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News :: Peace |
City Of Urbana Passes Anti-War Resolution |
Current rating: 0 |
by Kimberlie Kranich Email: kakranich (nospam) (verified) |
04 Feb 2003
The City of Urbana became the 64th city to pass a resolution in opposition to war with Iraq. Council members were presented with chocolate roses and anti-war heart. (photo by Benjamin Grosser) |
On Monday, Urbana became the 64th City Council to pass a resolution against war with Iraq. The resolution passed by a 5-2 vote.
After the vote, Alderwoman Chynoweth was presented with a huge cardboard heart inscribed with "The residents of Urbana and citizens of Iraq thank you." Each city council member was offered a chocolate rose as a thank you.
People crowded into Council Chambers filling every audience seat and lining the sides, back and front of the room. Many stood or sat on the floor.
Audience members spoke for more than three hours about the resolution. Supporters were a clear majority of the room's audience, but two dozen people also spoke against the resolution. Many were veterans who felt loyalty to President Bush or fear for their own safety. Others were afraid that the resolution would cause harm to current service men and women who would be labeled "baby killers" by those opposed to war.
Veterans also spoke in favor of the anti-war resolution citing the lack of evidence to support the need for a pre-emptive strike against Iraq and the lack of governmental services provided to veterans who have served in previous wars.
Council members Esther Patt, Ruth Wyman, Laura Huth, Jim Hayes and Danielle Chynoweth, author of the anti-war ordinance, voted for the anti-war resolution. Joe Whelan and Milton Otto voted against.
The resolution is being sent to President Bush, the Pentagon, and local state and federal officials.
The text of the Urbana Anti-War Resolution is as follows:
Resolution Opposing War Against Iraq
WHEREAS, the issues between Iraq and the world community have not proven to be irresoluble by traditional diplomatic efforts;
WHEREAS, the United States is obliged, legally and ethically, to solve international problems in accordance with international law and the Charter of the United Nations;
WHEREAS, a war with Iraq will jeopardize the lives of American soldiers and will kill many innocent Iraqi civilians, without guaranteeing the safety and security of U.S. citizens;
WHEREAS, the sanctions imposed on Iraq by the United Nations at the urging of the United States government have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of non-combatants, an overwhelming number of them under the age of 5.
WHEREAS, past military conflict in the region resulted in widespread environmental destruction and long-term health problems for Iraqis and U.S. soldiers, the effects of which have not yet been mitigated or understood;
WHEREAS, the ultimate security of the residents of Urbana and the United States at large is dependent upon working cooperatively with all nations to eliminate poverty, injustice, inequality, environmental degradation and other factors that breed war and terrorism;
WHEREAS, the Congressional Budget Office estimates a military action against Iraq will cost our nation between $9 and $13 billion a month, resulting in further cuts in federally funded projects and programs that benefit our city and its residents;
WHEREAS, the costs of war and the accompanying ballooning deficits could have significant impact on the residents of the State of Illinois, which is facing the 4th worst budget crisis in the country, the school districts of the state, 80% of which face budget crises this year, and the city of Urbana which predicts revenue loss this year;
WHEREAS, The billions of dollars to be spent on this war could much better be spent on schools, nutrition, health care, housing, infrastructure improvements, and generally eliminating poverty;
WHEREAS, There is growing opposition to war against Iraq given that: forty-two cities to date have enacted anti-war resolutions; an estimated 250,000 rallied in Washington recently to prevent war; the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, World Council of Churches, NAACP and numerous unions oppose the war; and local peace demonstrations have averaged once a week for over a year;
WHEREAS, the citizens of Urbana and its local elected officials have the constitutional right to petition the national government on this matter of grave concern to our community as part of the national and international debate now underway;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the members of the City Council of the City of Urbana, oppose a U.S. invasion of Iraq; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we urge the U.S. to work through the United Nations to disarm Iraq and reaffirm our nation's commitment to the rule of law in all international relationships; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we call upon the government of the United States to make every effort to end the United Nations' sanctions against Iraq; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we urge the U.S. to help alleviate the budget crises faced by the majority of the states, and increase federal funding to states, school districts and municipalities; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we direct the city clerk to immediately send copies of this resolution to President George W. Bush, Vice President Richard Cheney, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, U.S. Senators Peter Fitzgerald and Richard Durbin, U.S. Representative Tim Johnson, Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, and local members of the Illinois House and Senate.
Passed by the City Council of Urbana, this day of February 3, 2003.
See also: |
One Reason Why This Resolution Was Important |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 1 04 Feb 2003
One of the reasons that was articulated by those who didn't want to vote for the resolution opposing a war on Iraq, even though they said they opposed war, was that the resolution would be ineffective. While no one in favor argued that this resolution would really significantly impede the bloodthirsty designs of Bush and his cronies (although we all wish it was so), it should be noted that it has already had one very salutary effect locally: The Resolution finally forced the News-Gazette to put local opposition to the war on the front page (of Tuesday's edition.)
There may have been an earlier case where local opposition made the front page (I personally don't remember the local opposition to the prospective war ever being covered there, although we are constantly bombarded by stories and images on the front page supporting the Bush Administration's goals in Iraq), but if it is, it's been awhile. They certainly didn't mention the campaign in favor of the resolution there. No doubt, the News-Gazette fantasizes that putting the opposition to war there now will stir up opposition to the Urbana City Council (or at least the five brave members that voted in favor of the resolution), but they have been increasingly wrong about local politics lately and will be wrong about that, too.
Some examples of the News-Gazette taking positions at odds (based on both news coverage in the paper and editorials from within it) with local voters are Democratic control of the County Board, the Living Wage, the state election that saw Naomi Jackobson elected to the State House and Dems to all but one state-wide races, and now, no doubt, Urbana's position in opposition to war. Not a very good average for a publication that claims to reflect community sentiment.
Could it be because their entire list of publishers is dead, leaving it without guidance? Or maybe it's in spite of that strange fact. In any case, the News-Gazette is living in the past, out of step with much of its community.
Re: City Of Urbana Passes Anti-War Resolution |
by Shayn (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 4 05 Feb 2003
Local, grassroot, and municipal work and organization is what will bring an end to war, poverty, terrorism, and injustice. Every community that takes a stance against imperialism will stand taller than any monument erected to glorify the horrors of war. This in not an anti-war movement. It's a pro-freedom revolution, happening in twos and threes, across the world, in small towns and big cities. At this point, it has clearly become unstoppable. Good work. |
Re: City Of Urbana Passes Anti-War Resolution |
by Julian (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 07 Feb 2003
Our town, Bloomington, Indiana, just became the 67th city to pass a resolution!!! |
Free Book On Christian Pacifism |
by Daniel H. Shubin peacechurch (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 07 Feb 2003
forward your mailing address for a free copy of the book, Conflict of Ages, dealing with Christian objection to military service and aggression.
Unconstitutional, Irrelevant Ignorance On Parade |
by Utterly Amused chciagofreeper (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: -7 08 Feb 2003
Modified: 10:04:59 AM |
How many Iraqi children starved to fund this Sun Tzu front of Saddam overall battle plan? Thankfully, the U.S. Constitution does not give municipalities war powers. This is a perfect example of why.
Saddam has no hope of defeating the USA on the battlefield, so Amn Al-Khass operatives are used in USA intelligence gathering, disruption, and acts of terror.
This charade has gone on long enough, it's time to liberate the Iraqi people. |
Re: City Of Urbana Passes Anti-War Resolution |
by Josh Magariel jomaggs (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 11 08 Feb 2003
Thank you City of Urbana! |
Dear U. A(ss). |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 08 Feb 2003
Modified: 11:54:15 AM |
Do you want to explain just exactly how the people petitioning their representatives, who then vote their conscience in an open, public meeting, can be "unconstitutional"?
There is one very odd and bizarre twist that is common to all the criticisms of the action taken by the Urbana City Council. The critics assert that Urbana has no business expressing the will of the people of Urbana, when that is exactly what democracy is supposed to grant the people.
And they ignore the fact that there is rarely a vote that need be taken in support of war -- the critics are only too happy to have wars happen without holding a public meeting to attempt to assert that somehow the public supports wars. No, it's just "follow the almighty leader," no matter how much stupidity or greed may have actually been the motivation for war.
For them, the American flag is nothing more than a blank check for foreign adventure. The founders of this nation are truly spinning in their graves over this interpretation of what this country is supposed to be -- a peaceful nation, setting an example of behavior, rather than an aggressive empire, led by private interests in pursuit of the wealth of others.
Somehow, I don't think ignorance and greed are American values, but you would never know it from the baying hounds of war on the right. |
Re: City Of Urbana Passes Anti-War Resolution |
by RDR (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 5 08 Feb 2003
Modified: 12:56:26 PM |
How many Iraqi children starved to fund this Sun Tzu front of Saddam overall battle plan?
Answer: 0.
How manay children killed by US insisted on sanctions on Iraq just to get one man out of power?
Answer: at least 500,000 probably over 1 million.
Re: City Of Urbana Passes Anti-War Resolution |
by antonio (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 09 Feb 2003
Modified: 02:31:11 PM |
I m an argentinean citizen.
J W Bush speaks of freedom and democracy, but we in the undevelopped conutries don`t see USA as symbol of niether of those. For us USA is symbol of prepotence, violence and explotaiton. Our dictarors where supportede by USA, our wars, our debts our unefficient privatizations, our bankrupt banks and thousends of unbeliveble injustices are related by ordinary argentinians (and third worlders of other countries) with USA.
I`m glad to see that the resolutions and opinions of your govrment are not the the resolutions and oppinions of you all. Please make all efforts to be represented, for your country is extremli powerfoull and it influences the lives of us all. |
Re: City Of Urbana Passes Anti-War Resolution |
by mick black mickblack (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 15 Feb 2003
As a former radio news director and reporter for WCCR and WLRW (this was pre-Clear Channel, folks...the '80's) I am proud to see Urbana beat out Minneapolis for the anti-war resolution although we have one headed to our council even as I type. Oh, I was shocked to see Joe Whelan STILL on the city always "5-to-2"... |
Urbana City Council Joins Forces With SaDAM Againist U.S. |
by Steven Key (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 3 18 Feb 2003
Modified: 19 Feb 2003 |
This is a sad day for the freedom loving people in the United States. Urbana, Illinois is in offical support of a dictator who has killed 1.5 million people, is in possesion of (VERIFIED BY THE UN) chemical and biological weapons. Is in the process of developing nuclear weapons. Who has created more environmental damage to the world than any person alive or dead. Whose people are tortured and starved to death while he builds multi-million dollar palaces. Way to go Urbana City Council! When 70% of the American public supports the president you are lead by a pacifist/communist.
When did the Urbana City Council start it own intelligence agency? I didn't realize that Urbana had more information on National Security than the President of the United States. How many agents does Urbana have in Iraq? in the Middle East as a whole? Where is Urbana City Council's proof that SaDAM is not a threat to national security? Where is your proof he is disarming? After all it's only been 12 years maybe he just needs more time.
What has really taken place in Urbana is a true case of anti-Americanism in disguse. May I ask where is the resolution that is to be sent to SaDAM Hussein and Iraq? After all he is the one that threatens the world and has brought this problem upon the citizens of the United States. Alas, it doesn't exist. Why? Maybe because somewhere deep down you know he wouldn't give a S**T about your resolution. Just like he doesn't care about any of the UN resolutions. The tyrant is winning the chess game and the Urbana City Council is helping him. For the sake of the world, and more specifically the American people, lets hope he is not allowed to get checkmate.
Urbana City Council Joins Forces With SaDAM Againist U.S. |
by Steven Key (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 3 18 Feb 2003
Modified: 19 Feb 2003 |
This is a sad day for the freedom loving people in the United States. Urbana, Illinois is in offical support of a dictator who has killed 1.5 million people, is in possesion of (VERIFIED BY THE UN) chemical and biological weapons. Is in the process of developing nuclear weapons. Who has created more environmental damage to the world than any person alive or dead. Whose people are tortured and starved to death while he builds multi-million dollar palaces. Way to go Urbana City Council! When 70% of the American public supports the president you are lead by a pacifist/communist.
When did the Urbana City Council start it own intelligence agency? I didn't realize that Urbana had more information on National Security than the President of the United States. How many agents does Urbana have in Iraq? in the Middle East as a whole? Where is Urbana City Council's proof that SaDAM is not a threat to national security? Where is your proof he is disarming? After all it's only been 12 years maybe he just needs more time.
What has really taken place in Urbana is a true case of anti-Americanism in disguse. May I ask where is the resolution that is to be sent to SaDAM Hussein and Iraq? After all he is the one that threatens the world and has brought this problem upon the citizens of the United States. Alas, it doesn't exist. Why? Maybe because somewhere deep down you know he wouldn't give a S**T about your resolution. Just like he doesn't care about any of the UN resolutions. The tyrant is winning the chess game and the Urbana City Council is helping him. For the sake of the world, and more specifically the American people, lets hope he is not allowed to get checkmate.
Steven, You're Not Making Sense Here |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: -1 19 Feb 2003
If this resolution is so irrelevant, then why do you even care?
Obiously, it is a strong statement for peace and it has you upset, so one part of your argument just went down in flames. Even though, just like the pResident, you're claiming not to care, the fact that you feel compelled to say it doesn't matter belies the rather obvious fact that those speaking up for peace are having a significant impact.
As for the ridiculous claim that this resolution is pro-Saddam, nothing could be further from the truth. He is just a little more evil than Bush, but other than that, most of us feel he is just as unelected as Bush. None of the resolution's supporters have ever said they are in support of Saddam. In fact, we are just as opposed to him as we are to Bush's plan to make war on his people.
Most of the rest of your statement is just as silly as the arguments you made for the items I've mentioned, so I'll stop now pointing out the embarassing gaps in your logic and knowledge of the situation. |
I Made Perfect Sense. Crystal Clear. |
by Steven Key (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 1 20 Feb 2003
Modified: 04:09:58 PM |
ML SAID -"If this resolution is so irrelevant, then why do you even care?"
I care for that very reason. It is "irrelevant", but what is really scary is that you or the Urbana City Council don't get it. You have a very misguided notion that this resolution, and those like it, have or will create peace. This is simply not true.
In your eyes the best case scenario for the President would be not to remove the Iraqi leader by force, this is the main point of the resolution. By following this resolution he allows the status quo to continue. Sadaam keeps his weapons, the UN finds a missile every couple of years and considers it a success, the Iraqi people countinue to suffer under the dictator, the wearabouts of bio. & chem. weapons remain unkown. The potential threat from there use remains. Peace remains threatened. In fact the peace of the American people would depend on Sadaam. By looking at his track record I don't trust him with my freinds and family's security maybe you do.
ML SAID- "He(Saddam)is just a little more evil than Bush"
I find this very funny. Sadaam number one would never allow you to protest, speak bad about his government or grant you the right to live a life anwhere near the one you live, with the freedoms you enjoy. But lets look at the actions of both:
BUSH- Bush said, "I respectfully disagree with the protestors."
SADAAM- Generally excutes protestors of his government. His preferred methods are to electric shock the offender. He then kidnaps the offender's family members. He then tortures, cutting limbs, gases, etc... them in front of the offending person.
ML SAID -"the ridiculous claim that this resolution is pro-Saddam"
The resolution is by the consequences of its actions, intended or not intended, pro-Sadaam. I pointed this out by asking why no resolution is sent to Sadaam. Why is it only sent to President Bush? If your real intention is to stop a conflict at a minimum you should address both parties. But beyond that, you need to judge not on intentions but measured results. The outcomes of the peace movements have not provided an answer for the problem Sadaam presents to the world. They have given no answer. The actual result has been the inflation of Sadaam's ego and further increase in resistance to the UN. So I gues in that respect you are having a "significant impact." It just is not one that ultimately leads to peace.
ML SAID -"Most of the rest of your statement is just as silly as the arguments you made for the items I've mentioned"
No, what is really silly is the Urbana City Council trying to give advice to the President of the United States on issues of national defense. All I did was point out the obvious fact that they are in no position to petition the President on the threats possed to the country. They couldn't tell you what was going on a block away from where they meet. Urbana can't even collect on its parking tickets!
Challanging the President is the only thing SILLY.
ML SAID- "so I'll stop now pointing out the embarassing gaps in your logic and knowledge of the situation"
Good thing man, I mean you made such a strong case, I was getting worried. Please do us all a favor and stop being so naive.
Oh yeah just to piss you off: GOD BLESS AMERICA! |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: -1 20 Feb 2003
Steven Key kicked your ass too. It was nice to see you actually engage him, albeit poorly, for a change. Then you retreat away on to the next liberal stance. Quit being a yellow frenchman. Stand and fight.
Jack |
Antonio |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: -2 20 Feb 2003
Hey Antonio,
Are you really from Argentina or are you simply retarded. Nice job in the Falkland War. The Brits really taught you guys a lesson.
Oh and Antonio, it's called Spell Check, look into it.
Your Friend,
Jack |
Re: City Of Urbana Passes Anti-War Resolution |
by spell checker (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 21 Feb 2003
Nice one Jack, you really got them on spelling. Really substantive. While you're at it, can you explain what "peace through stength" [sic] means?
:P |
Actually |
by * (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 21 Feb 2003
Jack really means "Peace through Stink" which is his personal program for keeping the peace due to his pledge to not take a bath until Saddam is gone. After 12 years, the stench will keep anyone from getting near enough to Jack to hurt him. |
Re: City Of Urbana Passes Anti-War Resolution |
by MACH 3 (No verified email address) |
Current rating: -5 22 Feb 2003
Just shave your legs! YUK! |
:P And * |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: -1 24 Feb 2003
You guys are right, I did spell strength incorrectly. I am sorry. It is nice to see you are finally right about something. P, I am surprised you not crying in your pillow by now. We had a contest on another article trying to guess what P stood for. Check it out. As for *, for God Sakes get a real name. It makes it very difficult to rip you when I have to look down at the keyboard to do it.
Just a friendly suggestion,
Jack |
Tsk, Tsk |
by Tom Clancy (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Feb 2003
I’m not sure whether to call my attorney or just ignore you, Jack Ryan, like most of the rest here seem to be doing.
I do know one thing, the guys over at Langley snicker every time your name pops up on their LCDs with your pitiful imitation of the real Jack Ryan. Of course, they really know who you are, you slimy little wannabe. And they laugh at your wasting time here on Indymedia trolling these protestors, which is about as revealing of your real fears as that embarrassing episode the President had last Tuesday, when he made a big deal out of saying the worldwide demonstrations against his Iraq policy were something he was going to ignore. The words were certainly what he hoped to convey from his script, but the mere fact that he had to make a big deal, public statement about it revealed that he was far more worried than he let on. Can’t you see that the street sees right through such chickenshit tactics, looking right into the real fear they see in your eyes. Everyone knows that if the Company really doesn’t like someone, they’ll send a Hellfire calling card down their stack, rather than something as laughable as unleashing the likes of your limited vocabulary and puerile wit on their website.
They really feel sorry for you, though, and they understand. Since that cute Mata Hari-type in Timbuktu Bobbited your member, things just haven’t been the same, have they? She told me the 2” section she took out of Little Willy was more than you could stand to lose. Sorry about us not getting it back for you before the crocs got it, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles – you never should have started beating her. Glad the reattachment seems to have taken, but don’t bust the little feller over something that’s online. You probably only have one good screw left in the damn thing anyway.
But the boys in Langley are at least glad you are no longer downloading the kiddie porn (but, hey, make sure that hard drive gets wiped before you sell it, right?), but they just can’t understand your bizarre fetish for protestors lying in the snow (see: The thought of you fondling yourself while viewing naked snow ladies has them rolling in the aisles at CIA Headquarters. That is why they decided to refer to you as “Jack Off” in the case file they are building for my attorney.
BTW, with the late hours you’ve been keeping recently, please tell us you’re not back to sucking up blow off the mirror again. You’re normally a pretty despicable type anyway and you know how you get truly ugly with a snoot full of Peruvian Marching Powder. Those poor kids in El Salvador sure know – god, it was a bad day in kindergarten, but that’ll teach ‘em the hazards of learning to read from nuns. Don’t forget, as those boys from the Air Guard found out, it’s hard to bomb straight when your head’s not straight.
I created Jack Ryan and he is simply a fictional character. You, sir, are a preposterous, weak-kneed fake, not to mention an embarrassment to all things American. Even Tenet prefers you as the Quiet American, rather than the Ugly American.
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Feb 2003
Hey Tsk Tsk,
I have seen this article before. Are you afraid of trying to come up with another thought. This one was clever, saying you were the Red Blooded American Tom Clancy. Everyone knows you hate this country so, you could not possibly be him. By the way, people do not say TSK TSK anymore, because it makes them sound like a homo. Oh sorry.
Your Hetero, yet tolerant friend,
Jack |
Tsk Tsk |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 3 25 Feb 2003
Hey Tsk Tsk,
One more thing. The parents of the Boy Scout at the council meeting called and asked if you could please stay away from him.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation,
Jack |