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News :: Latin America : Media : Protest Activity |
Ecuador IMC activist assassinated |
Current rating: 0 |
by via IMC Ecuador Email: info (nospam) (unverified!) |
08 Jul 2004
23 year old Lenin Cali Najera, national leader of the youth of Pachakutik and founding member of Indymedia Guayaquil (Ecuador) was assassinated on the night of June 29th. |
[Quick translation provided by Global IMC volunteer. Original en espanol is below]
Lenin Cali N谩jera at 23 years of age, national leader of the Pachakutik
youth and founding member of Indymedia Guayaquil was assassinated on the
night of the 29 of June.
Lenin was a young person who showed great promise amist the difficult
environment in guayaqil, where the local oligarchy controls politics with
blood and fire, not allowing any space for the development of the left. The executions by the death squads and the police are continuous. Indymedia
Ecuador shares the deep pain of Lenin's family and friends and will keep
vigil over the investigation and punishment of those guilty for this
cowardly and vile crime.
.... all the other stuff on the ecuador site at this time are comments, solidarity, grief, poetry, etc. so far there is no additional information has been made available.
i did notice that a reporters without borders person had asked for more information, wondering if he was killed because of his reporting or for his activism -- stating that if he was not killed for his reporting then they would not be able to help him out.
some translated news
middle person 08.Jul.2004 21:37
translated from spanish ... see link advertisement for "green card" ... (below in
Family demands that the death of political leader is investigated
Julio 02, 2004
While they waved the rainbow flag that identifies the Pachakutik political movement,
nearly 30 young people, accompanied by guitar music, paid tribute yesterday to their
young leader, Lenin Cali N谩jera, 22 years old, who was assassinated by a bullet,
last Tuesday, because he resisted when his bicycle was being robbed.
Ver贸nica Silva, who arrived from Quito for burial, along with representatives from
partisan organizations in other provinces, demanded that the causes of this murder
be clarified. "We have been persecuted and threatened for our work, this is why we
thought that the Lenin's death was not related to a bicycle robbery", his friend
Rosa N谩jera, mother of the young person who was assassinated with a shot to the
jugular vein, corroborated with this version given by Lenin's friend, stating that
the bicycle was in bad condition and that "the bicycle was some distance from
"They went to kill him directly and took his wallet, but the girl who was at his
side, they did nothing to her", she argued.
The woman added that her son Lenin, was the oldest of two brothers and who was in
his third year of studies in Industrial Engineering at the Guayaquil University.
Neighbors said that the young man was involved with social work. "He worked at two
foundations for the rescue of young gang members, also in the program Friends
Network", says William Trujillo, friend of the victim.
Familia exige que se investigue la muerte de dirigente pol铆tico
Julio 02, 2004
Mientras agitaban la bandera del arcoiris que identifica al movimiento pol铆tico
Pachakutik, cerca de 30 j贸venes, acompa帽ados de las notas musicales que sal铆an de
una guitarra, rindieron ayer homenaje a su joven dirigente, Lenin Cali N谩jera, de 22
a帽os, quien fue asesinado con un disparo, el martes pasado, porque se resisti贸 al
robo de su bicicleta.
Ver贸nica Silva, quien lleg贸 desde Quito para el sepelio, junto a representantes de
la organizaci贸n partidista en otras provincias, exigi贸 que se esclarezcan las causas
de este asesinato.
"Hemos sido perseguidos y amenazados por nuestra labor, por eso pensamos que la
muerte de Lenin no fue por robarle la bicicleta", cuestion贸 la coidearia.
Rosa N谩jera, madre del joven asesinado con un tiro en la yugular, corrobor贸 la
versi贸n de la joven, al indicar que la bicicleta estaba en mal estado y que "incluso
estaba un poco lejos de Lenin".
"Fueron directo a matarlo y se llevaron la billetera, pero a la chica que estaba a
su lado nada le hicieron", argument贸.
La mujer agreg贸 que su hijo Lenin era el mayor de dos hermanos y que estudiaba en el
tercer a帽o de la facultad de Ingenier铆a Industrial de la Universidad Guayaquil.
Vecinos indicaron que el joven estuvo relacionado con la labor social. "Trabajaba en
dos fundaciones para el rescate de j贸venes pandilleros, tambi茅n en el programa Redes
Amigas", indic贸 William Trujillo, amigo de la v铆ctima. |
This work is in the public domain. |
Re: Ecuador IMC activist assassinated |
by Indigo poetfromhell (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 10 Jul 2004
May he rest in peace, and may we see more faces to their credit, and recognition, and may no more be killed,murdered-assasinated.
Love,Indigo |