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News :: Civil & Human Rights |
Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
Current rating: 0 |
by Kimberlie Kranich Email: kakranich (nospam) (unverified!) |
24 Sep 2004
Modified: 25 Sep 2004 |
Champaign County State’s Attorney John Piland today dropped eavesdropping charges against E. Martel Miller for video and audio taping police stops of residents after a month of intense organized community pressure followed by requests made public yesterday by the Urban League of Champaign County and Champaign Police Chief RT Finney and City Manager Steve Carter requesting that Mr. Piland drop the eavesdropping charges. |
Since early September, community residents, both black and white, have organized together in support of Mr. Miller and Mr. Thompson and bombarded Mr. Piland with requests that the charges be dropped.
The NAACP sent a similar request. CU Citizens for Peace and Justice, a multiracial local grassroots group, held a press conference September 10 before a group of 40 supporters calling for the charges to be dropped. At that press conference, a statement from the ACLU of Illinois was read condemning the eavesdropping charges.
Community radio station WEFT, 90.1FM, provided extensive coverage of the issue featuring interviews with Mr. Miller, Nikki Lamers of VEYA, and voices of community support for Mr. Miller and Mr. Thompson on several of its programs including "Speak Out," "Higher Ground" and “Media Geek.”
The News-Gazette editorialized against Mr. Piland’s handling of the case on three separate occasions.
Fifty supporters attended Mr. Miller’s September 8 arraignment at the Champaign County courthouse.
Mr. Miller was charged with three counts of eavesdropping after video taping and audio recording Champaign, Urbana and U of I police interactions with black residents. He faced probation or 4 to 15 years for each charge.
Patrick Thompson, an organizer along with Mr. Miller who was also charged with eavesdropping, has not had his charge dropped.
The News-Gazette reports that Mr. Thompson is also charged with home invasion, intimidation, unlawful restraint and criminal sexual abuse in a separate incident and is in Champaign County jail in lieu of $250,000 bond.
“I’m really happy that my charges were dropped,” said Mr. Miller, “but they should have dropped Patrick’s eavesdropping charge, too, since we were charged at the same time.”
Mr. Miller and Mr. Thompson are co-founders of VEYA, Visionaries Educating Youth and Adults, a nonprofit, community based organization dedicated to providing education for the prevention of the incarceration at-risk youth, and to reduce the recidivism rate of incarcerated adults.
One of VEYA’s programs is Citizen Watch, which involves video taping and audio recording police stops of residents.
A documentary made by VEYA that features these stops by police was to air on Urbana Public Television (UPTV) on August 25 but was turned over to police by UPTV staff and was being used as "evidence" against Mr. Miller and Mr. Thompson in the felony charges. Two of the eavesdropping charges resulted from the documentary itself.
A copy of the original documentary was submitted for broadcast but Urbana City attorney Steve Holz refused to air the program. He said the city and its employees could be criminally liable if they aired a program thought to contain illegal material by the state's attorney.
Formal complaints against the city of Urbana administration for refusing to air the documentary are before the Urbana Public Television Commissioners. A hearing was set October 11 to hear the complaints. At the September 20 UPTV Commission meeting, Urbana City Attorney Steve Holz said the documentary would air if the charges were dropped. Mr. Holz was unreachable at the time of this writing.
The community organized public screenings of the documentary at the Champaign Public Library, the Douglas Branch Library and the Art Theater. Hundreds attended the screenings.
On Wednesday, more than 300 U of I students attended a screening at Smith Hall hosted by VEYA and Afro-American Studies.
“I’m thankful for all of the community support, “ Mr. Miller said. “I still need the community support. We have a lot of problems to deal with. There’s still a lack of trust between the police departments, the state’s attorney office and the citizens.”
For more information, visit VEYA’s website,
The question remains:
Can members of the community now video and audio tape police interactions with citizens without fear of being charged with eavesdropping? |
Related stories on this site: New Developments on Patrick Thompson's Criminal Case
|  This work is in the public domain. |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by excellent (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Sep 2004
Community: 2, Champaign Police Repression: 0
Go team! |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Darrin (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Sep 2004
The community is indebted to all who organized and rallied around this most crucial issue! High five! |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by chris (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Sep 2004
The real victory will be when John Piland is voted out of office this November. Since his ascension to the throne and subsequent support from scared rural and suburban white people, Piland has gone on an overcharging rampage keeping our county jail overcrowded and using the drug war against minorities and low-income peoples at unprecedented rates. This has been done all the while Piland has extended preferential treatment to students and middle class whites no matter how serious their crimes. (See the and the basketball player fiasco of last November '03.) Please support VEYA's attempt to document racial data from the criminal justice system. The efforts to reform prisons and sentencing habits in this county has only just begun. |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Anna Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2004
I am kind of curiousof what criteria are used to choose people to be supported and glorified for the honest fight for their noble causesor, on the contrary, to be tortured and used as everybody's scapegoats, though causes and sacrifices of the second category might be (and usually are) more serious, wide, and important than the same of the first category. So, who is playing god in this community and deciding whom to help and whom, on the contrary, to destroy and to sink ? |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by sandra (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2004
This is great... but really not a victory as long as Patrick is still charged. It speaks volumes to the capriciousness of John Pilands prosecution techniques. It is a tactic he uses often: Prosecute the criminals who the public will have no sympathy for., by over charging them. This charge will be used against Patrick so that he has so many years of possible sentence hanging over his head... that he will cop a plea on something that he otherwise might be able to plead innocent to... or that he might get a much lesser sentence for.
I don't know the details of Patricks other case. But it is beside the point. This should NOT be declared a victory until the charges are dropped for Patrick. It is easy to get behind someone who looks good in the press... but can we get behind someone, who equally or even MORE so needs our support?
I'm sure this case was difficult for Martel to fight. But can you imagine trying to fight it when your maximum contact with anyone who is supporting you is two 20 minutes visits per week? (That is what Champaign county jails allow). And even those visits are difficult to maneuver.
Sandra |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Maria (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2004
I would just like to respond to Sandra, and to everyone who has been supporting Patrick and Martell on these charges. Yes, this is a partial victory, and I can't claim full victory until my husband Patrick is relieved of his charges (all charges). I visit him every Tuesday and Saturday and yes it is only a 20 min visit each trip. This whole ordeal has been so grueling to me, my family, VEYA, and close friends. It's not over until he walks out of that jail. Thank you to all who understand and can read between the lines of what is really happening in this community. I continue to read this listserv faithfully, because it keeps my spirits up. It allows me to see that what he and Martell were trying to do with VEYA, is important and should continue, no matter how much adversity they face. Your continued support is so encouraging and helps me to see that what he is sacrificing is not in vain. Spread the word, right to John Piland, the news-gazette, continue with demanding that Patrick's charges be dropped. Let your voice be heard. For if it were not for your voice, Martel's charges would never have been dropped and we know this.
Peace be to everyone
Maria Thompson |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by chris (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2004
Sandra makes an excellent point. Much of what Piland does is for show, and his dropping the charges on one defendent while another defendent remains charged indicates that Piland probably still believes the eavesdropping charges were just but now wants to put the squeeze on Patrick in a "Let's Make a Deal" plea bargain . It's suprising Piland isn't asking Mr. Miller to testify against Mr. Thompson in exchange for the dropped charges as is the modus operandi in this county. Rumor has it too, that Patrick's other charges are very suspicious and could be a set up of some kind- so I am told. But who wants to investigate that one? If two police commanders had approached Piland on the side and asked him to press charges of eavesdropping, and we all thought that outrageous, then would it be possible some police officers would also be willing to remove Patrick from the streets by paying one of his ex-girlfriends to create a little scene? Sounds crazy, but so has everything else about this case. The timing of Patrick's other charges go beyond mere coincidence it would appear. |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by chris (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2004
Oh, and to "excellent", who thinks the score is Community 2, Police 0- you may be counting the Taser outcry and this as the points. But looking at the thousands upon thousands of cases over the last 30 years in this county, the police have a monstrous lead where innocent people have gone to prison for felonies lawyers never really looked at. If you think we bat 50% on the most researched, and scrutinized cases of all- that being death penalty murder cases, can you imagine what simple drug felonies would look like? Any resident north of University Avenue would be sure to tell you that police repression has a huge lead. The two victories you cite are only the two incidents where the public finally woke up. |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by chris (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2004
I think Anna Epelbaum asks an extremely important question. There have been hundreds upon hundreds of people begging for legal assistance over the years and have instead been swallowed up by a sleeping Public Defender and an arrogant State's Attorney. Sadly, it took a video people can see, and the indignation of Mary Schenk over the Brady Smith case to finally alert people that something funny is going on over on Main Street in Urbana. It may be more glamorous to hoop and hollar about your government going overseas to war; but when the government comes behind your car and asks to see some I.D. is when you wish for some witnesses and some watchdogs. The Progressives in this community have enjoyed their white priviledge for too long. While people are getting controlled and patrolled for every last license plate light that is out; we in our academic sympathies retreat to our marijuana joints on the porch; never worrying that someone else has to sit in a cell with 40 other strangers for smoking their thing on their porch. And to top it off, we smuggly think things are so much better because now we can drink alcohol in the outdoor cafes. Shame, shame. |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Anna Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2004
Thank you for support, Chris. I am sure that Sandra understood me also. However, it is at least nice that my comment gave her an idea to support the other participant of this unpleasant story, as I myself had very unfortunate experience with IMC, including her, when I had been asking for support and help. Neither I not my husband, when we had asked for support at that time (just after the start of New Year) hadn't been in jail, but we had been deeply mistreated (police mistreatment included).
However, our request for help by media through IMChad lead to the fight under the slogan . "Who is superior, members of IMC or we-two people homeless, illegally terminated from their jobs, with illegally repossessed by police car-the only mean for transpotrtation, which we had had then." So, there was no help. I understood that it was the way , which members of IMC used to prove their superiority. Maybe, I was wrong, wasn't I? What are their criteria to choose people to be helped or to be sunk? Could you, please, give me a clue? |
We Help Everyone Equally and to the Best of Our Resources |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2004
This is just my own opinion in answer to Anna's question.
At the IMC, we help people become the media. We do NOT use a traditional journalistic approach. We help people tell their own stories.
The people from VEYA asked for and received the assistance that the IMC could give. For the most part, the VEYA project is one that does its own thing, on their own initiative, and the IMC simply assisted with some technical help.
On the other hand, Anna brought her story to us and attempted to order various volunteers at the IMC to do things exactly the way she wanted them. Things like running a totally unedited interview that was about an hour long -- and our News Hour on WEFT is, unfortunately, only a half-hour long, due to the limited resources that the IMC has to produce a weekly news program. So the question was, "Do we fill up two week's worth of the program ONLY with the story Anna wanted told exactly the way she wanted it, complete and uncut? Or do we somehow magically compress one hour of show into a half-hour without making any cuts?"
The radio volunteers suggested that they would work with her on her material, judiciously editing it to make it a program that listeners would feel compelled to follow. She was adamantly opposed to that. I think the high quality of the show put out by the IMC's Radio group speaks for itself. They didn't want to do a show that was not up to their usual standards and one that would drive away the very people that Anna wanted people to hear by running her unedited tape. Anna refused to work with the volunteers, insisting that they had all sorts of evil intentions (something which regularly continues in her comments here with no more real basis than it ever had.)
It was suggested that if she wanted to get her story out to the public complete and unedited by anyone else that she use the website. She eventually got around to posting it here and has used the website regularly to post that and other material of importance to her.
So I do not see any basis for her rude remarks about Indymedia, her several crass statements she has made about other posters, or any claim that we have somehow "chosen" not to help her and her husband in favor of helping others. We are an open forum that offers equal access to the greatest extent possible. But our volunteers also have a right to not be treated rudely and it is unfair of her to charge that the IMC shows favoritism to some at the expense of others. |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Anna Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 25 Sep 2004
First of all, dear ML, I was not ordering anything to anybody. I am having pretty healthy mind, and it means that I am not able to order ANYTHING to people whom I happened to ASK FOR HELP, and who PROMISED ME IT. I was promised certain things, then promises were revoked, and I was accused to be a reason of these revocations. I am not rude either now or even before, though at that time I was very hungry and , maybe, it was somehow shown in my behavior. In any case, you are not providing ANY explanation why instead of help in difficult and unfair situation, in which I and my husband were placed , your people were only able to REVOKE their promises. An young girl maybe has right to change her mind about a date with young boy, or vice versa, but the committee, which wants to be respected shouldn't CHANGE mind about its promises to the people in the great need of help. Especially, if this committee is widely advertising their availability for such kind of help. And, again, to tell that I ORDERED your committee something or to tell that I was RUDE and that is why your committee changed its mind, is actually the same as to say that I was able to beat up on all men from your committee, or something similar. I am middle aged woman, now not in a good physical health, and I can't either beat up on your men or to be a sexual competition for your ladies. So, your "change of heart", which was so painful because I and my husband were in terrible circumstances at the time, can be attributed only to bad na5tures of some or, maybe, even all of your committee members, not to anything else! And I, sure, not blaming you for helping anyone, I am blaming you for intentional revocation of your promises, and NOT HELPING people in need, whom you happened to misinform and mislead about possibility of help!! |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Anna Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 28 Sep 2004
Funny! My comments are usually the last. There is nothing to say to rebuff them. However, nobody is still offering any real help.
Why and what for is this community so cruel and stupidly suicidal as to let what is happening to Wayne Pickette and to me continue, ah? |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Anna Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 28 Sep 2004
Thirteen is the bad number. So, one comment more. I understand that oil companies might be against any kind of oil substitutions and, especially, combustion engine's substitution. However, though they are very influential, they still don't owe CIA, and don't owe communities all over the country. And communities fight a lot against ideas and actions, which are promoted by these oil companies on their behalf and against the welfare of American majority. Such things, for example, as oil wars, Iraqi war in particular.
However, what can be more convincing and more important for the average member of this community than the fact that gas prices would be so high in the very nearest future than no regular person of this community would be able to afford them ? Since January of 2004 in person and more that for one year by now over the phone I have been trying to attract attention of this community to the fact that the remedy is available, and it is only necessary to help me and my husband to eliminate illegal supression in order for him to finish and to implement this remedy.
Amazing, but no results! I think that the only explanation for that is in the song of one of the poets-singers from former Soviet Union, which sounds in translation something like that, " I would happily go even to hell immediately, if I only know that my neighbor-Kolka should be there first!" What is with you, people? I am terribly tired and exhausted to scream in vain, but that would be you (biggest part or all of you) , who wouldn't be able to afford cars in the very nearest future! |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Chris (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 29 Sep 2004
According to court records Anna, your husband won a $7600-plus civil suit against a Gary Montgomery, and then didn't show up for court August 9 in another civil suit brought by HUD for forcible entry; and he has a $400 fine in a traffic case for driving on a suspended license which he pled guilty to. So I am assuming, that you were "accosted" by police with out of town Chicago license plates, that you were somehow injured by an employer at BITCO, and then HUD threw you out of a rental which you contested for awhile. I can tell you that there is no media outlet around here that would ever let you have an hour of unedited airtime to explain all that. I have no idea what makes you think the IMC could ever do anything about this. All they could ever do is give you 12 minutes at the most and it would have to be edited down to the basic facts. Plus, police officers being rude is not a crime. If, ultimately, your husband couldn't produce insurance papers for your car, police really didn't do anything wrong, though I suppose they could have been more polite. Getting hassled by the cops about a car's insurance/title/license, an employer who injures you, and HUD claiming you didn't follow the rules is a story that could be retold over and over in this town by thousands of people. Welcome to Champaign-Urbana. Instead of fighting the IMC, I would, if I were you, get involved and support being a voice for the poor. The IMC have really nothing to promise anyway. Only well crafted short news articles, short radio spots is all they can publish- maybe, if they have the space. You can't expect justice if your husband doesn't show up for court, and you haven't coherently documented anything. The main reason Martel and Patrick have all this support now is because they took the time to carefully document what they were complaining about. Last January, they were trying to explain how police treat their neighborhood, but really they didn't get much response. But filming their complaint brought it home to people's attention. Also, the strange circumstance of the State's Attorney willing to charge bogus charges on an activity the IMC is heavily invested with caused them to become cause celeb at the moment. Government transperancy and being able to film and make a movie is something we all can understand and know should not be made illegal and certainly not worth 15 years in prison. So it's not that you and Wayne have been tossed aside, but you don't have anything as tangible nor as dire as what Patrick and Martel came up with. The fact is, what Martel and Patrick are exposing has been going on for the last 30 years. So this is a long time overdue anyway.
Now that you are hopping mad, because I don't understand how grievace your victimhood is, I suggest that rather than lambast me for being ignorant about you and your husband, to which I plead guilty, you put those poetry writing skills to good use by documenting other people having a hard time moving into this area and how you can be hassled for merely having Chicago License plates, which sparks paranoia in our area law enforcement. |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Anna Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 29 Sep 2004
Let me correct your information:
1. My husband won lawsuit against Gary Montgomery here, but the garnishment in Chesapeake City was ruined completely illegally as the Garnishee (INIT company) submitted check, The Garnishee Debtor (Gary Montgomery) had no rights for exemptions, according to Virginia law, and my husband was supposed to get the check, which he didn't get, as the court sent this check back to garnishee in violation of Virginia law, and this case is still recorded as pending in Chesapeake court, though check was RETURNED COMPLETELY ILLEGALLY.
He came to Chesapeake on Garnishment Return Date and the judge didn't give him this check. without ANY legal basis! We filed complained of judge's misconduct. It was denied. Now , according to this court records, the judge is exchanged(it was the chief judge of that court), and the case is still recorded as pending. Once more, all our requests and complaints WERE DENIED.
So, this kind of victory, which my husband had, means nothing as it was shown us completely clearly that he CAN'T GET GARNISHMENT, no matter how much rights he has, according to the law;
2. My husband CAME on 8/9/04 in Champaign County court and, as he had by that time paid what HUD required him to pay (we have really difficulties trying to collect garnishment :phone calls, payments, post expenses, etc., and no check as result).
So, as the result also we were late with payment to HUD, but the case was dismissed, we are still living here in HUD, in the same apartment and owe currently nothing to HUD And, once more, the required amount was paid PRIOR to 8/9/04. My reference to ILLEGAL evictions has NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS PARTICULAR CASE, though, even in this case, we had told our manager that we would have paid in time, and have shown her that we were paying partial installments, and she told us that it would be no court's deals, but it was filed behind our backs and failed, AS MONEY had been paid prior to the court's day;
3. The story with suspended license has following meaning: my husband didn't know that the ticket in IOWA, which he had paid two weeks prior to the event of the policeman stopping his car, where was also another Black man, without any reason. He didn't have any idea when he was stopped that, due to the very slow processing the ticket is still in process, and the IOWA authority suspended his license. It was the first day of this unknown for him suspension. The main idea was that this policeman had no reason to stop the car, as he, himself (policeman) found out about this suspension only later.
He stopped this car because THERE WERE TWO BLACK men in the car, I don’t think that he had any other reasons.
And yes, my husband finally plead guilty in this case (very stupid of him, I think) because the another man, being afraid to deal with police didn't give affidavit that there was NO reason to stop this car, and my husbands word against the word of policeman didn't have a chance (I, still think that it was possible to fight , but public defender, who was appointed to my husband refused to do it. And Pro Se is not very much allowed even in traffic courts.
Now, what I am writing about illegal vandalizing of our stuff in Public Storage in Chicago is fully true. Evictions, which I am referring for were two evictions in Chicago, both times created without our knowledge , behind our backs when money WERE PAID.
I have documents to confirm EVERYTHING, which I am writing here, including the regular payment and contract with Public Storage in Chicago, where they auctioned our entire stuff, without NOTIFICATION, and we continued to pay and found out only two weeks later , when we paid out debt to HUD and wanted to move our stuff. This complaint is in State Attorney Office (Consumer Fraud division) for almost two months by now. No movements , and no compensation for illegally trashed possessions! And no punishment to those who robbed us and vandalized our stuff!
Right now we have another "very interesting " story. As you know we have web site, and short while ago my husband was contacted by one company, which is located in UK with the request to help them to transfer money for their import-expert operations (they are officially registered in UK company (exporting mostly cocoa) . My husband submitted his company license over Internet(people already knew about our web site), and in short while of time received check from them, which he was supposed to deposit , collect 10 percents for himself and wire other money further according to their instructions. He called Trust union Bank in Canada, and they confirmed that the check is legitimate. Next day my husband deposited the check. Then he received instructions to wire some money to Taiwan, and some to England. he came to his bank who, by the way, gave him full credit the day he deposited the check, and tried to wire what he was requested. However, the bank put the check on hold for 11 business days. When my husband the same day called the same bank in Canada, he was not able to get any information this time,. The check had been on hold for 11 business day without any information, and finally Monday morning both accounts of my husband in Busey bank were canceled, and on Tuesday, Busey bank people called him and told him the Federal Reserve one day before this call declared this check to be counterfeit.
Have you ever heard that Federal Reserve needs ELEVEN business days to determine counterfeit. I haven't. Have you ever heard that legitimate English company distributes counterfeit checks? That might be, of course, but pretty unprobable!
Anyhow, if you are interested in confirmation of everything, which I am writing here, it is available, except of the documents of the attempts of the first illegal eviction at the end of 1999, as most of that documents were trashed with our stuff in Public Storage(something is still on my computer) Everything ELSE, what I have mentioned here is fully AVAILABLE!!!
I DON'T know how come that the County Court has records that we WERE EVICTED FROM HUD in Champaign, when we are here and owe them currently NONE! But, by the way, as the attorney wanted to get his money, and HUD had no case, the judge didn't want to force my husband to pay court and attorney's fees. It is not settled yet, my husband should come to court on 10/6/04 about these court and attorney's fees.
I hope, however, that, as HUD filed lawsuit when we were regularly paying installments, and have currently proofs of it, court fees and attorney's fees would be imposed on HUD. Though I am not sure about that.
I would be extremely happy if anyone becomes interested and help us to straight out all lies around!
I myself have currently lawsuit against Champaign School District, which is treated more than "strange" by Magistrate Judge Berthal in Federal Court in Urbana. I can show what they are doing to me (also illegally) as well.
Anna |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Anna Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 29 Sep 2004
I hope also that your interest is not the one to , once more, say that I have "no respect" or " no tolerance" to those who tortured, and robbed us on persistent basis. Once more, I have proofs of everything, I have written, but I don't want to waste time and my nerves listening that I should talk more calmly or whichever I am maintaining under the circumstances all calm, I could. So, what I am trying to say is if your goal -to create provocation(s), as it has been done numerous times around, please, don't start. |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Anna Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 29 Sep 2004
Sorry to place the third message, but I need to emphasize that we are suffering not only because my husband is Black, but because he is exquisite Black (our web site now down , would be available in couple days). However, I am sure that his car was stopped without any reason only, I think, because this time there were two very Black people in the car, as the same policeman had seen him back and forth around Labor Ready building for almost a month. Or, maybe, he(this policeman) was put on my husband's case, and, therefore, he knew about suspended license the very morning of the start of this suspension. My husband bought the used car, in which he was stopped, about five months before this "stopping date". As he bought it in Rock Island, the license wasn't Chicago license, I am pretty sure of it!
Besides, chris, poetry and good literature have some laws. So, I don't think that the topic about the police and Chicago licenses is the suitable topic. However, the topic of the idiotic persistent torture of the exquisite Black inventor, when the entire surrounding is SILENTLY ALLOWING THIS TORTURE TO FLOURISH, and even enjoying watching it, as I suspect, is the reasonable topic, and I intend to proceed with it!!
What is wrong with all of you? Are you so much concern with your so named "White Superiority" to let what I am talking about continue right in front of your eyes without your interventions? Is it? Then don't play comedy, showing how much you concern with "racial injustice", as it looks too hypocritical and false! |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by freud (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 01 Oct 2004
With whatever appropriate measure of respect to Anna and her plight, whether real or imagined, I think she can safely be considered a troll. She seems very intent on playing the victim and probably needs psychological help rather than media assistance. I do hope she finds relief from her suffering, but she is SO barking up he wrong tree. |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Anna Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 01 Oct 2004
And what did I imagine? Everything, which I have written here has solid documents for confirmation? If your "tree is wrong" it only means that your plea for "equal community" is the fake one, because , as my case is perfectly showing, the only concern of yours is "white supremacy or superiority". Which in it turns means that all your activities in the area of "racial equalities" are nothing but self promotion of organizers for their careers causes and cases of snobbish charities. I don't need any psychiatrist to see it crystal clear. And every fair reader of this board would agree with it. |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by anon (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 01 Oct 2004
My husband submitted his company license over Internet(people already knew about our web site), and in short while of time received check from them, which he was supposed to deposit , collect 10 percents for himself and wire other money further according to their instructions. He called Trust union Bank in Canada, and they confirmed that the check is legitimate. Next day my husband deposited the check.
This person's story has got to be a hoax, and just a distracting runaround for the IMC.
Who the h*ll is this Anna Epelbaum person? WTF do her pages and pages and pages of complaining about her personal problems have to do with Cham-bana police and the IMC?!
Lady, we all have problems to deal with, and my money says 99% of yours you bring upon yourself, without the assistance of any police, anywhere.
So, talk to yer momma, 'cause at this point, you're just spamming the IMC, or trolling, I can't decide which. |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Anna Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 03 Oct 2004
Dear anon, in difference with you, I am using my REAL name. So, there is no question, "who is this ANna Epelbaum-person?" Because this person has REAL name, SSN, and all other documents(fully legitimate), which she ever mentioned on this site, whether these documents are concerning her(me) or her husband(mine).
If you by now you don't know the meaning of difference betweeen "private" and "public" events, let me tell you that what your are doing and speaking about has no level of "public event" until it has IMPORTANCE for a lot of people on the WORLD'S scale or at the very least local scale. And that is exactly what all events , which are connected with my husbands affairs mentioned here on this board are(WORLD'S scale). If your board members were CONCERNED WITH ANYTHING but their OWN careers, they would really help me and my husband. But, unfortunately, THEY ARE NOT!!!
This cheap crap about "trolls" and "tender handling of this web site editors", who don't hesitate to hide or, in the best case, completely ignore EVERYTHING, what they want to, even though, as in my case (mostly my husband's case), it is extremely important for A GREAT LOT OF PEOPLE, you better leave in the future for only your own use(meaning don't show such kind of crap in any future comment), though, of course, you can, as a free person, write and post whichever you want, no matter how narrowminded, simply stupid, and overwhelmingly selfish it is!! Unfortunately, in difference with your mamma, this board's readers DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE, and, therefore, you can post here any crap you want to, and then refuse your authorship of this crap! |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by robert reporter (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 11 Oct 2004
Dear Patrick Thompson and Martel Miller
PLease visit We are able to help you. Give us a call. 877.332.5278.
Robert Lambert
Editor |
Re: Champaign County State's Attorney Drops Eavesdropping Charges Against Martel Miller for video taping and audio recording police interactions with residents; Patrick Thompson Still Charged |
by Anna Epelbaum aepelbaum (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 14 Oct 2004
Mr. Lampert, are you offering help only to Miller and Thompson or other people are welcome also? |