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war on terror |
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by Murdock Todd Cote (Doc) Email: murdockcote (nospam) (unverified!) |
01 Mar 2006
oped anti-bush |
The War on Terror
An editorial
Murdock Todd Cote (Doc)
The war on terror, is it a true war? When you attack a country that made no aggressive action toward you, yes we had to respond and retaliate for the unprovoked attack on September 11, 2001; we could ignore this vicious attack which murdered thirty-three hundred innocent civilians. Going into Afghanistan and removing Elgaieda from the living world and its protector the Taliban was a just cause for all out war on the networks hiding in that country; and in the deserts of North Africa. Other targets should have been Elgaieda Satellite groups who target are foreign bases and our civilians traveling through the south pacific and South East Asia and Australia and New Zealand and in Jakarta and Europe.
Those people should be are targets. Not country’s that could not fight their way out of a paper sack. All told he had one corps of troops that could even match ours in a fist fight. He had a few and I mean a very few surface to surface missiles, and a few drums of mustard gas, as for these ghost labs as I call them which supposedly made bio-chemical weapons he had none and the United Nations found none, nuclear their the joke of two thousand and two the only thing nuclear was a desert sand storm in Iraq.
Also he had no connection to Mr. Bin Laden and his group of Mad Dogs. I however want to make one thing clear to the readers. Mr. Bin Laden and his group of rapid animals have nothing to do with the Muslim faith, many of the families of these men and some women have been disowned by their families for their atrocities in New York and Washington. That day how ever had its hero’s, the fire fighters, the policemen, the Emergency Services workers and men like the security chief of an Investment firm, they came together as Americans to help one another. The carnage and death could have been much larger. If not for these hero’s and the ones on flight 93 who forced their plane down rather then let it be used for a weapon of Murder.
My only question for the administration of Hawks and lions, why have you involved us in a war we can not win; and now we are between Shia and Sunni in a bloody sectarian civil war. How many sons’, daughter, and fathers and mothers will lose their lives in that bloody killing field of Iraq. Mr. Bush says we have gave the Iraqi people freedom, the only thing sir is now you have created a hornets nest of sectarian violence and every mad men with a gun or rpg is out to kill an American thinking they are going to heaven. The only place they are going is fracking hell and our kids are going to Arlington on mass because of foolish policies and personal agenda’s of Washington fools and idiots playing at War. Our blood their war, the administration claims they had solid intelligence that the Iraq administration had weapons of Mass destruction, bio-Chemical. Nuclear, he said they had connections to Elgaieda network.
This is all a lie and he new it. Fabricated by then National security advisor Condoleezza Rice and CIA George Tenant the former Director, it would make for a good Tom Clancy Novel if we did not have so many dead already and thousands wounded maimed for life. My Question why, Iraq made no military move against the United States or her allies, if this was 1890 and the Maine was sunk I would call this yellow journalism by the Press, but it is not, it is a conspiracy by the President and his upper echelon advisors; to start something that never happened. He has used a day of sadness to start a war it was there own gulf of Tonkin.
The administration as I have stated before has made the threat up when it concerns the Iraq problem, he has lied through his teeth by designees like former Secretary of State Colin Powell who at the end of Mr. Bush’s term resigned who was forced to lie to the Senate and House Oversight committee, who was forced to shovel this pile of lies to the United Nations Security council and then to the defense minister’s at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. General Powell knew it was horse sh--, and so did the NSA and the CIA director’s. The problem is the house and senate let them get away with it because they are controlled by the Hawks and lions of the Republican Party, who by some insanity allowed our own people to be spied on and dishonored by a government challenging their honor as American Citizen because of their race, culture, religion. It smacks of McCarthyism and hate. Now he wants to sell control of operations of our ports to a Middle Eastern power, I say to you this is wrong.
American Property should be run by Americans, not the Middle East, or Asia, or Japan. An not with the body count climbing everyday in Iraq, Elgaieda and every mad dog with a gun or RPG is heading for the Ito to kill Americans and allied Soldiers. It is the opinion of this writer that we get the frack out of Dodge and the rest of the Middle East, regardless of OPEC, regardless of the oil industry who are making billions on the backs of poor, low income and the elderly and disabled. He likes to cut programs, then I would cut my pay and foreign aide by fifty percent, second I would break all relations with Central Asia.
As for the Iran problem I would put Mystic Thunder into operation, allow no sectarian government in the Middle East to have the ability to make nuclear arms and every time they build a reactor the allies blow it to hell… when I mean allies, I mean the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China and us. It is the only way I know to keep the peace. As for North Korea, let China handle the little four eyed jerk and let them destroy that reactor… this mean Russia has to stop selling nuclear technology to the Middle East.
I would submit them entry into the European Union and the world trade organization. They have major oil strikes their, so why not buy their oil. If we can build a pipe line from the fields to anchorage then they should build a line from Russia to the French Ports and their ports in the Baltic and North Atlantic. If I were President of the United States I would take the leash of the collar of the Research and development boys and girls and turn them lose. Power supplies like the sun, and state of the art reactors, I would launch a string of solar satellites, and solar farms as well as wind mill farms up high in the rocky and Appalachia where the wind blows hard as well as in the prairies I would also reopen the dames on the Colorado and other rivers. To provide unlimited power, President Clinton started operation hook up; why not launch operation communications freedom by putting into orbit satellites; and given the public free access by computer. Direct way would be a good example sat link to every school in America and the World, access to teachers from around the world. Two stop playing policemen to the world, our young have spilled enough blood do you not think. Also I would as above cut foreign aid, and fund social welfare and li-heap and medical care to the full extent of the government capability. The words for this government should be shelter, warmth, food, and medical care for everyone regardless if they can pay or not.
1. formation of a military hospital command, to run five ten-thousand bed hospitals
Designed as such section 1, a two thousand bed secured facility for the mentally ill and disturbed were they can get the medications they need and a environment which they could be cared for. Section 2, a thousand bed facility for the training of the emotionally illiterate and mentally challenged was they can learn to live independent lives; section 3 would be general hospital care-outpatient, in patient surgeries, basic medical care, and preventative and so on.
2. The formation of a continental energy command, responsible for nuclear, solar, and wind energy programs, as well as fossil and none fossil fuels.
3. The Formation of a communications command, responsible for satellite and ground communications for the continental United States.
4. The Formation of a shelter command, responsible for providing shelter to those who have none and repairing those homes that need repair, and run heating and power assistance to the elderly, the poor, and the low income.
5. The Formation of a law enforcement command, to enforce state, and federal laws backing up the over worked police departments. I would also build military prisons to augment Fort Leathenwoth. And I also suggest that federal laws regarding child pornography and proven child molestation be strengthened no hospitals, no injections, no castrations life imprisonment no parole.
6. Civil Rights amendment the Mathew Shepard Law, a bill should be entered into the congress amending the civil right laws, to apply to every American, regardless of race, religion, culture, gender and gender preference. This law shall at all times guarantee that no American will be discriminated against in any form or matter. This includes military service; if a soldier, sailor, marine or airmen defaces the Uniform of the United States in any form he or she will be given an article 32 hearing. Were all the facts shall be delivered and evidence there of given of proof positive of their action in defacing the Uniform of the United States of America then and only shall they face general Courts Marshall.
7. No military member shall ware their uniforms when attending lgbt community functions or clubs, to do so would constitute defacement of the Uniform, more over no sailor, soldier Marine and airmen shall be discharged from military service because of their private lives. Any officer that does so shall be court marshaled for discrimination on the grounds of gender preference and their record will be amended to show such violation of civil and human rights of their fellow Americans. A civilian, soldier or airmen, marine and sailor shall be protected from discrimination in any form by superior officers, executives, business, credit and financial services |
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