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News :: Labor |
4/28 Rally At UI To Save Jobs |
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by Working People (No verified email address) |
25 Apr 2003
Higher education budget cuts from the state are trickling down to the lower levels. Although the governor meant to reduce administrative bloat, the money isn't coming from the executive suites but from the technical employees, custodians, secretaries, programmers, instructors, and others who actually WORK. |
For Immediate Release
April 25, 2003
Champaign/Urbana Area Employees to Conduct Rally to Protest Administration Bloat
Champaign/Urbana Area AFSCME Council 31 represented employees and supporters will conduct a rally on April 28, 2003 at the Alma Mater on the corner of Wright and Green Streets from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. The employees will be conducting the rally to show their displeasure concerning the University’s attempts to lay off frontline workers instead of addressing the budget crisis in a fair and equitable method. The rally is being held with the participation of several AFSCME locals in the area, along with supporters from other Unions who work at the University and surrounding areas.
The employees are displeased and angry that the University would even consider laying any employees off when the numbers of administration staff wouldn’t even be effected. “It’s just not right that the University doesn’t even attempt to look at other methods of protecting the people who do the work for the University, instead of protecting their own bureaucracies,” stated Jerry Wright, Staff Representative for AFSCME Council 31, the Union that represents approximately 2400 workers at the U of I.
Dorinda Miller, President of AFSCME Local 3700 which represents Clerical and Technical employees on campus also stated “It’s time for the University to stop playing games with people’s lives and recognize the folks who keep this University running. There is absolutely no reason to balance this budget on the backs of the people who do the work for the University.”
Gregg Homerding, President of AFSCME Local 698, which represents approximately 425 employees on campus stated, “Front line employees are already stretched to the limit, and further reductions in staff will hurt the students of this University. Cuts should target administrative bloat, not hardworking staff who already are overextended. The administration should bear its fair share of the pain, rather than putting it all on the service employees”.
AFSCME represents approximately 3000 employees in the Champaign County area, 75,000 in Illinois and over 1.3 employees nationwide.
For more information:
Jerry Wright
(217) 788-2564 ext. 3543
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