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News :: Right Wing
SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks Current rating: 0
01 Mar 2006
And some of that money laundering with this unaudited U.S.penny stock fraud's shares has been in the UAE's Dubai,Kuala Lumpur,Nicosia and through a California bank while W Bush has assured us, in order to run his deal with whoever in the UAE to surrender our ports,that the UAE has cleaned up its act and this kind of thing no longer occurs ! And the Securities Exchange Commission is harrassing business journalists to cover up such stock fraud and thus are also covering up money laundering and illegal pump and dump activities with U.S. penny stocks in the EAU for George W Bush, !
SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

Below is an example of my most recent email to the Securities Exchange Commission or SEC.You may well think my letter overly gruff or cynical and you would be correct but you must put this in context.

The fraud has gone on since 1997 in the case of Endovasc of Montgomery,Texas,both the SEC and the NASAA know this and although I did not know it at the time it was still going on in 2001 when I bought over 500,000 shares.

I only bought those Endovasc shares because of a Stanford University patent by researhers John Cooke and Christopher Heeschen to use the nicotine molecule to induce 'angiogenesis' or blood vessel formation.So Stanford and Heeschen and Cooke have benefitted from what I have discovered to be an illegal pump and dump fraud from a Charles Schwab account among other accounts and probable money laundering .

And some of that money laundering with this unaudited U.S.penny stock fraud's shares has been in the UAE's Dubai,Kuala Lumpur,Nicosia and through a California bank while W Bush has assured us, in order to run his deal with whoever in the UAE to surrender our ports,that the UAE has cleaned up its act and this kind of thing no longer occurs ! And the Securities Exchange Commission is harrassing business journalists to cover up such stock fraud and thus are also covering up money laundering and illegal pump and dump activities with U.S. penny stocks in the EAU for George W Bush, !

No wonder WSJ business journalists Carol Remond and Herb Greenberg have been subpeonaed by the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission in a manner similar to the 'commie' witch hunt of alcoholic Congressmen Joseph McCarthy and his right wing fascist gay sidekick Roy Cohen in the 1950's.Mr. Christopher Cox,Bush's new SEC Chairman,has since distanced himself from the subpeonas but perhaps his own SEC should be investigated for covering up money laundering with unaudited U.S.penny stocks in Dubai and using SEC attorneys to do it and we have the proof !!

I also believe money laundering has been involved with unaudited Endovasc shares and it has occured in terrorist suspect money laundering centers of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai of the UAE among other places ! I feel in light of of W Bush REGIMES'S PROPOSAL TO SELL OUT OUR PORTS TO THE UAE IT IS LONG PAST TIME FOR THE SEC TO MAKE ALL OF THIS PUBLIC RATHER THAN HIDING IT.In fact I consider it to be a form of teason besides aiding fraud against investors such as myself,if they don't.Just this one example proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that either Mr.Bush is lying once again as he did about 'WMDS' in Iraq or he is once again badly misinformed to claim money laundering and other types of financial fraud have suddenly ended in the UAE.

And even worse it appears SRA International shares,a Beltway military-internet complex company that helps spy on your internet surfing and emails and also receives your SEC email when you complain has its shares promoted by Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai that so far seems singled out for special protection by the SEC ! SRA International is owned in part by the CIA through its In-Q-Tel 'non-profit'corporation that appears to pump and dump penny stocks itself for personal financial gain of certain CIA employees and shouldn't have non-profit status at all.If anything investors defrauded by In-Q-Tel owned stock investments should get their mony back !

You can do a Google search of almost any U.S. bureaucracy,i.e.-the SEC,GAO,Navy,NSA,etc.and see $100,000,000 + given to SRA International by just about all of them !! So,do SRA International execs such as Barry Landew who gets his unending shares to dump on investors virtually for free really have to have their shares touted by a boiler room located in Dubai that even Hong Kong warns its citizens about while our SEC instead protects them and allows them to defraud Americans ? !

One example of one very bad American doing so,(running penny stock scams WITH WORTHLESS SHARES from Dubai or the UAE with U.S. and particularly Nevada incorporated worthless shell companies),is James Dale Davidson of the National Taxpayers Union who was paid by Richard
Mellon Scaife to organise the political smear campaign claiming Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster.The obvious proof is in the public domain unhidden even by the SEC who should be protecting Americans rather than helping social parasites and possible terrorists Muslim or not.Such is the case with the Steve Forbes,Richard Mellon Scaife, and Grover Norquist connected James Dale Davidson that the SEC allows to defraud investors and perhaps launder money through unaudited U.S.penny stocks the SEC AMONG OTHERS SHOULD BE MONITORING BUT ISN'T.


Nannaco to Enter $130 Billion Homeland Security Market: Financial ...Nannaco to Enter $130 Billion Homeland Security Market. - GIG HARBOR, Wash., March 2, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Nannaco, Inc. (OTC BB:NNNC. - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

Nannaco, Inc. Integration Progress with Amenni, Inc.Amenni, Inc., Nannaco's Merger Partner, Enters Into First Middle Eastern Distribution ... Amenni, Inc., Merger Partner of Nannaco, Moves into $1 Billion ... - 14k - Cached - Similar pages

An example of a pump and dump boiler room scam that may or may not have CIA and or James Dale Davidson connections in Dubai and Kuala Lumpur is Bellador Group.You may ask the SEC for what they have on Bellador Group through Freedom of Information Act or FOIA and they have been mentioned in some SEC penny stock scam filings and yet Endovasc of Montgomery, Texas for whatever reason has never had to list them in filings even though they are still promotong EVSC on their website !(DO a Google
search,'bellador group' to see the thankless task I have taken on to warn my fellow Americans in light of the SEC's culpability in aiding and abetting them).

You may also go to David Marchant's website to the message board and type 'bellador group' into the search at bottom of the page and see posts from a Mr.Taylor,a Brit,or his and Bellador Group's Arizona attorney Ron Logan who aids him in legal advise within the U.S.,(and threatens me), to maintain his U.S.penny stock fraud abroad.I wish I were making this up.While there do an 'amenni' or 'nannaco' message board search or do a Google search.

If you read attorney Ron Logan's posts you will see that he did so mainly to threaten me and among other fraudulent claims he states that Endovasc was 'naked shorted' meaning shares that do not exist were manufactured,digitally on a computer screen I guess,but this is a fraudulent lie the SEC aids and abets by refusing to monitor shares that Endovasc issues to criminal clients such as Bellador Group and Mr.Taylor who Arizona attorney Ron Logan represents.A number of fraudulent schemes have been undertaken by Mr.Taylor that are so egregious he even claims there is another Mr.Taylor with another Bellador Group running around the planet with EVSC shares trying to give him a worse reputation than he has already given himself ! Still
the SEC does nothing.

Below is one of many letters to the SEC that until recently,although the SEC was and is destroying me with its incompetence or collusion,were much more polite. Only this year ex-SEC attorney Brent Baker who allowed
Mr.James Dale Davidson and his Beltway connected Agora Inc penny stock cyber fraud operation to go unconvicted for ilegal pumps and dumps of both Endovasc and Genemax shares among others and didn't even mention DAVIDSON'S FRAUDULENT 'NAKED SHORTING' CLAIM,USED TO DIVERT ATTENTION FROM HIS DUMPING OF UNAUDITED SHARES,now has a well
paid job in the private sector with a Patrick Byrne,son of Geico insurance billionaire Jack Byrne,who is funding the fraudulent website and cyber fraud operation,,and making the same fraudulent claim that his failing is a victim of 'naked shorting by,I kid you not,a 'Sith Lord',whatever that is !

If the SEC were honest and not covering up for well connected con artists it would subpeona its own ex-employee and demand he return any money he has received from Patrick Byrne and make a public apology at least to those he allowed to be defrauded in this scheme.Yet believe it or not the SEC instead began subpeonaing some
of our best business journalists that have written critiocal articles about Patrrick Byrne,his 'Sith LORD' and his floundering instead !

Now for those who can't fathom this it is woth mentioning that Patrick and his billionaire daddy Jack Byrne spent over $1,000,000 of their money or prhaps defrauded investors' money into an anti-John Edwards and Kerry political campaign. Patrick's biggest Congressional supporter for his fraudulent 'naked shorting' claim coincidentally is Republican Senator Bob Bennett of Utah who has himself put pressure on the SEC to condone and aid the fraud.

Anyway I will put corresponding links to my previous indymedia stories to show just how detailed and ongoing a manner I have been involved in and researching this fraud I was trapped in by Stanford University and partticularly its researcher John Cooke who helped spam the internet with Endovasc's exclusive rights to his 'NRA' or 'nicotinice receptor agonist' patent to a great extent.
Well 'Dr.John Cooke the illegal pump and dump scam and money laundering with unaudited Endovasc shares in the UAE you managed to con m e into has indeed caused some 'agony' alright.

Attorney John O'Quinn is equally culpable in the fraud and used the occasion of the illegal pump or promotion by James
Dale Davidson's Agora Inc. and consecuent dump from a Charles Schwab account to fraudulently claim that the rise
and collapse of Endovasc shares in late 2002 was,you gussed it,'naked short selling'.This fraudulent liwe and the con to by 'certs'or paper cerificates from an ex SEC
attorney named Alexander H. Walker and his long ongoing transfer agency that has helped an untold number of fraudulent companies registered in Nevada,Utah,and elsewhere defraud investors is another story.Paradoxically it is Anthony Elgindy a short seller of scammy stocks who
did the best and perhaps only expose of Walker,Endovasc, Sulphco,etc..But then again Mr.Elgindy had some of the best informants money could buy,i.e.-FBI agents.

Dear SEC,
This letter of course is in reply both to the SEC's subpeona of CarolRemond and Herb Greenberg as as to the SEC'S and John Reed Stark's failed internet fraud division.It is long past time that a derauded investor has his say and alerts the public to the extent I can as to
what is really going on.Furthermore it is a defense of my own free speech and my duty as an American to state the sad fact that far right wing criminals who are very well Beltway connected as well as British are using
unaudited and unregistered U.S.penny stocks in UAE and Dubai at this moment for illegal pump and dump boiler room activities and probably money.

Yeah sure guys,next you'll demand we accept the scumbag right wingfascist Patrick Byrne and his daddy Jack's 'Sith Lord' as our Lard and Savior or be sent to Guantanamo.You jerkkks are absolutely too much.When are you going to issue a subpeona to the Georgetown U.academic stock and business fraud James J Angel who doesn't even
know how to locate the person he did the fraudulent infomercial on 'naked shorting' giving only the Las Vegas lap dance club Cheetah's (the only lap dance club ever investigated under the Patriot Act) as an address? Hint,you might tell him to call Agora Inc. in Baltimore
or take a short trip from his Ivory Tower over to the National Taxpayers Unioin,knock and ask for a James Dale Davidson.

I am completely disgusted by the way you and the W Bush 'administration' all CFRN or Christian Financial Radio Network to tout CMKX Diamonds and so many penny stock frauds ansd allow them to use Christianity to
do it.Not only do we need to return to a separation of Church and State but separation of Church and Stock Fraud as well ! You can see for yourself that David Patch's
'investigatethesec' has more clout and influence at the SEC than the invetors they defraud.And you can note James Dale Davidson is connected and'investigtethesec'
basically replaced Davidson's 'NAANSS' until NCANS returned to join it as yet another cyberfraud penny stock pump and dump and probable money laundering operation with Davidson now clearly having Dubai and UAE connections particularly by way of Nannaco and Amenni.I suspect Davidson has Bellador Group connections as well.

Funny the lying Georgetown con artist claims he never heard of James Dale Davidson and yet Angel claims to be a foremost 'expert' in 'naked shorting'.Right in his own backyard has been the largest promoter of said fraud in world history aside perhaps James Angel himself who used his Haas Business School and Georgetown academic
position to promote the fraud which gave it perhaps more credibility than James Dale Davidson could ever do on his own. Georetiown promoting a fraud whose only address is a lap dance club then as a Catholic institute promoting immaculate conception. Yep Georgetown and James Angel will be claiming 'immaculate conception' to explain all those 'naked short' shares pretty soon,as his and Georgetown's penny stock theories couldn't get any more fraudulent and goofy if you tried !In fact I have asked James J.Angel when he first made the
video infomercial for to give me one example of a company harmed by 'naked shortin' and he couldn't do it.Georgetown by allowing him to lie to promote a massive penny stock fraud is itselñf guilty of academic and stock fraud.

You at SEC who have brought me such fraudulent stock terrorism and allowed 'Bob O'Brien' and James Dale Davisdson's threats and cyber harrassment over the years should yourselves be sent to Guantanamo not some Ivy League university where you can lie and corrupt more
children of the rich and stupid and decadent. I sure wish I'd have known what frauds you all are.Actually I don't wish Guantanamo on anyone and the U.S.shjould stop using Cuban or any other place for torture.But the SEC should stop aiding penny stock mafias and money laundering with shares you can but refuse to audit nonetheless.

And you KNOW James Dale Davidson and his Lard Rees-Mogg have a LOM of Bermuda connection and Davidson and Endovasc probably used that Schwab LOM acount as their dump account in 2002.Yet you let the criminal attoerneys O'Quinn AND CHRISTIAN LIE THEIR ASSES OFF ON ENDOVASC BUSINESSWIRE PRESS RELEASES RIGHT AFTER JAMES DALE DAVIDSON'S AND AGORA INC. ET AL.'S PUMP AND DUMP FROM THEIR CHARLES SCHWAB ACCOUNT.WHY ! ? However the Securities Exchange Commission
also knows that Charles Schwab hosted the 'up to 30 million shares' account in 2002 that Endovasc's David P Summers and Dwight Cantrell used in the illegal pump and dump of Endovasc shares.So why has Schwab been allowed complete immunity from both the known LOM of
Bermuda penny stock pump and dump account as well as the Endovasc pump and account which may be the same account ? Why does the SEC employ the same corrupt or incompetent company SRA International,even if it is a CIA-In-Q-Tel investment when it created the very Mantas AML or anti-money laundering software that didn't work during all these SEC acknowledged pump and dump operations from Charles Schwab ?

I can only imagine in retrospect that the IMCLONE case must have had political rather than any other implications because Stanford University's Chris Heeschen and John Cooke as well as the fraudulent David P Summers who posed as a 'doctor' for them and the Endovasc fraud would be under a jail by now as well as some in Stanford patent
office if it weren't.Instead it is fact and you know it that Endovasc's Dwight Cantrell and Robert Johnson(who gets his 'cowboy boots by laundering Endovasc shares you don't audit in Kuala Lumpur,Dubai,etc.) are committing cyberfraud right now on and David Patch,James Dale Davidson's sidekick is holding court on jagh just as he did in 2002-2003 on ragingbull's
Genemax pump and dump message board.

And just do a google search of 'bellador group' and see my warnings immediately under their fraudulent websites.Why don't you do your job Mr John Reed Stark and if the new SEC Chairman Christopher Cox doesn't do his both of you just resign ! Haven't you all caused enough problems and allowed enough fraud and cyber terrorism against investors to occur for one life time ? Why do you allow Mr.Taylor of Bellador Group and whoever else is behind the Kuala Lumur and Dubai Bellador Group to continue their frauds udsing U.S.penny stocks and I suspect perhaps even non-peny stocks
based upon one internet complaint they are even promoting National Security related SRA International that you pay and contract out to for 'IT',And according to the CIA they also provide the CIA and thus the President of the U.S. with his 'daily brierfibng' ! This should be beyond embarrassing to both you and the Bush admininistration as well as links to more of my ongoing reporting on what I term the 'naked short scam' that definitely has a clear linkable Beltway connection through James Dale Davidson ansd Agora Inc..

Tony Ryals

Below is typical of years of computer genereated non-reponse any victim of stock fraud receives from the SEC.
It becomes clear why Mr.John Reed Stark,Chief of the Office of Internet Enforcement (OIE) in the Division of Enforcement of the US Securities and Exchange Commission
does not want to answer my questions or those of others who have fell victim to U.S. 'securities' fraud over the internet.He has presided over and permitted an internet mafia to liee steal defraud and issuse physical threats to defrauded investors such as myself for and ex-SEC attorney Brent Baker as just one example gets a cushy job in covering up for them.

I still maintain an open mind about Mr.Christopher Cox who perhaps dosn't realise what a den of thieves and thief aiders and abeters he has taken charge of yet.But much as I wish and have wished to give John Reed Stark the benefit of the doubt the criminal element rages on over the internet and the SEC attorneys go after not those setting up fraudulent internet sites or policing and Yahoo message boards that are used besides for stock promoting frauds tehemselves,as hubs leading to even worse internet stock fraud sites if that is possible.

I am and remain a 'free speecher' and believe I should be able to rage about George Bush,an old stock fraud in his own right and 'Petroleum Trafficker In Chief,but my freedom of speech ends when I use it over the internet or anywhere else for fraud and death threats which is exactly what John Reed Stark and the SEC has and continues to allow.

Tony Ryals

----- Original Message -----
To: endofscam (at)
Subject: SEC Division of Enforcement Confirmation Reply
Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2006 09:42:24 -0500

Dear Sir or Madam:
Thank you for your recent e-mail to the group electronic mailbox of
the Division of Enforcement at the United States Securities and
Exchange Commission in Washington, D.C. We appreciate your taking the
time to write to us. This automated response confirms that the
Division of Enforcement has received your e-mail. You can rest
assured that an attorney in the Office of Internet Enforcement will
review your e-mail promptly.

We are always interested in hearing from members of the public, and
you may be assured that the matter you have raised is being given
careful consideration in view of the Commission's overall enforcement
responsibilities under the federal securities laws. It is, however,
the Commission's policy to conduct its inquiries on a confidential
basis -- so this may be the only response that you receive. If your
complaint is more in the nature of a consumer complaint (such as a
dispute with your broker or a problem with your brokerage or
retirement account), you should contact our Office of Investor
Education and Assistance -- they may be able to help you. You may
reach the Office of Investor Education and Assistance via telephone
at (202) 551-6551or through the Web at HYPERLINK

The Commission conducts its investigations on a confidential basis to
preserve the integrity of its investigative process as well as to
protect persons against whom unfounded charges may be made or against
whom the Commission determines that enforcement action is not
necessary or appropriate. Subject to the provisions of the Freedom of
Information Act, we cannot disclose to you any information which we
may gather and we cannot confirm to you the existence or
non-existence of an investigation, unless made a matter of public
record in proceedings brought before the Commission or in the courts.

If you are unsure where you should direct your inquiry or you want tolearn more about how the SEC handles inquiries and complaints, please
visit the SEC Complaint Center at HYPERLINK

Should you have any additional information or questions pertaining to this matter, please feel free to communicate directly with us at
HYPERLINK "mailto:enforcement (at)"enforcement (at)

We appreciate your interest in the work of the Commission and its
Division of Enforcement.
Very truly yours,
John Reed Stark
Chief, Office of Internet Enforcement
United States Securities & Exchange Commission

Amenni,Nannaco another James Dale Davidson Beltway connected penny stock scam in Dubai the SEC aids and
abets :

Below,is a recent James Dale Davidson scam.Can anyone explain this one ? A new penny stock pump and dump with Dubai-Saudi connections ? Is Iraqgate connected Terry Byrne involved ?

I presume this is another penny stock pump and dump that will benefit Middle Eastern 'investors' or anonymous criminals at the expense of defrauded Americans ? And what about 911 ? Where's the SEC,the DOJ,the FBI ? Or Homeland Security for that matter ?

Why does the SEC still allow this to go on ? Is this possible money laundering using the SEC's Reg S ? Why does the SEC not put as much priority in putting a stop to these offshore penny stock deals as they did to the so-called Regulation 'SHO', that not only defraud Americans, who are the biggest victims of these pumps and dumps when these penny stock shares finally come to roost,but these unaudited penny stock shares can also easily be used in money laundering and aiding terrorist activities.

Why does Senator Bennett not decry this scandal rather than aid fraudsters,in false 'naked shorting' victim claims which really only protect illegal pump and dump operations and money laundering,including or particluarly, those running these offshore frauds and or money laundering activities with U.S. penny stocks ?

Either Senator Bennett is incompetent or he is aiding the traitors such as James Dale Davidson,knowingly or not,in criminal activities.Can Senator Bennett explain how encouraging illegal pump and dump activities through Dubai etc.,aids our national security ?Can he explain how it doesn't endanger it ?

Senator Bennett,is there something I don't know ? Is the issuing of U.S.penny stocks offshore for boiler rooms like of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai for illegal pump and dump activities really good for us? Is this a way for us to some how help the 'good guys' like James Dale Davidson and his fraudulent group who always claim they and their victims were 'naked shorted' after an illegal pump and
dump ?

Are those of us who lose everything in these apparent Beltway originating scams then true 'patriots' for having been robbed and defrauded in a Beltway originating international penny stock scam ?

I thought I was investing however riskily in a Stanford patent with a Texas biotech but I was instead being ripped off in a Beltway run international penny stock pump and dump operation run by former National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson.One way or the other this is fraud,Senator Bennett,and this is who and what you ae aiding.

Tony Ryals

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Search Results 1 - 4 of 4 search results
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We are also in the process of recruiting Waiters, Waitresses and Dancers. Britannia.htm
Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam

Endovasc,Texas,SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group

Mantas,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers,Market Makers

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Open letter to SEC,John Reed Stark on internet and penny stock fraud

Senator Bennett:Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS A Fraud ?

Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?

Houston attorneys John O'Quinn,Wes Christian aid massive penny stock fraud

The Byrnes,John Edwards,Attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,Money Laundering

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

This work is in the public domain
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James Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering
Current rating: 0
03 Mar 2006
'Please don’t let your writing get in the way of the truth:
GDC never completed a deal with Nannaco..We backed away. Negotiations were canceled after due dilligence I never sold a single share of stock…I left the GDC to pursue other opportunities '...........

'I appreciate your efforts in dealing with these offshore issues. As aclarification, a lawyer brought us the Nannaco shell but when we looked at it, we walked away. In fact, Nannaco issued a press release without our permission.'

(email above from Tom McMillen,ex-Maryland Congressman,basketball player and Rhodes scholar like Bill Clinton and his nemesis James Dale Davidson and business partner of Asa Hutchinson,ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey and Oklahoma's Don Nickles in Fortress America 'national security'
stock on OTCBB penny stock market.)

Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering

I note also that your Fortress America partner ex-CIA Director Mr.James Woolsey has an offshore account in the Caymans(Palidin) famous or should I say infamous for penny stock fraud and money laundering.Yes you and he set a fine example along with Asa Hutchinson and Oklahoma's Don Nickles of how decent Americans should NOT behave. Somehow your priviledged lifestyles have led you to perceive American ethical standards legal or not are for other Americans and not for yourselves.

Dear Mr.Tom McMillen,

Well Thank you Mr.Tom McMillen for recognizing the problem of offshore accounts and worthless penny stock shells in both money laundering and criminal and terrorist activities offshore that could very well come back to bite us onshore.We could have used someone with your foresight in Congress years ago.Oh yeah I almost forgot you were a Congressman years ago weren't you ?

I note also that your Fortress America partner ex-CIA Director Mr.James Woolsey has an offshore account in the Caymans(Palidin) famous or should I say infamous for penny stock fraud and money laundering.Yes you and he set a fine example along with Asa Hutchinson and Oklahoma's Don Nickles of how decent Americans should NOT behave. Somehow your priviledged lifestyles have led you to perceive American ethical standards legal or not are for other Americans and not for yourselves.

It is truly a bad joke for you to be telling me you appreciate my efforts and concern for ending offshore fraud illegal pump and dump activities and probable money laundering with worthless U.S.penny stock shares when you and ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey engage in the same practices that cause and lead to such problems in the first place! Unfortunately I don't and never did have any say or clout in the Beltway,it is you and Asa Hutchinson(who oversaw as head of DEA THE LARGEST AND FASTEST RISE OF HEROIN PRODUCTION IN THE HISTORY OF AFGHANISTAN IF NOT THE WORLD)AND James Woolsey who have clout in Washington, D.C.,NOT ME.

A simple 15 minute press conference by you or Asa Hutchinson or James Woolsey in Washington,D.C.,exposing the use of U.S. 'securities' for money laundering for drugs or weapons or even political manipulation in other countries or perhaps our own and the need for the U.S.SEC and Christopher Cox to crack down on it,rather than on investigative reporters for instance,would be all that is neccessary.So where's the press conference if you feel so strongly Mr.McMillen ? If you wish to really bring home the penny stock money laundering fraud you could hold the press conference in front of the National Taxpayers Union founded by one of your would be partners in Nannaco,James Dale Davidson.

Or perhaps because you were a Maryland Congressman you could hold the press release right outside Bill Bonner's and James Dale Davidson's Agora Inc. which is a center of penny stock fraud and false promises of 100's of percentage point returns off unending pump and dump scams orchestrated and manipulated by them over the years.This would be truly fitting seeing as how you finally did your due diligence albeit a little belatedly regarding Nannaco and Amenni you now know your fellow Rhodes scholar and Agora Inc. of Baltimore founder James Dale Davidson was behind these scams with a Dubai connection.Do you think he was possibly trying to set you up the same way he paid the handwriting 'expert' from Oxford to claim Vince Foster's suicide note was forged and thus 'Clinton did it' ! ?

I believe you could expose Mr.DAVIDSON AND BILL BONNER FINALLY AND PERHAPS END ONE OF THE LARGEST AND LONGEST ONGOING FRAUDS WITH AMERICAN AND CANADIAN PENNY STOCKS(GENERALLY BUT NOT ALWAYS INCORPORATED IN NEVADA),IN WORLD HISTORY IF YOU CARED TO.You would be doing the whole Beltway and Congress a favor knowing that when Bill Bonner touts his scammy investment books to them and asks his 'thedailyreckoning' cult to write their Congressman to ask them to read it they will no longer be misled.

I am sorry you didn't undertake this during your time as a Maryland Congressman,you might have saved a lot of grief to naive American investors such as myself who were defrauded by them.I have already explained elsewhere why I believe Patrick Byrne's(of Bob O'Brien's NCANS or National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling was at best plagiarized from James Dale Davidson's
'NAANSS' scam,or National Association Against Naked Short Selling right down to the fraudulent scam to con investors into buying 'certs' or certificates and remove their shares from brokerage accounts !

One final thing for the moment that you and Asa Hutchinson and Nickels and particularly James Woolsey might be interested in now that you have shown a concern for the use of worthless U.S. penny stock shares in offshore fraud and boiler room and money laundering activities is the Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai that even Hong Kong securities officials have warned their citizens about although the U.S. SEC continues to allow them to deal in U.S. penny stocks for some reason.

Even though I was finally successful in getting Stanford University to remove the Stanford 'nicotine-angiogenesis' patent from EVSC last year so that they and James Dale Davidson and Bellador Group could no longer use it for fraud against Americans or anyone else,Bellador and their Arizona attorney Ron Logan continue to promote it on world wide web.Why ? Much worse is the fact that SRA International shares appear to have been recommended by them to their clients.I hopefully don't have to explain to you what a scandal and embarrassment that is to the U.S.government the CIA the NSA the Congress and the White House DO I ?

SRA International receives pork barrel funding from almost every bureaucracy of the U.S. government INCLUDING THE SEC AND THE GAO ! !This in turn as you know helps boost their stock shares value on the NYSE stock exchange.If not for all the U.S. bureaucracies giving this military-internet complex monopololistic subsidies they would themselves be a penny stock.But this CIA-In-Q-Tel invested company also provides the CIA with a 'daily briefing' and the CIA in turn provides the President of the United States with his 'daily briefing' !

And shares of SRA International have also been recommended by Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai as if it was a common U.S.penny stock !While I feel Bellador Group that aided Endovasc and James Dale Davidson of Agora Inc. to defraud me may be CIA connected just as SRA International is part of the CIA-In-Q-Tel stock portfolio its position of trust as a stock whose company is so connected to the U.S. internet-military complex must make U.S.
'intelligence' services abroad the lauighing stock of the world to any other countries intelligence network.Sure this may not be common knowledge to most Americans considering the quality of major news outlets here but having its shares promoted by a common penny stock boiler room in Asia and the UAE makes us the laughing 'stock' of the world to China or Russia or Israel or Dubai or Nigeria or Honduras or Belize intelligence for instance.

Also because your fellow Rhodes scholar James Dale Davidson dumped 'up to 30 million' shares of Endovasc from one Charles Schwab account in late 2002 before he and attorney John O'Quinn fraudulently claimed it was 'naked shorting' by Schwab,Refco,and Ameritrade and Nannaco has also allowed stock touts related to Davidson to fraudulently claim its shares were 'naked shorted'.....Also LOM of Bermuda has a James Dale Dale Davidson connection and the SEC has also found massive penny stock manipulation from the LOM Charles Schwab and VFinance accounts....Mr.Davidson and the Lord William Rees-Mogg recommended LOM to readers of their scam book,'The Sovereign Individual', without ever disclosing their investments in LOM WHICH IS ILLEGAL IF WE HAD AN SEC.You may refer to David Marchant of KYC or visit
his website for info on that.

So Tom McMillen,it would appear that the ball is in your court so to speak as well as that of James Woolseys,Asa Hutchinson,'s and not mine.I only hope you have not been paid too well to forfeit the game.

Tony Ryals

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks


Bush() Ally Set to Profit from the War on Terror

James R. Woolsey

Defense Policy Board: Member
Center for Security Policy: Honorary co-chair
Booz Allen Hamilton: Vice President, Global Strategic Security Division


Paladin Capital Group and Civitas Group Establish Strategic Alliance


Bush Ally Set to Profit from the War on Terror

James R. Woolsey

Defense Policy Board: Member
Center for Security Policy: Honorary co-chair
Booz Allen Hamilton: Vice President, Global Strategic Security Division


Paladin Capital Group and Civitas Group Establish Strategic Alliance

Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam

Endovasc,Texas,SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group

Mantas,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers,Market Makers

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Open letter to SEC,John Reed Stark on internet and penny stock fraud

Senator Bennett:Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS A Fraud ?

Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?

Houston attorneys John O'Quinn,Wes Christian aid massive penny stock fraud

The Byrnes,John Edwards,Attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,Money Laundering

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

"Tom McMillen" <tmcmillen (at)> [Save Address] [Block Sender] [This Is Spam]
To: endoscam (at)
Subject: response
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 15:41:57 -0500


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Please don’t let your writing get in the way of the truth:

GDC never completed a deal with Nannaco..We backed away. Negotiations were canceled after due dilligence I never sold a single share of stock…I left the GDC to pursue other opportunities

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"Tom McMillen" <tmcmillen (at)> [Save Address] [Block Sender] [This Is Spam]
To: "'Tony Ryals'" <endofscam (at)>
Subject: RE: On the SEC's New Fangled Subpeonies
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:00:33 -0500


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I appreciate your efforts in dealing with these offshore issues. As a clarification, a lawyer brought us the Nannaco shell but when we looked at it, we walked away. In fact, Nannaco issued a press release without our permission.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Ryals [mailto:endofscam (at)]
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 12:39 AM
To: tmcmillen (at)
Subject: On the SEC's New Fangled Subpeonies

Dear Tom McMillen,
Here's some of my more recent internet stuff plus a short reply to your minor concern.I never said you ever sold shares of Nannaco as I read it.
You may also google 'moshe katsav michael zwebner' or 'sra international cookies' or 'schwab share money laundering' or 'amit yoran in-q-tel bellador group'
or 'james angel georgetown university' or 'pope's misconceptions phosphates orbit' or 'petroleum trafficker' or 'remember alamo petroleum
taffickers' or just google 'tony ryals' to find more of what concerns me.Or 'james dale davidson ryals' as he is a common theme to most of my writing on penny stock fraud and money laundering.

I would be most interested in what you know about Mr.James Dale Davidson and Agora Inc that is in Baltimore with worldwide tentacles.You can google
'wolfblitzzer0' as well or 'wolf blitzer cnn michael zwebner'as I was the wolfblitzzer0' that led to Michael Zwebner sueing Wolf Blitzer and CNN although I never imagined to do it.hee hee

I would also be happy to have you or James Woolsey or Asa Hutchinson or Nickles voice your concern about the use of U.S.penny stocks offshore and their potential for money laundering by criminals of all stripes.Or if you wish be the devils advocate and tell me and the SEC why Reg S should not be abolished and generally worthless U.S. penny stocks not stopped from being used offshore for boiler room fraud and money launsdering as they are including in Dubai and UAE at this moment while Bush claims it's all different this time.Sure.You see that's why James DALE DAVIDSON PUMPS AND DUMPS AND THEN MAKES THE FRAUDULENT 'NAKED SHORTING' CLAIM IN THE FIRST PLACE,TO DEFRAUD PEOPLE LIKE ME WHO ARE TRUSTING AND THEN LAUNDER MONEY WITHSHARES THE SEC REFUSES TO AUDIT ALTHOUGH THEY COULD AND MONEY CAN THEN BE LAUNDERED WITH UNAUDITED OR COUNTED WORTHLESS SHARES THAT CAN'T BE TRACED WITH THE ADDED BONUS OF RIPPING SUCKERS SUCH AS MYSELF OFF !

Yeah,really 'patriotic'.


Tony Ryals
SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon to Justice ?
Current rating: 0
05 Mar 2006
According to a quote from Mr.Cox of a few days ago this would appear to be the case. The truth is more likely his and SEC attorneys' wish to gag both professional business journalists including at the WSJ as well as defrauded investors such as myself who wish to blow the whistle on SEC corruption and fraud.

SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon to Justice ?

,"There are people masquerading as journalists who really aren't. That's a concern," he said.

Securities Exchange Commissioner Christopher Cox

Jeff Gannon or James Dale Guckert was the White House 'plant' in the White House press corp. whose job was to ask silly and flattering questions to White House press secretary McClellan while legit reporters questions went ignored. Jeff Gannon or James Dale Guckert had access to White House staff that might have made Monica Lewinski blush under the pseudonym 'Jeff Gannon' until a little snooping right on the internet revealed his own homosexual porno websites that even solicited male military prostitution. Then he quietly disappeared from the White House and press corps. with no questions asked and no government investigation whatsoever of his 'masquerading' , both as a 'journalist' and a heterosexual no doubt.

Online Nude Photos Are Latest Chapter In Jeff Gannon Saga

"Jeff Gannon" EXPOSED!

The truth is more likely Mr. Cox's fear of professional business journalists the SEC wishes it could gag or scare away from deeper investigative reporting than they have been doing so far as well as an attempt to scare defrauded investors such as myself who work to expose the SEC's aiding of internet stock and securities fraud and their protection of fraudulent internet websites that appear to be Beltway and in some cases perhaps even mafia or CIA connected such as and and .Their for instance has threatened and libeled the very WSJ reporters the SEC San Francisco attorneys subpeonaed before embarrassingly withdrawaing the subpeonas due to both journalistic and public outrage.

This link to Gary Weiss' blog,( former 'Business Week ' investigative reporter and author the book,'The Mafia on Wall Street'),who has taken an interest in this 'naked short' or supposed 'anti-naked short' selling penny stock pump and dump scheme will provide additional background and added links.:

Agora Inc. of Baltimore with its world net cyber scam ops and various world wide penny stock scam connections and its many official and unofficial websites is a product of Bill Bonner and James Dale Davidson,(who was behind the Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster' smear campaign), such as and Bonner's

They fraudulently claim hundreds of percentage point profits while promoting mainly illegal pump and dump scams and offshore scams that defraud American and other investors that the SEC has known about for years and done nothing about.Ex-CIA Chief 'WMDS' George Tenet attended an Agora Inc. investment' symposium in New Orleans in 2004 and the Agora Inc. stock promotion machine touted at least one of the CIA's and In-Q-Tel's scammy pump ansd dump stocks called Ionatron.The fact that James Dale Davidson is far right founder of Steve Forbes,Grover Norquist connected National Taxpayers Union located in Alexandria,Virginia to be close to Washington,D.C. SEC office couldn't have anything to do with could it ? No,of course not.

The CIA and mafia claims I make may seem far out until you do your own 'due diligence' and perhaps a google search,'sra international in-q-tel' and then a google search 'sra international sec'.As I have already
written extensively about this on the indymedias I will post links but not go into this in depth again at the moment.Whoever these individuals are the SEC deems to protect - their stock fraud crimes and threats are organised.

And there are many more scammy penny stock websites including Yahoo and ragingbull that might be considered hubs for those sites that are used to lure investors into their fraud .This has grown out of all proportion under the SEC's John Reed Stark .In my opinion it is long past time for him to resign as Chief of the Office of Internet Enforcement (OIE) in the Division of Enforcement of the US Securities and Exchange Commission rather than knowingly and incompetently allowing this internet securities fraud to blossom any further. I really don't care if John Reed Stark is incompetent or in collusion like ex SEC attorney Brent Baker who now works for NCANS and's Patrick Byrne after letting James Dale Davidson and Porter Stansberry of Agora Inc. walk without even charging them for their Endovasc, Genemax 'NAANSS' anti-naked short scam.The result is the same.

The SEC appears to want to protect the internet 'anti-naked short' fraud that is used to divert attention from illegal pump and dump of penny stocks and probable money laundering with shares that Mr.Cox and his SEC refuse to audit even though they are aiding money laundering and fraud against Americans in the UAE and Dubai among other places ! Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai is one excellent example of the fraud with U.S.penny stocks offshore that the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission aids and abets and doesn't even require them to file SEC documentation of stocks they probably use for money laundering including in the UAE !

Below is from John Reed Stark's own self agrandizing
website of how he and the Securities Exchange Commission brought a college Georgetown University student,( where he teaches between his SEC duties), to justice.Mr.Stark is quick to point out that the scamster was certainly not one of his students and never took his Georgetown University class.

But where is Mr.John Reed Stark when his own Georgetown colleague.James J Angel of Georgetown's McDonough School of Business and previously of the University of California 's Haas School of Business,( that the present SEC Chairman Cox has also been connected to),promotes the 'naked short selling fraud' of a group of unidentified penny stock securities criminals whose only known address is a striptease joint in Las Vegas ?

James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia

Mr.John Reed Stark is silent and although the NCANS stock fraud is very serious internet fraud on a scale to make the Georgetown student Douglas Colt appear like the complete amateur he was Mr.John Reed Stark is silent and no charges or investigation of James Anjel has been undertaken.Nor the has the anonymous death threatening leader of this fraud for whom James J Angel made the FRAUDULENT internet commercial,with only the striptease Cheetah Club of Las Vegas as an address, been investigated or identified.

I have personally asked JAMES ANGEL TO PROVIDE ONE EXAMPLE OF ONE COMPANY DRIVEN OUT OF BUSINESS BY 'NAKED SHORT SELLING'.He can't and thus lied committing both securities and academic fraud that would never be tolerated from a student.Georgetown University and the SEC and John Reed Stark appear to have no shame.

Below is from John Reed Stark's website and this case was from 2000 and since he has let internet securities frauds proliferate,uncommented upon and ignored !:

One of the most recent cases we brought in this area involved a website called Fast Trades, operated by a group of Georgetown law students (none of whom, incidentally, had taken my class). And we ended up suing them during the semester I was teaching “Securities Laws and the Internet.”

Douglas Colt, ringleader of the group behind the Fast Trades site, searched for the vulnerable, thinly-traded microcap stock. Among Colt’s first picks was American Education, trading at about $1 a share. First, he bought the stock cheap. On March 5, 1999, Colt started buying the stock at 10:47 a.m. and continues until about 2:19 p.m., buying up about 19,000 shares. Next: the pump. We alleged that he then started hyping the stock on his momentum trading site and on various message boards. Then, he announced it as his “momentum” pick on his website. By 2:45 p.m., when Colt posted the stock on, 100,000 shares had been traded, and the stock reached a high of about $10. Finally, the dump. We alleged that the perpetrators entered a limit order of $6.50; as soon as that stock hit that price, their sales began to take place, and they made a quick profit. In this case, for a couple of days’ work, we alleged Colt made $41,000. By the end of Colt’s involvement, the stock had dropped to $3.25 a share, stinging many investors.

Internet Fraud: Myths and Reality

U.S. SEC to develop journalist subpoenas policy

by Tony Ryals
Mar 2006
All of this is in reponse to and a knee jerk reaction to 's Patrick Byrne who claims he is being attacked and 'naked shorted' by WSJ journalists Carol Remond and Herb Greenberg who are in the employ of a 'Sith Lord' as far as I can tell! I do admit I am confused. But then again I'm not a professional anything, just a defrauded investor.
U.S. SEC to develop journalist subpoenas policy

Reader post by: Anthony Ryals
Posted on: marzo 2, 2006, 8:25 PM PST

Story: Document shows Yahoo bowed to China, group claims NEWS.COM

Now the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission's Chairman Christopher Cox goes from backing off on the SEC attorney subpeonas scandal for business journalists to claiming SEC attorneys can indeed subpeona journalists without consulting him or senior SEC officials it appears !

Particularly bizar is a quote from Mr.Cox taken from Reuters,"There are people masquerading as journalists who really aren't. That's a concern," he said.

He said the guidelines would concern only the news media and no one else.

Cox said he believes that, after the policy is adopted, issuance of SEC subpoenas to journalists "will continue to be exceedingly rare."

What is strange is who would be reporting at a legit 'news media' who would be 'masquerading' as a journalist ? Well some of us remember White House gay fascist journalist James Dale Guckert or Gannon or whatever his real name was but I don't believe his news agency was legit so by Mr.Cox's definition that would let him off the hook.

All of this is in reponse to and a knee jerk reaction to 's Patrick Byrne who claims he is being attacked and 'naked shorted' by WSJ journalists Carol Remond and Herb Greenberg who are in the employ of a 'Sith Lord' as far as I can tell! I do admit I am confused. But then again I'm not a professional anything, just a defrauded investor.

Also Mr.Byrne is indeed surrounded on all sides by con artists and petty penny stock con artists who do indeed often pose or pretend to be legit reporters but I personally do not consider Gayle Essary's FinancialWire to be a legit news service so by Mr.Cox's phrasing of it they would not be bothered because they are not a legit news outlet ?

Or David Patch's that touts as a victim of 'naked shorting' ? It's not a legit news source or agency and only touts and other sleezy penny stocks as victims of 'naked short selling' as well.Or and its death threat promoter the anonymous 'Bob O'Brien' sponsored by Patrick Byrne to tout myriad penny stocks as well as his own what about James Dale Davidson's own Agora Inc. that touts penny stocks and has Beltway connections and virtually lobbeys our Congress ? Will all those cyrfraud and mail fraud scams be ignored by Mr.Cox BECAUSE they are not legitimate business news sources so their frauds can be ignored ?

Just what is Mr.Cox saying ? Does he know ?
So will only Wall Street and Barrons and other long established business journals qualify for subpeonas from the SEC while known frauds be ignored as usual because they are 'amateur' ?

On the other hand what about me who posts about my personal experience with stock frauds that the SEC ignores and in some cases appears to aid and abet ? Would I be singled out for revenge from an SEC that doesn't want fraud they either turn their backs on or possibly aid and abet be singled out because I am not a professional reporter and thus qualify under Mr.Cox's definition to be subpeonaed ?

And another thought I have about the Reuters
quote of Mr.Christopher Cox is that he doesn't even specify 'business reporters'.Ha.Does this mean Mr.Cox is creating a new bureaucratic extention of the SEC to subpeona any reporter say environmental or war or political or police reporter etc. that the SEC deems is not behaving in a'professional' manner ?

I leave the quote above and corresponding link below to the complete Reuters article for you to contemplate and decide or perhaps give him a call and get the 'skinny' for yourselves.But be warned you better be the right type of reporter journalist or news agency when you ask him the question or you may find yourswelf on the receiving end of this new fangled SEC subpeona whatever it is.Duh.

UPDATE 2-U.S. SEC to develop journalist subpoenas policy
Thu Mar 2, 2006 6:50 PM ET
(Adds Cox comments, background, byline)

By Kevin Drawbaugh

Tony Ryals

Schwab:SF SEC Uses McCarthy tactics to protect right wing stock fraud

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

I got this from ex Congressman Tom McMillen
who was also a pro basketball player and Rhodes scholar like Bill Clinton and his nemesis James Dale Davidson yesterday.He was responding to my indymedia article,'Terrorbaggers' that can be found on google search as well as in readers comments to, 'Senators press for details of NSA spying'By Declan McCullagh,Staff Writer,CNET, Published: February 28, 2006.Funny I never said Mr.McMillen sold any Nannaco shares, I was just poking fun at him and his fellow Rhodes scholar James Dale Davidson's connection to it and Amenni and the connection to Dubai.I also wrote an indymedia post yesterday titled,'SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks',still not googleable yet.

Also this one that's beginning to appear:

'Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam',Steve Wark and Bud Burrell are mentioned.Yeah I'm amateur hour but as I've come to understand the fraud I try to get it out on Google cause anything hidden in WSJ or any other professional news outlet or not written by them at all anyway will certainly not help anyone who has been defrauded and the Securities Exchange Commission seems determined to do nothing.:

From: "Tom McMillen" [Save Address]
[Block Sender] [This Is Spam]
To: endoscam (at)
Subject: response
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 15:41:57 -0500


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Please don’t let your writing get in the way of the truth:

GDC never completed a deal with Nannaco..We backed away. Negotiations
were canceled after due dilligence
I never sold a single share of stock…I left the GDC to pursue other

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D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering

Charles Schwab:Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam

Endovasc,Texas,SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group

Mantas,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers,Market Makers

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Open letter to SEC,John Reed Stark on internet and penny stock fraud

Senator Bennett:Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS A Fraud ?

Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?

Houston attorneys John O'Quinn,Wes Christian aid massive penny stock fraud

The Byrnes,John Edwards,Attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,Money Laundering

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
Did Israeli President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
Current rating: 0
11 Mar 2006
Did Israeli President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?

The land of International penny stock fraud makes for strange bedfellows and here often right wing cons of all stripes lie together.So it should come as no surprise that by touting or allowing his name to be used to tout a Michael Zwebner pump and dump penny stock scam(one of many over the years) President of Israel Moshe Katzav not only mixes his name and reputation with American mafia and international crooks and gangsters but also Mr.Zwebner's business partner in a number of scams over the years including UCSY or Universal Communications Systems is the infamous Mohamed Hadid,a Palestinian of ill repute connected to the Herndon,Virginia Muslim charity suspected in both money laundering and terrorist funding activities,including Al Qaeda.

Athough Michael Zwebner's and Mohamed Hadid's UCSY press release 'starring' the President of Israel and Israeli Minister of Agriculture Mr.Katz was also posted in my previous indymedia article titled,' Israeli President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud,possible money laundering',I felt it appropriate to repeat it again here juxtaposed with another Zwebnerand Mohamid Hadid press release stating, ''Michael J.
Zwebner announced today that both he and Mr. Mohamed Hadid of Los Angeles, CA, are each personally donating $25,000 to the AirWater machines fund...''

Israeli President Moshe Katzav aids Zwebner penny stock fraud 'UCSY'

Needless to say besides the main goal at the time of using the tsunami anbd tsunami victims and a legit Israeli relief organization to fraudulently claim 'airwater machines' were being sent to tsunami victims with the sole purpose of a Barnum and Baily sensationalism that would sale more of the 'company's' worthless U.S.penny stock shares, Zwebner also used the tsunami to solicit donations for himself !

And now the rumor is that even the supposed $25,000 each supposedly donated by himself and Mohamed Hadid(who not long ago claimed bankruptcy) has been used as tax tax write off and you can be sure no one received or used any 'airwater machine' at the area of the tsunami nor anywhere else to my knowledge,including at the supposed,' "Aqua Israel 2004" Exhibition Held in Tel Aviv''. Am I wrong ? So just what was the source of this water that Mr.Katzav and his colleagues Mr. Zwebner and Mr.Hadid rave about so ? Does anybody know ? Certainly the Israeli Army nor U.S. MILITARY IN IRAQ NEVER BOUGHT REGARDLESS OF ZWEBNER'S FRAUDULENT PRESS RELEASES.

Mr.Zwebner has used both the Iraeli Army and the U.S. Military in Iraq to promote his non-existent ,non working 'airwater machines' for the sole purpose of selling worthless penny stock shares and I dare suspect to launder money with those worthless shares.Yes it is humorous even farsical in a way but in the end who is the joke upon ?

Is it upon both U.S. and Israeli soldiers who are used to promote the fraud under the false claim that both the Israeli Army and U.S. Military are buying this fraud when they are not ?Is the joke upon dead Israeli and American soldiers who are used in the frauds of Michael Zwebner,his suspected Muslim terrorist aiding pal Mohamed Hadid and their aleged Israeli ally,Moshe Katsav, President of Israel ? I don't get it.

I do see it is related to the issue I wrote of recently about ,'SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks',however.

And as long as Israeli President Moshe Katzav or any other Israeli politician or military officer allows his name to be used to promote a penny stock fraud to benefit Mohamed Hadid,Michael Zwebner or any other con artist or even possible terrorist or sympathiser,whose sole purpose is to dump worthless U.S. or other shares on defrauded investors and possibly aid money laundering, it is unlikely the same will not continue in the UAE and Dubai.It will only be when an Israeli President or Prime Minister untainted by such fraud diplomatically protests to the United States about the use of worthless stocks,penny stocks whose shares are unaudited so you can't trace the flow of money in particular.

A link to Gary Weiss' blog below,(who wrote ,'The Mob on Wall Street'),quotes an a U.S. SEC official,Paul Atkins, who estimates penny stocks alone account for at least $58 billion dollars in fraud from illegal pump and dump scams.However what this supposed knowledgeable SEC official failed to estimate or even mention is that those shares are also used to launder money, temporarily driving up the share price as the stock is promoted by fraudulent press releases,such as Moshe Katsav was used by Mr.Zwebner for,followed by 'insider' dumping of shares to rake the laundered money back in along with a profit taken from naive investors who were caught up in the scam.How much additional money does that represent ?

SEC Commissioner Flops On Microcap Fraud

I wish say nothing bad of Palestinians nor Arabs nor Israelis,the only bad is from scam promoters and scheisters such as Mr.Hadid and his British-Israeli partner in fraud Michael Zwebner. And because the President has allied his name and reputation with theirs I have little good to say of him either.And Israeli Minister of Agriculture 'Mr. Katz' has some explaining to do as well as he is also mentioned in the fraudulent promotion of Michael Zwebner's 'airwater machine'
scam to illegally pump and dump worthless shares upon the public in both U.S. and German markets and or offshore boiler room operations.

And I wish to say bad about Americans and others such as James Dale Davidson and his Agora Inc. of Baltimore and the 'world wide web' who has used Dubai for penny stock pump and dump scams and possible money laundering and his fellow Beltway or Washington,D.C. scum.Founder of the National Taxpayers Union and of the Clinton killed Vince Foster political smear campaign among others.I wish to speak bad of who the U.S. SEC allows to use worthless and unaudited U.S. penny stocks IN BOTH KUALA LUMPUR AND DUBAI FOR MONEY AND POSSIBLE MONEY LAUNDERING THAT MAY BE EITHER JAMES DALE DAVIDSON OR CIA CONNECTED !!

Does the President of Israel believe he sets a good precident by 'touting' or allowing his name to be used in the promotion of a worthless fraudulent penny stock run by a British-Israeli with past mafia connections and an International Palestinian with Saudi ties ? Mr.Hadid,long before SAAR was linked
to possible terrorist and Al Qaeda, was able to raise capital 'from thin air' to out bid and out trump even Donald Trump the New York and New Jersey and Las Vegas real estate mogul and purchase a Colorado ski resort right out from underneath him.How ? Saudi money.You can do your own additional investigation on that one.My point is,is this the kind of company the Israeli President should be keeping ?

I'm not saying all Saudis are bad,no I'm just saying given the politics and brainwashing to hate we all suffer today encouraging fraud with US. penny stocks that can be used for money laundering anywhere in the Middle East is bad and the U.S. SEC,CIA,etc. are equally to blame.Same for Israel.This is money laundering and those doing it are often dangerous to the average citizens or inhabitants of the region where they undertake the fraud to accrue illicit funds.

As a final thought although much was made at first on the raid of the Muslim charity in Herndon,Virginia as well as the Saudi and Mohamed Hadid,, connected poultry operation in the U.S. state of Georgia I don't believe in the rush to war in Iraq by our mad King George Bush that anything was ever done except a cover up just as our Securities Exchange Commission covers up for many penny stock scams run by the far right in Dubai or Kuala Lumpur,etc.. The Saudis still own their large real estate holdings purchased by their intermediaries such as Michael Zwebner connected Mohamed Hadid, I believe.
Whether the money made annually goes to terrorism or not I do not know.Whether they plow it back into real estate or stocks,I can't say.If they use some for terrorism or to launder money though U.S.penny stocks in Dubai courtesy of their good Beltway connections I could not say.
Whether it is put to good or evil who can say ?

Universal Communication Systems Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Receives Presidential Endorsement of Its Products

Wednesday March 17,9:51 am ET

President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav Visits the Company''s Display Booth at the "Aqua Israel 2004" Exhibition Held in Tel Aviv, Israel; AirWater Corp. is Recipient of 2 Event Awards

TEL AVIV, Israel--(BUSINESS WIRE)--March 17, 2004-- Universal Communication Systems Inc. subsidiary AirWater Corporation company president Michael Zwebner revealed and announced today that the President of Israel, Mr. Moshe Katzav, visited the company''s display booth at the recently concluded "AQUA Israel 2004" 2 day exhibition, recently held at Tel Aviv, Israel. Tasting the water made from the company''s unique AW 120 Air to Water machine, he commented: "This water tastes very good, it is excellent and this is a great product." Later in the day, Israel''s Minister of Agriculture Mr. Katz, also visited the company''s display, and after being given a complete explanation of the company''s products and tasting the water produced on the spot, he too highly commended and endorsed the AirWater Machines, and the water created from the air.

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Company President Michael Zwebner and Mohamed Hadid Each Donate $25,000 to AirWater Emergency Fund for Shipment of AirWater Machines to Far East

Tuesday January 4,12:24 pm ET

MIAMI, FL--(MARKET WIRE)--Jan 4, 2005 -- Universal
Communication Systems, Inc. (OTC BB:UCSY.OB - News) subsidiary AirWaterCorporation, company president Michael J. Zwebner announced today thatboth he and Mr. Mohamed Hadid of Los Angeles, CA, are each personally donating $25,000 to the AirWater machines fund.

Mr. Zwebner stated, "There is no better way to show an example than to do as one preaches. I am very pleased to be joined by our very good and generous friend Mohamed Hadid in donating $25,000 each to the AirWater machines fund. We hope others too will join us and help us to send as many machines as possible to the areas affected by the recent disaster,and that we can bring clean drinking water to the survivors. We will
continue to make all our best efforts in this emergency endeavor."

Repeated from previous press release: "The situation in the Far East affected areas is very critical. Unless clean drinkable water is made available immediately, many survivors of the recent disaster will get ill from lack of water or from drinking contaminated water. Many people have not had clean drinking water for days, and the problem is getting
worse by the minute. We are now in high level discussions with many aid organizations as well as government officials of the affected countries. We intend to do all possible to respond further by manufacturing AirWater Machines around the clock and getting them delivered to the affected areas. But we need help. So we are therefore asking anyone and everyone to come forward and donate and or sponsor AirWater Machines for this emergency. In addition, due to the lack of energy supplies in the affected areas and time being of the essence, we will also be needing funds to purchase oil fired Generators to power
our machines. We welcome all help in this regard too. Our intentions at this time are to make available drinkable water to as many people as possible."

''The 555 Grove St. address has also been used by the International Institute for Islamic Thought, a nonprofit that U.S. investigators have linked to Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda. Mr. Mirza is listed in business records as an officer of numerous companies, including Sterling Management Group, MarJac Investment Inc., and Hadid Holdings Inc. ...''


New York Times
Washington Post

Raids Seek Evidence of Money-Laundering

WASHINGTON, March 20 — Federal law enforcement officials today raided 15 organizations and individuals in Northern Virginia and a chicken farm in Georgia, all of them, the authorities said, suspected by the Treasury Department of laundering money for Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups.

The raids were the first to be coordinated by the Treasury Department's counterterrorism task force responsible for stopping the flow of money to terrorist organizations in the United States and abroad.

The department announced the raids in a single-page press release that gave the number of targets but provided little other information about them or the nature of what the authorities sought.

People close to the Treasury investigation said, however, that among the main targets was a commercial building at 555 Grove Street in Herndon, Va., where the SAAR Foundation, a Saudi-financed charity that is now defunct, had an office until recently. No representative of the foundation could be located for comment.

The Grove Street building, about 20 miles from Washington, also houses offices of several other Islamic charities and individual Muslims who, officials said, are being investigated for the possibility of money-laundering activities.

One other place searched today was the office of the International Islamic Relief Organization at 360 South Washington Street in Falls Church, Va., another Washington suburb.

That charity has a parent, the Muslim World League, that officials said was also searched. Corporate records show that the Muslim World League, which is financed in part by the Saudi government, is based at the same address as the relief organization, in Falls Church, but that it has used the Herndon building as a mailing address.

Last October, the Treasury Department listed another Islamic charity financed by the Muslim World League, the Rabita Trust, as having connections to Al Qaeda.

Search warrants were also served today, officials said, on the International Institute for Islamic Thought, which is at 500 Grove Street, across the street from the SAAR Foundation. Officials said the government had been investigating the institute for at least three years.

An employee there, Tarik Hamdi, whose home was also raided today, was mentionedin the New York trial resulting from the bombing of the United States Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998. A battery for a satellite phone was carried to Afghanistan by Mr. Hamdi that year; this phone, a prosecutor at the trial said, "is the phone that bin Laden and others will use to carry out their war against the United States."

Neither Mr. Hamdi nor anyone else connected with the institute could be reached for comment today; a call placed to the lawyer for the organization late in the day was not returned. But in the past, officials of the institute have denied that any of its money supports terrorist activities............

Officials said(MOHAMED HADID CONNECTED) SAAR had been financed in large part by Suleiman Abdel Aziz al-Rajhi, a Saudi banker and financier who is said to be close to the Saudi ruling family. Mr. Rajhi, among other things, is said to have an indirect financial interest in Piedmont Poultry, in
Gainesville,Ga., which federal agents also raided today.

The Treasury Department said the raids had involved more than 150 agents and officers of the Customs Service, the Internal Revenue Service and several other Treasury agencies. Local police departments in Virginia assisted.

The Treasury Department statement said the offices and residences that were targets of the raids had been searched, and material from them seized, without incident. It said federal investigators had begun processing the resulting evidence.

The statement also noted that no one was arrested during the raids and that affidavits filed in support of the seizures were under court seal.............

Officials confirmed today that the government was seeking information about possible money-laundering not just for Al Qaeda, but also for what the State Department describes as other terrorist groups.

These include the Palestinian military group Hamas, which claims responsibility for the scores of suicide bombings in Israel, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad,which is also suspected of having raised money for its activities through humanitarian groups operating in the United States.

In 1996, Congress passed a law making it a crime to raise money for terrorist groups, even if the money is not directly used to support terrorism.

N.Va. Sites Raided in Probe of Terrorism
By Tom Jackman

Federal agents yesterday raided 14 sites across Northern Virginia, many with links to the Middle East, seizing boxes of documents in an ongoing investigation of the funding of terrorist groups.

No arrests were made, and none of the businesses was closed down.

Government sources said the investigation is looking at charities and other organizations that may have contributed money to international groups that sponsor terrorist activities.

Federal officials said the search warrants in Virginia and one in Georgia were issued as part of Operation Green Quest, being conducted by a counterterrorism financial task force created by the Treasury Department in October. Affidavits giving the reasons for the searches were sealed and were not provided to those who were searched.

Agents from the U.S. Customs Service, which heads Operation Green Quest, and officers from nine other federal agencies and from police departments swooped into locations in Herndon, Falls Church and Leesburg and other sites in Fairfax County about 10:30 a.m. Federal and local officials would not disclose exact locations for any of the searches.

But Customs agents were busy loading up boxes throughout the afternoon at two offices in Herndon: at the International Institute for Islamic Thought and at(HOHAMID HADID CONNECTED) MarJac Investments, both on Grove Street. Shortly before 4 p.m., the investigators drove a large U-Haul truck into a parking lot near both.

Ahmed Totonji, a vice president at the institute, said he was surprised by the federal interest in his firm, a nonprofit Islamic think tank that has been in Herndon since 1981. He said no one had told him why it was being searched.

"We have no knowledge of this kind of thing going on," Totonji said, "and we will cooperate 100 percent."

The institute has branches in 12 countries in addition to its Herndon headquarters and describes itself as "an intellectual forum working from an Islamic perspective to promote and support research projects, organize intellectual and cultural meetings and publish scholarly works."

But the institute also has been linked to controversial groups in the Middle East. It has made large financial contributions to the World Islamic Studies Enterprise in Tampa........

Tax records show that the Herndon institute made contributions to the group until at least 1994..............

Federal agents yesterday also raided the Graduate School of Islamic and Social Sciences on Miller Drive in Leesburg. Taha Al-alwani, president of the school, said authorities arrived at 10:30 a.m., confined employees to the lobby and began searching computers and financial records. They said little except that they were there to examine the school's finances..

Agents also seized documents at MarJac Investments Inc., in Herndon, a consulting firm that has offices in Egypt, Turkey, Malaysia, Canada and Chile.

Operation Green Quest was created to identify and shut down the sources of terrorist funding by using the Treasury Department to freeze accounts, seize assets and prosecute those assisting terrorists.


SEC Commissioner Flops On Microcap Fraud

SEC Commissioner Flops on Microcap Fraud

Securities and Exchange Commissioner Paul Atkins yesterday challenged the SEC to do a better job of fighting microcap fraud. When I read about the speech on Reuters, I felt pretty good. The guy seemed to "get it."

But then I read the text of the speech on the SEC website, and I wanted to throw up.

Atkins noted that the dollar volume of the microcap market is enormous -- $57 billion -- and not adequately policed by the SEC. Terrific. I describe in detail in Wall Street Versus America how the SEC does a crummy job of pursuing stock fraud. The reason, Atkins says, is the culture of the SEC enforcement staff:


U.S. Trails Va. Muslim Money, Ties

Michael Zwebner,Mohamid Hadid,Wilhemina
Entertainment fraudulent stock transfers,etc. :

Here is an example of fraudulent stock dealings between John Daly, Mark Tolner, Michael J Zwebner and Alexander Walker Jr (stock transfer agent) in a previous company called Entertech Tolner, Daly + others fraud. Here is an example of fraudulent stock dealings between John Daly, Mark Tolner, Michael J Zwebner and Alexander Walker Jr (stock transfer agent) in a previous company called Entertech Tolner, Daly + others fraud.

Wilhelmina & Trans Continental Media Shuffle ripoff Pearlman sues Defrawy, Anthony Toma, Mickie Parris while Dieter Esch fires Ray Lata and Deidre Kilmartin in Criminal Cover Up, many paid to keep their mouth shut New York City New York *UPDATE ..This Reader has done the homework: Pearlman lawsuit is an acknowledgement that the amount of fraud involved is close to $100 million and as accurately portrayed

Lou admits that their criminal background made no difference to him if they bring in the bucks. What he cares about is the negative press. That is when he had to take action. What thinking people in the press should be asking is why Pearlman is not suing those people involved closely in the scam or were officers in the company like the following: Mohamed Hadid, Rafiah Kashmiri, Cortes Randell, Neil Eric Mauskapf, Anthony Ruben, Michael Zwebner, Roger Serrero, Geoffrey Button, Tom Weinard, Paul Glover, Richard Walk, Jeremy Schuster, Herbert Becker. Many of these people got paid hefty severance packages to keep their mouth shut. How ethical is that?

Universal Communication Systems, Inc., Subsidiary Millennium Electric T.O.U., Inc., Ships Exclusive PV Solar Powered Mobile Oil Tanker "Pump" for Immediate Use by the Israeli Army

Universal Communications Systems Inc. Closes Transaction to Supply 18 AirWater Machines to the Israeli Army June 18, 2003

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Secures First Order for AirWater Machines for Immediate Delivery to US Army / Coalition Forces in Iraq

Universal Communications Systems, Inc. Subsidiary, AirWater Corporation, Receives "Approved Vendor Status" from US Government/Military

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary, AirWater Corporation, Announces a Major Breakthrough and Secures First Official Order for Two AirWater Machines for the US Army

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Completes Construction of Special Sized AirWater Machines and Ships First Two Units to U.S. Army/Coalition Forces in Iraq

Out Of Thin Air

Universal Communication Systems, Inc., Subsidiary AirWater Corporation's Activities in Sri Lanka Dubbed Huge Success and Service to Humanity at Official Handing Over Ceremony

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Hosts Official Visit by Sri Lankan Ambassador to Israel at the AirWater Production Facility

Universal Communication Systems, Inc. Subsidiary AirWater Corporation Company President Michael Zwebner and Mohamed Hadid Each Donate $25,000 to AirWater Emergency Fund for Shipment of AirWater Machines to Far East

Universal Communication Systems, Inc., Together With Company Chairman, File Suit Against Turner Broadcasting System, CNN and Wolf Blitzer for $100 Million

D.C.Terrorbaggers:J. D. Davidson,ex-CIA Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen,Don Nickles

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon to Justice

To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering

Charles Schwab:Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam

Endovasc,Texas,SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group

Mantas,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers,Market Makers

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Open letter to SEC,John Reed Stark on internet and penny stock fraud

Senator Bennett:Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS A Fraud ?

Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?

Houston attorneys John O'Quinn,Wes Christian aid massive penny stock fraud

The Byrnes,John Edwards,Attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,Money Laundering

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
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