother, Edward Bronfman, co-owned the Montreal Canadiens, …, their uncle, Samuel, …, Seagram Co. Ltd. The brothers … [have]… Brascan Ltd., [in telephony] …, Noranda Inc., … [in mining] …, and John Labatt Ltd., one of Canada's two biggest brewers. (SFC, 12/3/96, p. D2) ....”
(Note: Latin American Working Group Researchers, {from the 1970s in Toronto & Montreal, Canada}, linked U.S. training of professional torturers to torture in Brazil {via Brascan}, and thus, Chile, Argentina, and {Israel–} Nicaragua — Taught in professional team torture training schools, like a proxy Montreal university; (funded by the Ford Foundation, and uncovered by direct nonviolent action during the “FLQ” Crisis). See “The Brascan File: Its Friends in Government, Its Record in Brazil, Last Post, March 1973 (Toronto: Canadian Journalism Foundation, Project Brazil, 1973), pp. 28-39 pp. (English & Quebeçois; OCLC–WorldCat#: 3440884). See also “professional team” torture in, e.g., Maria Helena Moreira Alves, Estado e Oposição no Brasil (1964-1984), 4a. ed. (Petrópolis: Vozes, 1987), 337 pp, and her brother, Márcio Moreira Alves, A Grain of Mustard Seed; The Awakening of the Brazilian Revolution (Garden City, NY: Doubleday Anchor, 1973), 194 pp. ISBN: 0385003951.)

_Calev Ben-David, “Charles in Charge,” Jerusalem Post, 25 June 1999 (Lexis–Nexis)
“Canadian-born Bronfman … is … the largest individual foreign private investor in Israel, … [bc/o] … Koor .... In 1948 … [thru] … Shimon Peres, Samuel Bronfman … [financed] … the Hagana's secret arms-purchasing efforts prior to the [1948 Catastrophe or] War of Independence.... The Claridge Fund [in Montreal], set up by Bronfman and Kolber, [has] … substantial investments in … The Jerusalem Report Magazine [Washington, D.C.] ....”

_“Peace with Egypt, But a Boom in Arms Sales,” Business Week, 2 April 1979 (Lexis–Nexis)
“... Koor Industries, IAI, and the Defense Ministry's own output account for 90% of arms exports. Among the faster-moving items are IAI's Gabriel and the Defense Ministry's Shafrir missile systems, the Arava STOL transport, IAI's Dvora patrol boat, and radar and advanced electronics and communications systems made by IAI and by Tadiran, (a joint venture of Koor [& IAI].... More than half of Koor's [… arms sales go to human rights abusers like El Salvador …].”

_Dun & Bradstreet “Israel,” OnLine, for, e.g., … “Koor” Industries Ltd. (2001)
N.B.:; D & B “Israel” OnLine “breaks”-down various aspects of Israeli corporations, offering information which took the multilateral U.N. Centres Against Apartheid, years, if not decades, to access and analyze usefully; (from the U.N. Anti-Apartheid Centres in Vienna and Manhattan, for enabling Divestment and disabling Apartheid).

Michael Poulin, “Union-Made” (October 1989)
“Histadrut is much more than a counterpart of the AFL-CIO. It is Israel's second-largest (after the government) employer…. Koor … owns some 130 industrial concerns. Many Histadrut-owned companies are armaments manufacturers, who, like Koor Industries' subsidiaries Soltam and Tadiran, routinely sell to all buyers, including [Apartheid] South Africa. At least one Koor's subsidiary, Iskoor Steel, is jointly owned with [Apartheid] South Africa ....”

“… Koor Switches Strategy … [to] High Tech,” Ha’aretz, (Lexis–Nexis) 14 August 2000
“The [ultimate] Koor … goal of becoming a … [hegemonic “high-tech” government-] company … [depends on a docile, malleable workforce in Palestine] ....”

“Charles Bronfman's Journey,” Jewish Times (1999)
“Edgar, … [Chair of Israel's Fiftieth Anniversary ‘Bash’], … President of the World Jewish Congress, and International Chairman of Hillel … led the successful World Jewish Restitution Organization's campaign to wrest Holocaust reparations from Switzerland and Germany .... [Charles] Bronfman … [commands Zionist fundraising internationally, through the United Jewish Committee, combining both] … the Council of Jewish Federations and the United Jewish Appeal; .... Seagram [Inc., power derives from dominating the world’s promotional industries in] … movies, … [via Vivendi, Hollywood/Bollywood], … and recreation, … [via Universal — while financially leading alchoholic drug sales] … in almost 200 countries .... [In Yiddish “Bronfman” per se means “whiskey peddler”] ….”

“UNFAIR SHARES: Corporations & Taxation in Canada,” Ontario Federation of Labour (1996)
“The 50 richest Canadians … [include] … Kenneth Thompson, the Irving family, Charles Bronfman, the Eaton family …. In addition to having generous corporate tax breaks, Canada is one of only a handful of industrialized countries with no tax on wealth. Japan and the United States have a wealth tax as do all countries in the European Community ....” (From Ontario Coalition for Social Justice & Ontario Federation of Labour, via: - by with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Sun, 5 Mar 2000 04:02:32 –0800; Received: from - by with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Sun, 5 Mar 2000 04:02:33 –0800; Received: from v1fcw - by with Microsoft SMTPSVC; Sun, 5 Mar 2000 04:02:28 –0800; Message-ID: 000401bf869a$f18257c0$d4280a3f@v1fcw.)

__4 Fighting Apartheid Violence ~ Palestinian Style ________________

_Retired Head of Israeli FBI/Shin Bet Opposes Israeli Apartheid (2001)
Amy Ayalon, “Apartheid in Palestine” (2001)
“Jerusalem[–Cairo] — The former Chief of Israel's domestic intelligence agency, the Shin Beth [Israeli ‘FBI’], has admitted that at least some aspects of the Israeli policies and practices toward the Palestinians can be described as ‘apartheid.’ Amy Ayalon told reporters that the current arrangements in the occupied territories included 'several aspects of apartheid' which he said was incompatible with the Jewish spirit. Ayalon argued that the issue of apartheid should not be dismissed as irrelevant, saying the issue is very real….”

_Official PLO/PNA Response to “U.S. Senator Mitchell”–Sharm El Sheikh Report (2001)
“We believe that … [the Report] … provides a balanced assessment of the facts, and we fully support the implementation of all of the Committee's recommendations .... The Report … restates the international community's consensus that Israel's policy of collective punishment must end …. [Israel] should lift closures, transfer to the PA all revenues owed, and permit Palestinians who have been employed in Israel to return to their jobs. (Report, p 23) .... [We and they feel that] … an international protection force, … [requested since 1976], …. ‘would need the support of both parties.’ (Report, p 24) … We believe that such a force remains necessary, … [as] … Palestinians continue to be killed by Israeli forces in increasing numbers ....”

_ Harvard-Radcliffe Law School Alumn Opposes Israeli Apartheid from Bethlehem (2000)
Allegra Pacheco, “Closure [I.D./Pass Laws] & Apartheid .…” Info Brief No. 26, Jerusalem Fund, 6 March 2000
“[Since 1993] … All Palestinians officially have been prohibited from leaving the Occupied Territories and … [need] … permits from the Israeli security services.... Severing Jerusalem from Palestinian Life, Closure virtually cuts access of Palestinian residents of the West Bank and Gaza to Jerusalem. By hampering or denying access to medical care located in Jerusalem, and to Christian and Muslim holy places, closure has undermined the city's traditional role as the medical, religious, educational, cultural, and economic center of Palestinian life ....”

_Mustafa Barghouthi, “St. George's Cathedral, Jerusalem – Centenary,” Al-Ahram (1998)
(14-20 May 1998 );; cicbarat (at)
“.... Bantustanisation … [via Sharon, …Vorwoerd, …utilizes] … the model applied in South Africa, under Apartheid; … [Spreading land crumbs in] … the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem; the southern area of the West Bank, including Bethlehem and Hebron; and the centre and northern part of the West Bank.”

_Marwan Beshara [sic], “Jewish Fundamentalism” [c/o Wi’am, Bethlehem] (1997)
[Under Netanyahu, impairing 90% of both Israelis and Palestinians,] “... Labor's leadership [recapitalized] … Histadrut, by privatizing its $20 billion national giant, Koor....”

_International (U.N.H.C., Istanbul, 1999) Torture Protocol on “Palestinian Suspension”:; See also Minnesota Protocol (1991) and
_“Palestinian Suspension” figuratively demonstrates “Hanging” & “Crucifixion,” hanging a victim from forearms, elbows, and/or wrists, bound together, behind back, (with elbows flexed 90 degrees or more) — drooping from horizontal bar or beam.
_”Cross” version spreads the arms more, plus above;
_”Butchery Suspension” version varies ligatures on hands more, plus above;
_”Reverse Butchery Suspension” version inverts victim, upside-down, plus above; and
_”Parrot Perch” version dangles prisoner from flexed knees, over bar, (passed below popliteal region), often with wrists bound or chained to ankles; [as in Brazil, Chile, Argentina, …].

_Why Boycott
Albert Luthuli, "Boycott Us," Spectator (12 February 1960), 208.
"We welcome most heartily the action of the overseas people in launching the boycott .... Our hope really is this, that we can bring pressure to bear on … [Israel & the U.S.A.], and that through this pressure … [Israel & the U.S.A.] will change its way of dealing with non-Europeans .... [We know as Palestinians that we,] …, as [an] oppressed people, … will never gain our freedom without suffering. But to us it is a demonstration of the solidarity of the freedom-loving peoples throughout the world.... We must pursue our policy of non-violence up to the limit.... We, therefore, welcome your decision to boycott …, as we are convinced that nothing but good can flow out of all efforts directed against defeating a policy which seeks to perpetuate … [Israeli and U.S.A.] domination and economic exploitation of the millions of … [Palestinian] peoples." [Note: ‘Israel/i & U.S.A.’ substituted for South Africa]

"Kliptown Freedom Charter: … Only a democratic state, based on the will of all the people, can secure to all their birthright without distinction of colour, race, sex or belief [238].... All apartheid laws and practices shall be set aside [239]; ... Forced labour and farm prisons shall be abolished [240]. Pass Laws, permits and all other laws restricting these freedom shall be abolished [241 ].... These freedoms we will fight for side by side, throughout our lives, until we have won our liberty[243]." Anthony Sampson, Treason Cage: The Opposition on Trial in South Africa (London, Melbourne, Toronto: Heinemann, 1958)

__5 Historical Chronology of Shared Backgrounds in Apartheid _______

Israeli & South African Apartheid styles share common roots in historical English and German Colonial experience. Both states gained independence in 1948 from English rule, although the Dutch Afrikaners called the accompanying colonial racism “apartheid.” In such contexts, apartheid evolves as a nationalist commitment to societal macro-segregation and individual micro-segregation, on the basis of race (South Africa) or religion (Israel), producing state priorities alleged to be separate yet equal; (called 'Jim Crow' in the U.S.A.). Israeli and South African Apartheid military collusion coalesced in Koor–Iskoor, (the South African Iron and Steel Corporation, with Bronfman backing). Privately, nevertheless, through charity and corporate ties, as noted by Mazrui: “South Africa's Jews provide the second largest private financial contribution to Israel — second only to that provided by American Jews.” [1] Writing in German, Nahum Goldmann likewise described such apartheid policies as the core of what he called the “spirit” of militarism, dehumanizing people through selective societal regimentation (uniformierung), and variable individual participation (subordination), despite the force (genius) of human historical experience to the contrary; (vs. what’s needed for evolutionary survival). [2] As observed by Chimbamba, (PLO), from Zimbabwe, Malan — the first head of state to endorse Apartheid and to recognize Israel — also shared right-wing roots with the Stern Gang, the Irgun Zvai Leumi, and the Stormjaers of the Ossewabrandwag, (Broederbond right-wing core).[3]

Core civil disobedience campaigns in the early 1900s simultaneously surfaced under expressions like “Amandla” and “Satyagraha” (from Southern Africa), and “Intifada” (from the Arab Women's Organization in Jaffa, in 1910). Whereas Ben-Gurion, (like Jan Smuts in South Africa), with Ben-Zvi, Jabotinsky, and Trumpeldor assembled the Israeli Military from paramilitary and anti-Ameri-Indian militia roots in Canada, England, & Egypt. By 1917 Smuts assumed supreme leadership of the English War Cabinet Priorities Committee, in effect devising the Royal Air Force, (or R.A.F.), in return for which, Smuts was offered choice commands in Ireland or Palestine. He turned-down both, and switched his planning skills instead to co-authorizing control functions in the League of Nations, and, in turn, Allenby's Military Palestine strategy for taking the Middle-East and East Africa from the Ottoman Empire.

While South Africa under Smuts incorporated apartheid, through divisive Native Administrative Laws, Nahum Goldmann demarcated like ideological underpinnings of the Zionist state, as founding editor of core Zionist periodicals, and launched the benchmark tomes of the Encyclopedia Judaica. Goldman, as the Israeli League of Nations Liaison (1934) — with David Ben-Gurion as Chairman of the Jewish Agency (Histadrut) — then organized the World Jewish Congress, from Goldmann’s executive fundraising lobby in the Washington, D.C., Jewish Agency for Palestine. Goldmann’s expertise produced a hegemonic war lobby in Washington, D.C., called AIPAC (or American Israeli Public Affairs Committee), coordinated internationally through CPMAJO (or the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, worldwide). The Israeli Haganah (military) gained momentum through its repression of the first Intifada in the late 1930s. By 1948 India, Israel, and South Africa gained some freedom from the British Raj; By the 1950s Goldman brokered reparations from Austria, (based on previous German reparations experiences.)

The 1950s sequentially registered the legalization of apartheid through, e.g., Citizenship Laws and World Zionist Organization-Jewish Agency Status Laws (Israel) and the to–be–much–hated Pass–Identification Card Laws (South Africa). Defiance Campaigns in both regions challenged what Israel termed Administrative Detention and South Africa designated as Acts or Laws over Sabotage, Official Secrets, Riotous Assembly, and Suppression of Communism. South African Jews provided more human resources than U.S. Jews to the fledgling Israeli state, especially in military medicine and what became the Israeli Air Force, (via Canada and South Africa). In opposition, the NonAligned Movement convened in Bandung, Indonesia, while South Africans announced their Kliptown Freedom Charter in 1955, as analogous campaigns in Israel and South Africa defied unproportional “emergency” laws.

By the early 1960s South Africa began to apply “No Trial” laws disguised as two-to-three month (90-Day), and then, six-month (180-Day) acts, to conceal prison torture, without trial —countered in turn by international boycott sanctions. Israel’s 1967 War brought its legal structure into “sync” with that of Apartheid South Africa: ranging from Holy Site and Agricultural Settlement (Restricted Land & Water Use) Laws, to Control & Appropriation Laws for Land and Banks, followed by Guns, Taxes, Drugs, Water, Customs, Censorship, Electricity, Employment, Currency, Education, Insurance, and Tourism & Antiquities policies, plus laws for Producer Cooperatives as well as Postal & Transportation Services. South Africa favored “terrorism” terminology, while sanctioning massive book burnings and citizen bannings.

From 1968 to 1971, Israeli military orders encompassed rescinding & restricting licenses for attorneys, businesses, professionals, public notaries, beaches and tenants — then, shortly, judiciary, commerce, and “public” land — after which, electrical, auditing, surveys, elections, arbitration, and civil services administration. Comparative U.S. policy devolved into massive detention in the Sinai and South Africa — by control laws for media censorship and aversive corporate evasion of sanctions, as both states dismissed UN Resolution 2764 (against torture). From 1972 to 1981, Israeli and South African military orders and legislative acts fixed prices, communication (e.g., patent) controls, court system maleability, and concurrent invasions into Lebanon and throughout Southern Africa, to counteract implosive disasters stemming from economically-counterproductive apartheid. Palestinians countered legally with Al-Haq (in 1979), to resist arbitrary detention that masked torture, while conscientious South Africans built the first African Studies Center in Maputo, Mozambique — designed to overthrow apartheid financially. Soon mailed book bombs killed two of the core Maputo academics, Ruth First (pioneer African naturalist), and Eduardo Mondlane (the first president of Mozambique)

In the 1980s Israeli Military Orders shifted to authorize military rule with civilian Israeli injunctions, while South Africans overwhelmed state apartheid through anti-apartheid coalition struggles. The U.S. leadership at the time counterposed a covert Iran-Contra policy, supported via Israeli and Argentinian technical support, and emphatically bombed the PLO in Tunisia; Concurrently, in 1985, Rabin launched a much-vaunted “Iron Fist” against Lebanon, as Arafat renounced terrorism in Cairo. However, by 1986, despite the demonstrative effect of bombing Libya, South Africans scrapped their Pass Laws. In response, Israelis consigned more “emergency” laws: closing schools and universities to repress another Intifada, and sending tanks with gunships against unarmed civilians, young and old.

In 1988 Al-Haq convened the first International Conference on (Israeli) Apartheid Law in West Jerusalem, and organized its “Mandela Institute” within Israeli prisons — much of the organized resistance stemming from Bethlehem; Yet South Africans dumped their Separate Amenities Act in 1989. In contrast to U.S.-led war sanctions against Iraqis and Palestinians, boycott sanctions were lifted from South Africa, (after many decades), as South Africa opted for a One Person = One Vote policy to replace Apartheid. By 1995 Israeli Closure or Bantustanization of Jerusalem concentrated apartheid in Palestine, as Israelis forced Palestinians to wear/carry computerized Pass–ID–Cards. By 1997- PLO/PNA Detention Edicts also begin to consolidate Israeli Administration Detention laws; By 1999, logistical torture in detention ferociously accelerated, (under Israeli Military Order 1466), with Israeli Administration Detention without trial lasting fifteen (15) years (or longer); No writ of habeas corpus.

[1] Ali A. Mazrui, Zionism and Apartheid: Strange Bedfellows or Natural Allies? Panel Presentation for “Dimensions of African-Arab Relations,” American Professors for Peace in the Middle East, Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Pick-Congress Hotel Chicago, IL, 1977, 2, 16, and 25.
[2] Nahum Goldmann, Der Geist des Militarismus, in Deutsche Krieg, 52d Vol. (Berlin: Deutsche, 1915), 7-42. Cf. also Asaf Hussein, The United States and Israel, Politics of a Special Relationship (Islamabad: Quaid-I-Azam University, 1991), 73-74.
[3] Abraham Chibamba, Right is Might (Harare, Zimbabwe: PLO, 1990), 44, 48, and l37.

Apartheid is Built on Torture (Helsinki: Kiriopaino Kursiivi Oy, 1972).
June 2001 Ittijah Newsletter OnLine AMEER MAKHOUL__ ameer (at)
Current Biography (NY: Wilson, 1941, 1942, 1947, 1948, 1947, 1949, and 1967);
Int'l Authors & Writer's Who's Who (Cambridge, UK: Melrose, 1976), 567;
Raja Shehadeh and Jonathan Kuttab, Civilian Administration in the Occupied West Bank: Analysis of Israeli Military Government Order No. 947 (Jerusalem/Geneva: Al-Haq/International Commission of Jurists/ICJ, 1982), 7 & 29-63; and
Thomas W. Lamont, “Smuts, South Africa, and the World,” Saturday Review of Literature (5 Dec 1936), 5.
Hendrik Vorwoerd, Bantu Education: Policy for the Immediate Future (Pretoria: Information Service of the Department of Native Affairs, 1954);
Hendrik Stoker has published numerous books and articles, mostly in Afrikaans (accessible through Potchefstroom University Library, or OCLC-WorldCat), on the epistemology of apartheid, such as, Hendrik Stoker, Das Gewissen, Erscheinungsformen und Theorien (Bonn: F. Cohen; PhD Diss, under Max Sheler, founder of European Phenomenology/Frankfurt Schule, 1925), 280 pp.; Hendrik Stoker, Die Aard en Rol van die Reg [Law]; 'n Wysgerige Besinning (Johannesburg: Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit, 1970); Hendrik Stoker, Beginsels en Metodes in die Wetenskap (Potchefstroom, Pro Rege-Pers, 1961); and Hendrik Stoker, Die Stryd om die Ordes (Pretoria : Caxton, 1941).


__6 Online Apartheid Chronologies (Africa/Americas & Mid-East) __

Chronology_ Passia
Chronology_Diplomacy re MidEast
Chronology_Palestinian-Israeli Conflict, by Zeina Seikaly (GeoTown U)
Chronology_P N A
Chronology_Goldmann See also:
Chronology_Ben-Gurion See also:
Chronology_Eban See also:
Chronology_Zionist State
Chronology_Apartheid Israeli ~ U.N. (1940s ...)
Chronology_R S A
Chronology_Meer ~ Women in Apartheid
Chronology_RSA~Gandhi Entire Book OnLine, By Highlighted Chapter Lines
Chronology_Slovo 1926-1995
Chronology_RSA Apartheid
Chronology_Apartheid R S A ~ U.N.
Chronology_Chile (Guardian)
Chronology_Japanese-Am Prison Camps (1940s)
Chronology_Guevara (Argentina Onward)
Chronology_Right Wing Globalist
Chronology_Gandhi (Mo & Ba)
Cronology_Addams & Kelley
Chronology_Water Access Opportunities
Chronology_Scientific Growth
Chronology_Genetics History

__7 Divestment from Apartheid thru Coalition-Building (UC-Berkley)__
For UC-Berkeley (Below), See from email…
Coalition-Building Target Descriptors for Boycott Target Options in Local Stores
See, e.g., in-store brand-name and shelf-names subject to boycott, in

As to Overall U.S.–Cndn Transnational Corporate–“Consumer” Boycott Target Options
— Bronfman/Seagram Group, Universal/Vivendi, Brascan/Koor[IsKoor]–Tadiran–Claridge;
See, e.g.,
“'Koor' and 'Israel Aircraft Industries' [IAI]“
“... forms the technological and business core of the military industries in Israel ....”
“Starwood ... [via Bronfman/Seagram, owns much of] ... Sheraton, Westin, The Luxury Collection, Four Points, W and Caesar ....”
“[When] Koor Industries ... [bought] ... Radisson Moriah, [i.e.,] ... Sheraton Israel ... [via Starwood — Koor took over] ... the largest hotel chain in Israel, with ... 3,200 rooms; [incl. surveillance and telecommunications access to such]....”

UC–Berkeley Student Divestment Targets: GE, Raytheon, CiscoSys, H-P, MS, Ti, AoL-TW
Students for Justice in Palestine justiceinpalestine (at)

From email:
National Student Conference of the Palestinian Solidarity Movement
16-18 February 2002 hosted by Justice in Palestine, UC-Berkeley
Just as students in the United States played a key role in working for an end to South African apartheid in the 1980s, so we must spearhead the movement against Israeli apartheid today. For this reason, Students for Justice in Palestine, UC Berkeley, is coordinating a conference of campus-based activists. This conference is primarily aimed at student activists, but educational sessions will be open to the public. This will be a hands-on conference that allows us to share our experience as activists and participate in organizing a national movement.

Our 5 goals for the conference:
1. To kick off a national divestment campaign on university campuses.
2. To build the resources for activists, particularly those who are community-based, to coordinate a national Stop US Aid to Israel campaign.
3. To build a broader Palestinian solidarity movement by working with existing and newly forming global justice movements and developing the knowledge to educate other activists about Palestine.
4. To draft a statement of Points of Unity among conference participants.
5. To create a national organization of student Palestinian solidarity activists.

Confirmed speakers: As'ad Abu Khalil, Anthony Arnove, Joel Beinin, Souad Dajani, Elias Rishmawi, and Normon Solomon ….
Panels on: Legal and Economic Structure of Israeli Apartheid, UN Conference Against Racism [Durban], similarities to South African Apartheid, “Oslo” failure, Mitchell (Sharm El Sheikh) Report, and Tenet [C.I.A.] Plan. Workshops on divestment, stopping U.S. aid to Israel, organizing, fund-raising, coalition building, campus organization, campaign strategy, direct nonviolent action/civil disobedience, media activism, and so forth.
University of California, at Berkeley, CA
justiceinpalestine (at)
P.M.B. #572
2425 Channing Way
Berkeley, CA 94705
(510) 496-1269 x1948

See also
Camille T. Taiara camille (at) (10% UC $60 B Endowment)
Snehal Shingavi, Yalda Afshar, Yoshie Furuhashi
Noura Erekat pcjp (at) 510/409-8313
Will Youmans 510/409-8313
Abdul Rahman ZahZah 510/551-7643
Lana Khalil (FIST/Fight Israeli State Terrorism)
Sarah Lawrence College Student Council 914/395-2575
abu_ali (at), afowler (at)

ADC “Nora” Intern/U of MI 244-2990 adceboard (at)
ADC Sacramento Elias Rashmawi
ADC San Francisco Nadine Naber
Reem Awad-Rashmawi rashmawi (at)
Lillian adcsfboard (at), rkapitan (at)
justiceinpalestine (at), ille (at)
ittijah (at), ameer (at), monica (at), georgina (at)

D.C. Area
Ron Walters, U of MD rwalters (at)
Fantu Cheru, Am U. malkomc (at)
TransAfrica mmunthali (at)
Heidi Shoup hshoup (at)
Marwan Bishara 76161.301 (at)
Jeff Mendez Jmendez (at)
MERIP c/o Barbara bneuw (at)
Cynthia McKinney D-GA jpilch7895 (at) (Jeff Pilch)
mcdonough (at), wspriggs (at)

WPT, Darryl Fears 334-7511, Alan Sipress 334-4554 national (at)

Christabel Gurney (UK Anti-Apartheid) wayzgoose (at)

__8 Long-Term Goals for International Criminal Court ______________
and Petition from Prominent South African Jews

_Apartheid ~~ I C C Questions for Further Networking, Research Editing

1) In terms of what could be called the “‘Siamese’ [congenitally-united]” Twin Dilemma of Israel & Palestine, wherein two “inter–living” political bodies currently exemplify an Apartheid–bound–Occupation State: What nonviolent and/or violent resistance parallels hold/are relevant from the struggle against South African Apartheid — Apartheid based on race or skin color, vs. Apartheid based on religion (incl. ‘ethnic” cleansing)?

2) Will human “settlements” or “religion” be the most difficult ultimate obstacle to overcoming economic apartheid, whether in Southern Africa or the Eastern Mediterranean?

3) How might Israeli apartheid be crippling sustainable planetary futures, in terms of what economists call “shadow” and “opportunity” costs? Or as to what planetary spirituality could achieve, if wind, solar, …, energy … transcended global oil/nuclear militarization?

4) What participatory research can be done OnLine, e.g.,, D & B/Israel Online, …, to identify boycott/divestment targets of Israeli apartheid? It took the U.N.'s RSA Apartheid units in Vienna & Manhattan one or two decades to build the dbases necessary to prove Albert Luthuli correct in his plea to “Boycott Us” — Nobel Prize advocates deleted & diluted such original versions of Luthuli's speech, the very first such Nobel Peace Prize also for planetary ecological advocacy.

5) The U.N. General Assembly — minus Israel and the U.S.A. — has condemned Zionism and Apartheid as international war crimes. Given instrumental precedents of both Argentine and South African reconciliation commissions in abolishing apartheid/torture — Will an International Criminal Court, (as, e.g., advanced in Rwanda/Burundi & former Yugoslavia, through the South African Jewish Justice, Richard Goldstone), be doable on a world level — if not also/eventually considering “apartheid” and ‘ethnic’ cleansing as international war crimes?

_ OnLine Petition from Prominent South African Jews [WebText in FULL] And “Virtual” OnLine Petition —[partnerID]=1&sign[memberID]=738687654&sign[partner_userID]=738687654#body

“Statement on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by South Africans of Jewish [Descent]
3 December 2001

The following is from an address to the South African National Assembly by Ronnie Kasrils, MP, Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry on 23 October 2001[.] The statement was co-authored with Max Ozinsky, member of the Western Cape Legislature.

A Call for Peace and Security: Israel carries a great responsibility to improve the dangerous state of affairs, in the Middle East and internationally, by recognising the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people[,] and creating the basis for peace and stability. We fully support the joint call to the international community by Presidents Bouteflika of Algeria and Mbeki of South Africa in October 2001[,] to ensure that peace be restored to the region through dialogue and negotiations. We support their call for the withdrawal of the Israeli forces from the Palestinian Territories. We call on South Africans of Jewish descent, and Jews everywhere, to raise their voices and join with all governments and people[,] in support of justice for Palestine and peace and security for all in the Holy Land. This is a vital step towards reducing the grave threat of international disorder and anarchy.

As an immediate step toward peace we call on the Government of Israel:

To resume and sustain negotiations with the Palestinian authority in good faith.
To conduct negotiations within the framework of the relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council, and of Resolution 242 in particular.
To conduct its security operations with restraint and in accordance with international humanitarian law. [And]
To work in partnership with the Palestinian leaderships to build a lasting peace on the basis of reconciliation.

We appeal to South Africans of Jewish descent to join us in signing this statement.

1. The Fundamental Causes of the Conflict: Successive Israeli governments and the world Zionist movement have consistently denounced their critics as anti-Semites and blamed the Palestinians for the failure to reach a negotiated settlement. We emphatically reject these assertions. We do not dispute that sectors of the Palestinian population have resorted to terror and we condemn indiscriminate killings of civilians from whatever quarter. Yet this is not the root cause of the on-going violence. The fundamental cause of the conflict is Israel's occupation of Palestine, and the suppression of the Palestinian struggle for national self-determination. In November 2000 the Israeli cabinet considered a document prepared by the Prime Minister's office on alleged transgressions by the Palestinians. The Acting Foreign Minister, Shlomo Ben-Ami, opposed the distribution of the document on the grounds that no one would be surprised that a people under occupation had failed to honour its agreements with its occupier[.]
[Ben-Ami noted that] accusations made by a well-established society about how a people [which] it is oppressing is [therefore] breaking rules to attain its [alleged] rights do not have much credence. Henry Siegman, former Executive Director of the American Jewish Congress, observes correctly that this [Ben-Ami] statement goes to the very heart of the conflict and extracts the poison buried there. The establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 inflicted a great injustice on the Palestinian people, compounded by the subsequent Israeli rule of the Occupied Territories[,] and denial of the legitimate claims of the Palestinian refugees. A recognition of the fundamental causes of the on-going violence does not constitute anti-Semitism. Nor does it amount to a denial of Israel's right to exist. Rather, it [recognizes and] constitutes an urgent call on the Israeli government to redress injustice and satisfy legitimate claims, without which peace negotiations will fail.

2. The Holocaust Compels us to Speak Out: All Jews live in the shadow of the Holocaust. For some of them, the overriding lesson is that survival is the highest morality. They seek to justify Israel's intransigence in peace negotiations and application of excessive force against the Palestinians on these grounds. Other Jews believe that the Holocaust compels them to support justice and freedom from persecution for all people, regardless of their nationality, ethnicity or religion. We stand firmly in this [latter] camp.

3. Repression Intensifies Resistance: After the suffering experienced by Jews in Europe during Nazism we are utterly appalled at the ruthless security methods employed by the Israeli government against Palestinians. These include the deployment of bull-dozers, machine guns, tanks[,] and helicopter gun ships[,] and the use of lethal force, as a matter of policy, even against civilians armed with stones and slings [who have] targeted assassination of opponents[;] [T]he doctrine of collective punishment of Palestinian communities, demolition of homes and olive groves, the stringent curfews, and roadblocks making normal life impossible [in] the ritual of control and humiliation. These intolerable strategies together with the growing number of provocative Jewish settlements in the West Bank, undermine the legitimacy of the Israeli government and its negotiating position and give rise to intensified resistance that will continue to grow.
We take note of the fact-finding report by [M]embers of South Africa's Parliament who visited the Middle East in July 2001. Their report observes: It becomes difficult, particularly from a South African perspective, not to draw parallels with the oppression experienced by Palestinians under the hand of Israel and the oppression experienced in South Africa under Apartheid rule. We are committed to justice and freedom for pragmatic as well as ethical reasons. Oppression almost always gives rise to rebellion and thereby threatens the security of the oppressor. Repression and reprisals in response to rebellion provide no relief[;] They only deepen, broaden and prolong the cycle of violence and counter-violence. The notion that security can be achieved through reliance on force is demonstrably false[,] as the struggle against Apartheid testified.

4. The Security of Israelis and Palestinians is Inseparable: We understand the fears of Jews in Israel and their longing for security. The security of Israelis and Palestinians, however, is inescapably intertwined. Neither group will be secure for as long as the other is insecure. There is consequently no viable alternative to a negotiated settlement that is just, [a negotiated settlement] that recognises both Palestine and Israel as fully independent sovereign states, and [a negotiated settlement] that provides for peaceful coexistence and co-operation between these states. It is only on this basis that peace and security can be achieved. Shimon Peres recently stated: We want to see an independent Palestinian State successful, flourishing. We think that the better [that] the Palestinians will have it, the better neighbour we shall have. [As to Peres intentions,] [w]e fully agree, but it is incumbent on Israel, the dominant force and power over the Palestinians to demonstrate its serious intent in this respect.

What is more[,] if Israel is to become a respected society[,] it must grant full, equal rights to all who dwell within its borders - Christians, Muslims and non-believers alike[,] who are victims of discriminatory treatment and laws.

Contact Max Ozinsky
E-mail: maxo (at)
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