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9/11, 3/11, 7/11 Terror Dates - Is there an "embedded code," and can we use it to save ourselves? |
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by Captain May Email: captainmay (nospam) (verified) |
17 Jul 2006
Captain May, Ghost Troop cyber infowar commander, uses his training in military intelligence and languages (Latin, Greek, Russian and Spanish) to cryptanalysis (code-break) present day false flag operations by our government. |
9/11, 3/11, 7/11 Terror Dates
Is there an "embedded code," and can we use it to save ourselves?
Prologue: How my students taught me to code
The first time I realized the full force of codes didn't have anything to do with decades in Army military intelligence. Nope, I was teaching high school in an inner-city neighborhood back before 9/11 when I noticed that an uncommonly high percentage of semi-literate gang members were running to be the school homecoming king. Since they hardly seemed to have much school spirit, this perplexed me. Still, my fellow teachers and I, college grads all, were bemused to see their wholesome efforts. They painted more candidacy signs and handed out more clever brochures -- long on "street art" -- than I ever would have imagined possible.
It wasn't until the day after the elections that a gang task force police officer came to the school and looked at the posters and brochures, and began to explain reality to us. Virtually everything posted was filled with gang graffiti, he explained! There was a real-life code at work, one that uncomprehending Americans can find in one form or another across the USA's rail cars, alleys and bus stops. The "homecoming king" elections had been a contest for power and prestige between the various factions of my high school's gangs, legible to any of them, and illegible to all us "intellectual" teachers!
That was the last time that I had any doubts about whether, as Shakespeare said through Hamlet:
There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio,
than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Street-smart students were my teachers, no doubt about it. It was only after being schooled by those high-schoolers that all my training in military intelligence and languages (Latin, Greek, Russian and Spanish) began to add up to any ability in cryptanalysis (code-breaking). My lesson came just in time, as the 911 event was just around the corner.
Connecting dots (and numbers): 9/11 (NY/DC) and 3/11 (Madrid)
Soon after the outbreak of what my former military associates and I termed the "Quicksand War" in Iraq, I set up a cyber-intelligence group, Ghost Troop, to counter the blatant propagandizing we detected in the US media. Nowadays, it's pretty easy to see that the media monopoly that hijacked our once free press glibly told every lie necessary to lead us into a war, and has told every lie necessary to keep us there. In the spring of 2003, though, those of us military experts and writers who had such views were in danger of losing our media connections -- or were simply in danger. We drew courage from our Ghost Troop camaraderie, and with each passing month we became more skeptical about the media presentation of the war. As time went on, we even came to suspect the way they reported the 911 event that led to the war.
By the winter of 2004 we were joined by a brave former Marine Corps officer, Captain Jeff Cross, who had been in the Big Apple the day of the attacks, attending a boots-to-business-suit course as he completed his military service and prepared to return to civilian life. He was the first member of the 9/11 Truth community I had met -- and is still the best witness of them all, in my book. Capt. Cross wasn't obsessed by arcane questions of whether it was thermite or a mini-nuke that brought down the towers -- it was enough for him that he had been five blocks away and had seen it all happen. He was utterly convinced that 9/11 was an inside job. The treatment he received from the various police and press people he contacted with his information was typical for 9/11 witnesses: He was told to shut up, shut down and shove off.
Already starting to believe him, I was convinced utterly of his accuracy by the Madrid bombings of 3/11 (2004). Everyone who wakes up to 9/11 does so in a different way, I suppose. In my case it was a combination of the earnest testimony of my brother officer -- and because I had picked up numeric anomalies in the 9/11 and 3/11 events that defied explanation as coincidence:
• The 9 and 3 month numbers were square and square root of each other
• There were exactly 911 days between the dates 9/11 (2001) and 3/11 (2004)
• There was a reported body count from the Madrid bombings of 199 (which was 911 with the numbers "flipped" -- 9's to 1's; 1's to 9's: 911/199)
• There was even a reversion of the body count downward (who got up and left the morgue?) to 191 -- which is an anagram (mix-up) of 911!
I never spent as much time or effort on any math problem as I spent on exploring my hasty hypothesis that there was an "embedded code" in the numbers of the 9/11 and 3/11 events. I didn't sleep for two days, so disturbed was I by the inability to disprove my worst suspicions. By the end of the second day I was convinced of quite shocking things:
• that the embedded code was real, and was being carried by the collaborative media (which was probably designated an "embedded media" as a way of reminding itself that it was a vehicle of encryption);
• that the 9/11 and 3/11 events were orchestrated with the aid of this embedded code, and were "signed" with it every bit as much as my street gang students "signed" their work with graffiti;
• that an understanding of the code enabled those who orchestrated the bogus terror attacks of 9/11 and 3/11 to "set it up" without alarming the unknowing public
• that those who could "crack the code" (like Ghost Troop) could use their knowledge to anticipate and alert the American People against planned future attacks.
After my 48-hour "epiphany," I wrote an extraordinary article, in which I predicted a phony Al Qaeda attack against Houston, Texas, to be carried out in the wake of the Madrid bombings, as a means of spurring the American People into a genocidal World War Three. I issued a specific date of 3/31 (2004), and immediately began to make calls to the Houston FBI.
The FBI at first took a keen interest in my cryptanalytic work, given that it was produced by a trained intelligence professional, and began a week-long discussion of my techniques and conclusions. As the target date of 3/31 neared, though, they tried to brush me off, and when I refused to be brushed off they began to threaten me with prosecution if I didn't desist. I switched tactics then, avoiding them and instead making contact with my former colleagues in the Houston media, particularly Tara Howard of KPRC radio. She alerted FBI National to my work and predictions, and FBI National put the Gulf Coast under terror alert on March 25, 2004.
On 3/30 (2004) the British Petroleum refinery in Texas City, Texas, exploded, sending gasoline futures to the highest level in history. Our prediction of a Houston event on 3/31 had been wrong by 24 hours and 24 miles -- and the odds against that kind of accuracy were astronomical!
Houston CID Sergeant John Karshner, with whom I had been collaborating in my terror alert, thought I had indeed broken a code and likely prevented a far worse explosion in Texas City, but was timorous about what to do about it. After all, my premise had been that I could predict the 3/11 Madrid sequel because the terror events were orchestrated by the Bush administration -- and what can a local cop do about that? The Houston FBI wasn't at all conflicted, though: When I tried to make contact with them the day after the explosions they again threatened me with prosecution -- and worse -- if I didn't desist.
More predictions and proofs in 2004 & 2005
In the two years since that first prediction, Ghost Troop has used its "embedded code" analysis to detect and warn against one potential false-flag terror attack after another -- most of them in the Houston Metropolitan area.
We predicted a fake terror event in the fall of 2004 -- as the FBI was hiking up the terror alert index and promising exactly what we were predicting as a pending Al Qaeda attack to disrupt our presidential elections. I published an article specifying a 9/27 (2004) event in Houston. This time the prediction was exact in time, though still off by 24 miles, as there was a major sabotage of a pipeline in New Caney, Texas, just north of Houston.
Both the 3/30 and 9/27 (2004) events are explained and explored by our first national article on the embedded code, which predicted the 9/27 event on 9/6 (and contained the information that had led to our earlier 3/30 event prediction. The analysis is a bit technical, but it gives invaluable mainstream confirmation of our claims, and a fine introduction to our cryptanalytic method:
The next year we predicted a 7/27 (2005) event in Houston, writing our forecast the first day of July -- and a week before the 7/7 (2005) London event that set up the idea of a follow-up attack on the US, much as the 3/11 (2004) Madrid had set up the idea of the 3/30 (2004) attempt against Texas City. Our 7/27 prediction was off by 24 hours and 24 miles, as British Petroleum, Texas City, exploded on 7/28. Once again oil prices shot through the roof, making record profits for those "lucky few" who knew something was coming.
Many will remember that last summer was when the US media was selling us the story that Al Qaeda was likely to nuke a US port in the near future, and we Ghost Troops have no doubt that the Texas City event of 7/28 would have been a nuclear false-flag attack had it not been for our intervention. The mission file must be read (or better yet, listened to, as we did live broadcasts of the events of 7/28): What happened the night of 7/28 was as frightening an event as I -- or any other American -- ever wants to witness. Sgt. Karshner and I, who worked that mission together, agreed afterward that what we and all the city had seen in the skies above Texas City that night was a deliberately simulated nuclear explosion. My police partner again became timorous at the enormity of what had occurred, saying that there was nothing the Houston Police could do about what had happened, since it was a national matter!
Making assurance double sure: 2006 predictions & proofs
Our next prediction was of a 1/31 (2006) attempt to nuke Texas City, Texas. That time we didn't have any kind of explosive signal to confirm that something had been up, leading many who doubted our methodology to say we had discredited ourselves -- until a mainstream Galveston County Daily News article by TJ Aulds ran two days later, on Feb. 2, 2006: The article revealed that there had been a secret deployment of a US Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Team to the beaches south of Texas City, where they deployed to take measurements of Texas City -- all in practice, they said (while assuring the public that any appearance to the contrary was mere "coincidence").
HPD Sgt. Karshner admitted that he was surprised by this deployment, and disturbed that it had been made in secret while the US government was running exercises simulating a nuclear attack on a US port city -- as it had been running exercises simulating terror airplane crashes into skyscrapers on 9/11. Again, the mission file offers confirmation:
Nearly three months after the 1/31 (2006) Texas city save (for so we know it to be, and so we call it), we made a prediction of a 6/6 (2006) attempt to bring down the Sears Tower in Chicago, largely basing our shift in "target zone" from Houston to Chicago on the strength of two things: the zip-coding of the Sears Tower (60606 -- or "666" to numerologists, since "zeros don't count") and the fact that "Lucky" Larry Silverstein, the man who brought the World Trade Center two months before 9/11 -- then made a killing off the insurance pay-off -- had helped to purchase the Sears Tower on 3/11 (2004). More amazing numerological "coincidences!"
Our "Sears Tower 666" prediction was the furthest off-base we had ever been, although it was still largely accurate. In late April, 2006,we detected, confirmed and exposed "Chicago 911" exercises aiming to simulate a major attack and building collapse in downtown Chicago during May 2-4, 2006 exercises (from which Chicago Mayor Daley was conveniently absent to visit Israel). The results of this Ghost Troop save were so widely publicized that the Irish 911 Truth Movement picked began to research and post our results -- and nowadays we have a more intense readership in Ireland even than in the USA:
The most recent Ghost Troop prediction and interdiction derived in part from material published in the Lone Star Iconoclast (May 28, 2006), in our 911 Truth and Texas Terror. In that article, and in greater detail in phone conversations with editor-in-chief Leon Smith, I predicted a 7/1 (2006) attempt at a small-scale attack ("homegrown" is the term du jour in the media) in one or another Southeast Texas petrochemicals town, specifying Exxon Mobil as one of the likely targets. On 7/2 (2006), Ghost Troop was proved accurate to within a day once again, as Baytown Texas saw felt the explosion of its Exxon Mobil plant. As with the other petro-events, this one made money for anyone in on the plan, as the highest oil prices in history were recorded when the markets opened up again on the other side of the long July 4th weekend. The mission file contains the Iconoclast version of my article, along with a longer version originally submitted that specifies the 7/1 date: It's worth noting that a Southeast Texas TV station, NBC''s KBTV, was interested in our prediction work until after it came true -- and we haven't heard a word from them since.
Conclusions to prevent catastrophe
As anyone referring to the links I've provided will find, Ghost Troop has never flinched from doing its duty -- as a patriotic cyber-intelligence unit trying to save American lives -- by taking to the airwaves, and publishing on the Internet. Indeed, so much have we availed ourselves of the tools of cyber-publication and cyber-broadcast that anyone who wants to know more -- far more -- than I've written here can easily simply take the item of interest and write it into any search engine, along with "Ghost Troop." It's worth noting that this article contains all the Ghost Troop predictions -- we've never made an invalid one.
The poignant question I'm regularly asked by show hosts is "Why are you still alive, after doing all this to shut down mass murder and treason?" My reply has been that perhaps I've become so conspicuous through my analysis of the embedded code, and so well-known in leading Ghost Troop to shut down planned terror events, that for me to suddenly die -- however "accidental" the appearance -- would set off an epiphany among the many readers and listeners who somewhat believed in our Ghost Troop work. If such is the case, then I am glad that my duty and salvation both call me in the same direction -- that of action for my country. Like every other Armed Forces member, I was trained to defend the constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. My conclusions about the embedded code make it clear to me -- and an ever-increasing part of the American People -- which kind of enemy we face today. The Founders said that tyranny must return to every free people, and they wrote a Declaration urging that patriots resist it when it arrived.
Captain Eric H. May, MI/PAO, USA
CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+
Mission of Conscience / Patriots in Action
Captain May has posted an July 14, 2006 interview with Cloak and Dagger radio host Lenny Bloom at The interview has a concordance of embedded code dates and numbers, which should be refined further by the analysis of the American People, then forwarded to their loyal law enforcement and military officials. |
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This work is in the public domain |