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News :: Right Wing
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud Current rating: 0
22 May 2006
Before beginning any criticism of Barbara Boxer for anything whatsoever it would be unfair to not to praise her for her stance against the Bush Regime's Iraq war from the very beginning.Below is a list of the sad minority of Senators who had the courage or common sense not to place that decision in the hands of the mad man some call 'president', George W Bush.Of course the far right hypocrite Hillary Clinton is another story.She who cries of a 'far right conpiracy' against her and hubby Bill Clinton,is one.
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud

Below,United States Senate members who voted against Busholini's invasion of Iraq .

In the Senate, the 21 Democrats, one Republican and one Independent who courageously voted their consciences in 2002 against the War in Iraq were:

Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii) Jeff Bingaman (D-New Mexico) Barbara Boxer (D-California) Robert Byrd (D-West Virginia) Lincoln Chaffee (R-Rhode Island) Kent Conrad (D-North Dakota) Jon Corzine (D-New Jersey) Mark Dayton (D-Minnesota) Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin) Bob Graham (D-Florida) Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) Jim Jeffords (I-Vermont) Ted Kennedy (D-Massachusetts) Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont) Carl Levin (D-Michigan) Barbara Mikulski (D-Maryland) Patty Murray (D-Washington) Jack Reed (D-Rhode Island) Paul Sarbanes (D-Maryland) Debbie Stabenow (D-Michigan) The late Paul Wellstone (D-Minnesota) Ron Wyden (D-Oregon)


Not even that Mormon penny stock touter and fraud, Senator Bob Bennett of Utah, could out do Hillary in hiding self righteously behind the U.S. flag and pseudo patriotism, (the first and last refuge of scoundrels),and voting to deny ,even levy fines and prison sentences, against any who would dare burn a U.S. flag in protest or dismay(unless they live outside the U.S. where such freedom of expression is not prohibited) at what the likes of Hillary Dillary Clinton sow upon this country and world that we all must reap. And are reaping at present. :

Hillary Clinton's drift

But we suppose the question between now and, say, 2008 — the next presidential sweepstakes — is how far Clinton will go to make herself red-state ready? An ominous sign is her teaming up with Sen. Bob Bennett, R-Utah, to sponsor constitutionally suspect legislation that would criminalize flag-burning. To our knowledge, it's the first time Clinton, a lawyer, has gotten so far in front of legislation written for the sole purpose of placating the politically gullible.

The Bennett-Clinton bill, which looks to skirt settled free-speech protections, would prohibit destroying a flag with the intent of causing violence; threatening someone by burning a flag; or damaging a flag that is federally owned or that belongs to someone else on federal land. But there's no need to carve out such special protection for the flag. Committing any one of those acts — with a flag, a newspaper, or even a rolled-up copy of the First Amendment — would most assuredly be covered by most any local criminal mischief or assault statute.

Indeed, to pile on with these unnecessary special protections smells of pandering — to those citizens who confuse actual liberty and actual democracy with the symbols of such ideals: to wit, our flag. The latter is, and always has been, bigger than protests, even those featuring angry matches. Surely, Clinton knows this — just as she must also know this is no burning issue in New York or anyplace else that has real-life problems. We hope she reconsiders, before her drift from left reaches the abyss.


I suppose in retrospect it should come as no surprise that Hillary Clinton would turn a blind eye to penny stock fraud and show little sympathy to victims of such scams after she and Bill befriended Bill Clinton' s fellow Rhodes scholar James Dale Davidson who was and is one. J.D.Davidson who had earlier ties to the Reagan and Poppy Bush administrations later turned on Bill and accused him of killing Vince Foster, even using ex DIA William Colby' s name on the letter head of his Agora Inc.' s ' Strategic Investment' penny stock mail fraud ops to do it .Colby was paid to lend his name to Davidson' s penny stock promotions - BUT NOT TO THAT ACCUSATION THAT HE NEVER DID PERSONALLY CLAIM HE BELIEVED UP TO THE TIME OF HIS MYSTERIOUS DEATH BY DROWNING A YEAR LATER.

The link below will explain that incident in James Dale Davidson's or his right wing ghost wrtier ,Christopher Ruddy's,own words and it will shock you to note that Ruddy was actually expecting or predicting Colby's death a month BEFORE it actually occured ! Is the far right psychic ?

William Colby's Death Mystery

Christopher Ruddy

I speak from experience when I state Hillary has done nothing about Senator Bennett's and Patrick Byrne's NCANS penny stock fraud.She and her office was contacted by me in early 2005 when the NCANS fraud began with an ad-letter to W Bush in the Washington Post warning him of the supposed dangers of 'naked short selling' or share counterfeitting to the stock market! This is really a scam to divert attention of investors or suckers from the massive manipulation or 'pump and dump' of penny stocks by con artists such as Patrick Byrne, James Dale Davidson and so many more criminals, American and other, who have taken over the U.S. penny stock market apparently with the SEC's blessing and have used it for out and out fraud against investors and avoidence of taxes as well as money laundering for unknown causes ! Patrick Byrne and his Geico billionaire father Jack funded a million dollar + anti-John Edwards and anti-John Kerry
dirty tricks campaign including donations to Swift Boat Catpains against John Kerry! In my opinion this money was NOT theirs but that of defrauded investors !

Since then the fraud has grown and although Hillary Clinton would have every reason to know that it is a fraud and Patrick Byrne and probably James Dale Davidson,who supported Bill Clinton in his first presidential campaign is behind it,she has chosen to do nothing ! Personally I believe that the over $1million used in the Byrne's smear campaign against John Edwards to be really not theirs,but money they made off stock fraud.

The information about the money spent by Jack and Patrick Byrne in their anti-Democrat smear campaign against Kerry and Edwards of 2004 is from Carol Remond of the Wall Street Journal.The conclusion that it has bought poitical favor and,so far, immunity to run stock scams and make death threats on Yahoo
stock message boards and the internet and run penny stock promotion websites with protection from Utah Senator Bob Bennett and the Republcans in power is mine.

And this from Davidson's far right newsmax will hint at Davidson's involvement in 'cooking the books' and his penny stock scams during Bush senior's term in office and his involvement and ego clash with his fellow Rhodes scholar,Bill Clinton,again written by Davidson's ghost writer Christopher Ruddy who has also worked for Richard Mellon Scaife's paper and Rupert Murdoch's New York Post.:

Economist: Inflation Rate Is Double Official Number
Christopher Ruddy and Ryan Troup
March 14, 2000

Jan. 20, 1993, and Bill Clinton was not president 24 hours when he saw James Dale Davidson at one of several Washington Inaugural Balls. Clinton quickly waved past the salutations and congratulations. "Jim," he said, "You may able to help me."

Davidson, a Clinton campaign donor, a financial writer, then head of the National Taxpayers Union and someone who had known Clinton for years from annual retreats at the Hilton Head Renaissance weekends, nodded with agreement.

"I think the Bush people were cooking the economic numbers in the months before the election," Clinton said, continuing, "Do you think you could put together a report for me on how they did it?"

Davidson agreed but the thought went racing through his mind, "This man’s not president for one day and he’s already trying to figure out how to fix the books."


I suspect Davidson is behind Hillary's Utah Republican pal,Bob Bennett' s and his favorite constituent Patrick Byrne' s, ' anti-naked short selling' fraud.This was started by Davidson as a group called NAANSS or National Association Against Naked Short Selling in 2002,located in an office in Blaine, Washington to be near his Canadian allies in the fraud no doubt.It may have included money laundering as well as illegal pump and dump fraud that caused uneducated investors to lose up to 100% of their investment in a supposed cancer cure.

Also Refco has been a known penny stock and thus no doubt a money laundering operation for years. Surely Hillary Dillary Clinton knew.:

Hillary's Bull Market
Was that $100,000 profit from cattle futures a bribe?

On February 8,2005 the J.D.Davidson anti-naked short selling fraud reappeared with a 100 thousand dollar ad in the Washington Post that was traced first to the British Virgin Islands,a known penny stock and money laundering haven,before the controversy led Utah Senator Bob Bennett ' s pal Patrick Byrne and his unidentified partner ,who I believe is James Dale Davidson,to transfer their penny stock website and bank account to San Diego, home of Titan Corp,Brent Wilkes,convicted Congressman Randy ' Puke' Cunningham and a number of Washington D.C. funded scandals and scoundrels coincidentally.This as you may recall is also where some of the Saudi 911 terrorists were located as well.Coincidence ?...

Brent Wilkes ,investigated for bribing San Diego's corrupt former congressman Randy ' Duke' Cunningham,donated a large sum of money to the failing campaign coffers of Katherine Harris,who as Florida Secretary of State conspired with Jeb Bush
to steal votes from Florida's liberal Jewish and much larger black population in 2000.

Congress bribery probe could deepen

Daniel Hopsicker,the only journalist to investigate the
World Trade Center and 9/11 connection to Huffman Aviation,while the New York Times slept or dreamt of 'WMDS' in Iraq, has made the startling discovery of a San Diego Titan Corporation connection to Lebanese terrorist suspect Makrim Majid Chams - he was a Titan Corp employee ! And it's all in SEC filings that Chris 'WMDS in Iraq' Cox who W Bush appointed as SEC Chairman of cover-ups,could have easily found !

You can read about NCANS or National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling an and penny stock fraud funded stock promotion internet site funded by Patrick Byrne,, to promote a far right stock fraud, with overseas money laundering connections,I believe, by doing a google search of,
'senator bennet cheetah club' and locating a sandiego.indymedia expose by me.As I have pointed out since that Washington Post one page ad-letter to W Bush first appeared in February 2005 James Dale Davidson is involved as usual in this penny stock fraud or the perpetrators,Bob Bennett,Patrick Byrne plagiarized the fraud from Davidson' s NAANSS scam and J.D. Davidson and Patrick Byrne's pal,David Patch' s, , right down to the scam of encouraging naive investors to buy paper stock certificates to protect from internet or 'digital' share countefeitting supposedly by brokers or the DTCC while insiders to the fraud manipulate the share price and dump more worthless shares on the market.Even ex Clinton Commerce Secretary Robert
Shapiro has been part of this fraud !

Of course there should be no need to appeal to Hillary Clinton Barbara Boxer or any other Senator or Congress person in the first place if the Republian and fraud controlled SEC or Securities Exchange Commission weren't corrupt and broken just as it was before the known penny stock fraudster W Bush became president.Only now it is much worse.

The SEC and its Chairman Chris ' WMDs' Cox and John Reed Stark and ex SEC attorney Brent Baker know who is behind NCANS besides Byrne,I' m sure.
Brent Baker of Uah SEC covered up for James Dale Davidson and Porter Stansberry of Agora Inc. and their
fraudulent pumps and dumps and claims of 'naked shorting' for Endovasc and Genemax.He now has a cushy private job with Patrick Byrne coincidentally,
fraudulently claiming Byrne's pump and dump scam is being 'naked shorted' by a 'Sith Lord' !. Coincidence ?

Gary Weiss who wrote the 'MafiaOn Wall Street ' series for Business Week in the1990s has been the only journalst to take serious intrest in the fraud being pepetrated by Patrick Byrne link to his blog site is :


Daniel Hopsicker who's been the only investigative journalist to report on the Venice,Florida Huffman Aviation flight shool of Jeb Bush friend Wally Hilliard that hosted Mohamed Atta and trained the Saudis involved has discovered penny stock connections in and around this tragedy. Rather than trying to repeat or
copy his investigaton I provide a link.:

Airplanes Owner in 5.5 Ton Cocaine Bust Includes Tom DeLay Appointee,Floridas Saudi Terrorist Training Flight School Connected.....

As I try to explain further below in indymedia post
link titled,'John Negroponte,Homeland Security, SEC,Chris Cox,Makram Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,etc.'
after a discussion of Utah Senator Bennett, as well as Christopher Cox and his SEC is that what Makram Chams, Mohamed Atta,, reaped on 9/11,as well as drug running that continues to be associated with the same Venice,Florida airport owned by Jeb Bush’s pal Wally Hilliard where Mohamed Atta trained or bided his time waiting for 9/11, could very well have been paid for with the penny stock fraud and corruption that Bennett and Cox allow if not encourage ! Also that John Negroponte’s Homeland Security and Christopher Cox ’s SEC could have located Mr. Makram Chams at any time through the Homeland Security’s corp whore,Titan Corporaton of San Diego. Mr.Cox could have done so through SEC fiings !

John Negroponte,Homeland Security, SEC,Chris Cox,Makram Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,etc.

Below is my letter to Barbara Boxer that I was moved to write in reponse to Christopher Byron's New York Post article of May 15 about the CIA's In-Q-Tel stock fraud operation,Hillary Clinton,Barbara Boxer and me.
Only some action by Barbara Boxer to finally distance herself from this fraud will restore my complete respect for her.This would require some effort at 'repentance' from encouraging all such penny stock frauds,the CIA's or otherwise, in the future and the investigaton of past penny stock fraud the SEC has allowed to occur,including Charles Schwab's past involvement in the Stanford University and James Dale Davidson connected Endovasc fraud that appears to have aided money laundering in terrorist suspect money laundering regions such as Kuala Lumpur and the UAE's Dubai that I have proof of. No wonder ex SEC Commissioner and Stanord Law prfessor who ha hadhiswn conflictsof interest with Oracle and has recenty resiged from hisposition here cheers the SEC
on in its hrets tosubpeona jouralistssch as Carol Remond who was the only business reporter to investigate the fraudulent Endovasc scam that both Stanford Unversity and itsresearchersHeeschen and Cooke illicitly profited from. And it also benefitted James Dale Davidson through a CharesSchab account that dumped 'up to 30 million' worthless shares from a harles Schwab account as Davidson
lied about Endovasc's potential and aatent that didn't even exist and the worthless shares were dumped on deceived investors from that Schwab account and the cash probably moved offshore pehapsthrough OMof Bermudawho hwa workedmany apenny stock pump and dump op with and who Davidson was also once a substantial share holder in.

While Hillary Clinton's involvement in aiding and abetting the CIA' s Ionatron penny stock fraud and illegal pump and dump scam seems transparent,that is it has connections to her big political contributer,the
Blank & Rome law firm located in New York and elsewhere - the equivalent of taking bribe as far as I'm concerned ! The claim made against Barbara Boxer made simultaneously by the poster on freerepublic may or may not be correct or fair but I do believe Barbara Boxer should publcally answer the accusations.

Perhaps Barbara,unlike Hillary, is truly naive as to the damages penny stock frauds such as Ionatron have on the naive investing public,myself included.Maybe she is unaware that her name and reputaion is on the line and used by these CIA connected penny stock touts to promote or 'pump' up th price of their shares to dump in mass,like counterfeit money,on investors and make there investment worthless as worthless shares inundate the market ! If the U.S. government or the Congress truly feels this unproven technology really works they had better find a way of funding it that does not defraud investors as scams run by known penny stock fraudster such as those behind Ionatron aways do.

I post this from the the,not because I respect this right win digital rag generally but ecause this bt f anti-Hillary bias has more than a ring of truth.
That is say it is indeed a fact th

below from :

Anyone following Hillary closely would realize immediately why she made this statement. She is in the pocket of Ionatron, a company who has hired a relative of Bill's buddy John Podesta to push a fantasy weapons system to the pentagon. The Pentagon says this 'joint improvised explosive defeat fund' is merely largess for Clintonites and their this is you do not believe me.........Ionatron, Inc. and its subsidiaries engage in the development and marketing of Directed Energy Weapon technology products and other products based on its Laser Induced Plasma Channel (LIPC) for the agencies of the U.S. Government focused on national security. The LIPC technology is designed as a line of sight weapon, which enables the propagation of various forms and quantities of electrical energy to be aimed and directed at a target or between two points. It also provides a counter-Improved Explosive Device (IED) vehicle, known as Joint IED read this........

This has helped the company land a contract to build 12 of its devices for testing by the Pentagon. Yet although a Marine Corps unit in Afghanistan is said by Pentagon officials to have begun some testing on its own, formal testing for actual deployment in combat has not yet begun.

One reason: No one has yet developed tactics for how these Jeep-sized devices, operated by remote control, might be used to patrol the thousands of miles of roadways traveled by U.S. military vehicles every day. In recent Senate testimony, Secretary of the Army Francis Harvey said formal field testing would not begin until these issues are ironed out.

Faced with such objections, Ionatron's supporters have begun spinning the Pentagon's apparent wariness into a tale of petty inter-service rivalries between the Army and the Marine Corps, suggesting that the lives of U.S. troops are being lost in the process.

To that end, two high-profile Senate Democrats have lately picked up the message, adding their own voices to those of House and Senate Republicans in calls for quick deployment of the Ionatron devices before even more lives are lost.

What role, if any, the lobbyists at Blank & Rome may have played in getting the Ionatron story on the radar screens of the two Senate Democrats isn't known, but a role of some sort may easily enough be surmised, considering who the two senators in fact are: New York's own Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barbara Boxer of California.

Both senators have longstanding ties to a Blank & Rome lobbyist named Heather Podesta, who has hooks of her own into the federal Democratic power loop.

PODESTA is the wife of a Democratic Party operative named An thony Podesta, who managed Sen. John Kerry's failed presidential run in 2004. And Anthony Podesta's brother, John Podesta, was White House chief of staff for ex-President Clinton....Is it any wonder why we are losing confidence in our gov't when our national security and that of our brave soldiers is sacrificed for the green and political aspirations of people like Hillary Clinton. h

1 posted on 04/26/2006 10:50:01 AM PDT by milwguy
[ Post Reply | Private Reply | View Replies ]

Dear Barbara Boxer,

I(Tony Ryals)was mentioned as well as Hillary Clinton and yourself in an article by Chris Byron,(Rupert Murdoch's only real journalist or business reporter),in
the NY Post recently.I used to live in Santa Cruz,California but can't even return for a visit
from Guatemala due to a penny stock fraud perpetrated by JAMES DALE DAVIDSON
AND A BIOTECH FRAUD CALLED ENDOVASC THAT STANFORD UNIVERSITY PROFITED FROM.Charles Schwab ,my 'broker',provided the Schwab account to dump 'up to 30 million' worthless shares from.They still refuse to divulge the holders of that fraudulent pump and dump account!

Anyway I was indeed greatly disappointed to see you fell for the CIA - Ionatron scam,and with Hillary Dilleery Clnton, and actually were responsible for funding their fraud.You see in doing so you not only filled the pockets of crooks with taxpayers money but also allowed the perpetraitors of said fraud to use your names to further promote or tout or 'pump' a penny stock to naive investors just as I was when
I 'invested' in Endovasc,because of Stanford's reputaton,only to find not only my own broker, Charles Schwab,was aiding a pump and dump scam but shortly there after worthless Endovasc shares wer being promoted by a Kuala Lumpur and Dubai connected boiler room(Bellador Group)not only for a pump and dump fraud but also,quiet possibly,for
money laundering as well because the SEC allows or encourages it to happen!You probably aided offshore criminal activity with your support of Ionatron as well !

I will soon be writing an article about your and Hillary's
involvement in the promotion of the Ionatron penny stock fraud.I am happy to quote you and get your side of the story or just report the facts as I know them.But when I become ready to post a story it goes fast as so many you can find about Utah Senator Bennett and James Angel of Georgetown University who has promoted J.D.Davidson's and Patick Byrne'e 'NAANSS' or 'NCANS'fraud,etc.,etc..

You could do a google search of those names plus mine and find what I write but you can also take the link to my indymedia article below my open letter to Byron posted on the message board of David Marchant,'John Negroponte,Homeland Security, SEC,Chris Cox,Makram Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,etc.',and get an idea of the scam I am persuing that as you can see,inevitaly cross paths with the 9/11 tragedy.Yes it may be hard to separate penny stocks from paying at least a cameo role in 9/11.

Tony Ryals

In a spirit of generosity hard to believe from a Rupert Murdoch owned newspaper or anything else,the New York Post or Mr.Christopher Byron himself,has put the entire article mentioning Hillary Clinton Barbara Boxer me and refering to the CIA's In-Q-Tel penny stock pump and dump of Ionatron (i.e.-illegal) online ! It is even more outrageous when you cnsider the CIA incorporated their pnny stock scam In-Q-Tel that has 'invested in a number of penny stock pump and dumps for personal gain as 'non-profit' !

Perhaps Chris Byron has come to note the power of the internt and that if he publishes in Murdoch's closed NY Post and media world and no one sees he may as well as a writer perish.And in that he is correct. Welcome to cyber space Mr.Byron,a strange yet interesting world indeed !

Also as Chris Byron must have noted some of his fine investigative journalism has been co-opted in the past by a fraudulent Canadian penny stock site called RGM or something like that which may be connected to Hillary and Bill Clinton's old far right buddie James Dale Davdson,founder the of Steve Forbes connected National Taxpayers Union,the internet's 'national inquirer' called Davidson's newsmax makes the National Enquirer appear very intellectual and sophisticated by comparison.

JAMES dale Davidson s a Rhode schlar lke Clinton who keeps much of his ast a complet secret while lieing about his business expetse which seems to consit mainly of penny astock fraud and probable money laundering WITH BELTWAY CONNECTIONS THROUGH HIS FRAUDULENT AGORA INC LOCATED IN BALTIMORE BUT INVOLVING PENNY STOCK FRAUD MAINLY WITH U.S. PENNY STOCKS AROUND THE WORLS AND NOW PARTICULARLY THROUGH THE 'WORLD WIDE WEB'. It appears that he has been running these frauds wih impunity right in front of the SEC from Alexandria,Vrginia since at least 1979.

Genemax an infamous penny stock fraud pump and dump scam from around 2002 that may even include money laundering was probably named for James Dale Davidson's penny stocks can be used for far right Republican and fascist propaganda as is the case of newmax or even drug trafficking, money laundering, and even terrorism as our corrupt Securities Exchange Commission headed
by the W Bush apponted liar Christopher Cox who was himself involved with a huge fraud against retired folk in California himsef !


Christopher Byron



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May 15, 2006 -- IF former National Security Agency chief Michael Hayden hangs in there as President Bush's nominee to head the CIA and makes it to a Senate confirmation hearing, one of the panel's members should ask him this:
"Sir, please tell the committee how much further you anticipate allowing the CIA to expand its presence on Wall Street via the private venture capital firm known as In-Q-Tel, Inc."

Hayden came under withering fire in Washington last week as word spread that the ex-NSA chief had presided over the White House's post-9/11 surveillance program of monitoring domestic U.S. telephone calls. The White House, politically weakened from a year of setbacks both at home and abroad, may decide to withdraw Hayden from consideration and submit an alternative nominee burdened with less civil liberties baggage.

Yet whoever winds up in the CIA's top job will inherit a developing mess involving In-Q-Tel that was largely ignored by the agency's departing director, Porter Goss. Hints that all is not well with In-Q-Tel have begun seeping into view as this little-known domestic CIA front operation continues to funnel agency money into penny stock and micro-cap companies in Wall Street's murkiest back alleys.

Two In-Q-Tel CEOs have resigned from the six-year-old venture capital fund in just the last four months; the fund is being run on a day-to-day basis by a man from Washington's politically greased Carlyle Group who has been with In-Q-Tel for only a few weeks. Headhunters are said to be having trouble coming up with candidates for a permanent replacement.

And there are even reports, largely unconfirmed, that the Securities and Exchange Commision is looking into several penny stock promoters with ties to In-Q-Tel.

Launched in 1999 by CIA director George Tenet as a Wall Street venture fund to finance new technologies for the spy world, In-Q-Tel quickly found friends on Capitol Hill, where policymakers seized on the fund as a way to remind constituents that the ghost of Vietnam no longer walked the land. The attacks of 9/11 gave In-Q-Tel even more stature in Congress, where the fund came to be seen as an essential element in the war effort.

Yet the public's visceral reaction to last week's NSA revelations suggests that war or no war, a backlash against government snooping may be starting. And that in turn promises to crank up the heat under In-Q-Tel, where at least some of the fund's investments raise questions of judgment regarding how taxpayer money is being spent by the organization, as well as who it is choosing for business partners.

A year ago, this column drew back the curtain on a fishy In-Q-Tel in vestment, financed out of the black box budget of the CIA, in a defense-sector start-up called Ionatron Inc.

Run by a longtime Wall Street regulatory violator named Robert Howard, Ionatron used a cash infusion from In-Q-Tel to promote itself around Washington as the developer of a laser-equipped, remotely controlled device the size of a golf cart that could patrol the highways of Iraq, ferreting out and detonating insurgent land mines ahead of troop movements.

We warned in this space that the technology being trumpeted by Ionatron was not only unproven, but had been obtained by Howard and some midlevel researchers at Raytheon Corp. under highly irregular circumstances designed to persuade a West Coast laser researcher into turning over his research to Howard's group.

Nonetheless, Sen. Hillary Clinton and her Democratic colleague from California, Barbara Boxer, quickly embraced the Ionatron program, which eventually devoured more than $12 million in government funding before the Pentagon finally concluded last week that the devices are not reliable and cancelled plans to deploy them.

Ionatron's stock price has tumbled more than a third in the last three weeks, leaving the company's largest investor - prominent hedge fund SAC Capital Advisors, run by Steven A. Cohen of Connecticut - sitting with millions in paper losses.

SAC Capital has acknowledged that it is under investigation by the SEC in what appears to be a separate matter involving stock trading, and the SEC may soon start taking a look into the hedge fund's buying of Ionatron's shares.

In-Q-Tel's growing portfolio of investments includes a few successes. Yet the fund has more often poured money into companies that were barking dogs long before In-Q-Tel showed up, and have failed to improve since.

Consider a North Carolina outfit called ID Technologies Corp., which began life in 1994 as CardGuard International Inc. to promote a fingerprint identification system no one wanted to buy. In the four years that followed, the company racked up losses of $3 million on a mere $92,000 in revenues.

In 1998, the company changed its name to ID Technologies and added $2.5 million more to the loss column on barely $100,000 more in revenues.

Along the way, In-Q-Tel popped up with plans to invest $400,000 more in ID Tech, but the firm collapsed, leaving investors with $5.58 million in cumulative losses and a stock that now sells for a fraction of a penny per share.

Another In-Q-Tel investment, in a data software company called Convera Corp., may be headed in the same direction, bearing much greater losses. In 2004 the fund took a stake in Convera, which had yet to turn a profit while piling up more than $1 billion in cumulative losses since its founding in the mid-1980s.

By the end of 2005, a resulting bounce in Convera stock had topped out at $16, and the shares have since lost half their value. Last week they were trading below $8 on investor disenchantment with the perennial money loser's latest offering: an Internet search engine for extracting information from video files.

Because its funding comes from the CIA, In-Q-Tel has been an irresistible target for conspiracy theorists who charge that the CIA is somehow linked through it to every penny stock that goes south.

Last week, one left-leaning Web site reported that SEC investigators think the CIA-backed venture fund has been steering money into penny stock "pump and dump" firms in Israel, Dubai and Malaysia.

But a day's worth of phoning around traces these claims to a tireless complainant named Tony Ryals, who has been bombarding the SEC and Internet message boards for years with claims that he has uncovered a submerged world of In-Q-Tel-linked fraud stretching for Kuala Lumpur to the Middle East.

The alleged linkages are bewildering in their complexity and typically impossible to follow, but conspiracy buffs find them irresistible, since they seem to echo some of the CIA's worst excesses from 30 to 40 years ago, and by their nature, they can never be entirely disproved.

WHETHER the SEC has looked into Ryals' charges and found them baseless isn't known, but thanks to In-Q-Tel and the lengthening shadow of the CIA on Wall Street, the most improbable of such claims once again have a whiff of credibility.

Bottom line: There are many sensible ways the CIA could have gone about developing the technologies it needs, but funneling money into Wall Street via an outfit like In-Q-Tel was never one of them. So it will be a good thing for Wall Street - and for America, too - if the CIA's next spymaster simply shuts the operation down.

cbyron (at)

CIA Gains in Hunt for VC CEO

In-Q-Tel downplays chatter about the spy agency’s venture arm

The Post column also flagged comments by frequent Internet poster Tony Ryals, who accuses In-Q-Tel, variously, of participating in penny stock “pump and dump” schemes in a variety of countries, including Dubai, Malaysia, and Israel, with the blogger adding an allegation that the Securities and Exchange Commission was investigating In-Q-Tel.

Mr. Tighe said In-Q-Tel does not invest in public companies, and had no involvement in any of those countries mentioned. “That simply isn’t accurate. We’re open to innovation wherever it is coming from in the world, but we have no activity in those regions,” he said.

He also denied the firm is under investigation by the SEC. Calls to the SEC on the topic drew the expected “no comment.”

Mr. Tighe also said the venture firm has been well-insulated from Washington politics that have rocked the agency since the sudden resignation of CIA Director Porter Goss earlier this month.

“There’s been no repercussions here, in part because we’re structured as a formal year-by-year problem-set definition, and we get input from that from each of the agencies in the intelligence community,” he said. “So our mission is clear, and pre-established. There’s no changes or tweaking coming from the surface of the ocean, if you will. We run beneath all those tides.”

May. 18, 2006
11:28 amSpy-Fund Story vs. Spy-Fund Story

TOPICSVenture Capital
As lawmakers on Thursday prepared to grill the man who may be the next director of the Central Intelligence Agency, the C.I.A.’s venture capital activities were stirring up a debate of their own.

As New York Post columnist Chris Byron tells it, In-Q-Tel, the C.I.A.-funded venture firm, is a stumbling, bumbling mess of an operation. It invests in money-losing companies, fools around with penny stocks and can’t keep chief executives in their jobs, Mr. Byron wrote in his May 15 column.

Mr. Byron noted that the firm has lost two chief executives in the past four months and said it is having trouble finding a replacement.

On Wednesday, The Red Herring followed up on Mr. Byron’s claims. It interviewed Donald Tighe, In-Q-Tel’s vice president of marketing and communications, who said the firm has a list of promising candidates for the chief executive job. Furthermore, the company’s portfolio has shown overall returns of more than 26 percent, he added. Some In-Q-Tel-backed companies do lose money, The Red Herring wrote in its unsigned article, “a situation not unknown to all venture firms.”

In his column, Mr. Byron made reference to Tony Ryals, who, he wrote, “has been bombarding the S.E.C. and Internet message boards for years with claims that he has uncovered a submerged world of In-Q-Tel-linked fraud stretching for Kuala Lumpur to the Middle East.”

According to Mr. Byron, Mr. Ryals’ complaints earlier this month were picked up by a “left-leaning Web site” that “reported that S.E.C. investigators think the C.I.A.-backed venture fund has been steering money into penny stock ‘pump and dump’ firms in Israel, Dubai and Malaysia.”

The firm’s linkages “are bewildering in their complexity” and “typically impossible to follow,” Mr. Byron wrote, “but conspiracy buffs find them irresistible.” As does, apparently, at least one newspaper columnist.

Mr. Byron’s declaration that In-Q-Tel “continues to funnel agency money into penny stock and micro-cap companies in Wall Street’s murkiest back alleys” is also countered in The Red Herring. “In-Q-Tel does not invest in public companies,” Mr. Tighe said. Further, it has “no involvement in any of those countries mentioned” by Mr. Ryals.

John Negroponte,Homeland Security,SEC,Chris Cox,Makram Chams,Titan

Titan Corp,Skyway Communications,9/11,Cocaine Trafficking,Torture and Bush's Bloody Murder

Mexico Drug Bust,Tom DeLay,A.Khashoggi, Jeb Bush,Wally Hilliard Terrorist Flight School

The SEC,Adnan Khashoggi, GenesisIntermedia and me

D.C.Terrorbaggers:J. D. Davidson,ex-CIA Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen,Don Nickles

Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud

Ralph Lambiase,NASAA : James Dale Davidson invented 'anti-naked shorting' scam

SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon to Justice ?

James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia

Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?


Clinton Undersecretary of Commerce Robert Shapiro aids James Dale Davidson's ,Attorney John M O'Quinn's stock fraud

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

India:SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group

Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Michael Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?

Ralph Lambiase,NASAA : James Dale Davidson invented 'anti-naked shorting' scam

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Mexico Cocaine Bust tied to John Negroponte's Dept. Homeland Security,9/11,Jeb Bush
Current rating: 0
25 May 2006
Mexican Cocaine Bust tied to John Negroponte's Dept.Homeland Security,9/11,Jeb Bush

''At the same time their planes were flying back and forth from Venezuela with illegal cargo Hilliard's charter service was also, unbelievably,being utilized at virtually no cost,despite the fact that rentals for Lear jets can run as high as $1,800 an hour,by Florida Governor Jeb Bush.

- Daniel Hopsicker

Jeb Bush linked to Florida's 911 Terrorist Flght School

Below is link to issue 32 of lone investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker who has bravely continued his excellent ongoing investigation into the Florida 9/11 connection all by himself and faced many legal battles and expenses along the way.I have never seen in all these years any credible contradiction of his excellent investigative journalism.

The question in my mind remains why did Wally Hilliard not have Jeb Bush,Goveror of Florida,with his daddy's,(former President George Herbert Walker Bush),close Saudi business connections,(including to the bin Ladens and Saudi royalty), check on the unusual presence of Saudi flight students at his school ?

And now we have yet another drug trafficking scandal with the same Huffman Aviation Venice,Florida connection involving Republican Brent Kovar's Skyway Communications,Titan Corp and a DC-9 whose owners claim connections as high as the White House and John Negroponte's Department Of Homeland Security and appear to have permission to paint their cocaine import plane to look like one.

Terror Flight School Owner's Plane Seized For Heroin Trafficking by Daniel Hopsicker

5.5 Ton Drug Bust connected to John Negroponte's Dept.Homeland Security,9/11,W Bush

by Tony Ryals
endoscam (at)

The DC-9 busted in Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Mexico on April 11,2006 by the Mexican army is clearly connected to Republican business owners,the Titan Corp of San Diego,and penny stock fraud.It is also connected to Huffmann Aviation of Venice, Florida that played a role in 9/11. And Howard Dean used it in his 2004 presidential campaign !

Jeb Bush linked to Florida's 911 Terrorist Flght School

Jeb Bush linked to Florida's 911 Terrorist Flght School
by Tony Ryals Saturday, Feb 18 2006, 3:19pm
endoscam (at)
international / 9-11 / news report

''At the same time their planes were flying back and forth from Venezuela with illegal cargo Hilliard's charter service was also, unbelievably, being utilized at virtually no cost“despite the fact that rentals for Lear jets can run as high as $1,800 an hour “ by Florida Governor Jeb Bush.´´

- Daniel Hopsicker

Jeb Bush linked to Florida's 911 Terrorist Flght School

Below is link to issue 32 of lone investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker who has bravely continued his excellent ongoing investigation into the Florida 9/11 connection all by himself and faced many legal battles and expenses along the way.I have never seen in all these years any credible contradiction of his excellent investigative journalism.

The question in my mind remains why did Wally Hilliard not have Jeb Bush,Goveror of Florida,with his daddy's,(former President George Herbert Walker Bush),close Saudi business connections,(including to the bin Ladens and Saudi royalty), check on the unusual presence of Saudi flight students at his school ?

My country,I am sorry to say,has been taken over by terrorists and they are not Muslims nor Arabs.You may access Daniel Hopsicker's stories that begin shortly after 9/11 and continue to present at

Tony Ryals

5.5 Ton Drug Bust connected to John Negroponte's Dept.Homeland Security,W Bush

5.5 Ton Drug Bust connected to John Negroponte's Homeland Security,Bush Administration

Below,Headline today in Daniel Hopsicker's :

Porter Goss Resignation Mystery Solved
DC-9 With 5.5 Tons Of Cocaine Was CIA Plane

May 25 2006--Venice,FL.
by Daniel Hopsicker

The “mystery” of Porter Goss’ resignation last month as CIA Director is apparently directly related to the huge seizure in Mexico several weeks earlier of over 5.5 tons of cocaine, according to government documents recently obtained by the The MadCowMorningNews.

After Goss’s surprise resignation last month he told reporters his reason for resigning was "just one of those mysteries," offering no other explanation for his sudden departure after almost two years on the job.

Goss’ resignation appears to be connected to the unprecedented withholding by the Federal Aviation Administration of the registration records for the DC9 (N900SA) which more than six weeks ago was caught carrying a cargo of five-and-a-half tons of cocaine, neatly packed into 126 identical black suitcases at a jungle airstrip in the Yucatan.

At the time of the plane’s seizure on April 11, FAA officials stated the aircraft’s title records would become available to reporters within two weeks. Six weeks later that statement, in a phrase famous from the Watergate Scandal, has been rendered “inoperative.”

CIA "front" company "Who's Who"
However, the MadCowMorningNews was successful in obtaining the FAA records last week of the confiscated plane’s sister ship, an identical twin DC9 (N120NE) owned and operated by the same partnership. Both aircraft, painted to resemble U.S. Government aircraft from the Department of Homeland Security, were parked for several years at the general aviation terminal at Clearwater St Petersburg International Airport.
The registration records reveal that the past 'owners' of "Cocaine One's" identical twin are well-known 'front' companies of America's Central Intelligence Agency.

The twin to the DC9 bursting with 5.5 tons of cocaine is a CIA plane.

The plane’s owners over the past two decades, in fact, comprise a virtual Who’s Who of aviation companies known to serve as “fronts” for the CIA, whose true identities came to light during the Iran Contra Scandal.

Moreover, the FAA’s reluctance to release the registration of “Cocaine One,” which should already be a matter of public record, is the clearest possible indication that those registration records will disclose the same thing.

5.5 tons cocaine... AND a missing $300 million?
At least three companies to which “Cocaine One’s” twin was registered have been looted, to the overall tune of almost $300 million dollars. The plane's owners have left a trail of tears for investors, engaging in massive financial fraud, of a particular kind...

Sociologists call it “state-sponsored crime.”

Innocent investors and shareholders get swindled, the bad guys get away, and newspapers go silent. There is clearly something about these particular DC9’s which give their owners a license to treat shareholders and investors like marks, and steal millions from ordinary citizens.

Working backwards from the present, the plane’s registered owner at the time it was busted was SkyWay Aircraft, the only tangible asset of SkyWay Communications Holding, a firm whose existence, as we’ve previously seen, served as nothing more than a meager excuse to run a penny stock fraud scam which bilked investors of a reported $40 million dollars... in less than three years.

SkyWay shareholders will no doubt be gratified to learn that the bankruptcy of the firm seems not to have adversely affected the firm’s top officers financially.

SkyWay’s 74 yr. old Chairman Glenn Kovar is currently building a six bedroom vacation chalet on a lake several miles north of Ducktown, Tennessee, tucked away in a picturesque rural setting boasting splendid whitewater rafting.

What luck to be in Ducktown with a fellow "snuggle person"Kovar, apparently eager to beginning to fill the six bedrooms in his new manse, has an online dating profile which reveals, among other things, that he's eager to convey that he's a romantic kind of guy, the kind who likes to take long walks on the beach at sunset.

The affect is somewhat marred by the fact he don't spell two good: “basicly i'm a romantic, touch and snuggle person,” Chairman Kovar enthuses.

There is also this nugget, which we hope a prosecuting attorney someday asks him about, preferably under oath: “i'm fortunate to be a senior advisor to the us congress and have dined with the president.”

Who might that be, Chairman Glenn? Do tell.........

- Daniel Hopsicker

more ,

Daniel Hopsicker has been tracking airplane registrations for years before 9/11, particularly in regards to the CIA and Iran -Contra and Ollie North and George H.W. Bush connected Barry Seal's days running cocaine and arms between Mena,Arkansas and Central America,etc.,while John Negroponte, who now heads W Bush's Department of Homeland Security, was the U.S.Ambassador to Honduras,and no doubt has spent much of his career covering up CIA,, arms and drug running, coincidentally.

Both ex-Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton and his Republican nemesis Asa Hutchinson, who was Arkansas Attorney General at that time in the 1980's,
and was appointed by W Bush to head the DEA after their overthrow of the Taliban that sent opium and heroin production in Afghnistan soaring, could tell us much about those days if they themselves were not so connected to the events that transpired at that time under the Reagan or 'Poppy' Bush regime.

There even appears to be a history of drug running cover-ups by Mr.Negroponte :

The Atrocities of a Pale Rider-
John D. Negroponte

Celerino Castillo 3rd

From 1989 to September 1993, he was also ambassador to Mexico where he directed our U. S. intelligence services in assisting the war against the Zapatista rebels in Chiapas. Furthermore, he was there obstructing the war on [some] drugs. Seven Mexican drug agents were gunned down in an ambush by 100 members of the Mexican army on the payroll of a drug cartel; Negroponte dismissed the slaughter as "a regrettable incident." The slaughter had been videotaped by the DEA from another plane, which had also been strafed by the army unit.

Ironically enough, I was stationed in Vietnam as a combat soldier at the same time Negroponte was assigned to Vietnam. It was there I saw some of my brothers laid low from heroin overdose. It was also there, that I promised myself that if I survived that war, I would initiate my own personal war against drug trafficking. In 1979, I became one of the very few Latinos DEA agents.

From 1985 to 1991, I was assigned to Honduras, Guatemala, Belize and El Salvador. As one of two DEA agents that covered those countries, I observed that our U.S. government was complicit in drug trafficking and human rights violations. The area was rife with rebellion, gunrunning, and a perception that communism was on the move towards our back yards. One of my job descriptions was to train members of their military intelligence on the interdiction of drugs. However, most of my time was spent assisting the CIA in training the death squads. We were utilizing CIA contract agents from different parts of South America, specifically Venezuela and Argentina. In reality, Central America became one huge country, which allowed the death squads to overflow into each other. Mario Sandoval-Alarcon, best known as the godfather of the death squads and creator of the notorious death squad, "La Mano Blanca" ran all death squads. Sandoval was so loved by Ronald Reagan that he got a private invitation to, and attended, Reagan's inauguration.


And the 5.5 ton coke bust also has connections to the Huffmann Aviation terrorist flight school Venice,Florida
where Mohamed Atta found refuge while awaiting 9/11 owned by Jeb Bush's and Katherine Harris' pal, Wally Hilliard !

5.5 Coke Bust Reveals New Details Of 9.11 Attack

John Negroponte,everything W Bush claimed Saddam to be...
by Tony Ryals Wednesday May 24, 2006 at 05:53 PM
endoscam (at)

John Negroponte,everything W Bush claimed Saddam to be...

Obviously John Negroponte has shown himself to be very 'liberal' in his tolerance for torturing,raping and killing as well as drug trafficking when it is his side who indulge in these atrocities and excesses.And if he was unaware of the DC-9, that at one time transported Howard Dean on the U.S. Presidential campaign trail, was now painted to appear to be a Homeland Security Agency plane and carrying tons of cocaine from South America and that it had Titan Corp and Republican and Huffman Aviation( where Mohamed Atta once trained in Venice,Florida), connections, he should resign.If he did know,he should be in jail.

Negroponte should have known as well that Titan Corp, his,W Bush's,Donald Rumsfeld's, Dick Cheney's,'s , paid torturers in Iraq and Abu Ghraib, were connected to that plane that was busted in April with over 5.5 tons of cocaine on board and aided the Kovar,,penny stock fraud that paid for it.. And he should also have known Mohamed Atta's Lebanese accomplice in Venice,Florida,Makram Majid Chams, was no bin Laden man - unless of course bin Laden worked for Titan Corp and W Bush as well - but a Titan Corp employee ! Duh !

The SEC Chairman Christopher Cox as well as who lied about WMDS in Iraq should also take some responsibility for this DC-9 paid for by penny stock fraud he has allowed to continue under his reign of securities fraud that includes money laundering with unaudited penny stock shares even in terrorist suspect money laundering centers,Kuala Lumpur and the UAE's Dubai where W Bush swears it no longer occurs under his reign of terror ! Unfortunately Chrisotpher Cox has not yet learned to read SEC filings an excuse he and his SEC uses to blame defrauded investors for the SEC's own lax and overly 'liberal' tolerance far right stock frauds like Brent Kovar and his Skyway Communications pump and dump that Titan Corp 'management' aided and abetted ! No doubt Mr.Cox will be surprised when he finally learns to read SEC filings that Makram Chams was an employee of U.S. government torture contracter Titan Corp and NOT Osama bin Laden, unless of course Osama is employed by Titan Corp and W Bush as well !

Below is from Daniel Hopsicker's website dedicted to
his ongoing investigation into the Venice,Florida - 9/11
connection.Link to :

Aircraft's Owners In 5.5 Ton Cocaine Bust Include Tom Delay Appointee,' Royal Sons'

APRIL 17 2006--Venice,FL.
by Daniel Hopsicker

One of the two owners of the DC9 (tail number N900SA) busted at an airport in Ciudad del Carmen in the state of Campeche, Mexico last week freighted 5.5 tons of cocaine had been appointed in 2003 to the Business Advisory Council of the National Republican Congressional Committee by then-Congressional Majority Leader Tom Delay, The MadCowMorningNews can exclusively report.

The plane's registered owner, 迭oyal Sons LLC,・ a Florida air charter company, was at one time housed in a hanger at the Venice Fl. Airport owned by infamous flight school Huffman Aviation.

Also of major significance is the fact that photos of the DC9, seized last Monday in Ciudad del Carmen, reveal that the plane is painted with the distinctive blue and white color color scheme of official U.S. Government planes.

Moreover, to reinforce the effect, or subterfuge, the plane carries an official-looking Seal painted on its side, which reads: SKY WAY AIRCRAFT, PROTECTION OF AMERICA'S SKIES, around an image of a federal eagle clutching the familiar olive branch in its talons. Many have been fooled into concluding that the plane belongs to the U.S. Transportation Security Administration.

This has obvious and highly serious national security implications, which go well beyond the obvious glee involved in playing political "gotcha" with people caught face-down with their noses buried, Tony Montana-style, in over five tons of cocaine.

Mystery Of 5.5 Ton Cocaine Flight Deepens
The CIA,'Cocaine One' And Putting Planes In Suspense

San Diego Defense Firm Titan Corp Link To 5.5 Ton Mexico Drug Bust

John Negroponte,everything W Bush claimed Saddam to be...

Bush Nominates Terrorist for National Intelligence Director

by Frank Morales


Negroponte was born in London in 1939, the son of a Greek-American shipping magnate. A graduate of Yale University, raised on New York's Park Avenue, he was a "career diplomat" between 1960 and 1997, serving in eight countries in Asia, Europe and Latin America, as well as holding positions in the State Department and White House. From 1971 to 1973, Negroponte was the officer-in-charge for Vietnam at the National Security Council (NSC) under Henry Kissinger, having worked as a "political affairs officer" (read: CIA) at the US Embassy in Saigon starting as early as 1964. At that time, he shared a room with Richard Holbrooke, then an official for the Agency for International Development, later US ambassador to the UN under Clinton. Negroponte and Holbrooke both became members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the oldest and most prestigious of U.S. foreign policy think-tanks. Following Vietnam, Negroponte went on to "serve" for a number of years as an "economics officer" working out of the US Embassy in Ecuador.

Negroponte was appointed in 1981 by President Ronald Reagan to head up the U.S, Embassy in Honduras, where he stayed quite busy through 1985. From 1987-1989, he was deputy assistant to the president for national security affairs, reporting to Colin Powell. From 1989-1993, he was ambassador to Mexico. Following a stint as ambassador to the Philippines from 1993-1997, he "retired" from the diplomatic corps and took a well-paid position as vice president for global markets at McGraw-Hill, the big publishing company.

In 1981 President Reagan authorized paramilitary operations against the leftist government of Nicaragua. As ambassador to Honduras from 1981 to 1985, Negroponte played a key role in establishing that country as a base of operations for the CIA's "Contra" guerilla army then attempting to destabilize Nicaragua, with a 450-square-kilometer stretch along the border virtually turned over to the US-backed Nicaraguan rebels. He was also instrumental in the reign of terror then being overseen in Honduras by security chief Gen. Gustavo Alvarez Martinez, his good friend. Between 1980 and 1984, US military aid to Honduras jumped from $3.9 million to $77.4 million. Much of this went to facilitate the crushing of popular movements through a covert "low intensity" war.

Although the high-level planning, money and arms for this repression flowed from Washington, much of the on-the-ground logistics was run out of the Embassy in Tegucigalpa. So crammed was the tiny country with US military troops and bases at this time, that it was dubbed the "USS Honduras." The captain of this ship, Negroponte, was in charge of the US Embassy when--according to a 1995 four-part series in the Baltimore Sun--hundreds of Hondurans deemed "subversives" were kidnapped, raped, tortured and killed by Battalion 316, a secret Honduran army intelligence unit trained and supported by the Pentagon and the Central Intelligence Agency.


In addition to internal repression in Honduras, Battalion 316 also participated in the CIA's covert war against Nicaragua. Members of the Battalion were conscripted by the CIA for such sensitive missions as training the Contra terrorists and even mining Nicaragua's harbors. Negroponte worked closely with Gen. Alvarez in overseeing the training Honduran soldiers in psychological warfare, sabotage, torture and kidnapping. Honduras was the second largest recipient of U.S. military aid in the hemisphere at this time after neighboring El Salvador. Increasing numbers of both Honduran and Salvadoran soldiers were sent to the U.S. Army's School of the Americas to receive training. In El Salvador, the death squads were headed up by Major Roberto D'Aubuisson, a 1972 graduate of the School of the Americas. General Luis Alonso Discua Elvir, one of his classmates at the US "torture academy," was a founder and commander of Battalion 316.

Through his support of Battalion 316, Negroponte is directly complicit in the murder of at least 184 Honduran civilians officially found to have been killed by the death squad by a 1994 Honduran truth commission. The unit used shock and suffocation devices in interrogations, kept prisoners naked--and, when no longer useful, killed them brutally, and buried them in unmarked clandestine graves. Women were raped, often in front of their families.

Covert operations in Central America were paid for in part through the sale of cocaine. "CIA officials," according to the New York Times (July 17, 1998), "involved in the Contra program gave relatively low priority to collecting information about the possible drug involvement of Contra rebels"--while of course giving high priority to covering it all up. Ambassador Negroponte acquiesced in shutting down the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) office in Tegucigalpa, just as Honduras was emerging as an important base for CIA-facilitated cocaine trans-shipments to the United States, with profits going to the Contras. According to a 1989 Senate Foreign Relations Committee investigative report, "elements of the Honduran military were involved in the protection of the drug traffickers."

SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud

Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering

To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering

Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers...

CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest

Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid, Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
SEC,Chris Cox:W Bush Cedes Presidential Stock Fraud Ops To DNI John Negroponte.Why ?
Current rating: 0
30 May 2006
SEC,Chris Cox:W Bush Cedes Presidential Stock Fraud Ops To DNI John Negroponte.Why ?

Tony Ryals

Intelligence Czar Can Waive SEC Rules Now, the White House's top spymaster can cite national security to exempt businesses from reporting requirements President George W. Bush has bestowed on his intelligence czar, John Negroponte, broad authority, in the name of national security, to excuse publicly traded companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations. Notice of the development came in a brief entry in the Federal Register, dated May 5, 2006, that was opaque to the untrained eye. - Dawn Kopecki , BusinessWeek

SEC,Chris Cox:W Bush Cedes Presidential Stock Fraud Ops To DNI John Negroponte.Why ?

Three news items regarding John Negroponte and his Department of Homeland Security or DHS appear to me over shadowed by a fourth news item from April in which a DC-9 that had originally been painted to appear to look like a Homeland Security airplane was busted in CIUDAD DEL CARMEN, CAMPECHE, MEXICO WITH OVER 5.5 TONS OF COCAINE ABOARD !

The recent news headlines relate to W Bush ceding one of his executive 'priviledges',
hiding or doctoring SEC filings,to John Negoponte,NDI of Department of Homeland Security ! The other is John Negroponte, friend to third world villains chiming in as a 'friend of the court' to remind us his and NSA spying on us is for our own good,and besides they don't do it.....The better news or third item is that ,'The Senate intelligence committee has approved language in the fiscal 2007 authorization bill that calls on the president to annually make public what the National Intelligence Program costs. '

Perhaps In-Q-Tel the CIA's official penny stock operation can be made to report to the Senate Intelligence Committe if W Bush's hand selected SEC Commissioner Christopher 'WMDS' Cox decides to aid and abet W Bush and John Negroponte's cover up of stock transactions the CIA and Homeland Security folk may be involved with. And to know if this is not perhaps a conflict of interest in light of the government 's snooping into personal banking and investments as I believe is going on at present.

John Negroponte,Homeland Security, SEC,Chris Cox,Makram Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,etc.
by Tony Ryals Tuesday May 16, 2006 at 05:15 PM
endoscam (at)

''SkyWay Aircraft was the only tangible asset of SkyWay Communications Holding, a firm whose existence served as nothing more than a meager excuse to run a penny stock fraud scam, successfully relieving investors of over $40 million dollars in only three years.'' - Daniel Hopsicker ,

Senator Bob Bennett,, SEC,Chris Cox,Makram Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,etc.

Makram Chams,although Lebanese,is more connected to the U.S. military - industrial complex as well as to elite Saudis and to Titan Corp whose employees raped and tortured innocent Iraqis than anything.In other words he is a George W Bush kind of guy first and Lebanese last,he just happened to be born in Lebanon. While he owned a convenience store in Venice,Florida and was a friend to Mohamed Atta he disappeared immediately after 9/11 or so we thought.As it turned out he did NOT seek refuge in the enemy states of Afghanistan under the Taliban or in Saddam's Iraq.No.Although of Lebanese birth,he took refuge with W Bush's allies in Saudi Arabia where he was and presumeably is protected and was employed by the U.S. military-industrial corp whore Titan Corp, presumably using his 'good works' in Venice,Florida with Mohamed Atta,as part of his resume..

As I will try to explain further below after a discussion of Utah Senator Bennett,Christopher Cox and his SEC is that what Makram Chams, Mohamed Atta,, reaped on 9/11,as well as drug running that continues to be associated with the same Venice,Florida airport owned by Jeb Bush's pal Wally Hilliard where Mohamed Atta trained or bided his time waiting for 9/11, could very well have been paid for with the penny stock fraud and corruption that Bennett and Cox allow if not encourage ! Also that John Negroponte's Homeland Security and Christopher Cox 's SEC could have located Mr. Makram Chams at any time through the Homeland Security's corp whore,Titan Corporaton of San Diego. Mr.Cox could have done so through SEC fiings !

- Tony Ryals

From,John Negroponte,Homeland Security, SEC,Chris Cox,Makram Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,etc.


SEC,Chris Cox:W Bush Cedes Presidential Stock Fraud Ops To DNI John Negroponte.Why ? :

President George W. Bush has bestowed on his intelligence czar, John Negroponte, broad authority, in the name of national security, to excuse publicly traded companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations. Notice of the development came in a brief entry in the Federal Register, dated May 5, 2006, that was opaque to the untrained eye.

Unbeknownst to almost all of Washington and the financial world, Bush and every other President since Jimmy Carter have had the authority to exempt companies working on certain top-secret defense projects from portions of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act. Administration officials told BusinessWeek that they believe this is the first time a President has ever delegated the authority to someone outside the Oval Office. It couldn't be immediately determined whether any company has received a waiver under this provision.

- Dawn Kopecki , BusinessWeek

Bush Cedes Presidential duty to DNI John Negroponte
by Tony Ryals Sunday May 28, 2006 at 06:39 PM
endoscam (at)

And this same Director of Homeland Security and our 'DNI' or Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte who looked the other way at best during the cocaine for arms days when he was ambassador to Honduras and should have known about those two DC-9's,one busted in Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche,Mexico in April with over 5.5 tons of cocaine aboard, were painted to look just like his Homeland Security planes.Why ?

Mexican Cocaine Bust tied to John Negroponte's Dept.Homeland Security,9/11,Jeb Bush

And W Bush gives him yet more power ! To cover up stock fraud in the name 'national security' , unfortunately also an ideal way to launder money including in the Middle East where the SEC appears to be encourging such activitiesor from drug trafficking as those Republican Party and CIA connnected DC-9's painted to appear as official Homeland Security planes appear to have been used for ! Negroponte also speaks as 'friend of the court' to defend his and W Bush's spying on the public,both phone and the lesser discussed but equally important internet spying. No doubt he speaks equally for General Hayden his new CIA director of both the KGB-like Office of Homeland Security bureaucracy and the formerly the NSA itself in claiming that their spying on Americans through telephones, over the internet or anywhere else is for our own good to protect us from 'terrorism' as usual. :

'' In asking federal judges in Detroit and New York to throw out challenges to the eavesdropping, the Bush administration invoked a doctrine known as the "state secrets privilege" it has used to head off other court action on its spy programme.

''The claim was accompanied by an affidavit by Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte, who said disclosure of any information about the NSA's "Terrorist Surveillance Programme" would "cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security of the United States."

''Negroponte used the same language earlier this month in an effort to quash a lawsuit over government eavesdropping filed in federal court in San Francisco by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a privacy rights group. ''

- Reuters

Negroponte Had Denied Domestic Call Monitoring
Administration Won't Comment on NSA Logs

By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Monday, May 15, 2006; Page A03

When he was asked about the National Security Agency's controversial domestic surveillance program last Monday, U.S. intelligence chief John D. Negroponte objected to the question and said the government was "absolutely not" monitoring domestic calls without warrants.

"I wouldn't call it domestic spying," he told reporters. "This is about international terrorism and telephone calls between people thought to be working for international terrorism and people here in the United States."

Three days later, USA Today divulged details of the NSA's effort to log a majority of the telephone calls made within the United States since the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks -- amassing the domestic call records of tens of millions of U.S. households and businesses in an attempt to sift them for clues about terrorist threats.

Intelligence Czar(Negroponte Can Waive SEC Rules ! ?
By his highness john negroponte on 5/26/2006 7:48:15 PM
E-mail: endoscam (at)

And now John Negroponte is given permission by W Bush to cover up stock fraud and waive SEC regulations at his whim.Daniel Hopsicker on speculates that Porter Goss may have resigned due to that Skyway Communications DC-9 busted in Mexico last month with over 5 tons of cocaine on board.And that
plane was bought with a penny stock scam promoted by Titan Corp and false promises of funds from Titan Corp or Dept. of Homeland Security funds which is where Titan often gets its money !

Did you see this article,
'Intelligence Director Can Ignore SEC Rules' ? Don't exactly make for a level playing field for 'regular investors' does it ? And note Porter Goss is refered to as a possible reason.

Intelligence Czar,(Negroponte), Can Waive SEC Rules ! ?

Also another of my conspiracy or incompetence theory indymedia posts below.Or maybe it's a theory about evil and corruption.I only found the article above about Negropponte's special SEC powers on a search for 'john negroponte' news.I'm amazed more business journals and journalists aren't all over this fact of Bush delegating SEC cover up powers to Negroponte and asking SEC Chairman Cox what his take on all this is ! :

Mexico Cocaine Bust tied to John Negroponte's Dept.Homeland Security

DNI or ,' Director of National Intelligence',Negroponte
ceded Presidential duties By Bush,Chris Cox

US wants wiretapping suit dropped

May 28, 2006

The US government has asked a pair of federal judges to dismiss legal challenges to the Bush administration's controversial domestic eavesdropping programme, arguing any court action in the cases would jeopardize secrets in the ongoing war on terrorism.

Rights activists, who argue the National Security Agency's wiretapping violates the rights of US citizens, said the Bush administration's position threatened constitutional checks on the power of the presidency.

"The Bush administration is trying to crush a very strong case against domestic spying without any evidence or argument," said Shayana Kadidal, an attorney with the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights, which brought one of the parallel lawsuits against the NSA programme in January.

"I think it's a clear choice: can the president tell the courts which cases they can rule on? If so, the courts will never be able to hold the president accountable for breaking the law," he said.

Filed just before a midnight Saturday deadline and only partly made public, the arguments by the Justice Department marked the latest skirmish in a battle over an NSA program to listen in on international communications involving Americans.

President George Bush said in December he had authorized the eavesdropping without a court order shortly after the September 11 attacks in order to track suspected communication from al-Qaeda operatives. US officials have since declined to provide details on how widely the NSA wiretaps have been used or what communications have been intercepted.

In asking federal judges in Detroit and New York to throw out challenges to the eavesdropping, the Bush administration invoked a doctrine known as the "state secrets privilege" it has used to head off other court action on its spy programmes.

The claim was accompanied by an affidavit by Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte, who said disclosure of any information about the NSA's "Terrorist Surveillance Programme" would "cause exceptionally grave damage to the national security of the United States."

Negroponte used the same language earlier this month in an effort to quash a lawsuit over government eavesdropping filed in federal court in San Francisco by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a privacy rights group.

'Chilling effect'

The administration said the case before Judge Gerard Lynch in New York could not proceed without "revealing to the very adversaries we are trying to defeat what we know about them and how we are proceeding to stop them."

Government lawyers made the same argument in an attempt to scuttle the parallel lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union being heard in Detroit.

"The government believes that state secrets gives it the power to shut down litigation," said Jameel Jaffer, a lawyer involved in the ACLU lawsuit.

The civil rights activists behind the two cases argue the eavesdropping violates the privacy and free speech rights of US citizens and have asked the courts to order it shut down.

Both suits contend US officials have already disclosed enough for judges to rule that the recent wiretapping skirted the requirements of a 1978 surveillance law.

Both lawsuits also argue the NSA program threatens the ability of defense lawyers in terrorism-related cases to speak freely with their clients, a so-called chilling effect.

"Plaintiffs cannot credibly claim that they face any added marginal chill of surveillance ... when their clients facing terrorism-related investigations or charges may be subject to surveillance pursuant to other means," the government said.

A fuller, classified version of the government's argument for dismissal is being held in a secure location in Washington awaiting review by the courts, the Justice Department said.

The ACLU suit is being heard by Detroit Judge Anna Diggs Taylor, who has scheduled the first hearing for June.

Source: Reuters

Below from Dawn Kopecki of BusinessWeek

MAY 23, 2006

By Dawn Kopecki

Intelligence Czar Can Waive SEC Rules
Now, the White House's top spymaster can cite national security to exempt businesses from reporting requirements

President George W. Bush has bestowed on his intelligence czar, John Negroponte, broad authority, in the name of national security, to excuse publicly traded companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations. Notice of the development came in a brief entry in the Federal Register, dated May 5, 2006, that was opaque to the untrained eye.

Unbeknownst to almost all of Washington and the financial world, Bush and every other President since Jimmy Carter have had the authority to exempt companies working on certain top-secret defense projects from portions of the 1934 Securities Exchange Act. Administration officials told BusinessWeek that they believe this is the first time a President has ever delegated the authority to someone outside the Oval Office. It couldn't be immediately determined whether any company has received a waiver under this provision.

The timing of Bush's move is intriguing. On the same day the President signed the memo, Porter Goss resigned as director of the Central Intelligence Agency amid criticism of ineffectiveness and poor morale at the agency. Only six days later, on May 11, USA Today reported that the National Security Agency had obtained millions of calling records of ordinary citizens provided by three major U.S. phone companies. Negroponte oversees both the CIA and NSA in his role as the administration's top intelligence official. .........

In addition to refusing to explain why Bush decided to delegate this authority to Negroponte, the White House declined to say whether Bush or any other President has ever exercised the authority and allowed a company to avoid standard securities disclosure and accounting requirements. The White House wouldn't comment on whether Negroponte has granted such a waiver, and BusinessWeek so far hasn't identified any companies affected by the provision. Negroponte's office did not respond to requests for comment.

Securities-law experts said they were unfamiliar with the May 5 memo and the underlying Presidential authority at issue. John C. Coffee, a securities-law professor at Columbia University, speculated that defense contractors might want to use such an exemption to mask secret assignments for the Pentagon or CIA. "What you might hide is investments: You've spent umpteen million dollars that comes out of your working capital to build a plant in Iraq," which the government wants to keep secret. "That's the kind of scenario that would be plausible," Coffee said.

AUTHORITY GRANTED. William McLucas, the Securities & Exchange Commission's former enforcement chief, suggested that the ability to conceal financial information in the name of national security could lead some companies "to play fast and loose with their numbers." McLucas, a partner at the law firm Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr in Washington, added: "It could be that you have a bunch of books and records out there that no one knows about."

The memo Bush signed on May 5, which was published seven days later in the Federal Register, had the unrevealing title "Assignment of Function Relating to Granting of Authority for Issuance of Certain Directives: Memorandum for the Director of National Intelligence." In the document, Bush addressed Negroponte, saying: "I hereby assign to you the function of the President under section 13(b)(3)(A) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended."

A trip to the statute books showed that the amended version of the 1934 act states that "with respect to matters concerning the national security of the United States," the President or the head of an Executive Branch agency may exempt companies from certain critical legal obligations. These obligations include keeping accurate "books, records, and accounts" and maintaining "a system of internal accounting controls sufficient" to ensure the propriety of financial transactions and the preparation of financial statements in compliance with "generally accepted accounting principles."

add your comments

blue-and-white-with-gold-trim of official U.S. aircraft
by Tony Ryals Monday May 29, 2006 at 10:37 AM
endoscam (at)

The busted DC9, dubbed "Cocaine One" in an earlier story, had an identical twin, a second airliner painted with the same distinctive blue-and-white-with-gold-trim of official U.S. aircraft, the MadCowMorningNews can reveal exclusively, and under the control of the same company. Or Company.

One of the two owners of the DC9 (tail number N900SA) busted at an airport in Ciudad del Carmen in the state of Campeche, Mexico last week freighted 5.5 tons of cocaine had been appointed in 2003 to the Business Advisory Council of the National Republican Congressional Committee by then-Congressional Majority Leader Tom Delay, The MadCowMorningNews can exclusively report.

The plane's registered owner, “Royal Sons LLC,” a Florida air charter company, was at one time housed in a hanger at the Venice Fl. Airport owned by infamous flight school Huffman Aviation.

Also of major significance is the fact that photos of the DC9, seized last Monday in Ciudad del Carmen, reveal that the plane is painted with the distinctive blue and white color color scheme of official U.S. Government planes.

Moreover, to reinforce the effect, or subterfuge, the plane carries an official-looking Seal painted on its side, which reads: SKY WAY AIRCRAFT, PROTECTION OF AMERICA'S SKIES, around an image of a federal eagle clutching the familiar olive branch in its talons. Many have been fooled into concluding that the plane belongs to the U.S. Transportation Security Administration.

This has obvious and highly serious national security implications, which go well beyond the obvious glee involved in playing political "gotcha" with people caught face-down with their noses buried, Tony Montana-style, in over five tons of cocaine.

Makram Chams Titan connected through SEC filings
by Tony Ryals Monday May 29, 2006 at 11:42 AM
endoscam (at)

Senator Bob Bennett,, SEC,Chris Cox,Makram Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,etc.

Makram Chams,although Lebanese,is more connected to the U.S. military - industrial complex as well as to elite Saudis and to Titan Corp whose employees raped and tortured innocent Iraqis than anything.In other words he is a George W Bush kind of guy first and Lebanese last,he just happened to be born in Lebanon. While he owned a convenience store in Venice,Florida and was a friend to Mohamed Atta he disappeared immediately after 9/11 or so we thought.As it turned out he did NOT seek refuge in the enemy states of Afghanistan under the Taliban or in Saddam's Iraq.No.Although of Lebanese birth,he took refuge with W Bush's allies in Saudi Arabia where he was and presumeably is protected and was employed by the U.S. military-industrial corp whore Titan Corp, presumably using his 'good works' in Venice,Florida with Mohamed Atta,as part of his resume..

As I will try to explain further below after a discussion of Utah Senator Bennett,Christopher Cox and his SEC is that what Makram Chams, Mohamed Atta,, reaped on 9/11,as well as drug running that continues to be associated with the same Venice,Florida airport owned by Jeb Bush's pal Wally Hilliard where Mohamed Atta trained or bided his time waiting for 9/11, could very well have been paid for with the penny stock fraud and corruption that Bennett and Cox allow if not encourage ! Also that John Negroponte's Homeland Security and Christopher Cox 's SEC could have located Mr. Makram Chams at any time through the Homeland Security's corp whore,Titan Corporaton of San Diego. Mr.Cox could have done so through SEC fiings !

Panel requires annual disclosure of intelligence budget
by Tony Ryals Monday May 29, 2006 at 12:00 PM
endoscam (at)

Panel requires annual disclosure of intelligence budget
Committee also would require president to brief more members of Congress about major intelligence matters.
THE WASHINGTON POST,1406,KNS_350_4732865,00.h

Sunday, May 28, 2006

WASHINGTON — The Senate intelligence committee has approved language in the fiscal 2007 authorization bill that calls on the president to annually make public what the National Intelligence Program costs.

The president would also be required to give notification of significant intelligence matters, such as the National Security Agency surveillance program, to all members of the panel, not just the chairman and vice chairman.


The National Intelligence Program, which covers the strategic intelligence efforts of the 16 agencies in the intelligence community, is under Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte. Its budget is said to make up more than 75 percent of the estimated $44 billion annual spending on intelligence. The other part, the Military Intelligence Program, finances tactical intelligence for the armed forces and is controlled primarily by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

The Senate committee also directed Negroponte to study the "advisability" of publicly disclosing the budgets for each agency and to report back six months after the authorization bill is passed.

The measure was approved by the intelligence committee in a closed session Tuesday and sent to the Senate two days later. Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., vice chairman of the panel, disclosed the action late Friday in a news release.

In other action, the committee is requiring that future CIA directors be appointed "from civilian life" and approved language that new CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden is "not subject to the supervision or control of the secretary of defense."

John Negroponte,Homeland Security,Cocaine and Schwab's Lipsticked pigs
by Tony Ryals Monday May 29, 2006 at 02:26 PM
endoscam (at)

John Negroponte,Homeland Security,Cocaine and Schwab's Lipsticked pigs

''The Seal and paint job made the planes look like they belong to Homeland Security, specifically the TSA (Transportation Security Administration.)
- Daniel Hopsicker ,

The Transportation Security Administration is part of DNI,(or Director of National Intelligence),John Negrponte's Office or Department or whatever of Homeland Security and it appears he allows certain people to play fast and loose with his Homeland Security Seals in manner that would really rile up Hillary Clinton if she could see the misuse of these symbols to disguise drug running planes and lend credibility to their trafficking by basically displaying the flag of the United States itself in the very paint job of that DC-9 busted with over 5 tons of coke in Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche Mexico this April,as ranking at least as evil as burning a U.S. flag at a demonstration against John Negroponte and his Homeland Security apparatus..

One reason America should not forget that plane that John Negroponte and Titan Corporation both aided in flying the friendly skies of the U.S. and South America and also lent them credibility and cover for running coke flights,is that Brent Kovar and Skyway Communications partner besides Titan Corp,(that has already been shown to have a mysterious Venice, Florida connection by way of its employee and friend of 9/11's infamous Mohamed Atta,Makram Majid Chams,who appears in Titan SEC filings ! Skyway Communications also has a Huffmann Aviation of Venice, Florida ,(where Atta before 9/11) connection by way of Royal Sons co-owner of Brent Kovar and Skyway Communications DC-9 now in Mexican custody after being busted with more than 5 tons of cocaine on board !

Titan by making fraudulent claims of buying Skyway Communications 'products' for over $1billion,sending Skyway Communications stock up on the speculation allowing insiders to dump !,has aided the estimated
$40 million lost by defrauded shareholders and by hiring 9/11 suspect Makram Majid Chams should be investigated for aiding terrorism that they have greatly profited from themselves !

The Transportation Security Administration is a branch or bureaucracy of the Office or Department of Homeland Security that DNI John Negroponte heads
and those two DC-9's were painted to appear like Transportation Security Administration in full view of
people who would should have contacted Mr.
Negroponte and his office had they felt Homeland Security did not approve.This logic applies to both where they were parked in Florida in front of government eyes who would have known as well as national and internatiional flights that have convinced
anyone this WAS a Homeland Security connected and approved plane of John Negroponte's Homeland Security's ' Transportation Security Administration ' !

Have they put any new lipstick on this pig lately ? Or they trying now to paint it as a Columbian guerilla
plane as one recent Mexico newpaper article hinted ?
They already tried a Ceasar Chavez paint job in April
shortly after the bust,but that didn't seem to stick.

I guess the Charles Schwab 'lipstick on pigs' ad does
apply but not as Mr.Charles Schwab would wish. Schwab doesn't put 'lipstick on pigs'.He just takes the lipsticked pigs to market.But I guess it is still a good analogy from the spinmeister of worthless penny stocks who pretends or lies that he is above it all.

It was actually the CIA and NSA connected SRA International's Mantas anti-money laundering software
that allowed Endovasc and James Dale Davidson to dump up to '30 million shares' ,post 9/11,after Agora Inc. promoted their worthless stock in 2002.This allowed Endovasc to continue its fraud and even sell worthless shares in Kuala Lumpur and Dubai through a boiler room group called Bellador Group.It appears John Negroponte nor his CIA and Homeland Security are that concerned about money laundering in Dubai or Kuala Lumpur through U.S. securities particularly penny stocks,post 9/11,or they could have stopped it.

But Porter Goss be damned even the CIA WAS AND IS
PART OF JOHN NEGROPONTE'S HOMELAND SECURITY. But so too is the Transportation Security Administration that that DC-9 was disguised to look like while running cocaine from South America that was busted with over 5 tons of coke on board in Ciudad DelCarmen,Campeche,Mexico ! What does John Negroponte have to say about that ?

The Schwabian lipstick is clearly on John Negroponte and he wears it well,a little old fashioned but that's alright.Just like those heady days with Ollie North and Barry Seal and the boys huh Mr.Negroponte ? Oh the memoies you must have.

John Negrponte appears to be the lipsticked pig who he mistook Porter Goss for.Oh well.But so far the Busholini Brigade has been better at pulling the wool over the eyes of the sheep.However if the tail number of that DC-9 that both U.S. and Mexican government agree upon and whose history Daniel Hopsicker has traced,don't pin the tail on the donkey what will ? Or maybe John Dean will step forward to identify the vehicle in question that once carried him,on lease,on the democratic presidential campaign trail. Maybe the sheep will look up.

Tony Ryals


Mystery of 5.5 Coke Flight Deepens

A cover story should at least provide a little, you know...cover

The Seal and paint job made the planes look like they belong to Homeland Security, specifically the TSA (Transportation Security Administration.)

The tricked-out airliners were supposedly used to perform in-flight demonstrations of the spiffy new technology of SKYWAY AIRCRAFT and its corporate parent SKYWAY COMMUNICATIONS HOLDING CORP.

That could not, however, have been the true purpose of the planes.

SkyWay said it's patented technology promised to protect airplanes from terrorism, and provide high-speed Internet at 30,000 feet. To the shock and anger of investors who lost 30-40 million dollars, it did nothing of the kind.

Even a cursory inspection of the company and its principals quickly reveals that SkyWay had no products, no prospects, and nothing to demonstrate.

What they did have, though... were a couple of airliners masquerading as official U.S. Government planes.

Imagine the possibilities.

Vancouver stock scams make a sudden appearance in our tale

SkyWay Aircraft wasn't in the business of in-flight entertainment or Homeland Security, we discovered. They were in the business of putting out press releases.

We wondered: were we being too harsh? Had the company s management merely been over-enthusiastic, overly-optimistic, or mis-informed? Not a chance...

Glenn and Brent Kovar, a father-and-son pair of scamsters and penny stock fraud specialists, "ran" (we used the word advisedly) SkyWay. They had run the same scam several years earlier with similarly gratifying (for them) results.

The firm was called Satellite Access Systems, (SAS) which, as best we can figure, ended up being worth about three one-thousands of a penny per share.

The Vancouver Sun linked them to a Vancouver stock promoter who was kicked off the Vancouver Stock Exchange, Rene Hamouth, and a U.S. promoter described by Forbes magazine as a "persuasive scoundrel" found guilty of "awarding himself millions in excessive compensation, siphoning off company funds to cover personal expenses, and diverting company assets."

But, as they say in TV-land: Here's the beauty part...Chairman Glenn Kovar liked to boast about his long-standing ties to the CIA.

We took the Seal off. Forget about the Seal.
Frederic Geffon from Royal Sons LLC, the Florida air charter company which the FAA listed as the last registered American owner of "Cocaine One," was happy to talk about Brent and Glenn Kovar's most recent (last year) bankruptcy.

"Their company is a scam and he s a scammer. I got sold a bill of goods about his stock. Everybody out here at the (Clearwater-St. Pete International) airport invested with him, and we all lost it all."

In an exclusive interview, Geffon was quick to point out that the DC9 was no longer his concern when it left the general aviation terminal at Clearwater-St. Pete on April 5th heading for Caracas and its ignominious rendezvous with destiny.

Moreover, he told us, the phony Homeland Security Seal was no longer on it, a statement confirmed by photos of the plane taken in Mexico after its interdiction (see photo above.)

- Daniel Hopsicker

SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud

Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?;

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering

To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering

Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers...

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