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surviving the Bush democracy |
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by Murdock Todd Cote (No verified email address) |
20 Jul 2006
oped |
Survival in the Bush Democracy
An Editorial
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)
Economics, truth or phantom, has anyone ever seen a management style like this tin-plated cold hearted bastard has been practicing; they say he has a Masters in Business from Harvard University, two will get you ten that it was bought by his daddy for him. Oil climbing every other day, gas climbing everyday; here in Aroostook County in my town it is $3.10 per gallon time that by sixteen to fill the tank fifty bucks and higher for a better quality fuel. Diesel is just under the unleaded fuel but to fill a tractor with two sattle tanks it cost depending on the size of the tank --- example
$985.60 to fill a trucks tanks averaging 360 gallons combining both tanks left and right, transport cost is $1034.88 so a loaded truck would have to refuel a second time just to reach the Border with New Hampshire and third and fourth time to reach destinations in Massachusetts, Vermont and back so transport and maintenance cost are passed on to the consumer in higher food and basic needs prices. Heating is bound for the heavens as well my heating cost for the 2006-7 season is $3,200 at $285.00 per month just short of $300.00 per month so a person on a fix income of $623.00 an example budget……
$300.00 per month heating
$ 75.00 per month power
$ 30.00 per month phone
$ 55.00 per month payment for computer
$ 42.00 per month Satellite Television
$ 19.95 per month Internet
$ 20.00 per month sears
$ 20.00 per month Wal-mart
$ 60.00 per month for fuel
the State of Maine gives me $10.00 per month and I get Sixty-two in Federal Food Stamps which should be moved to the full allowable which is $150.00 per month because one food runs out quick when you have only seventy-two dollars for food yes I am single and unmarried but seventy-two dollar is not enough to survive on. Mr. Bush thinks but cutting programs that are a necessity for many to survive like Liheap and food stamps and shelter fund is fiscal responsibility, well sir fiscal responsibility is ending foreign aide all together we do not have the money for it and for reforming a tax system that would work. A poor to low income family should be taxes 5% of their income a middle income person should be taxed 10% of their gross income, upper class or plebian as I call them should be taxed 20% of their gross income; a upper class family should be taxes 30% of their gross income and the people at the top food chain should be charged 40% of their gross income and all should be taxed 1% for social security and the house should pass rule that no mater what the situation the house, senate, and administration are barred from removing funds form this program period.
Social and economic reform should be instituted in the new term after the elections in November and social and economic assistance shall be funded to the full extent of the government. Which in English for that Connecticut bastard in the office means retrain programs for displaced Workers? Offering shelter to those who need even if it means keeping out of date facilities in operation and setting up a medical support system of five ten-thousand bed hospitals under the command of the Joint Chief medical officer of all the services to provide medical care from teeth to body for every American who can not afford it, free to all Americans. Regardless of class, surf, plebian or Royals and as for the defense of our land dissolve the National Guard and each state by township, village, town, and city raise platoon’s, companies, battalions, regiments and division to form the Home Guard who are answerable to only the legislature of each state and may not be federalized unless given righteous reason to defend the Nation only in declared war and at the permission of the states. If we are going to survive as a nation we need major reforms and to cut the ties that bind us to Central Asia. I would further withdraw are fleet and all air and ground forces to home waters and bases except ready deployment bases like Britton and Diego Garcia and Pearl Harbor.
I have fought many battles against religious bigotry and lie concerning the LGBT Community and for human rights. The defense of marriage act which they keep bring up is a cover for bigotry and hate. What I am trying to say is the community is not out to defile marriage and there is no Homosexual agenda as Mr. Heath here in Maine director of the Christen civic league of Maine keeps bringing up on his web site and click on Homosexual Agenda. The only thing I see when I click on that tab is hatred, fear, mistrust and lies about a group or sub-culture of our nation.
We use to make and design things in America, if you were to look up the inside of you Car, computer and so forth you will find that the parts were assembled in China, China-Taiwan. Southeast Asia and in Central Asia and Central and South America and Canada…. If you call for tech support on you’re Dell, Compaq, Gateway and others you will be calling India or Pakistan or Bangkok and so on. How many jobs Sir have you allowed to be outsourced to foreign countries? How many manufacturing jobs have been sent over seas?
Without giving US based company a competitive chance at these manufacturing jobs….. part of the reforms I have suggested in House Bill 2007 is that if a company knowingly closes a factory or take over sea bids over US Companies competitively given jobs to US Citizen then that company shall be seized by the State and owned their off along with all funds, equipment and so forth reverts to the government of the United States. The day of sending work over seas to bust the Unions up and force them to take less honorable deals and contracts, the Unions have gotten out of hand and should reform, refit and re-elect its leaders to bargain with reason and not stupidity or insanity of any kind. Lets make made in America mean something other then unemployed, unwelcome and overwhelmed by government out of control that is the only way we can survive the Bush democracy is to impeach, reform, refit and rebuild. Arthur Castes and Centurion and a Britton said very well and I quote
“The gift of Freedom is yours by right
But the home that we seek is not in a far off land
But within side of all of us
And if what we do to day be our destiny
Then so be it
But let history remember that as free men we chose to make it so”
Arthur Castes, Centurion (King Arthur)
Commander of the Samarian Knight |
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