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Commentary :: Right Wing
Jack Ryan Has Courage Current rating: 0
24 Mar 2003
Modified: 11:25:49 AM
I have come to the Urbana IMC site countless times to get another perspective on a variety of issues. I applaud Jack Ryan for having the courage to offer his conservative perception. I notice that a number of times, Jack Ryan has been told to leave this site & not offer his opinions; That is the very definition of fascism. I notice that progressives expect tolerance for their point of view. Well, I do believe that in the interest of fairness, that they reciprocate in kind. By the way, the News Gazette does not strictly adhere to the conservative line. I do not agree with everything they print but that is the one of the privileges of living in this country, the option to disagree.---ED
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Fraudulent �Jack Ryan"
Current rating: 3
24 Mar 2003
"Jack Ryan" is simply a troll. He isn't even what he represents himself to be, which I elaborate on below. What he is doing takes no courage at all.

I do also want to point out that it is just a very few people who have posted anything on the site suggesting that he be banned. They represent only themselves, just as "Jack" represents only himself here. UC IMC, it should be noted, has not, so far, banned this person, whoever he really is. Given that some of his material has come very close to violating our website use policy (and he can read the policy himself -- I would suggest that he keep it in mind when posting if he wants to hang around), I can't say for certain that this will continue to be the case in the future. But for now, his making an ass of himself can continue.

But let's look beneath the surface. What kind of chraracter is "Jack Ryan"?

�Jack Ryan� claimed just the other day (18 March) that he was going off within �24 hours� to do battle in Iraq:
�Well, in the next 24 hours it looks as though I will be off to protect you all from a war you fought so "nakedly" to prevent.�

Obviously, unless JR has internet connectivity from the front, this is just the latest in a series of bald-faced lies from this person who claims he support only victory, not war itself, as if �victory� will come without the bloody crime of aggressive war.

I think this demonstrates once again that this war is promoted by those who need to engage a bodyguard of lies to get what they want, no matter how illegitimate. But �Jack Ryan�s� abuses do not just include Indymedia. They also include abuses against the very service people he claims to support.

Masquerading as a servicemember is something that is universally hated and despised by active-duty troops and veterans of all stripes, whatever they may think of the wisdom of the current pResident ordering a battleplan that calls on them to implicitly commit war crimes, even as the Republican-controlled Congress cuts Veterans Administration funding. Everyone has heard the stories of fake Vietnam veterans playing on the heartstrings of Americans. �Jack Ryan� has done these frauds one better by becoming a fake veteran even before battle is joined.

Here is �Jack Ryan� claiming to be a Marine:
�I submit to you, that as a Marine, I have seen brave and I have seen courageous, stuff that would make your head spin to be honest.�

Here is proof that he can NOT be a Marine. �Jack Ryan� reveals that he is simply a faux Marine, instead of a real veteran as he has previously claimed here:
�Semper Phi, my brothers, Love Jack�
just as he did here again:
�Semper Phi to the fallen.�

There should now be no doubt about the fraud that �Jack Ryan� is. No REAL Marine would ever use the term �Semper Phi�.


Because it is �Semper Fi,� pure and simple. So there is no way that �Jack Ryan� is a Marine, because NO Marine, no matter how uneducated, would say �Phi� in place of �Fi�. Most likely, �Jack Ryan� is nothing but a snotty-nosed frat boy, fixated on what he presumes is his superior knowledge of Greek even as he reveals his utter ignorance about the military services he claims to be a champion of.

As for �Jack,� since he is always looking to pick a fight here, it seems that he is just itching to get into battle, even though he's just another keyboard commando. I suggest, if he really wants to see some blood, he should go to the nearest VFW or American Legion Post and put on his fake Marine act. I�m sure some real vet will be more than willing to call him on this and punch out his lights for being so presumptuous.
Jack Ryan
Current rating: 0
24 Mar 2003
Modified: 01:05:05 PM
Jack Ryan has the courage to insult and degrade the friends and relatives (possibly) of U.S. veterans (some of them dead) based upon presumption. He has not been banned or censored as far as I can tell.
Must Be Talking About Jack: "Guard Against The Impostures Of Pretended Patriotism"
Current rating: 3
24 Mar 2003
NEW YORK, March 24 (UPI) --
As the war against Iraq unfolds, Americans of all religious denominations, political affiliations and races have rightfully rallied around the flag to express their unflinching support of our men and women in uniform fighting for a cause they believe in.

The solidarity of support for our troops, however, must not create the impression that criticizing the administration's policy toward Iraq is unpatriotic. Indeed, remaining silent in the face of the administration's terrible diplomatic blunders amounts to nothing less than a betrayal of the very values and principles that seem to me to define an American patriot.

If patriotism may mean, as President Kennedy stated in his Inaugural Address: "Ask not what your country can do for you -- ask what you can do for your country," then to do our duty to our country in the current situation is to question the rationale for the rush to war. We have to be critical of the administration's explanations in order to prevent its making further diplomatic blunders in dealing with other countries that it deems a threat, such as Iran and North Korea, which either already possess weapons of mass destruction or have the potential to develop or obtain them. This is no time for the politics of "virtue," especially since this administration's foreign and domestic initiatives have demonstrated the cold pretense behind such affirmations.

Many American patriots in the administration have grown too shrewd to be sincere, and our own patriotism demands that we be too wise to trust them readily. As the philosopher Ralph Barton Perry famously said: "If patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel, it is not merely because evil deeds may be performed in the name of patriotism ... but because patriotic fervor can obliterate moral distinction altogether."

And it is that concern -- the moral distinction between right and wrong -- that this administration has blurred, perhaps to its own detriment, as sooner rather than later it will have to clean up the diplomatic mess it has left behind.

The events of 9/11 have unquestionably sharpened the American people's sense of patriotism, chiefly because it has changed our perception of our own vulnerability, brought to a focus fears and concerns about future threats, and galvanized our collective stance to deal with them.

Patriotism, in this sense, has evolved into a shield against imminent dangers, however unquantifiable. But many both inside and outside the administration have taken this mandate to the extreme.

Supported by this new public mindset, the administration has initiated measures, some of them extreme, to combat future threats, be they home-grown or emanating from overseas. In the process, it has pre-empted patriotism to the point where criticism of any of these initiatives has been made to appear unpatriotic.

Isn't it the opposite, with the true patriots being those who speak out of a deep-seated belief and conviction about what is right or wrong about America rather than those who blindly follow a party line and seek refuge in patriotism? I believe that this is precisely what George Washington meant when he cautioned: "Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism."

In the context of recent events, it has become increasingly clear that every domestic and foreign policy initiative of this administration during the past two years was designed to serve its fixation on ousting Saddam Hussein.

The list includes our treatment of our European friends and allies, our bullying approach to the U.N. Security Council, our "whimsical" overtures toward peace between Israel and the Palestinians, the so-called "road map for peace," our downgrading of the real dangers emanating from the nuclear threat posed by North Korea, and even our war on terrorism itself.

Domestically, the administration's presumed involvement with problems related to Social Security, prescription drugs and education were all choreographed to generate public support for the war, irrespective of the long-term implications for the nation as a whole.

The people demonstrating in New York and San Francisco against the war in Iraq are no less patriotic than those who opposing the Vietnam War were dismissed at the time as unpatriotic misguided fools. But history has shown that the people who protested our military involvement in Vietnam were true American patriots, not those administration officials who engaged in public deception about the merits of the war and its consequences. They have betrayed not only the public trust, but the very values that have sustained this nation from its inception.

No, we cannot afford to take this administration's word for granted either. For now it may be a good idea for every American patriot to adopt the state of Missouri's motto: "Show Me." Meanwhile, we can all pray that the current conflict with Iraq ends with the most minimal loss of American and Iraqi lives.

And in the event of a relatively easy military victory, we must also hope that this will not embolden the administration to plan for its next foreign adventure. In addition, we need to be cautious not to measure victory by a decisive defeat of the Iraqi army, which is a given anyway. A more realistic measure might be how we extract ourselves from Iraq and how peaceful will be the Middle East that we leave behind. In a larger sense, ultimate victory will largely depend on how the government mends its broken relationships with so many nations and international organizations whose help and support we will soon need, for the war against terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction has only begun.

The words "duty," "honor," and "country" have always exemplified our patriotism as Americans, and inherent in these words is a solemn responsibility to do, speak, and think out of a true conviction about what is good and right for our nation. American patriotism, however, is also a strong passion, and as such is not perfect. Yet in its imperfection lies its glory. While patriotism may be a last refuge for scoundrels, it also remains the source of the strength of the great and unprecedented American enterprise.

(Alon Ben-Meir, Middle East Project director at the World Policy Institute in New York, is a professor of International Relations at New York University.)

Copyright © 2001-2003 United Press International
Re: Jack Ryan Has Courage
Current rating: 8
24 Mar 2003
Modified: 06:42:20 PM
"...the courage to offer his conservative perception"?! I just blew a gasket.

ED, you have got to be "Jack" himself, or his mother. He's the epitome of an a**hole troll. His arguments make no sense, his logic is fundamentally flawed, he is practically clinically deluded, and he couldn't be higher on himself.

The only reason we're even talking about him right now, is because this forum doesn't believe in censorship, at all. That positive and essential policy is a selfless gift to all, even "Jack". But at some point, the gnats buzzing around your face won't learn from your swatting, and you have to put up some mosquito netting.

"Jack" is almost amusing in his sense of self-importance and delusions of intelligence and "having the inside scoop". Aside from the aforementioned open-forum policy here, I've never really understood why he bothers people here. It has got to be because when you're an angry lunatic babbling in the street, people can just keep walking, but on an open publishing forum, it's harder to ignore him.

He gets to say "look at me, I'm so smart, I've got it all figured out, and you're all doomed 'cause you're not as enlightened as me...", and it's a little bit harder to ignore him here.

To a damaged yet persistent sad sack like "Jack", even negative attention is welcomed. What he wants more than anything else, is to be paid attention to. To be listened to. For people to think his delusions have value as valid ideas or arguments. But he's simply abusing the open-publishing policy of this site, plain and simple.

"Jack" really does need professional counseling. He's actually pretty sad, but in the meantime, he's nothing but a thorn in our side. But he likes that role; it's a sort of victory for him.

ED, I was willing to listen to "Jack's perceptions" more than once. But when it soon became very obvious that he had nothing significant, new, or even logical to say, I was finished. And he's an offensive, insulting, inflammatory, arrogant, deluded, pompous, uninformed, uneducated blowhard on top of it. Why should I give one whit about that boy, ever?

"Jack" is the classic Net troll. And the way you handle them, is to ignore them. Completely. If you don't look their way, they slowly shrink, and eventually move on.

I still take a kick at 'im once in a while, but I'm certainly not going to listen to any of the ridiculous drivel he spends his time typing-up for our "benefit". From where I sit, he has no courage, has nothing of significance to say, and should find some place else to posture and bellow.

ED, if your post is sincere, and you're not actually "Jack" or his roommate or mother, I'm truly sorry you have somehow come to see "Jack" as worthy of your defense. Like I said, I did give him the benefit of the doubt a few times, but he burned-up any of the access he craves for (my) feedback, long ago.

Jack, I obviously don't like you, but I also genuinely don't want to see you stay the jerk you are today. I'm dead-serious when I keep suggesting that you seek professional help, something like anger management therapy. Your life doesn't have to be filled with liberal pink elephants around every corner. I really would like you to find peace and understanding. Honestly.

Now go away, and don't come back without a note from your therapist.
Jack, Come Back Home
Current rating: 0
24 Mar 2003
Modified: 11:03:14 PM
I was told i might be able to find my babies' daddy here, after i went looking for him at his job and they said he got fired for always beeing up on this website instead of working.

jack, baby, please come back home. The kids really need there daddy. It don't matter none all those times that you hit me. i don't care that you don't got a job no more. I got a second job at the big lots so i could get me those breat implants you want me to get. please come back and be a daddy to j.r. and your baby girl, cause i miss you.

if anybody sees jack ryan tell him i need him to come back and take care of his family
Re: Jack Ryan Has Courage
Current rating: 0
24 Mar 2003
Dear Ed,

First, thanks for the message. I have found it interesting that disagreement with this site has called for my immediated dismissal. Is this not censorship? Anyway, I am sure that we will not agree, but I bet you would be a fun person to have a beer with.

Take Care,

Soldiers Have Courage, Ed, Not Jack
Current rating: 8
25 Mar 2003
Jack sez:

"I have found it interesting that disagreement with this site has called for my immediated dismissal. Is this not censorship?"

No. That is disagreement. If you couldn't/weren't allowed to post to this site, or had all your posts removed, THAT would be censorship. Perhaps between your classes you can look up the definition. Asking you to stick to the point of an argument or even keep true to your posts (when ARE you leaving for Iraq anyway) is not censorship either. It is pointing out your flaws and the reasons no one takes you seriously. If you took those tips, you might find better responses.

Frankly, I am disgusted by ANYONE who would try to impersonate a soldier. You better fess up to lying about it. I don't think the boys down at the VFW or Legion would appreciate you impersonating a soldier.

Put your money where you mouth is. Are you in the military, or did you lie about being in the military?

Can you tell the truth, Jack?
Re: Jack Ryan Has Courage
Current rating: -2
26 Mar 2003
Modified: 12:06:38 PM
Interesting 5 that I have become the issue here. It certainly was not my intention. I think I have hurt your feelings and your friend ML's when I ridiculed the naked people protesters. I sense you ladies may have participated in this. Although I do not retract anything that I have written, the spirit in which it was done probably could have been polished a little better. But, I must tell you, that I really enjoyed nailing people who take themselves so seriously as if this was going to change anything.

Additionally, I had no idea that ML had such a fascination with my postings. BTW ML should you like to see a copy of my Honorable Discharge Certificate, I would be happy to meet you in a public place of course, and display it to you.

ED, it is you who has the courage. You know face the potential of being ostracized from your group of friends as a result of defending my right to post.

I can assure you that where I think I can add to the debate, or simply make fun of Anon, 5 and *, I will do just that until the ucimc poliburo decides otherwise.

Re: Jack Ryan Has Courage
Current rating: 0
26 Mar 2003
Jackie Baby, how's it feel to be a colossal joke?

Semper Phi Beta Chi, dude.
Re: Jack Ryan Has Courage
Current rating: -2
26 Mar 2003

BTW, it's Clancy. It's okay, I understand how easy it is to misspell something. I would not know how it feels to be a joke. Perhaps you can elaborate in your next post on how you feel on any given day. I have offered to meet ML in a public setting and show her my Honorable Discharge Cert, and I invite you too. We could meet at a bar, or whatever. If you are afraid, bring friends. Come to the protest. You guys claim you always outnumber me anyway. I promise, no violence. I promise that no one on my side will be naked unless requested. Come on Tom, let me know.

Re: Jack Ryan Has Courage And The Pope Aint Catholic
Current rating: 0
27 Mar 2003
Modified: 07:32:12 AM
Thanks for helping with the spelling of a name as fictious as your's--just as phony, that is. Now, on your invitation, please tell me why I'd want to meet a pimple-faced high school punk at a bar. Seems I'd get in trouble for contributing to your deliquency or something.
And, Jackie-boy, I'm not one to tell you to leave this site--you just keep suppling the readers with plenty of grins and giggles, if that's the best use you can find for your time.
Another big Semper Phi [sic] to your phony baloney self ... ha ha, I'm rollin' on the floor. No matter how much you jump and shout you can't get past that Semper faux pas Jack. Ha-ha, he-he, ho-ho. You're a fraud.
Regards, TC
Re: Jack Ryan Has Courage
Current rating: 0
28 Mar 2003

Afraid to face the truth? How do you guys live your life like that?
Re: Jack Ryan Has Courage
Current rating: -2
30 Mar 2003
Despite your lame attempts to silence me, I am still here. I am gaining converts each day. Your protests grow smaller.

I have offered to meet you at a site of your location. All I ask, is that you say I showed up. Nothing but silence from the left and threating note from Anon to give me a nasty pinch if he ever saw me in a dark alley. What gives?