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Announcement :: Latin America |
"Americans for Chavez" Launched |
Current rating: 0 |
by Bolivarian Circle 'Chief Tierra Blanca' (No verified email address) |
25 Jun 2006
We would like to announce the launching of the "Americans for Chavez" project by Bolivarian Circle 'Chief Tierra Blanca' in Denver, Colorado and its website found online at: |
We would like to announce the launching of the "Americans for Chavez" project by Bolivarian Circle 'Chief Tierra Blanca' in Denver, Colorado and its website found online at:
Beyond organizing local solidarity activity - several projects are in the works presently - and coordinating with the larger progressive anti-imperialist camp (with an emphasis on anti-war and pro-Palestine activism), we have launched the "Americans for Chavez" website & online project to promote solidarity in cyber-space. For the record, we are in no way in competition with, or opposed to, the larger solidarity networks like the Cyber Circle ( and the Hands Off Venezuela campaign ( In fact our website includes multiple links to these networks and we strongly suggest that interested parties visit them as well.
In that our Circle is presently composed solely of Anglo- and Arab-Americans and none of us have strong skills in Spanish, we have opted to emphasize English language resources in support of the Bolivarian Revolution. As a consequence we have compiled what we believe to be the most comprehensive collection of English-language links in support of the Bolivarian Process available online. See:
Other pages that might be of interest include our Bolivarian Missions Page - - that details the
social missions that has made President Chavez popular in both Venezuela and among those who believe that governments should actually work to the benefit of their peoples. Our Buy Citgo Page - - shows how President Chavez has directly helped people in the United States. Our site is simple and basic but includes a lot of information that might be of interest.
¡SÃ, Se Puede!
Viva Chavez!
Bolivarian Circle 'Chief Tierra Blanca' |
See also: |
This work is in the public domain |
The Judgment of Bush and Chavez |
by Gary Vance (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Jun 2006
Imagine with me for a moment that Presidents George Bush and Hugo Chavez both died and found themselves in line waiting to go before Jesus for the judgment of their souls. Both men are shocked and perplexed to find themselves face to face in this climactic moment of their eternal destinies. Their relationship had always been distant, strained and antagonistic toward one another primarily due to their opposing ideologies.
Bush had become the most powerful leader on the planet and was infamous for conquering a hapless nation that sat on one of Earth's largest oil reserves. He was feared and hated by most nations. Chavez was president of a small nation that also sat on a large oil reserve. He was renowned for using oil profits to provide humanitarian assistance to his own nation and many others. He was feared and hated by the Bush administration and some fundamentalist preachers. Both men were professing Christians.
They were eyeing one another warily when suddenly their names were called. They were ushered directly into the presence of Jesus who sat on a great white throne. His glory and splendor was beyond description. Both men were awestruck and speechless as His piercing gaze penetrated their souls. The two men stood side by side facing Jesus.
"George and Hugo, you stand before me today to give an account for your lives and to be judged accordingly. It is no ironic coincidence that brings you both before me today. I seldom have the opportunity to judge two at once who are so opposite yet claim to be my followers. Talk is cheap. Let's see how well you have been following me," said Jesus.
Both men were obviously afraid and neither dared to look directly at Him.
Jesus motioned with his right hand to Hugo Chavez and said, "Welcome to my kingdom. I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me."
Then Chavez asked, "Lord, when did I do these things for you?"
Jesus replied, "Whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me. You were given stewardship over a vast treasure and you used it to bring help to the sick and impoverished. You have done justly, loved mercy and walked humbly before me. Well done my good and faithful servant."
Jesus then turned toward George W. Bush and motioned with his left hand and said….
Gary Vance is an evangelical pastor/writer in rural Tennessee. He is the author of "Wasn't Jesus a Liberal?" and other essays. Vance can be contacted at gvance1 (at) |