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News :: Children
04 Apr 2003
One by one, the world s terror attacks bear more of the hallmarks of US Intelligence, Black Ops, than of Islamic terrorism. The signs are unmistakable, the CIA backed industrio-religious crusaders are staging terror campaigns throughout the world - absolutely - positively.

The despicable US media giants were silent when undisputed proof surfaced that the CIA, NSA, British Intelligence, the US Secret Service and the FBI were all involved in the May 16th 2002 blast in a Philippine hotel room when their agent, Michael Meiring accidently blew his own legs off while constructing a bomb which was intended, if ignited as planned, to be a staged Al Queda terror attack, justifying a tightened US- Philippine military alliance.

Meiring who operated under the cover of being a treasure hunter was in fact a CIA operative under the direct protection of the White House (As evidenced by his swift NSA/FBI medivac to San Diego after blowing his own legs off). The US spook spent 10 years on assignment associating with Islamic groups, Abu Sayef, MNLF, Moro Islamic Liberation Front, and other Philippine based Islamic groups, supplying them with US counterfeit notes (Courtesy of US intelligence) and bomb making materials so that they may create terrorist mayhem within the Philippines, giving the US a pretext to move in and, help, just like in Indonesia - just like nearly everywhere else these Mafia-like thugs can plant their terror and, protection, racket.

Meiring called his front company, Paruosia International Trading Incorporated
Paruosia, in Christian fundamentalist lingo, means Second coming of Christ. - These intelligence asset/crusader types can t resist revealing clues to their delusions of righteous grandeur.

What was the coverage from the CIA controlled propaganda machines, CNN, Fox and the rest regarding this explosive story of a CIA agent caught planting a terrorist bomb? - Zippo. Not a single mention of Meiring - Nothing.

Thanks to the CIA s complete infiltration of the US major media and the collusion of media editors and journalists in this crusade and thanks to the cowardly and obedient journalists who are supposed to write about the real nature of this crusade, and thanks and to a population who s minds have been so fabulously obliterated by years of programming by the mind slum that is television, the crusaders have had a free ride. After all these years infiltrating and or buying the media they have created their own consent machine, giving themselves a perpetual green light - like there s no one left to stop them...

...or so they think.

One by one you will see staged Islamic Terrorist, attacks throughout South East Asia. Up next Thailand. Since it would be patently ridiculous to claim that there are viable Islamic terrorist groups in Thailand the CIA/CNN lie being released into the LieScape is that Al Queda terrorists are using Thailand as a Safe Haven.

And of course Indonesia and the Philippines will continue to receive the heaviest brunt of these crusaders attacks

The crusaders know that their window of opportunity is closing fast - awareness is building throughout the world that it is in fact the dark hand of this group of US covert operators who is actually behind every single terror attack in the world - so the Bushes know that they must terrorize now before the world s populations rise up, destroy their own complicit lying governments and take up arms against US interests around the world. But since the Bush filth and his type lack the skills to formulate a complete and total plan for global conquest, the extent of their current plan is to create as much terror and destabilization as they can and only afterwards, somehow hope to reap benifit and profit from all the apocalyptic confusion they create.

What these war criminals and war profiteers in Washington don t know is that global conquest is more complicated than Brzezinski s books outline. These retards read Brzezinski s books, get all fuelled up on viagra (their only connection to virility) and harbour serious delusions that they are god s crusaders. Another thing that Bush and his cabal of war profiteers and war criminals don t know is that they will be brought to justice for their September 11th attacks on the American people.

But for now, their organs of lies and disinformation, CNN, Fox and the rest of the lying monopoly media are busy churning out the preparatory lies necessary to precondition the US population so that when these US crusaders ignite their bombs, the lie that it was Al Queda that did it will already be inscribed in our heads.

But CIA/CNN simply cannot churn out enough convincing lies fast enough to reverse the wave of hatred both within the United States and throughout the world of these New World Order crusaders fronted by the most despised man on earth, George W. Bush. And so the crusaders are counting on the panic and mayhem generated by these CIA terror strikes to give themselves more time to formulate a plan - to figure out what to do next to cash in on their terror attacks.

After the totally unreported Philippines hotel bomb screw-up, the crusaders struck again in the Bali Nightclub blast. Voxnyc was the only news service on the planet with the courage, independence and skills to identify that this bombing was yet another terror strike courtesy of US based crusaders - not Al Queda. We mounted a massive notification campaign and sent out nearly 200,000 emails to every academic institution, politician, newspaper editor and journalist in Indonesia clarifying just exactly what really happened. And the result was a phenomenal success. Within days of our massive notification campaign, public opinion polls throughout Indonesia revealed that most Indonesians believed that the Bali blast was in fact perpetrated by the CIA and not Al Queda.

And if there is any doubt that this little independent news service was singlehandedly responsible for exposing the truth about the Bali blast, just ask any major newspaper editor or politician in Indonesia if they remember the voxnyc article - they do. It was the only beacon of truth coming out of the west about that incident. The only flicker of light, amongst the swarming sea of lies perpetrated by the CIA based US media and their moles amongst the Indonesian media and political spectrum.

So from now on, our focus of reporting the terror after it has occurred will shift to focusing on reporting the terror BEFORE IT HAPPENS. This shift towards Preemptive reporting is absolutely critical if we are to stop these crusaders terror attacks.

George Bush willingly fronts for the most evil force to ever hold the human species in it s grip. He and the invisible murderous hand which lurks in his shadow represent the very face of evil and simply must be stopped at all costs.

The big question is, will the crusaders have enough money to infiltrate or pay off enough local Asian politicians and media owners in order to keep the truth from their own populations like they have been so fantastically successful at doing here in the United States. Will the massive CIA based media monoply which has been so successful at destroying the minds of nearly 80% of all Americans be able to reach into the minds of the Asians and destroy theirs too? Because unless the infiltration and payoffs are complete, and the destruction of the mind is total, the fact is, people who are getting attacked are going to want answers. And without infiltration, payoffs or mind wasting, there is no other way to keep the real information about who is behind the attacks, from the victims. My guess is that the pan Asian infiltration and payoff channels are not complete - so those who seek the truth still have a window of opportunity to warn the peoples of South East Asia that the US Crusaders are racing towards them with a blood thirst not seen since the Third Reich.

The message to those in the State Department, military, intelligence organizations and in the many religious and industrial think tanks and organizations who are certainly behind these attacks must be clear - We intend to warn the populations of the earth in advance of your attacks. We intend to launch preemptive news campaigns to diffuse each and every one of your attempts at striking terror in the hearts of these peaceful people. Your efforts will fail because the people of these nations will be informed PRIOR to your attacks that you are going to be the ones behind these attacks. We know that this is for sure your modus operandi and we will assure you that your plans will not succeed.

The oil crusaders plan is to create pan global terror and through that terror somehow use the US military threat as their trump card to go in and help. That s it. That is all they are capable of planning. The rest is improvisation. Their hopes at best is to figure out a way to profit from that turmoil. But because they are such colossal fuck-ups and literally fuck up EVERY SINGLE PLAN THEY HAVE EVER CONCOCTED, this one will surely fail as well - killing many thousands of innocent people in the process and causing decades of anti American sentiment throughout the world.

So we must warn the countries of Southeast Asia that the crusaders are racing to take their crusade of terror and plunder to their peaceful nations.

The analysis of the memes originating from CNN, the Council of Foreign Relations and the other think tanks of death lead to only one conclusion - That the crusaders, emboldened by the apparent lack of any feasible resistance to their terror campaigns, plan to spread their crusade to the entire planet.

It is critical at this moment in history that some alternative news services shift to a preemptive mode. It s not hard to do, the actions of the crusaders are completely predictable. Preemption is vital to assuring the safety of the people of the world and the continuance of life on this planet. If one wishes to see a clear blueprint for the New World Order s plan for global conquest one only has to turn to CNN. For CNN is the organ whereby the crusaders transmit their necessary preparatory conditioning memes so that a sheep-like populous will be ready to march, lock step, like obedient worker ants and foot soldiers for these dying industrialist geezers, eager and ready to kill millions to keep their grip on power and further their eugenicist agenda.

Get off your knees
before it's too late
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3 CIA Assets Killed In Baghdad
Current rating: 3
05 Apr 2003
A super-secret U.S. intelligence operation, working in Baghdad for weeks before the war, provided the crucial targeting data for the attack on Saddam and his sons, launched in an effort to pre-empt a full-scale war, these sources said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The war had been scheduled to start Friday, March 21, U.S. officials told UPI. But -- after getting intelligence that a brief target opportunity presented itself to decapitate the Iraqi leadership -- President George W. Bush instead announced at 10:15 p.m. Wednesday, March 19 -- 6:15 a.m. March 20 Baghdad time -- that hostilities had begun.

Delta and Special Forces units in the country had help from three Iraqi agents recruited by the CIA some time after June 2000, when the first CIA paramilitary teams secretly entered Baghdad to do reconnaissance and recruitment.

Sources told UPI that Iraqi counterintelligence killed the three, shooting two and cutting out the tongue of a third, who bled to death. They said U.S. intelligence had learned this from their forces on the ground in Iraq.

The March 20 operation involved more than 300 Special Forces, who moved into the country to join Delta troops and CIA paramilitaries, these sources said.

One former long-time CIA operative said it was the Delta men, already in country, who made the breakthrough for the U.S. attack by infiltrating a key Baghdad telecommunications center and tapping a fiber optic telephone line.

It was this that enabled the U.S. clandestine team to locate Saddam and top leaders at Dora Farm, an Iraqi command and control complex and a legitimate war target, U.S. officials said.

Iraqi assets, recruited by the agency, played a key part in the operation by providing "priceless" information, relating to the phone system and details of Dora Farm, according to one former senior CIA official.

After CIA Director George Tenet conveyed the information to the White House, the administration quickly launched strikes by F-117A warplanes and ship-launched cruise missiles. The attack was thought to have wounded Saddam and is also believed to have killed his son Qusay, 37, who was being groomed as Saddam's successor, according to half a dozen former and serving U.S. officials. The strike hit at 5:36 a.m. Baghdad time March 20, after Bush's ultimatum to Saddam to leave Iraq or face war had expired.

A senior administration official told UPI that Saddam had suffered two burst eardrums in the attack, and "was bleeding from the nose and mouth." This source added that Saddam was so disoriented by concussion damage that he was in "a vegetative state" for hours after the strike.

Another administration official said that Saddam was "definitely alive" after the strike and appeared on Friday, March 21, wearing glasses because of concussive damage to the capillaries of his retinas.

Aerial photos showed that the three-building compound had suffered severe damage from 2,000-pound bunker buster bombs and some 40 cruise missiles, U.S. officials said.

Details of the timing and recruitment of the Iraqi CIA assets remain vague because "we want to protect our tradecraft," one U.S. intelligence official said.

"The agency has been working for months to hook up with Iraqi dissidents in country," an administration official said.

CIA paramilitary teams, working with Delta Forces, still are inside Iraq, attempting to kill 30 top Iraqi leaders, including Saddam's other son, Uday, who commands the Iraqi Fedayeen, several U.S. sources said. One administration official confirmed that U.S. intelligence has the names, addresses and cell phone numbers of the 30 targets.

At least a half a dozen U.S. officials interviewed by UPI said that they believe that Saddam is wounded but still alive. "The strategy is to goad him to appear so that we can kill him," one former senior agency covert operative said.

Saddam appears aware of this. On Tuesday, he did not appear for a scheduled TV address. Instead, a senior Iraqi official read a statement in his name.

But self-composed and defiant Saddam Hussein apparently made his first public appearance Friday since U.S. forces bombed his bunker March 20. Iraqi TV showed pictures of him walking the streets of a Baghdad neighborhood where a throng of jubilant and enthusiastic residents greeted him.

The appearance was the culmination of several efforts Friday by the Iraqi president to rally his people against coalition troops poised just outside the Iraqi capital. The date of his actual visit was not definitive, but some nearby buildings showed possible bomb damage. U.S. analysts noted the apparent lack of smoke that has hovered over most parts of Baghdad for days.

The television pictures showed a smiling Saddam in military uniform and black beret surrounded by people in what was said to be the al-Mansour area and a target of coalition bombardment.

"With soul, with blood, we redeem you Saddam," shouted dozens of bystanders. Women ululated while some of the men pushed through to kiss their leader's hand or cheeks. "May God protect you," shouted one man as more joined the crowd.

Saddam, his military men and armed bodyguards in a cluster around him, was then seen checking military reinforcements in the city and chatting with residents. Afterwards he stood to overlook the crowd and raised his fist to salute them.

The television then showed pictures from a driving car allegedly with Saddam aboard of many streets in Baghdad. Smoke clouds were seen in these pictures.

It was one of the very rare public appearances of Saddam. Mideast commentators called it an act of courage and a strong message to Iraqis and coalition alike that he was still alive, in control of the country and ready for confrontation.

------ !
Current rating: 0
05 Apr 2003
В её обязанности входило убирать дом, готовить еду. Она готовила очень вкусные и сытные лепешки, но в этот раз вода в кувшинах кончилась, чтобы приготовить ей пришлось будить брата. Она сожалела об этом, ей было жаль брата, ведь он и так почти никогда не высыпался, то помогая матери, то ей, то заботясь о младшей сестре.

Брату Кариму было всего девять, он был единственным мужчиной в доме. В свои годы он воспитывал младшую сестренку укайа, которой было всего год. Отец Карима погиб и ему приходилось выполнять всю мужскую работу по дому. Карим помогал матери, которая работала на нефтяной скважине, стирая рабочим одежду. Ему приходилось таскать огромные тюки с одеждой весом почти как он.

Главной мечтой Карима было пойти в школу, которой в посёлке не было. Ближайшая школа была в Басре, за сто километров от поселка, но в Басру он уехать не мог, это было просто не реально, один девятилетний мальчик в большом городе, ему просто негде было бы жить.

Карим сам научился читать по книжкам, которые были в доме. Он их читал, качая в люльке младшую сестру, сидя на верблюде когда ездил за водой. В любую минуту, когда выдавалась такая возможность, в руках у Карима была книга.

Ещё он мечтал увидеть, как живут люди в других странах, ему снились зеленые луга, леса, места которых нет в Ираке, его родине.

- Карим, проснись! – Мариам растолкала брата, - Карим, у нас кончилась вода, съезди в гору.

Горой называли маленький холм в пустыне, где был источник с водой, до него было десять километров. Десять километров песка и палящего солнца. Жители поселка на верблюдах раз в неделю ездили туда и привозили запасы воды.

Сонный Карим залез на верблюда, взял в руки книгу. Верблюд не спеша отправился в пустыню, в гору, за водой. А в это время с авианосца взлетали острые и страшные птицы, которые назывались бомбардировщики.


- Хай, Джонни! Твоя тугопопая Кэтти будет тобой довольна! – шипя открывающейся банкой кока-колы, и тупо ржа закричал Смит.

- Да, Джонни позвони Кэтти! Она трахнет тебя прямо по телефону! – подхватил Билл, скалясь голливудской улыбкой.

- Джонни! Твоей первой целью был бедный верблюд! Тебе нужно летать по пустыне и стрелять верблюдов! Джонни, командир тебя удушит когда узнает, что ты развлекался с верблюдом! – хрустя чипсами подытожил Крис.

И дикий смех разнесся по казарме авианосца. И Джонни думал, что черт с ним с этим томагавком, который он выпустил по верблюду в пустыне, черт с ней с этой Басрой и всем Ираком вместе взятым, когда в Америке в их уютном домике его ждет тугопопая крошка Кэтти, которую он трахнет как только они сотрут с земли этот чертов Ирак. И у солдата ВВС армии США Джона Батстона приятно заныло в паху.

'Scene From Hell' As Doped Up US Idiots Bomb Their Own Troops
Current rating: 0
06 Apr 2003
Correspondent John Simpson said he counted at least 10 bodies amid the burning vehicles.

``An American plane dropped the bomb right beside us. I saw it land about 10-12 feet (about four metres) away,'' Simpson told BBC television. He did not disclose his location.

Associated Press Television Network showed pictures of the bombing, near the town of Makhmur, in Kurdish territory about halfway between the Iraqi cities of Mosul and Kirkuk.

Simpson, the BBC's World Affairs Editor, said the convoy contained between eight and 10 cars, two of which carried US Special Forces troops.

The BBC said Simpson had been wounded in the leg by shrapnel. His translator was seriously injured, and so was a senior Kurdish political figure.

A high-ranking Kurdish official told AFP that Wajih Barzani, the head of special forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the brother of KDP leader Massoud Barzani, was seriously wounded in the attack.

``This is just a scene from hell here,'' Simpson said. ``All the vehicles are on fire, there are bodies burning all around me, bits of bodies all around ... The Americans saw this convoy and they bombed it. They hit their own people.''

A Pentagon duty officer, Master Sergeant Grant Windsor, initially appeared to confirm the incident and read a statement from US Central Command that said three Americans were killed and five others wounded in the bombing.

Central Command in Doha, Qatar, questioned the report, and it was subsequently clarified that Sergeant Windsor had been referring to a Central Command statement about a separate incident on April 3.

Lieutenant Mark Kitchens, a Central Command spokesman, suggested there were two friendly fire incidents involved and would not confirm the details of the attack reported today by the BBC.

``With regards to this friendly fire incident you're referring to now, we don't have anything to confirm,'' he said. ``We've heard these reports. We're looking into it.''

Current rating: 0
06 Apr 2003
Saddam International Airport, Baghdad -- [LSN: These reports were filed 11:00 EST. They are still centered around the remarks made before, but note that a Reuters correspondant has toured the area the US allegedly "controls" in South Central Baghdad, and has confirmed there are no US forces present.]
Al-Sahaf: 200-300 US soldiers killed during the battle to restore Saddam International Airport

Abu Dhabi TV, 11:00-11:30 Eastern Time - 4/5/03

In a live interview aired by Abu Dhabi TV, the Iraqi Press (Media) Minister, Muhammed Sa'id Al-Sahaf, said that the Iraqi forces are in total control of the Saddam International airport after a battle that took place last night.

He added that there were between 200 and 300 US soldiers, who were killed during the battle of restoring the airport. He also said that there would be photos and videos about the battle that would verify his statement. Moreover, he promised to take journalists to the airport when there life would not be in danger because of artillery bombardment from US forces which retreated to Abu Ghareeb area, 35 kilometers south of Baghdad.

Al-Sahaf also said that there is a battle going on right now in which Iraqi forces are attacking US forces in Abu Ghareeb, using all kinds of weapons, including land to land missiles. He denied that there are any US forces in Baghdad, describing such claims as propaganda and psychological warfare.

In answering a question about the non-traditional Iraqi attacks, he mentioned yesterday to restore the airport, he said that these were new methods of suicide attacks.

In answering a question about where is the Republican Guard, he said that it is there and ready for the final battle.

Al-Sahaf also said that the US-UK forces do not control any Iraqi city. There is resistance everywhere in Iraq.

Finally, in answering a question about the morale of Iraqis, he said that Iraqis are not aggressors. They are defending their country against a foreign invasion. Therefore, they enjoy a high morale and they are willing to sacrifice themselves for that purpose. He described the invaders as "Oulouj" the same word Muslims described Crusaders in the past when they came from overseas to fight Muslims in the Middle East for material gains. He also said that this word was used by Caliph Omar to describe Persians and Romans who were fighting against Muslims for material gains, not for a noble cause.

Iraq says everything okay in Baghdad, Iraqis restored Saddam International Airport

(Reuters), Khaleej Times, 5 April 2003

BAGHDAD - Iraq s information minister said on Saturday Baghdad was firmly under Iraqi control and denied U.S. reports that troops had reached the centre of the capital.

Minister Mohammed Saeed Al Sahaf also reiterated that Iraqi troops had defeated U.S. forces at Baghdad airport overnight. U.S. officers say they are in control.

Asked about U.S. reports that troops were in the heart of the capital, Sahaf told a news conference: You can go and visit those places. Nothing there, nothing there at all. There are Iraqi checkpoints. Everything is okay.

Reuters correspondent Khaled Yacoub Oweis said he toured central and southern Baghdad on Saturday but saw no U.S. troops.

I went to the southern outskirts, south east, south west, the presidential palaces, the main security buildings, correspondent Khaled Yacoub Oweis said after driving around the city. I saw no American troops.

Earlier, a U.S. military spokesman said their forces had thrust into the heart of Baghdad and said the push was more than a patrol that goes in and comes back out .

Sahaf said U.S. forces had bombed the capital and tried to make airborne landings to divert attention from a battle for Baghdad s airport.

He also said that Iraqi forces had shot down a plane over Iraq and destroyed seven tanks in the southern city of Basra in the past 24 hours.

Now the entire direction is in our favour and we will annihilate what is left of the forces that attacked the airport, Sahaf said.

The Republican Guard, the Fedayeen Saddam (paramilitaries) and other fighters have carried out new innovative operations, he said, adding that his ministry hoped to take journalists to the airport later on Saturday.

They are shooting from time to time their artillery on the ground of the airport, Sahaf added, speaking English.

(But) we have defeated them, crushed them in Saddam International Airport. We have pushed them outside the whole area. They couldn t establish a gain, we are surrounding them.

'Scene From Hell' As Doped Up US Idiots Bomb Their Own Troops
Current rating: 3
06 Apr 2003
Correspondent John Simpson said he counted at least 10 bodies amid the burning vehicles.

``An American plane dropped the bomb right beside us. I saw it land about 10-12 feet (about four metres) away,'' Simpson told BBC television. He did not disclose his location.

Associated Press Television Network showed pictures of the bombing, near the town of Makhmur, in Kurdish territory about halfway between the Iraqi cities of Mosul and Kirkuk.

Simpson, the BBC's World Affairs Editor, said the convoy contained between eight and 10 cars, two of which carried US Special Forces troops.

The BBC said Simpson had been wounded in the leg by shrapnel. His translator was seriously injured, and so was a senior Kurdish political figure.

A high-ranking Kurdish official told AFP that Wajih Barzani, the head of special forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the brother of KDP leader Massoud Barzani, was seriously wounded in the attack.

``This is just a scene from hell here,'' Simpson said. ``All the vehicles are on fire, there are bodies burning all around me, bits of bodies all around ... The Americans saw this convoy and they bombed it. They hit their own people.''

A Pentagon duty officer, Master Sergeant Grant Windsor, initially appeared to confirm the incident and read a statement from US Central Command that said three Americans were killed and five others wounded in the bombing.

Central Command in Doha, Qatar, questioned the report, and it was subsequently clarified that Sergeant Windsor had been referring to a Central Command statement about a separate incident on April 3.

Lieutenant Mark Kitchens, a Central Command spokesman, suggested there were two friendly fire incidents involved and would not confirm the details of the attack reported today by the BBC.

``With regards to this friendly fire incident you're referring to now, we don't have anything to confirm,'' he said. ``We've heard these reports. We're looking into it.''

'Scene From Hell' As Doped Up US Idiots Bomb Their Own Troops
Current rating: 0
07 Apr 2003
Correspondent John Simpson said he counted at least 10 bodies amid the burning vehicles.

``An American plane dropped the bomb right beside us. I saw it land about 10-12 feet (about four metres) away,'' Simpson told BBC television. He did not disclose his location.

Associated Press Television Network showed pictures of the bombing, near the town of Makhmur, in Kurdish territory about halfway between the Iraqi cities of Mosul and Kirkuk.

Simpson, the BBC's World Affairs Editor, said the convoy contained between eight and 10 cars, two of which carried US Special Forces troops.

The BBC said Simpson had been wounded in the leg by shrapnel. His translator was seriously injured, and so was a senior Kurdish political figure.

A high-ranking Kurdish official told AFP that Wajih Barzani, the head of special forces of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the brother of KDP leader Massoud Barzani, was seriously wounded in the attack.

``This is just a scene from hell here,'' Simpson said. ``All the vehicles are on fire, there are bodies burning all around me, bits of bodies all around ... The Americans saw this convoy and they bombed it. They hit their own people.''

A Pentagon duty officer, Master Sergeant Grant Windsor, initially appeared to confirm the incident and read a statement from US Central Command that said three Americans were killed and five others wounded in the bombing.

Central Command in Doha, Qatar, questioned the report, and it was subsequently clarified that Sergeant Windsor had been referring to a Central Command statement about a separate incident on April 3.

Lieutenant Mark Kitchens, a Central Command spokesman, suggested there were two friendly fire incidents involved and would not confirm the details of the attack reported today by the BBC.

``With regards to this friendly fire incident you're referring to now, we don't have anything to confirm,'' he said. ``We've heard these reports. We're looking into it.''

Docks Shut Down After Police Fire Concussion Grenades, DOWEL Bullets
Current rating: -1
07 Apr 2003
Modified: 07:31:14 PM
Noon Update: Hundreds of people are around the Federal Building in Oakland, regrouping for more protests. Dockworkers are shutting down the Oakland docks after Oakland police fired at them and anti-war protesters this morning.

Oakland police brandishing "HIGH CALIBER" artillery attacked anti-war demonstrations this morning at dockyards in West Oakland. The demonstrators arrived around 7am, where their picket line was successful in provoking the ILWU to send some of its workers home for the day.

After approximately 30 minutes, the Oakland Police Department moved in to disperse the demonstrators, using tear gas, concussion grenades, wooden bullets, and beanbags full of metal shot. Several people, including six onlooking workers, suffered moderate injuries. From there, some demonstrators apparently tried to block highway entrances before regrouping at the West Oakland BART station and marching downtown to the Oakland Federal Building.
Nazi USA
Current rating: 0
13 Apr 2003
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