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WILD Creature Ambushes Bostonites--IMC Exclusive! |
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by unbridled artist syndicate Email: intheheart2 (nospam) (verified) |
03 Sep 2003
Tuesday--A WILD, human-like creature ambushed thousands of unwitting citizens. The creature had an indepth message for humanity, and at the same time seemed to keep the sun out! |
Boston--Obedient citizens, going back to their routine misery after the 3-day Holiday Weekend got a very strange jolt of non-sequitor wiLdNeSss when 'the spirit of people's fear to art themselves' visited the city. Flougg Blorngoot (aka Carlos) has once again appeared, apparently doing a nation-wide "spontaneous ceremonial", as he calls it, of articulated, passionate dissent.
"The imagin ation of everyday life, actually," says Blorngoot. "The ideah is to inspire and enflame the corralled passions of 'most people' who are STUCK in the dominating paradigm; to give them a taste of what life may be if they DARE!"
"People, even the more well-read radicals, often don't see in how many ways we are domesticated. For example, you have these people calling themselves 'artists' and the dominating narrative says that when you 'make art' you naturally put it up in a gallery where most people seem most interested in its investment potential and whether it matches the home decor than anything deeply meaningful. Or, if you do commercial art, you spend your life following the art director's orders, basically firing out art that has little or nothing to do with your own desires."
"Okay, so you have to kiss ass to make it by. i do that myself. Yet my way of making it by is not only to cut major corners, ending up with major amounts of free time to do what i'm seeing i'm really here to do, but also finding little ways i can leave a trace of myself. So it's a trade off; like John Trudell [the Santee-Sioux spoken word artist] has said it: 'Your mind for a job; trading depth for surfaces'. What are we living here for? Are we having fun and really enjoying this amazing place, or are we letting the Wizards of Is tell us to Shut Up and Get Back in Line??"
Being inspired
Besides being inspired by John Trudell, Blorngoot's 'ideahs' have been influenced by the writings of Herber Brun (of School For Designing A Society fame), Raoul Vaneigem, John Strongbow, as well as the wild spirit including face-to-face meetings with bears and wolves. "That's part of my connection to ways beyond the reach of city-fied people," Blorngoot adds. Most recently he's being inspired by the writings of "Venomous Butterfly" who publishes regularly via a zine called "Willfull Disobedience"; (link: ).
"I'm especially turned on by VB's 'Don't Tolerate Me!' article. That's one of the ones i was passin out."
Here's some of the text, link at bottom:
I demand the burning fires of passion, the untamed conflagration of desire without constraint, of lust without limits. Love me with an energy that cannot be denied - or hate me with a fury so intense your glance could wither me were not my passions equal to your own - but DO NOT TOLERATE ME!
Toleration is a sickness of bourgeois society that smothers us in boredom - a cop inside our heads that keeps us passive in the name of social harmony. SHIT ON SOCIAL HARMONY! Let the hot, ecstatic energy of IMPASSIONED VIOLENCE burn through us! LET ALL THE GRAND, VOLCANIC ENERGY OF OUR REPRESSED PASSIONS ERUPT, A VIOLENT EXPLOSION OF HATRED AND LOVE, FURY AND ECSTASY, DESTROYING MEDIOCRITY - destroying all that bores us - BEFORE WE’RE BORED TO DEATH!!!
Those who choose to tolerate - to merely exist - will be BURIED IN THE FECAL MEDIOCRITY THAT TOLERATION CREATES - Let them drown in the boring shit they have chosen...But none of that for us who truly choose to live. Coursing through our veins are dreams and visions, passions and desires, the chaos that can birth a dancing star - don’t dam this wild and fiery flood with that disgusting cancer - toleration. Demand of every encounter amazement, wonder, ecstatic passion. AMAZE AND BE AMAZED!
I WILL NOT LET MY LIFE SLIP FROM MY GRASP IN PASSIVE BOREDOM! I WILL BURN - A CONFLAGRATION OF UNTAMED DESIRE! A SOARING PHOENIX IN FLAMES WHICH CANNOT BE IGNORED!!! I will live my life in a burning heat of untamed lust and passion! With a violent ecstasy, I will demand (of myself) - I will CREATE a world of wonder and amazement.
No more will free spirits put up with being bored and passive.
We will not be appeased - All the rowdy, crazed, laughing, dancing, raging, free spirited rebels WILL NOT BE APPEASED, for we will have nothing less than our LIVES TO THE FULL, each moment burning with our uncouth passions! We will not tolerate what does not make us DANCE WITH JOY, ROAR WITH RAGE, WEEP WITH SORROW, HOWL IN ECSTASY OR QUAKE IN TERROR!!!
And we will not wait around for our lives to begin. WE ARE CREATORS!!! We will make the world the way we want without waiting for the old world to fall! On the edge of society, joyfully outcast, we dance.
...we will not offer ourselves to the sacrificial altar of the market. Nor will we passively watch as the world is transformed into a market place. With all the FIERY PASSION of those who dare to CREATE THEIR OWN LIVES, we will BURN all that has made WILD AND AMAZING MONSTERS into mere commodities for sale TO THE GROUND! And we will FREELY SHARE and FREELY GIVE and FREELY TAKE as we are moved by our UNBOUND DESIRES!!!
"I have some misgivings about a few of the points, such as the use of the word 'bourgeois' because it's too mystified and too 'Us vs Dem' dichotomist. i'm seeking to promote liberation for ALL, not just people who identify with youth rebellion. So when i'm on the strEEt, i'm engaging all sorts of people, and i'm finding myself looking deep into their eyes and WANTING to send them beautifulness no matter where they are ghettoed!"
Meaningful connections
The ways in which Flougg seems to be able to bring people's direct eye contact, beyond the "very weird" 'regalia', appears to be his coyote-like whoops, spoken both in greeting and whenever else "the mood inspires".
"People are SO USED to the same old routine 'How Are You? I'm Fine, and You? That's Nice--Take Care!' and the attendant Armored Smile... so when this totally fucking strange character comes down da street and into their space and sometimes yelps out really loud, it's enough to mess wit dere armor. Sometimes i even get people replying with dere own power yelp, tho today they were pretty conservative; not too loud. i figure, that's the conservatism of Boston for you..."
"But i did meet quite a few people who i never would have even started talking with normally. So that's a major plus in places where people don't even speak at all to each other. Well, i met quite a few people, and with one dude, who was dressed somewhat wild, i gave him some of my original art; i was carryin it around for an especially special occasion. Well, what happened was that this DUDE decides to give me a gift of his own--a custom-like umbrella totally resembling my silly slippers!!!!! And what with the scary-looking rain clouds all around, i was even more glad to have dat! Hell, i bent down on one knee there on a busy corner and sent him my fullest ceremonial gratitude."
Flougg walked at least five miles, through three different college campuses, and around on the subway. When crossing the famous Mass Ave bridge from Cambridge to Boston he took a little time to remember some powerful people outloud. "i called out their names to the wind spirits blasting towards me. People like Leonard "My Life is my Sundance" Peltier, Mumia, and a few significant others.
All during the interaction Flougg thought for sure it would rain. But for some strange reason the scary-looking storm clouds never gave him even a drizzle. "The forecast said rain all day and through Thursday, with heavy showers in the afternoon. It was like the spirit i was pushing--the vibe of *realizing the value of being beautiful with each other*--was making some kind of magic. And this ain't the first time! Whoa, a story i could tell you about when i pedal-biked in the Navajo Rez!"
Passing out as art
A constraint Flougg had was that he only had about 30 copies of the stuff he wanted to pass out, so he gave copies ONLY to people who showed an interested vibe of some kind.
Now, when Flougg "passes out" info, he doesn't do it like you might imagine. Not at all:
"I especially like to show them these nice clean flyers--and just before i hand it to them, i CRUMPLE it up! It adds to the spontaneous arte of the whole thang, and helps me escape what people expect in today's interactions; besides, it's FUN!"
Okay, all this is really neato and everything, but just what is Flougg up to? Basically, he's doing what he calls the "Crucial Arts"; a "waY of inteRaCtiNg" with people as an *in-process, semi-articulated direct action*. "Creative nonviolent interactactive insurrection into my fears and the Unknown. Hell, part of this is about me wanting to escape insanity by jumping with both feet into CRAYZEEEE!"
As you may've gathered, Flougg is not really from this planet, and he's not exactly always very happy about being stuck on mere Earth. "i sometimes see all us peoples each as an ambassadors from our own most excellent galaxies, come together here with the option to connect or not. Myself, i probably come from the planet behind the one that Noam Chomsky's supposed to be from. His ideas are supposed to be from Neptune; my own planet is yet to be discovered, because my planet stays in step with Chomsky's...
"It's all metaphorical," Flougg winks, "a way of playing and enjoying dat can still avoid the guys in white coats (psychia-tricksters) if we're able to **articulate** ourselves. That's the big one; we're not supposed to be coherent at all, and if we can find ways to be, we can easily avoid the coercions of the 'technicians of so-called Certainty' like psychiatricksters.
"You get that articulation and keep the art and it becomes closer to a kind of ceremonial methodology. A way of utilizing tools as we can identify them. Using tools but not being tooled.
"So the way i'm dressed is a tool. i'm doing a kind of stereotypical American Indian and Eolithic Orrior mix"--folks, the "Eolithic" is what Flougg calls the NEXT phase of humanity, beyond the mapped 'Neolithic' and into the time of "Creating ourseLves" according to our DESIRES as we liberate ourselves; and "Orrior" is meant to be beyond the war mentality routine, beyond the "War-rior imagi nation" and into "our imagin ation!"
Indigenous folks past and fyoochure
"i don't feel i'm disrespecting American indigenous folks, as far as the part of my style that resembles their traditions." Flougg is talking about his "Moofie-Coyote-Fox-Wolf-dawg-mutt" mask especially (which is the second mask he made, the first which got stolen). Made out of coathanger wire, 99-cent holographic-style bags, tinsel, fake fur, and various colored wigs, amongst other odds and ends, it copies only in form; from there, it's much more like a "modern" version of an animal. Especially in the very mysterious style of the eyes; none like anything we've seen before.
The rest of the more far-out "regalia" as Flougg calls it consists of a second-hand multi-colored coat he wears upside-down (as pants) and shoes with silly frog booties (both of the latter found in the trash)--one of which makes a *ribbet* sound when you push a hidden button--"I found THAT one by total accident!" Or maybe it was one of the Great Loving Dog in the Sky's Many Spirits waking him up to good vibes.
"It's really strange how it all came together; i mean, i've been a trash hound for years, and only when i was really beginning to come to an understanding of what i'm doing here on this planet, did i start 'stumbling' onto all of these REALLY FUN additions to mY aRt!"
Read more about some of Flougg Blorngoot's (and other Crucial Artists) adventures at the unbridled artist network website (see link) (email to uan may well be fucked with, so keep persisting!) |
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