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News :: Urban Development
Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart! Current rating: 0
09 Jan 2004
The Urbana Plan Commission passed the proposal that will allow Wal-Mart to come to Urbana. The last chance to stop this proposal will be at the Urbana City Counsel meeting on January 20th.
We all know the reasons to oppose Wal-Mart. If you want more information on this go to

The Urbana City Counsel will vote to accept or reject the “Wal-Mart” proposal on January 20th.

Every citizen that spoke at the planning meeting was against the plan. Opponents to Wal-Mart filled the city counsel chambers. But this didn’t sway the Plan Commission. It passed 7 to 2.

Supporters on the commission noted that they couldn’t reject a plan just because Wal-Mart wants to build there. They told us that the time to make this objection was when the land was rezoned from industrial to general business. But at the time of the rezoning, we were told that the rezoning was not about Wal-Mart.

Are you feeling hoodwinked yet?

The proposal, called a preliminary plat, outlined the plans to provide drainage, streets, and sidewalks. The city can’t reject a preliminary plat just because Wal-Mart wants to build there. But there are serious concerns with the plat.

Downstream drainage is a concern. The proposed area floods often and there are concerns that this project could cause water problems to residences to the north and northwest. The planned drainage pond may be inadequate.

The largest store is planned to be as close as possible to the residences in the areas. Wouldn’t it be better to place such a large store further away from current residents?

The traffic study was based on a Wal-Mart and a gas station (which will be owned by Wal-Mart). But the plat clearly suggests that more stores are planned for this area. So the traffic study should have been for several stores and not just Wal-Mart. It is uncertain if the plat can handle the volume of traffic for several stores.

There were concerns that a street planned to run north-south located east of Highcross Rd. is too far east for sensible development south of where Wal-Mart is planned to be built.

Urbana’s comprehensive plan has not been finished. How can we plan like this before we have finished the comprehensive plan?

And lastly we are planning to have Wal-Mart be the eastern gateway to our city. Is this how we want to present ourselves?

Many on the Plan Commission noted that they couldn’t reject the plat just because Wal-Mart wants to build there. They noted that the landowner chooses whom he wants to sell his land to. Don’t let them uses this dodge to get Wal-Mart in! There are other concerns with the proposed plat as noted above. I my opinion these are good reason for the City Counsel to reject the proposed plat.

Contact your city counsel person and let them know you are opposed to Wal-Mart but more importantly that we have serious concern with the proposed plat as noted above.

You can find out who your counsel person is by going to the Clickable Ward Map at the Urbana City web site. Go to , click on counsel, click on clickable ward map, then click on your ward for contact information on your counsel person.

And show up at the Urbana City Counsel Meeting at 7:30 on January 20th at the City Counsel Chambers on 400 S. Vine St.

An earlier article on this story, along with extensive comments, is available at:

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Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: 0
09 Jan 2004
I don't mean to sound defeatist, and am certainly not supporting the WalMart-ification of the country, but this was a done deal the moment Sam Walton Jr., decided a third store in Cham-bana would be worth the expense, and some local bureaucrats (with their hands in the pie) sent him flowers and candy.

Honestly folks, I wouldn't spend much time or effort on this one. I'm usually fighting the good fight right beside you, but I'm staying on the couch for this one. Sorry.
Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: 0
09 Jan 2004
Raising concerns over plat issues are indeed legitimate, and if you have them, you should voice them. However, the plan commission is correct in that they don't get to vote yea or nea based on which business moves in or who owns it. The council will likely have the same position, and they will be right to have it.

Frankly, the rezoning question was similar, in that the question was being posed about rezoning the land for an appropriate use, not rezoning it for WalMart. It would be wrong for the zoning board to vote against a rezone because they don't like the (probable) business going into that space.

If you have a problem with WalMart moving into town, then it seems to me that the place to start is with WalMart. If the city starts legislating who can and cannot have a department store within the city boundaries, then you've got a larger problem ... especially when a council is elected that you don't agree with.

If you don't like WalMart, don't shop there. If don't think business should be at that corner, fight for that (for any and all businesses). I sympathize with those who live near there, and I suspect their feelings would have held more weight with the zoning board had they been out in force against the rezoning. As I recall, they were not.

Now, what I think would have made more sense for the council to do would be to have not approved the rezone of that property and to offer some incentive to WalMart to tear-down/reuse/rebuild on Philo Rd. That would jumpstart economic activity on that dead corridor, replace lost businesses (is walmart really that much worse than kmart? -- it couldn't be any worse of an actual store as that kmart was the pits), and be smart reuse of the city to combat sprawl. Unfortunately, I suspect if they had offerred any incentive like that there would have really been screaming on the issue.
Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: 0
09 Jan 2004
What is happening with the old KMart building? Is that space capable of housing a Walmart? I know the Walton boys would hate to take the space that a KMart was on... you know, building on evil soil and all.
Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: 0
09 Jan 2004
Last night, several members from Beringer Commons, a subdivision that runs up to the NW corner of the intersection where the proposed Wal*Mart will be built, attended the meeting and were interviewed on local news channels. Their complaints were:

1. These folks purposely bought houses in Beringer Commons so as to be far from this type of commercial development.

2. These folks use 150 & 130 to get in and out of the subdivision and the added traffic will cause them delays and frustrations.

3. These folks pay high taxes to live where they do and this development will change the character of the neighborhood with the congestion and noise that a development of this size would entail.

I am not sure why the development has to be on at this point on 130. There is room for development farther south, away from residential areas that would be readily available. Why not put this closer to TK Wendl's? or at the corner of Windsor and 130?
Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: -4
09 Jan 2004
Dear 5,

The good folks in Beringer Commons should have had the good sense not to purchase their homes in Urbana in the first place. These home probably go for a minimum of $275,000 up to $800,000 anyway. Are these middle class people the folks you usually fight for? I think not.

At least the people who invested their hard earned funds in this sub-division will know that the city council took the time to pass the "No War in Iraq" referendum, while they should have been busy attracting business, reducing crime, and insuring that the city was an attractive place to build a home. I guess not.

Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: 0
09 Jan 2004
I would also like to add, that I sure hope the new WalMart sells that aerosol "spray-on" hair, as my swollen head just keeps getting shinier (but my ears just keep getting hairier).

And generic Viagra, do they have that yet? 'Cause the name-brand is costing me a fortune!

Oh, and pork rinds. I bet they'll have a deep discount on pork rinds like they did for the grand openings of the other two WalMarts. I think the limit was six bags, though.

The Real Jack
Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: 8
10 Jan 2004
Jack said:

"The good folks in Beringer Commons should have had the good sense not to purchase their homes in Urbana in the first place."

You have repeatedly said you can't use your real name because you work in Urbana and would lose business. By your rationale to the home-owners in Beringer Commons, shouldn't you "have had the good sense not to" run a business in Urbana?

Jack also said:

"These home probably go for a minimum of $275,000 up to $800,000 anyway. Are these middle class people the folks you usually fight for? I think not."

The way any group of people are treated affects all of us---regardless of how much their house costs. These folks bought a home for certain reasons and soon many of the these desirable aspects will vanish with the unwanted development right outside their front doors. They want a response, relief, help from their elected officials---which apparently they aren't getting. This should concern us all.

To put it plainly, the socioeconomic level of these citizens concerns no one but you it seems, but if you think these folks should be left out to dry, that is your opinion.

Frankly, it amazes me when people don't have the foresight to see how policies can turn around and bite them in the *ss in the, for example, in an unrelated matter, the classifying of Greens as terrorists on FAA screening lists. Does this mean that in the future, Republicans who criticize those whose policies they don't agree with can be singled out purposefully with no supporting evidence? See...when a group of people---any group of people---is treated unfairly or discriminated against or stepped on or ignored, it WILL affect many others in the long run in unforeseen ways. This is just such a case. And this isn't the first time residents have complained about commercial development changing the character of a neighborhood in Urbana (for example, the commercial development on N. Lincoln---a video store---amidst a residential neighborhood. Nor is it the first time, nor will it be the last, a business picks a site to build on that will require significant infrastructure improvements when other options are available. As others have pointed out (on a different thread), there is a plan for development and existing infrastructure on the N. 45 corridor. But Wal*Mart has picked a site with little or no existing sewers, insufficient drainage, and a road that rarely sees the kind of traffic N. Prospect has. Which means the taxpayers of Urbana will have to pay for these improvements---which will affect not just these residents, but all.

Finally, I know that the plan is to suck people from the east rural areas of Urbana to this Walmart, and hopefully as far away as Danville. Except that Danville already has a Wal*Mart that serves those areas. I agree that it is a madhouse on N. Prospect, but building a third Wal*Mart in Urbana doesn't seem very prudent to me. Of course, Wal*Mart, with its many beancounters and executives, is free to do as it wishes---as long as it pays the costs for their decision itself. And as long as the local governments do their job---representing the people of Urbana---which includes the residents of Beringer Commons, one of the most successful subdivisions in Urbana. It seems like a mistake to sacrifice the success of residential to hope for succes of commercial.
Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: -4
10 Jan 2004
Dear 5,

My business is not located in or dependent upon Urbana. As for the folks in Beringer Commons, my heart goes out to them. However, until the people of Urbana wake up and quit electing people who have never met a payroll or have any idea how a business must prosper, they will have to live with their choices.

All is not bleak for the citizens of Urbana. At least they live in a Nuclear Free Zone, thanks to the city council and it's loopy focus on World Affairs.

To the people of WalMart I say, make sure you accept food stamps and carry a complete selection of nipple rings if you are going to successfully compete in the Urbana market place.

I salute your commitment to the community and I hope your parking lot overflows with 1960 era VW Buses.

Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: 3
11 Jan 2004
Dear 5,

My business is not located in or dependent upon Urbana; I'm selling bee pollen and crystal necklaces in Readers' Digest. Until the people of Illinois wake up and quit buying artificial "dietary supplements", and copper bracelets at WalMart... well, they will just have to live with their choices.

But it's not that bleak for the citizens of Urbana. At least they live in a progressive town, thanks to the hard work of some dedicated individuals that participate proactively in the political process.

To the people of WalMart I say, make sure you accept returns, and carry a complete selection of organic vitamins if you are going to successfully compete with my incorporated corporation.

I salute your attempt to serve our community, but I hope your parking lot overflows with loitering teens, slowly cruising their loud cars back and forth at all hours of the night.

Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: -1
11 Jan 2004
Dear ML and 5,

I would like to apologize on behalf of the Anti-Jack. As you can plainly see, there is a difference.

Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: 0
11 Jan 2004
Oh, we can see the difference all right, loser!

Like comparing haggis to chocolate.
Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: -2
11 Jan 2004
Dear a,

Will the new Urbana WalMart sell haggis? Will they accept your food stamps. Will the greeter where and AIDS ribbon or simply an NO IRAQ WAR poster taped to his ass?

These are just a few of the questions that need to be answered.

Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: 2
11 Jan 2004
Oh a and perhaps Ricky,

Another question that I need to ask. Will the local labor unions vandalize the building during the construction or after it is up and running? Will it be a bulldozer again like in Savoy or a wrecking ball?

Ricky, could you give us some insite here?

Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: 0
11 Jan 2004
I just love talking to myself! When nobody else will acknowledge my schizo delusions, I can always count on myself to answer me! Used to push the nurse-call button, but for some reason she doesn't show up anymore.

Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: 0
13 Jan 2004
I like being me.


Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: 0
13 Jan 2004
Dear Anon,

Everyone knows that it's you trying to be the Anti-Jack. I completely understand why you have chosen to get rid of the name Anon and now choose someone that I think you have some sort of weird crush on. Kind of like a Teacher-Student crush. Well, first bud, I am not interested because unlike you I have a woman.

Hey Ricky, you have not told us how they are going the labor unions are going to vandalize this new Urbana Walmart? Is this a secret or something?

Your Good Friend,

Jack's Small Problem with Facts
Current rating: 2
13 Jan 2004
Uhh, Jack, the WalMart in Savoy was damaged when it was under construction, several years before Ricky arrived in our fair community. I hope that is enough to absolve him in your eyes, but your limited ability to use logic in such situations will probably have you drawing a more conspiratorial conclusion than warranted by any facts or the intrusion of reality into your fantasy world.

Your presumption that the act of vandalism was somehow the result of union action is not born out by the facts, at least any that have been presented in public -- you seem to know a lot about it, which is suspicious to me (just kidding, I know you're just another Freeper keyboard commando with time on his hands -- hardly the type to actually do anything except fulminate and issue idle threats.)

There was no claim of responsibility for the damage. The sheriff never announced any suspects were wanted. No one was ever arrested. Obviously, it could have been any of a number of reasons why this occured. A disgruntled employee of the non-union contractors, eco-warriors (hardly likely, as they usually claim their actions), kids playing, right-wing assholes, or just some drunk, which is what we attribute Jack Ryan posts to here.

But facts were never one of your strong points, were they?
Anon Lives !!!
Current rating: 0
14 Jan 2004

I am so glad to see you back using your own name instead of the Anti-Jack. I thought you had succumbed to the "Butt Flu". Glad to see you are in good health and negative spirits.

As for the WalMart in Savoy and the Union Vandalism, I suppose the bulldozer just started itself and aimed itself right into the building? Is that right Anon? Now I am not ascerting that you were personally involved in such an act because as illegal as it is, it would have taken some balls. Time and time again you have proven to each and everyone of us that this is not the case.

In any event, I chose to ask Ricky what future events may befall the next WalMart as he appears to be the voice of labor in this area every bit as much as you are the voice for the lonely, bitter, and the permanantly angry.

Come On Ricky, Just between friends, what's it going to be? Eggs, Spray Paint, or are you just going to leave a brown bag of burning dog shit on the entry way on opening day? This time we'll be looking for the "Union Label".

Your Good Friend,

Re: Wal-Mart Passes Urbana Plan Commission! Precious few days left to stop Wal-Mart!
Current rating: 2
14 Jan 2004
I suggest they use some reverse phsycology. Spend your welfare checks there. TA