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Jeb Bush linked to Florida 9/11 terrorist flight school |
Current rating: 0 |
by Tony Ryals Email: endoscam (nospam) (verified) |
18 Feb 2006
At the same time their planes were flying back and forth from Venezuela with illegal cargo Hilliard's charter service was also, unbelievably, being utilized at virtually no cost––despite the fact that rentals for Lear jets can run as high as $1,800 an hour––by Florida Governor Jeb Bush. |
Jeb Bush linked to Florida 9/11 terrorist flight school
Below is issue 32 of lone investigative reporter Daniel Hopsicker who has bravely continued his excellent ongoing investigation into the Florida 9/11 connection all by himself and faced many legal battles and expenses along the way.I have never seen in all these years any credible contradiction of his excellent investigative journalism.
The question in my mind remains why did Wally Hilliard not have Jeb Bush,Goveror of Florida,with his daddy's,(former President George Herbert Walker Bush),close Saudi business connections,(including to the bin Ladens and Saudi royalty), check on the unusual presence of Saudi flight students at his school ?
My country,I am sorry to say,has been taken over by terrorists and they are not Muslims nor Arabs.You may access Daniel Hopsicker's stories that begin shortly after 9/11 and continue to present at
Tony Ryals
Issue Number 32
by Daniel Hopsicker
October 24—world exclusive
A Learjet belonging to the true owner of the Venice flight school that trained both terrorist pilots who flew into the World Trade Center was seized with more than 30 pounds of heroin onboard by Federal Agents in July of 2000 at the Orlando Executive Airport.
Authorities at the time called it the biggest seizure of heroin ever found in central Florida.
The seized plane belonged to 70-year old Wallace J. Hilliard of Naples, FL., multi-millionaire businessman, self-styled Mormon Bishop, and the newly-discovered secret owner of Huffman Aviation at the Venice Airport since its purchase in 1999, just months before terrorists began arriving in force in Southwest Florida.
Hilliard was already well-known in aviation circles as the 'money man' and deep-pocketed financial backer of Rudi Dekkers, according to local aviation observers like chief flight instructor Tom Hammersly, who taught at the Venice Airport while the two flight schools there experienced a flood of Arab student pilots.
"What we heard was that he (Dekkers) had somebody in Naples backing him financially. We all knew that the money he (Dekkers) flaunted was not even his money, that he was just a 'front' man for the man who had the money," stated Hammersly in an interview in "Mohamed Atta & the Venice Flying Circus."
Though in his many media appearances Rudi Dekkers portrayed himself as both president and owner of Huffman Aviation, this claim, like so many other Dekkers’ pronouncements, is untrue.
Lying on and off-the-record
Court documents filed in August at the Sarasota Courthouse reveal that the so-called 'Magic Dutch Boy' never completed the Huffman sale, ‘neglecting’ to pay for his shares of stock in the resulting corporation.
While terrorist student pilots flew in veritable squadrons (as many as sixteen at a time) over Venice, Wally Hilliard had been Huffman Aviation's true owner.
Nor is this the first time Rudi Dekkers has ‘neglected’ to pay for shares in business ventures. In 1995 in The Netherlands, the MadCowMorningNews has learned, Dekkers incorporated a company and never paid for his shares of stock in it either.
A Dutch court adjudged Dekkers guilty in that case of acting "in a manifestly improper fashion," and said that "his manifest failure to properly manage the company was an important cause of (the firm's) bankruptcy."
As a result, Rudi Dekkers, a man who was invited to testify before the Congress of the United States of America on his thoughts on preventing future terrorist attacks, is today a fugitive from justice in his native Holland.
And while Rudi Dekkers busied himself training thousands of young Arab men to fly, from his base in Naples, just a short helicopter ride south of Venice, his partner Wally Hilliard was running a charter jet service called Plane 1 Leasing which provided the jet carrying 30 pounds of heroin.
"Celebrity Endorsement as Double-Edged Sword"
At the same time their planes were flying back and forth from Venezuela with illegal cargo Hilliard's charter service was also, unbelievably, being utilized at virtually no cost––despite the fact that rentals for Lear jets can run as high as $1,800 an hour––by Florida Governor Jeb Bush.
Even stranger, both Governor Jeb Bush and Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris were providing celebrity endorsements to Hilliard's operation well after the company's Lear (N351WB) had been busted by DEA agents armed with machine guns.
Pretty poor advance work, at the very least...
One would think a sitting Governor seems well-advised to steer well clear of anything to do with heroin trafficking. Yet Governor Jeb Bush honored Hilliard's operation––called at various times Florida Air, Sunrise Airlines and Discover Air––with a personal visit, even posing for photos with the "Discover Air family."
The company promptly commemorated the memorable event by posting pictures of the visit on their website.
Finally somebody in the Bush camp realized their lethal potential exposure, and the webpage was hastily taken off the Discover Air site.
Getting Google-ed
But they didn't reckon with Google's heralded cache system. So today you can see the page in all its former glory.
Alas for Discover Air, soon after beginning operations they were forced to see their shortcomings in headlines, like this June 28, 2001 doozy from the hometown Orlando Sentinel: AIR SERVICE TO MIAMI FLOPS; NOT ONE PERSON BOUGHT A TICKET, SO DISCOVER AIR HALTED PLANS FOR FLIGHTS FROM DAYTONA BEACH.
Having "not one person buy a ticket" would seem to be hugely embarrassing to a fledgling airline... if scheduled passenger service was the true aim of the Enterprise.
Katherine Harris' endorsement of the Hilliard/Dekkers operation must also be providing her with some bad moments today:
"As one of Florida's top politicians, Katherine Harris doesn't have much time to do a lot of personal traveling," read the Sarasota Herald Tribune's chatty lead.
"But twice in the past month or so, the secretary of state --who received national attention for her role in the November presidential election -- has taken the 75-minute plane ride from her current home in Tallahassee to her old stomping grounds in Sarasota. Her choice of airline? Florida Air, a start-up commuter airline based here, grasping to be an air-taxi for the entire state."
'She has taken the airline twice,' Harris spokesman Ben McKay said. 'She appreciates the convenience that Florida Air offers.'"
Since at the same time then-Florida Secretary of State Harris was "appreciating their convenience" Florida/Discover Air had been flying passengers without holding an air carrier certificate, Ms. Harris' reputation as a stickler for the letter of the law can be said to have suffered something of a beating.
Is it just incredible bad luck that these two prominent Florida politicians endorsed an operation that both trained murderous terrorists AND brought heroin into America?
Criminal Conspiracies & Florida: Like Cookies and Milk
Heroin overdoses kill more people in Orlando each year than anywhere else in Florida. The city's growing importance as a major transshipment point for heroin prompted Congress to officially designate Central Florida a High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area.
Thus the investigation which resulted in the big seizure was launched with some intensity after a Colombian national, Nassar Darwich, was arrested in Orlando with 1.3 kilograms of heroin in the soles of shoes he was carrying.
As a result of Darwich's arrest, DEA agents were waiting two weeks later when the Learjet landed at the airport on July 25, and swarmed the plane brandishing machine guns, according to eyewitnesses.
Passengers Edgar Valles and Neyra Rivas, both of Caracas, Venezuela, were arrested after 13 kilograms of heroin was found hidden in the soles of tennis shoes stashed in their luggage. The pilot was not arrested, according to a DEA spokesman, because of a lack of evidence.
The flight plan of the Lear 35A originated in Venezuela and made a stop in Fort Lauderdale before landing in Orlando, with New York as its final destination. Eventually five people in Orlando were convicted in connection with the seizure, including two Venezuelans who were traveling aboard the jet when it landed at Orlando's Executive Airport, according to the Orlando Sentinel.
"It confirms the sad fact that a massive amount of heroin is coming through Central Florida," U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration special agent Brent Eaton told the paper when the arrests were announced.
"It's very disturbing to the DEA that more and more high-quality heroin is coming from Colombia and at a cheaper price."
Apparently the DEA was "very disturbed" enough to look more closely at Hilliard's jet charter operation. The result was their firm opposition to returning the plane to Hilliard.
And although no one from Plane 1 Leasing was charged with any crime, there appears to be abundant evidence pointing to the conclusion that––at the very least––the company had to have known what was going on.
"It was just blatant," said one aviation observer. "That same plane flew that same run thirty or forty times, ferrying the same people. And they always paid cash for the rental."
"The red flags could not have been raised any higher."
The plane's frequent roundtrips to South America were confirmed by an official at Executive Jet Service, the facility which serviced the jet at Orlando Executive Airport, who stated the plane made weekly down-and-back runs to Venezuela.
This isn't Watergate. It's bigger.
Three weeks after his jet was impounded by the DEA, Hilliard asked for it back in a motion filed in the U.S. District Court in Orlando, arguing that he was an 'innocent owner' unwittingly duped by a known individual.
"Plane 1 and its officers shareholders and directors were not aware of the identity of the passengers utilizing the Lear 35A on this trip other than Mr. Valles," stated Hilliard's motion, and were "unaware that the individuals chartering the plane were engaging in criminal conduct," as well as being "not aware of any facts from which they should have been aware that individuals leasing the plane were engaging in criminal conduct."
The U.S. Attorney's office opposed the plane's return, "because the property was used or acquired as a result of a violation of the Controlled Substances Act.
In a hearing on November 3, 2000 Federal Magistrate Judge James Glazebrook denied Hilliard's motion to get his Lear back.
"Wally took a big hit on that one," stated one aviation observer at the Naples Airport. "The DEA was not going to let him have that plane back."
"The DEA was planning on adding it to their Border Patrol fleet," confirmed a spokesman for the Lear jet's current owner. East Coast Jets of Allentown, PA. bought the plane, they told us, after the insurance company which had insured it for the lender against seizure successfully wrenched it back from the DEA after Hilliard had been removed from the picture.
Wally Hilliard's central role in the purchase and operation of the flight school that was a magnet for Mohamed Atta and the Hamburg cadre requires raising some serious questions about his charter jet company's possible involvement in heroin trafficking...
Especially since the chief product for export of Osama Bin Laden's terrorist organization was also, strangely enough, heroin.
Perhaps this is all just coincidence.
But one has to wonder: will these questions ever be asked in a proper forum?
Is there even a pretense of democracy in America anymore?
Testifying in the wake of the 9/11 attack before the Senate Banking Committee about terrorist connections in money laundering, Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff said:
"Frankly, we can't differentiate between terrorism and organized crime and drug dealing. These groups don't hold themselves independently: they work with one another. Terrorists get engaged in drug activity. They have relationships with organized crime."
Too true, dude. Too true.
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W Bush U.S. Petroleum Trafficker-In-Chief addresses addicts |
by Tony Ryals endoscam (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 20 Feb 2006
Bush faces pressure to block port deal
W Bush U.S. Petroleum Trafficker-In-Chief addresses addicts
W Bush, KKKiller KKKlown from Wakkko,Texass, continues to pimp before the American public assuring them they are all petroleum addicts and that he is their Savior.He and 'shoot first ask questions never' President of Vice,Slikkk Dikkk Cheney, having assured that only blood and not oil will flow from Iraq and that women must wear chadors while the old Iraqi Christian community flees for their lives,now installs Muslim fundamentalists from the United Arab Emirates to protect his and their oil flows into all strategic U.S.harbors.But hey,don't complain if you are an American you are an addict and Busholini and Papa Doc George Herbert Walker Bush in Maine know what's best for you.And so does Carlyle and Haliburton and big oil that they represent.
The Christian Right Wing Coalition living by their biblical Armagedon mythology are now given all the money that would otherwise go to poverty or welfare programs or to education to see that you are truly saved and that biblical mythologies will be lived by and died by. Jesus will not drop from the skies but certainly Black Hawk helipcopters and jet bombers from the U.S. will be seen over Iraq and the Middle East until the Muslims unite or Russians lose their patience or China kicks America off the Chinese welfare roles that W Bush signed them up for.Perhaps those who live by religious mythology,die by religious mythology.
Till then,woopty doo,W has at least restored the flow of Afghan heroin to the world market that was drying up under the Al-Qaeda and Taliban fundamentalists. The U.S. Christian fundamentalists and CIA,et al., who have replaced the Taliban at least know how to revive the Afghan heroin industry and keep that flowing even if the means of getting Iraqi oil flowing to compete with their Saudi allies eludes them.
Besides you are now bogged down in Iraq where the only thing that flows is' blood in the streets' to quote the infamous Lord Rothschild from the headless days of the French Revolution and the Beltway's far right National Taxpayer Union founder James Dale Davidson who likes to plagiarise him and even runs penny stock pump and dump ops out of Dubai now a days when not giving the Republicans tax advise from Alexandria.No longer content to run his scams out of his old Alexandria,Virginia NTU office or from Agora Inc. in Baltimore and from LOM of Burmuda or Austria,Germany or Lichtenstein he can now operate scams from Dubai where his fellow far right Middle Eastern colleagues can aid his scams.
And Steve Forbes his NTU colleague may be involved in Davidson's penny stock scams for all I know which would explain why he never opens his tax records for public scrutiny even when he funds his own political
campaigns.In fact if anything this daddy's boy and billionaire son Forbe's covers up the stock frauds of his colleague James Dale Davidson or neglects to report them in his Forbes magazine as well as his political frauds (i.e.-Clinton killed Vince Foster).
And of course Davidson also tried to blame the death of ex-CIA Chief William Colby who blocked CIA intervention into the Nixon Watergate investigation, on Clinton as well even though Davidson was Colby's employer at the time of his death.And James Dale Davidson's or persons related to it inexplicably predicted Colby's death a month in advance albeit by auto accident rather than the drowning that occured a month later.
Right now a massive penny stock fraud to mask the pump and dump of penny stocks under the guise of supposed 'anti- naked short selling' where lives are threatened and penny stock investors defrauded rages with James Dale Davidson most likely behind the scenes.
Yahoo! who aided the Chinese government to put away a journalist for 10 years in some Chinese prison hell hole is allowing if not encouraging this stock fraud and sponsoring death threats by penny stock promoters allied with Patrick Byne of at this very moment on Yahoo's NFI and OSTK message boards ! Both Gary Weiss who wrote 'Mafia On Wall Street' and the good billionaire Mark Cuban of have been the only ones to challenge this fraudulent penny stock mafia and they have also been berated and harrassed by the aliases who use both Yahoo and to promote their penny stock frauds and threats on what should be public message boards.
Yahoo ! and those who run,(now owned by the Korean Daum corporation), aid and abet this fraud and rather than remove the criminals they remove and delete the messages and entire email accounts of those such as myself who warn of the fraud !
Could it be that Yahoo ! and may be protecting goverment and Beltway connected criminals just as they help lock up Chinese dissidents ? And where do they take your email or who do they give it to once your account is 'deleted' ? Much of the penny stock fraud occuring at present has many similarities to the days of Ollie North,Meyer Binder stock scams out of Colorado that were also in part Bush connected.
The penny stock mafia, as well as, claims that the worthless penny stocks it promotes are being 'naked shorted' and so far SEC officials have been implicated in the fraudulent cover up who have aided or turned the other way as offshore criminals, some Americans,take advantage of unaudited or even unregistered to U.S. penny stocks to defraud naive American and other 'investors' of U.S. penny stocks as well as to launder money no doubt with the W Bush regime's blessing.This laundered money may return to America from Kuala Lumpur,Dubai or other money laundering havens later as 'clean money' to aid political fear campaigns or perhaps even aid terrorism against you.
Brent Baker is one example of an ex-SEC official who has profited greatly from penny stock fraud by refusing to convict James Dale Davidson and his Agora Inc for penny stock fraud.He is now paid by Utah's Patrick Byrne of to fraudulently claim or insinuate the Byrne's maniplualted and worthless shares are being 'naked shorted' the same claim Davidson and his Agora Inc have had so much success with in their penny stock fraud pump and dump ops.
Utah's Senator Bob Bennett has either become senile on the job or is purposefully aiding his corrupt constituent and doner to Republican polititical psyops Patrick Byrne of Byrne and his billionaire dad actually funded a million dollar campaign single handedly,(or from money Patrick made on dumping Overstock shares on defrauded investors perhaps),against Vice Presidential candidate John Edwards in the last presidential campaign as well as donating to the Swift Boat Captains Against Kerry political psyops.
Another of the National Taxpayers Union colleages of Steve Forbes and James Dale Davidson, Grover Norquist,is implicated in Jack Abramoff's political bribery and gambling scandals and rumor is Jeb Bush the Governor of Florida where the gambling mafia has been well protected and pampered under his regime is busy burning records that would rightfully tie him to Abramoff bribery or even murder.
This is a right wing daisy chain of fraud folks with many invisibe fascists from the Reagan-Bush era behind the scenes who haven't had so much fun or fraud or bloody murder since the 1980's. And W Bush could be compared favorably with General Armstrong Custer himself if Custer had been chikkkenshit enough to abandon his soldiers on the battlefield rather than die for his stupidity ignorance and arrogance alongside the soldiers he led into a trap. Or if Custer were implicated in massive political,oil or religious fraud of biblical proportions.
But of course W knew there were no 'WMDS' in Iraq and that U.N. inspectors could eat a leisurely breakfast in the old hotel in Baghdad with the now destroyed mosaic of George Herbert Walker Bush at the entrance to the lobby and then drive around Iraq all day any day for years looking for those elusive WMDS as safely as any Iraqi woman could walk arould the streets of Baghdad with no need to wear a chador in the Saddam regime.
Not to forget Saddam actually offered W to a personal duel between them that would have saved thousands of both Americans and Iraqis so much grief. But the war kkkoward W Bush would have no such thing.He felt that thousands of American and Iraqi lives could never equal his own miserable draft dodging coke snorting ex-alcholic's worth.
So W Bush sacrificed those of low income American soldiers and our National Guard who should have been at home protecting our shores as well as women who should not have been on a battlefield in the fiirst place and now he goes around Congress and the American people to make deal with United Arab Emirate Muslim fundamentalists to guard our ports,a job those dead soldiers and National Guard in Iraq should have been performing ! And here at home children grow up without mothers or fathers or with mothers and fathers crippled for life because W somehow thought Saddam had insulted
his scumbag petroleum trafficking daddy.
Besides Bush the war kkkkoward and alcoholic being aware in advance that there were no 'WMDS' in Iraq and that he was committing a world scale political and kkkriminal war fraud he has sunk the nation into debt for naught other than his greed and that of his far right petroleum trafficking mafia.
Jeb Bush should still have to answer for stealing the Florida election from African Americans and Jewish American voters who,if their votes had been fairly counted,would have both prevented this rise of the unstable and kkkriminal Busholini regime.
That thousands of American Jews in Florida voted for Pat Buchanan has never been explained or dealt with nor the thousands of black voters who were conveniently labeled felons etc. and denied the vote in a rigged election that would have made the old south White racist rulers before civil rights legislation jealous defies the imagination.
The fact that the American Jewish vote in Florida was stolen by the same old IBM punch card technology that was used by the Nazis to track persecute and perpetrate the Holocaust could almost make any real American ill to fathom the depths to which we have sunk in only a few years.
That in 2000 an army of white carpetbaggers could be flown in in mass from Washington D.C.,Texas or elsewhere by the Rupublikkkan Party to Florida to disrupt the vote recount and that a Supreme Court of 'justices' largely selected by the old Reagan and Papa Doc George Herbert Walker Bush Regime that would guarantee the hand picked selection of the court appointed W Bush is something we will have to live with for may years, barring a revolution, that brought the old business partners of Saddam back into power and who now contol America(or Amerikkka now),to justice.
No doubt many Iraqis, particularly women and Christians, must now look back on Saddam era with nostalgia Just as most Americans must feel by comparison that during the Clinton era they never had it so good.
Remember the Alamo or George W. Bush
CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering
Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?
Does Steve Forbes magazine cover up for National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson ?
Agora Inc.meets George Tenet in New Orleans,touts penny stock for CIA
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia
D.C.Terrorbaggers:J. D. Davidson,ex-CIA Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen,Don Nickles
Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian and John O'Quinn
Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11 |
by Tony Ryals endoscam (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 22 Feb 2006
It is simply a fact that hedge fund manager Marvin Bush,son of Papa Doc George Herbert Walker Bush and brother to Jeb Bush,Governor of Florida who was an insider to Wally Hilliard's Saudi terrorist flight school in Venice,Florida and 'W Doofus' Bush who calls himself President and lied about WMDS' in Iraq and who is a war criminal of the like not seen since WWII,'was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport'.
And someone should disclose just how much Marvin and his associates gained in shorting American companies' stocks on 911.This has never been disclosed.Even if they got their ill gotten based only upon Marvin's incompetence and negligence,rather than malevolence,he and they should return it on good faith.Marvin couldn't even protect his maid from being run down by a driverless automobile
gone wild on his on property and yet he was part of the very Kuwaiti company in charge of security at the NY WTC and Dulles airport !!! The Bushes,at best,are a bad acident waiting to happen and yet coincidentally nothing bad ever seems to happen to them only the country or countries they gain control of and their inhabitants !!
Sure I accept W Doofy to be mentally ill,so was Hitler only smarter,but he has plenty of help in unleashing his fascism and misery on the world from behind the scenes such as Slikkk Dikkk Cheney, President of Vice, and I suspect Papa Doc Bush behind the scenes is gaining well financially from unleashing of the military-petroleum complex on Iraq that as anyone knows had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11.
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
Published on Tuesday, February 4, 2003 by the Prince George's Journal (Maryland)
Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United
by Margie Burns
George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, according to public records. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family.
The security company, formerly named Securacom and now named Stratesec, is in Sterling, Va.. Its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a ``completion contract" to handle some of the security at the World Trade Center ``up to the day the buildings fell down."
9/11 Security
Courtesy of Marvin Bush
Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. The company, Burns noted, was backed by KuwAm, a Kuwaiti-American investment firm on whose board Marvin Burns also served. [Utne]
According to its present CEO, Barry McDaniel, the company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center "up to the day the buildings fell down."
The company lists as government clients "the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S Air force, and the Department of Justice," in projects that "often require state-of-the-art security solutions for classified or high-risk government sites."
Stratesec (Securacom) differs from other security companies which separate the function of consultant from that of service provider. The company defines itself as a "single-source" provider of "end-to-end" security services, including everything from diagnosis of existing systems to hiring subcontractors to installing video and electronic equipment. It also provides armored vehicles and security guards.
The Dulles Internation contract is another matter. Dulles is regarded as "absolutely a sensitive airport," according to security consultant Wayne Black, head of a Florida-based security firm, due to its location, size, and the number of international carriers it serves.
Black has not heard of Stratesec, but responds that for one company to handle security for both airports and airlines is somewhat unusual. It is also delicate for a security firm serving international facilities to be so interlinked with a foreign-owned company: "Somebody knew somebody," he suggested, or the contract would have been more closely scrutinized.
As Black points out, "when you [a company] have a security contract, you know the inner workings of everything." And if another company is linked with the security company, then "What's on your computer is on their computer." [American Reporter]
Bush Family Dipping Into Security Pie
by Margie Burns
The full effects of the 2001 so-called ``USA Patriot Act'' have not yet been felt, fortunately. But one of its first effects has been to benefit the president's brother, Marvin.
Marvin P. Bush, one of George W. Bush's three younger brothers, is co-founder and partner in Winston Partners, a private investment firm in Alexandria, Va. Winston Partners in turn is part of a larger venture capital entity called the Chatterjee Group, headed by venture capitalist Purnendu Chatterjee. (Venture capital firms provide money to start-up businesses and other companies, usually in return for equity and some managerial say in the company.)
Through this and other business relationships, this Bush sibling is positioned to do very well in high-tech activities as a result of provisions of the Patriot Act.
Securities and Exchange Commission filings show that the Chatterjee Group consists of Winston Partners, L.P.; and a half-dozen other entities with addresses in the Cayman Islands, the Netherlands Antilles, the Isle of Man and Delaware.
Bush's partner is Scott Andrews, with whom he went to school. Winston Partners has two branches, hedge funds and private equity funds, engaged in a variety of investments, including global ``outsourcing'' and offshore information technology.
Letter avoids hedge fund concern
Update to investors ignores partner's sanction, sheds light on fund's recent showingRICK
ROTHACKERrrothacker (at)
When hedge fund Mangan & McColl Partners sent its regular update to investors this month, the firm left out a significant event: One of the partners had been sanctioned by regulators.Instead, the Jan. 19 letter stuck to a routine rundown on performance.
In December, firm partner John Mangan Jr. reached a $125,000 settlement with regulators over charges of improper trading of a private securities offering, stemming from actions in 2001 when he was with another firm. He also was barred from the brokerage industry.
The hedge fund, whose other partner is Hugh McColl III, son of the former Bank of America chief, has said the settlement will not limit its business. But it's unclear how investors have reacted to the sanctions.
Another suspect deal, another Bush brother in the mix
By ROBERT TRIGAUX, Times Business Columnist
© St. Petersburg Times
published January 3, 2003
The new year begs for a fresh start. But business accusations of international bribery, nefarious investors and a Bush brother awkwardly involved in a troubled company all have a too-familiar ring.
Here's the latest Robert Ludlum-style financial spat.
Former investors in South Florida's Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. recently filed a $60-million lawsuit accusing majority shareholders IAT Group and Palestinian chairman Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh of paying bribes to buy the banana and pineapple produce company in 1996 at a "ridiculously low price." The company denies wrongdoing.
Marvin Bush, the brother of President Bush and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, joined the board of directors of Fresh Del Monte in 1998, after the alleged events took place. Marvin Bush was re-elected to the company's board this year for a term ending in 2005, and served on the board's critically important audit and compensation committees.
USIVE TO WMR: Marvin Bush and his maid's death
First ,I am biased as regards this administration's offshore activities whether it be the rape of Iraq or the flow of herion from Afghanistan.I was defrauded by a U.S. penny stock boiler room working out of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai called or just Bellador Group. (Do a google search,'bellador group')
They used a Stanford patent promoted by frauds posing as legitimate researchers to rip me off and the corrupt Stanford University and Chris Heeschen and John Cooke made off like bandits from the fraud they aided and abetted. And what did Stanford U.give us in return ? Possibly the only fascist black woman in all of academia,Kindasleezy Rice.Fitting,that they also brought us the white supremacist and anti-free speech Nobel prize winner William Shockley as well.
There are reasons to believe the Dubai boiler room is
protected by our own government and believe it or not SRA International that trades on NYSE,so it is NOT a penny stock,has been recommended and thus promoted by Bellador Group in Dubai ! And,fact,SRA International is a CIA investment through its scammy penny stock operation called In-Q-Tel !! Furthermore it is the CIA'S source of daily briefings to our Resident in Chief at the White House and no doubt,part of,and probably a great part of, the NSA's internet spying and trolling machine that tracks us on the world wide internet ! In fact based upon its monopolistic contracts and corporate welfare it receives it should not be a public company trading and dumping its shares on the international markets at all.A real president would not want to get his 'WMD' briefings from a company also controled by unknown individuals manipulating its shares from onshore much less offshore in terrorist suspect money laundering countries !!
SRA International is a scam that should never have been allowed to go public and use its Beltway contracts to pupm and dump its shares.
In a sane society citizens would not be the enemies of the state,offshore boiler rooms like Bellador Group that is using unaudited and unregistered shares of U.S. securities in terrorist suspect money laundering havens such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai or Saudi Arabi and UAE would be !! Instead W Bush,war 0,has
become the money launderers and terrorists best friend and thus he has allied himself against Ameica.Not the kind you want making decisions on national security and war.He has done more damage to our military than China,Russia or North Korea could have done working together !!
SRA International also developed Mantas,the supposed anti-money laundering arm of various brokers and bankers including Charles Schwab who has aided many illegal pump and dump frauds through LOM of Bermuda alone.Charles Schwab allowed Endovasc,Stanford University,and James Dale Davidson to deposit up to 30 million shares of worthless Endovasc shares into one Schwab account so the Beltway securities fraudster Davidson who also has Dubai and LOM connections to promote it with lies in his Agora Inc. 'Vantage Point' and illegally dump those shares through Schwab !!
In-Q-Tel's last CEO,Gilman Louie, left suddenly and his role in various penny stock pump and dump scams and who knows what else should still be investigated if only we had a government.The new CEO,Amit Yoran, who came to the Beltway by way of West Point and sold his government subsidised Riptech, Inc. internet security business, ,to Symantec was only recently our Homeland Securty 'cyber czar'.
SRA International also developed a spunoff to another
corrupt penny astock called SafeGuard Scientifics it Mants anti-money laundering or AML business while
Barry Landew who may have a gambling habit(best way to launder money)guaranteed it would retain its original employess selected by SRA International. Seems more a case of Beltway military-intrernet complex economic incest and spying to defraud us rather than protecting national security if you ask me.
I have sent direct email to In-Q-Tel and its new CEO Amrit Yoran and asked he just close In-Q-Tel down in light of known offshore stock fraud involved including allowing SRA International to be promoted or manipulated by Bellador Group of Dubai who may be involved with money laundering with U.S.penny stock shares themselves and the fact that SRA International that gets untold hundreds of millions of devalued U.S. dollars from our U.S government.For all intents and purposes a mafia has taken over our government and when an American speaks out we are met with either silence or threats and intimidation.
Bellador Group and its Brit CEO Mr.Taylor et al. is still in business thanks to our incompetent and corrupt SEC or those in the W Busholini administration who control it and I suspect that aside from an illegal pump and dump operation from a Charles Schwab account,money laundering was involved in these terrorist suspect money laundering regions.Who does this benefit that our government sides with them rather than me,the defrauded American.
Florida's 9/11 Terrorist Flight School linked to Jeb Bush
To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering
Israeli President Katzav touts penny stock scam for
British-Israeli penny stock con artist Michael Zwebner
CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest
Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?
Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?
James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen
Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
pdf file :Schwab letter and Endovasc's 'shareholder agreement' to
deposit 'up to 30 million shares in ONE FRAUDULENT Schwab pump and
dump account ! : |
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwait company and Marvin Bush on 9/11 |
by Tony Ryals endoscam (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 23 Feb 2006
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwait company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
Those behind the scenes of this UAE corporation may not even be from UAE at all for all we know.Who ever is behind it,the CIA or far right no doubt approves.But since when has our corrupt CIA,that has been gutted by Porter Goss and his ilk as it is,had our interests at heart ? Their only interest is self enrichment and corruption and they have led our military into a trap in Iraq and Afghanistan almost willfully. Why ?
It is simply a fact that hedge fund manager
And someone should disclose just how much Marvin and his associates gained in shorting American companies' stocks on 911.This has never been disclosed.Even if they got their ill gotten based only upon Marvin's incompetence and negligence,rather than malevolence,he and they should return it on good faith.
Marvin couldn't even protect his maid from being run down by a driverless automobile gone wild on his on property and yet he was part of the very Kuwaiti company in charge of security at the NY WTC and Dulles airport !!! The Bushes,at best, are a bad acident waiting to happen and yet coincidentally nothing bad ever seems to happen to them only the country or countries they gain control of and their inhabitants !!
Sure I accept W Doofy to be mentally ill,so was Hitler only smarter,but he has plenty of help in unleashing his fascism and misery on the world from behind the scenes such as Slikkk Dikkk Cheney, President of Vice, and I suspect Papa Doc Bush behind the scenes is gaining well financially from unleashing of the military-petroleum complex on Iraq that as anyone knows had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11.
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
Published on Tuesday, February 4, 2003 by the Prince George's Journal (Maryland)
Bush-Linked Company Handled Security for the WTC, Dulles and United
by Margie Burns
George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport and United Airlines, according to public records. The company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwait-American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family.
The security company, formerly named Securacom and now named Stratesec, is in Sterling, Va.. Its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a ``completion contract" to handle some of the security at the World Trade Center ``up to the day the buildings fell down."
9/11 Security
Courtesy of Marvin Bush
Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. The company, Burns noted, was backed by KuwAm, a Kuwaiti-American investment firm on whose board Marvin Burns also served. [Utne]
According to its present CEO, Barry McDaniel, the company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center "up to the day the buildings fell down."
The company lists as government clients "the U.S. Army, U.S. Navy, U.S Air force, and the Department of Justice," in projects that "often require state-of-the-art security solutions for classified or high-risk government sites."
Stratesec (Securacom) differs from other security companies which separate the function of consultant from that of service provider. The company defines itself as a "single-source" provider of "end-to-end" security services, including everything from diagnosis of existing systems to hiring subcontractors to installing video and electronic equipment. It also provides armored vehicles and security guards.
The Dulles Internation contract is another matter. Dulles is regarded as "absolutely a sensitive airport," according to security consultant Wayne Black, head of a Florida-based security firm, due to its location, size, and the number of international carriers it serves.
Black has not heard of Stratesec, but responds that for one company to handle security for both airports and airlines is somewhat unusual. It is also delicate for a security firm serving international facilities to be so interlinked with a foreign-owned company: "Somebody knew somebody," he suggested, or the contract would have been more closely scrutinized.
As Black points out, "when you [a company] have a security contract, you know the inner workings of everything." And if another company is linked with the security company, then "What's on your computer is on their computer." [American Reporter]
Bush Family Dipping Into Security Pie
by Margie Burns
The full effects of the 2001 so-called ``USA Patriot Act'' have not yet been felt, fortunately. But one of its first effects has been to benefit the president's brother, Marvin.
Marvin P. Bush, one of George W. Bush's three younger brothers, is co-founder and partner in Winston Partners, a private investment firm in Alexandria, Va. Winston Partners in turn is part of a larger venture capital entity called the Chatterjee Group, headed by venture capitalist Purnendu Chatterjee. (Venture capital firms provide money to start-up businesses and other companies, usually in return for equity and some managerial say in the company.)
Through this and other business relationships, this Bush sibling is positioned to do very well in high-tech activities as a result of provisions of the Patriot Act.
Securities and Exchange Commission filings show that the Chatterjee Group consists of Winston Partners, L.P.; and a half-dozen other entities with addresses in the Cayman Islands, the Netherlands Antilles, the Isle of Man and Delaware.
Bush's partner is Scott Andrews, with whom he went to school. Winston Partners has two branches, hedge funds and private equity funds, engaged in a variety of investments, including global ``outsourcing'' and offshore information technology.
Letter avoids hedge fund concern
Update to investors ignores partner's sanction, sheds light on fund's recent showingRICK
ROTHACKERrrothacker (at)
When hedge fund Mangan & McColl Partners sent its regular update to investors this month, the firm left out a significant event: One of the partners had been sanctioned by regulators. Instead, the Jan. 19 letter stuck to a routine rundown on performance.
In December, firm partner John Mangan Jr. reached a $125,000 settlement with regulators over charges of improper trading of a private securities offering, stemming from actions in 2001 when he was with another firm. He also was barred from the brokerage industry.
The hedge fund, whose other partner is Hugh McColl III, son of the former Bank of America chief, has said the settlement will not limit its business. But it's unclear how investors have reacted to the sanctions.
Another suspect deal, another Bush brother in the mix
By ROBERT TRIGAUX, Times Business Columnist
© St. Petersburg Times
published January 3, 2003
The new year begs for a fresh start. But business accusations of international bribery, nefarious investors and a Bush brother awkwardly involved in a troubled company all have a too-familiar ring.
Here's the latest Robert Ludlum-style financial spat.
Former investors in South Florida's Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. recently filed a $60-million lawsuit accusing majority shareholders IAT Group and Palestinian chairman Mohammad Abu-Ghazaleh of paying bribes to buy the banana and pineapple produce company in 1996 at a "ridiculously low price." The company denies wrongdoing.
Marvin Bush, the brother of President Bush and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, joined the board of directors of Fresh Del Monte in 1998, after the alleged events took place. Marvin Bush was re-elected to the company's board this year for a term ending in 2005, and served on the board's critically important audit and compensation committees.
USIVE TO WMR: Marvin Bush and his maid's death
First ,I am biased as regards the Busholini
regime's offshore activities whether it be the rape of Iraq or the flow of heroin from Afghanistan.I was defrauded by a U.S. penny stock boiler room working out of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai called or just Bellador Group. (Do a google search,'bellador group')
They used a Stanford patent promoted by frauds posing as legitimate researchers to rip me off and the corrupt Stanford University and Chris Heeschen and John Cooke made off like bandits from the fraud they aided and abetted. And what did Stanford U.give us in return ? Possibly the only fascist black woman in all of academia,Sec of State Kindasleezy Rice.Fitting,that they also brought us the white supremacist and anti-free speech Nobel prize winner William Shockley as well.
There are reasons to believe the Dubai boiler room is protected by our own government and, believe it or not,SRA International that trades on NYSE,so it is NOT a penny stock,has been recommended and thus promoted by Bellador Group in Dubai ! And,fact,SRA International is a CIA investment through its scammy penny stock operation called In-Q-Tel !! Further more it is the CIA'S source of daily briefings to our Resident in Chief at the White House and no doubt,part of,and probably a great part of, the NSA's internet spying and trolling machine that tracks us on the world wide internet !
In fact based upon its monopolistic contracts and corporate welfare it receives it should not be a public company trading and dumping its shares on the international markets at all.A real president would not want to get his 'WMD' briefings from a company also controled by unknown individuals manipulating its shares from onshore much less offshore in terrorist suspect money laundering countries !!
SRA International is a scam that should never have been allowed to go public and use its Beltway contracts to pump and dump its shares.
In a sane society citizens would not be the enemies of the state,offshore boiler rooms like Bellador Group that is using unaudited and unregistered shares of U.S. securities in terrorist suspect money laundering havens such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai or Saudi Arabi and UAE would be !! Instead W Bush,war 0,has become the money launderers and terrorists best friend and thus he has allied himself against Ameica.Not the kind you want making decisions on national security and war.He has done more damage to our military than China,Russia or North Korea could have done working together !!
SRA International also developed Mantas,the supposed anti-money laundering arm of various brokers and bankers including Charles Schwab who has aided many illegal pump and dump frauds through LOM of Bermuda alone.Charles Schwab allowed Endovasc,Stanford University,and James Dale Davidson to deposit up to 30 million
worthless Endovasc shares into one Schwab account so the Beltway securities fraudster James Dale Davidson,who also has Dubai and LOM connections,to promote it with lies in his Agora Inc. 'Vantage Point' and illegally dump those shares through Schwab !!
In-Q-Tel's last CEO,Gilman Louie,left suddenly and his role in various penny stock pump and dump scams and who knows what else should still be investigated if only we had a government.The new CEO,Amit Yoran, who came to the Beltway by way of West Point and sold his government subsidised Riptech, Inc. internet security business,to Symantec was only recently our Homeland Securty 'cyber czar'.
SRA International also developed and spunoff to another corrupt penny stock called SafeGuard Scientifics its' Mantas anti-money laundering or AML business while Barry Landew who may have a gambling habit(best way to launder money)guaranteed it would retain its original employess selected by SRA International. Seems more a case of Beltway military-intrernet complex economic incest and spying to defraud us rather than protecting national security if you ask me.
I have sent direct email to In-Q-Tel and its new CEO Amrit Yoran and asked he just close In-Q-Tel down in light of known offshore stock fraud involved including allowing SRA International to be promoted or manipulated by Bellador Group of Dubai who may be involved with money laundering with U.S.penny stock shares themselves and the fact that SRA International that gets untold hundreds of millions of devalued U.S. dollars from our U.S government.For all intents and purposes a mafia has taken over our government and when an American speaks out we are met with either silence or threats and intimidation.
Bellador Group and its British CEO Mr.Taylor et. al. is still in business thanks to our incompetent and corrupt SEC or those in the W Busholini administration who control it and I suspect that aside from an illegal pump and dump operation from a Charles Schwab account,money laundering was involved in these terrorist suspect money laundering regions.Who does this benefit that our government sides with them rather than me,the defrauded American ?
Florida's 9/11 Terrorist Flight School linked to Jeb Bush
To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering
Israeli President Katzav touts penny stock scam for
British-Israeli penny stock con artist Michael Zwebner
CIA and Gilman Louie are less than honest
Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?
Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?
James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen
Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
pdf file :Schwab letter and Endovasc's 'shareholder agreement' to
deposit 'up to 30 million shares in ONE FRAUDULENT Schwab pump and
dump account ! : |
New Jersey Star Ledger and legislature conned by known stock fraud Gary Valinoti ? |
by Tony Ryals endoscam (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 24 Feb 2006
New Jersey Star Ledger and legislature conned by known stock fraud Gary Valinoti ?
The fraud(stock manipulation and illegal pump and dump activity erroneously attributed to 'naked short sells' and 'FTD' or 'fails to deliver' by the criminals) is massive,Beltway connected and may include money laundering with penny stocks and other stock shares in terrorist suspect money laundering havens such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai.Paradoxically Gary Valinoti is a pal of David Patch who in turn is James Dale Davidson connected.Davidson is founder of the Steve Forbes and Grover Norquist connected National Taxpayers Union that funded the effort to smear New Jersey Gov. Jon Corzine's election bid. And James Dale Davidson orchestrated the Richard Mellon Scaife funded 'Clinton killed Vince Foster' smear campaign against Bill Clinton ! Small world ain't it ?!
Star Ledger and New Jersey legislature conned by known stock fraud Gary Valinoti ?
Note,opinions above and those below my quote from Gary Weiss' blog site are by me,Tony Ryals,and not Gary Weiss.He is too clever to get taken in a penny stock scam using a Stanford University patent to run an illegal pump and dump operation as I was.
On the other hand this has led me to a deeper and more radicalized analysis of what I have come to see as a far right wing criminal enterprise whose frauds
use the internet, particularly Yahoo ! and ragingbull of
Lycos, to scam Americans into buying worthless shares.That increases the share price so the insiders can dump these mostly unaudited unregistered and generally worthless shares.
Unscrupulous brokers onshore aid to 'ex-patriate' money stolen from onshore retail investors to offshore accounts and even avoid taxes on what they have stolen from defrauded Americans.This not only defrauds Americans but decreases taxable revenue
in the U.S.These have included Charles Schwab as well as smaller brokerages such a VFinance of Florida,etc.The massive fraud erroneously blamed on naked shorting is what I term 'share-money laundering' for themselves and their far right causes.
The fact that the SEC,even in this age of computers and rapid machine calculations and 'IT' or internet
tech people such as the fine CIA connected folk at SRA International who created Mantas AML or anti-money laundering software,for some reason have not been able to create a simple system to monitor the flow and dumping of penny stock shares.
But then again they didn't even notice 'up to 30 million shares' in one Schwab account in 2002 that was dumped in mass as James Dale Davidson and his Agora Inc. internet cyber fraud tout machine promoted the Stanford patent and all those shares were dumped.Not to mention the Schwab LOM of Bermuda account that as you can find at link at bottom from the Royal Gazette of Bermuda even the SEC couldn't ignore although I'm sure they will do their best to go light on the criminals and insure defrauded investors never see a penny.
Unregistered and unaudited shares have been used to mask and conceal the flow of money so money laundering would be involved including in Dubai or Kuala Lumpur etc. (Bellador Group) and CIA may be involved just as they may be involved in the UAE - U.S. ports deal.
Friday, February 24, 2006
First I quote from Gary Weiss' blogspot titled,'The Short Selling Hysteria Continues
While critical of the purposeful deception and fraud perpetrated on the New Jersey legislature and the Star Ledger by Gary Valinoti and his gang of 3 who showed up to willfully manipulate and deceive them just as they manipulate penny stocks and deceive investors, Gary Weiss feels that the Star Ledger is still a comendable paper.
I have not had chance to read it for myself except the one article Gary Weiss refers to but so far his credibility in taking on the 'anti-naked shorting mafia'
as I call them has itself been commendable and I'll take him at his word.
Gary Weiss' blog,,
brought to my attention today that ,'New Jersey's largest newspaper, the Star-Ledger, read today that the scourge of naked short-selling has descended on Wall Street. Word of that came from a man in a position to know -- New Jersey's next state treasurer, Bradley Abelow, at his confirmation hearing before the state senate Judiciary Committee in Trenton.........
The only problem is that Abelow didn't say that. As a matter of fact, according to the archived audio feed of the hearing, he said the exact opposite: "The issue of fails to deliver of securities are endemic and occur as a matter of course and that my experience is that everyone at the DTCC and its participant firms work diligently to clean them up."
As Abelow had patiently explained to the committee,
"fails" occur for a whole bunch of reasons. They are routine. Happen as a "matter of course." Sometimes, he explained, FTDs(fails to deliver shares) happen because the transaction is off by a penny. It's something that anyone who knows a blessed thing about the subject, including the regulators, have explained again and again and again............
Now, I don't mean to beat up on the Star-Ledger, which is a damn good paper that regularly takes awards away from the big guys in New York. If I had covered the hearing for a daily paper and if I hadn't been writing about this stupid "naked shorting" issue for the past ten years, I probably would have gotten confused about the subject myself. What was particularly confusing to the uninitiated was that Abelow was preceeded by four "witnesses" who spewed sheer baloney on the subject without contradiction....................................
DTCC has the thankless task of overseeing the stock-loan system that is at the center of the naked shorting non-scandal, so it has been regularly a subject of screwball lawsuits that have been monotonously tossed out of court. The stalking continued in Trenton yesterday, with Abelow hounded by the aforementioned four witnesses, and by some particularly brainless questioning by one state senator. "Have you ever, for your own account, engaged in naked short selling?" a legislator named Gerald Cardinale asked the dumbfounded Abelow.
One of the "witnesses" who came to serve up baloney was Gary L. Valinoti, former CEO of a sad, blameless company called Jag Media Holdings that he claimed was an innocent victim of naked short-selling. Valinoti forgot to mention that he too is a victim -- of SEC charges that he engaged in "unregistered sales and transfers of securities of [Jag Media Holdings] in violation of Section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933." He settled the charges last September without confirming or denying the allegations.
None of the press coverage mentioned Valinoti's little run-in with the SEC, while providing a forum for the idiotic nonsense spewed at the hearing by the naked-shorting cultists.
Gary Weiss
I could only glance at the New Jersey Star Ledger paper as it turned my stomach. Gary Valinoti who I thought lives in Florida also attended a Washington , D.C. NASAA scam 'symposium' a short time back set up by Ralph Lambiase and played the victim and Lambiase like the New Jersey legislature and the Star Ledger did no background to see he,who claims to be a victim instead victimized his own investors in endless pump and dump fraud and the dumping of unaudited shares that even the SEC slapped him own the wrist for all the while claiming his penny stock fraud JAGH or Jag Media Holdings was 'naked shorted'.
It is so obvious in retrospect that all this is because the SEC encourages this massive criminal penny stock enterprise NOT to disclose shares they and their partners are dumping and probably laundering money with ! Why ?
And he and David Patch have used the world wide internet and their scam websites,of which ragingbull could be considered the largest or hub fraud website to lead to other scam websites such as Gayle Essary's FinancialWire and David Patch's that coincidentally replaced James Dale Davidson's or Agora Inc.'s's NAANSS or 'National Association Against Naked Short Selling' fraud that touted Genemax etc.,a known penny stock pump and dump that probably used Charles Schwab and LOM of Bermuda among other entities for their massive share dumping and manipulation.
And now Yahoo gives, or National Coalition Against Naked Shorting,,and etc.and free range to promote the same fraudulent scam against its readers or even threaten lives ! Why ?
Gary Valinoti's own strangely and coincidentally began the illegal pump of Charles Schwab shares a day before the London bombing with the false rumor of a buyout from whatever major banks or brokerages he felt would start a buying frenzy on Schwab stock and it worked.Reuters also picked up on the rumor although they should have known better.
Valinoti and jagnotes also sponsered the rumor Warren Buffett would buy NFI to much less effect.But at least he gave the fraud his best shot on jagnotes.
And Schwab is a prime example of a broker who aided the naked short fraud,particularly before selling their 'market maker' business to CSFB by allowing Endovasc to dump 'up to 30 million shares' as Davidson touted through Agora Inc.and remained totally silent as James Dale Davidson and attorney John O'Quinn accused them of 'naked shorting'.Why ?
Yes this is a Beltway fraud in very large part which is why it's so sad to depend upon SEC to do a thing about it.Even worse to realise an email to the SEC is an email to the CIA's and NSA's 'IT',SRA International.
And the CIA through its In-Q-Tel 'non-profit' corporation is in the penny stock pump and dump business itself !!
And Ralph Lambiase and whoever at NASAA who have aided and abetted the naked short fraud out of ignorance or for whatever reason show there is little hope on the state level.Even Georgetown University aids the fraud through James Angel and Georgetown is VERY SEC connected through Securities Exchange Commission employees who are also Georgetown employees.
I thought the connection between Bellador Group of Dubai and Endovasc shares being dumped from Kuala Lumpur or Nicosia or Kuala Lumpur by Mr.Taylor would be a wake up call to the SEC.SEEMS MORE IT WAS ANOTHER COVER UP CALL.
I might email another complaint to the SEC but I might as well mail it to SRA International the government's 'IT' monopoly and a CIA IN-Q-Tel operation for all intents and purposes.
And the fact that SRA International shares have been pimped by Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai only adds to my hopelessness and cynicism.
And ragingbull lycos has even signed deals with Gary Valinoti's Jag Media to promote scammy companies together ! No wonder ragingbull deletes accounts and posts of defrauded investors and virtually controls the ragingbull message boards for the penny stock mafia.
This is significant when W Bush wishes to sell your port to UEA and Dubai and claims they have cleaned up their banking and money laundering when in truth I know for a fact our own far right in cohoots with Bush administration have the green light to launder money and defraud their fellow Americans ibn sleezy stock scams based in Dubai,Kuala Lumpur,etc..
Even shares of the publically traded SRA International,
the government's foremost 'IT' or internet technology provider that the CIA's In-Q-Tel is a major share holder of and that the NSA uses to spy on us and the CIA uses to provide Bush his daily briefing has had its shares recommended to its clients offshore in Dubai and Kuala Lumpur by the known boiler room Bellador Group!! And besides gaining from the sale of shares corporate insiders to SRA International receive hundreds of millions of dollars from nearly every branch of our government. which allows them to inflate share price as insiders dump more shares
and perhaps launder money themselves in Kuala Lumpur.
They nor the SEC nor the CIA seem concerned that Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur has taken an active interst in promoting their shares and they are a known
boiler room and money laundering operation !!
And the SEC does nothing of course.Even ex SEC attorney Brent Baker of Utah has now left the SEC and works as well well paid attorney to Patrick Byrne of who fuunds and it's life threatening mafia on Yahoo's NFI and OSTK message boards etc.
Along with his father Jack Byrne billionaire insurance
magnate Patrick Byrne put well over $1,000,000 into smear campaigns against Edwards and Kerry on their on !! Brent Baker ex SEC attorney was the one who spyed on me under guise of being attorney against James Dale Davidson and Agora Inc. Instead he was working hand in hand to help their penny stock fraud and assure I was defrauded.Scum.
Connections to Bush administration as well as CIA,
and Agora Inc. of James Dale Davidson founder of Steve Forbes and Grover Norquist connected National
Taxpaxers Union also suspected.
Got a complaint or care to 'whistleblow' to the SEC or the GAO,or the FBI or the DOJ ? Well if you do the guys
at SRA International who do their IT are all ears,for their CIA investors and the NSA that is.
Clients stood to benefit from suspect stock sales – claim
Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?
Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
The Byrnes,John Edwards,Attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,Money Laundering
Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?
James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey, Asa Hutchinson,
Tom McMillen
Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
pdf file :Schwab letter and Endovasc's 'shareholder agreement' to deposit 'up to 30 million shares in ONE FRAUDULENT Schwab pump and dump account ! : |