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News :: Labor
GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer Current rating: 0
03 Dec 2003
World-class institution makes health care benefit package offer described as "junior-college level."

Approximately 150 Graduate Employees' Organization members and supporters marched in an informational picket outside Grainger Library, site of ongoing but nearly stalled contract negotiations with the University of Illinois, after hearing details of the University's initial health care benefits package offer.
Approximately 150 Graduate Employees' Organization members and supporters marched in an informational picket outside Grainger Library, site of ongoing but nearly stalled contract negotiations with the University of Illinois, after hearing details of the University's initial health care benefits package offer. One year after the GEO won a union representation election to speak for more than 2,000 graduate employees who work teaching, grading, and performing other work at the University, little progress has been made on non-economic issues, while the health care issue has finally been, only today, the first economic issue to be discussed.

Although details of the UI offer remain confidential, to say that GEO members were disappointed in the University's initial proposal would be an understatement. Their chants of "No contract, no peace!" and "What do we want? Health care! When do we want it? Now!" could be heard echoing off the brick and mortar assets of the campus and into the negotiating room, whose administration apparently has far less regard for its employees that it does for the architecture and landscaping.

Health benefits are _the_ key issue for the GEO. Graduate students currently pay $642 annually for a health care package that only pays for 80% of most claims. Other universities in the UI's peer group offer health care at NO COST to their graduate employees, according to GEO researchers, picking up the entire cost of health insurance packages whose employer contributions for the coverage range from $1,333 to $2,245 annually, for plans that offer either 100% coverage of claims or require only a small $10-15 co-payment.

The UI's plan's inadequacies were apparent in the health care horror stories that a number of graduate employees related, some of whom have already paid as much as 20% of their annual pay this fall for out-of-pocket costs not covered under the University's current plan.

Needless to say, the marching grads are determined to see health care addressed to close the gap between the UI's pint-sized plan and those of other, comparable universities. While the UI is considered to be a world-class institution in many respects, word of the failings of its health coverage for its graduate student employees threatens the institution's ability to compete in attracting top scholars, who would do well to consider other schools with good health coverage.

Plans are already in the works to turn up the heat in the new year in order for the GEO to achieve a first contract that addresses a number of issues, the most important of which is health care. Given the mood in the caucus room and on the picket line this afternoon, it will also be a tense and troublesome spring for university administrators if they don't return to the bargaining table with a credible offer on health care and quit dragging their feet on a number of other issues.

GEO members are determined to have a good contract in place by the end of the spring semester. A year was long enough to wait for this and every day longer than that only increases the militancy of the marching GEO members.
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Comparative Data
Current rating: 0
04 Dec 2003
the GEO website has comparative data on grad health plans:
Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 0
04 Dec 2003
Modified: 09:51:00 AM
If the grad students are interested in Health Coverage, perhaps they should leave the safety of school and go out get a full time job with Benefits. It's not as if they were not aware of the lack of benefits when they took the posistion nor were they forced into it in the first place.

Again please quit whining, it grows tiresome.

Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 3
04 Dec 2003
Modified: 10:19:17 AM
On second thought, I have to apologize for my ill considered post. I realize now that my "arguments," if they may be called that, do, in their lack of substance, in themselves constitute the "whining" I am accusing others of. I apologize for wasting other people's time with pointless and ill-considered arguments.
Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: -2
05 Dec 2003
Modified: 09:39:54 AM
Jack's right about healthcare and being a grad student. The only thing he overlooked is that since an ever-increasisng number of employers do not provide health coverage (or require a prohibitively expensive co-pay) most of the grad students wouldn't be able to get decent coverage anywhere. But that's why me and Jack are angry about the way Corporate America treats its employees, and why we're in favor of some kind of nationalized healthcare system. If we weren't so busy setting you liberals straight, we'd be helping the growing numbers working poor and uninsured get by. And we sure aren't going to vote for Bush in '04, since his economic policies are only going to make things harder for working Americans. We're smart enough not to let our hatred of liberals overcome basic common sense.
Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: -2
05 Dec 2003
From the article:
"Health benefits are _the_ key issue for the GEO. Graduate students currently pay $642 annually for a health care package that only pays for 80% of most claims."

Thats it? Believe it or not $642.00 a year is cheap for healthcare insurance. If the university were to pick up a package that covers 100% you can expect the cost to more than triple. Not a big deal because you expect the university to pick up the tab right? I am employed by a major business in Urbana and pay just over $3000 per year for my health insurance. It covers most expenses at 100% minus the $15 co-pay. Sure, it stings to be paying that much but as Jack says I was aware of the benefit package when I agreed to go to work for them. Sorry, no sympathy here.
Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 8
05 Dec 2003
Modified: 11:40:41 AM
If you were a "realist", you wouldn't be afraid to make demands on employers. It's truly, truly bizarre to hear conservatives wax poetic on the nature of Darwinian competition in captitalism, but then lie down and take it when their benefits are cut. They worship corporate aggressiveness, but become pussycats when their own interests are at stake.

Just as a corporation ruthlessly bargains for the lowest possible expenditures and fights to maximize profits, an economically rational employee bands together with other employees for the maximum possible pay and benefits. If you are in favor of capitalism but opposed to unions, then you are inconsistent. (And don't give me that "individual merit" nonsense. Think of the etymology of 'corporation'. In a *truly* capitalist economy, you "merit" what you can get- by hook or by crook, as long as you don't break the laws.)

To passively (if begrudgingly) accept cuts in pay and benefits while a company becomes richer is to feel an obligation which is not reciprocated. Companies (and business-minded universities) are ruthless; they need to be in order to survive in a capitalist economy. But now you're saying that grad students SHOULDN'T be ruthless. Huh?
For you to worry about what is "fair", given what other people make, and not fight aggressively for what you want, is to be profoundly UNrealistic.
You Are Not A Realist Has Missed The Boat
Current rating: -2
05 Dec 2003
Modified: 12:02:16 PM
You are not a realist, you've missed the point I think in Realists message. He is not complaining about what he pays in insurance. He is stating that he has no sympathy for grad students complaining about their offered healthcare.
There is a difference between telling them they can't protest and saying you don't have sympathy for their cause. If they can get better benefits by protesting than good for them. They will have played the system and won. Everyone won't agree with their cause though. Also is there a difference in the amount of money paid by a single grad student versus a married grad student with a family? It's not accurate to lump them all together.
Are all the grad students protesting this or is there a percentage who will accept what the University is offering?
As for the differences between a Liberals views of Capitalism and a Conservatives view of Capatalism I would say your views are a bit extreme. You don't happen to own any hand guns I hope. If so, keep your ass away from my kids school please.
After re-reading Realists message I can't find the word 'fair' anywhere. When did he say anything was 'fair'. My friend you need to take a deep breath and calm down a bit (or take your own life).
Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 5
05 Dec 2003
Modified: 12:40:44 PM
The "ruthless" view of capitalism is the one practiced by successful businesses in this country. That's why it's so bizarre for working-class conservatives to criticize unions and liberals. These "Nascar dad" conservatives operate with notions of the value of hard work and individual achievement which are NOT shared by truly successful modern capitalists. Trust, obligation, social responsibility- these are "externalities" which are viewed by companies as liabilities- unless bad publicity hurts their sales. But the so-called liberal media refuses to give them genuinely bad publicity. Cuts in pay and benefits are invariably portrayed as "inevitable" products of business. They are not inevitable. They are decisions based on a certain set of values- a set of values that was not in place as recently as forty years ago.
You've got to realize that the typical conservative heroes- the WWII generation (the "greatest" generation)- were beneficiaries of some of the most intense socialist programs this country has ever seen (the New Deal, social security, medicare, meficaid, welfare). They also benefited from a very different corporate culture- one in which a company could not get away with massive layoffs or gross differences in pay between executive and low-level employees. Really. Large companies would actually get *seriously* bad publicity for doing things like moving factories offshore. Nowadays, to criticize this is "anti-capitalist" and "irrational".
So the conservative model of how a working person can and should get by in this country is distorted. It ain't our grandfather's world anymore. We are headed straight back to where we were in the nineteenth century- sweatshops, grinding poverty, etc. You are still too caught up in the recent past to realize how bad things can really get.
Hence my angry tone- not only are conservatives deluding themselves about how the world works- they're moving this country in a terrible direction with their ignorance. I guess it's a lot more fun to hate liberals and engage in macho posturing than it is to learn a thing or two about modern business practices. By the time you people figure it out, it will be too late.

Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 5
05 Dec 2003
Modified: 12:49:41 PM
The "ruthless" view of capitalism is the one practiced by successful businesses in this country. That's why it's so bizarre for working-class conservatives to criticize unions and liberals. These "Nascar dad" conservatives operate with notions of the value of hard work and individual achievement which are NOT shared by truly successful modern capitalists. Trust, obligation, social responsibility- these are "externalities" which are viewed by companies as liabilities- unless bad publicity hurts their sales. But the so-called liberal media refuses to give them genuinely bad publicity. Cuts in pay and benefits are invariably portrayed as "inevitable" products of business. They are not inevitable. They are decisions based on a certain set of values- a set of values that was not in place as recently as forty years ago.
You've got to realize that the typical conservative heroes- the WWII generation (the "greatest" generation)- were beneficiaries of some of the most intense socialist programs this country has ever seen (the New Deal, social security, medicare, meficaid, welfare). They also benefited from a very different corporate culture- one in which a company could not get away with massive layoffs or gross differences in pay between executive and low-level employees. Really. Large companies would actually get *seriously* bad publicity for doing things like moving factories offshore. Nowadays, to criticize this is "anti-capitalist" and "irrational".
So the conservative model of how a working person can and should get by in this country is distorted. It ain't our grandfather's world anymore. We are headed straight back to where we were in the nineteenth century- sweatshops, grinding poverty, etc. You are still too caught up in the recent past to realize how bad things can really get.
Hence my angry tone- not only are conservatives deluding themselves about how the world works- they're moving this country in a terrible direction with their ignorance. I guess it's a lot more fun to hate liberals and engage in macho posturing than it is to learn a thing or two about modern business practices. By the time you people figure it out, it will be too late.

Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 0
05 Dec 2003
Is it just me or is the link to comparitive data broken?
Not A Realist
Current rating: -3
05 Dec 2003
Modified: 01:09:56 PM
I think Not a Realist needs to put down the college books and look at what he just said. The reason the Socialist programs were so rampant back in the 'olden days' was because the country was coming out of (and was still in) The Great Depression. The country had to resort to a more Socialist form of government to survive.
The industries in the 19th century didn't lay people off because they were afraid of publicity. They didn't lay them off because the population was mainly in the rural areas, there just wasn't much skilled labor to replace the layoffs. Very few people had a college education (or a high school education for that matter). Thats why companies didn't fire/lay people off. They had to keep the benefits and pay raises to keep the few good people they had.
As the Nations percentage of college educated citizens has increased the job markets have become more competitive. Why hire someone who wants 'X' dollars in benefits when you can hire someone who wants half that? You keep on dreaming about your big pay raises and be adversarial with your employer, because I will be right there to take your job from you.
Call it a Conservative view if you want, I call it putting food on the table for the family. Call me a corporate suck ass if you want, I call it paying the rent and surviving. While you are picketing and asking for more, I will take what is given, further my education, and better myself. Hopefully the company will want to keep me and will address the bad benefits the next time pay raises come around. This is the world we live in, 'Alice in Wonderland' was a fictional story.... Not a Realist, I fear, has fallen in the hole along with Alice.
Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 8
05 Dec 2003
Modified: 01:57:26 PM
It was in the post-WWII U.S., up until the late 1960s, that companies were afraid to lay people off- NOT the 19th century. You must have read my post too hastily.

And my point still stands- the good things we have come to expect, and that our parents and grandparents enjoyed- such as decent employment and benefits, sound national infrastructure, retirement, occasional vacations, and all kinds of goods and services- are the products of (limited) socialism.

And to say "I'll be there to take your job" is pure foolishness- it's just the kind of nonsense that has led to the decline in union activity and the power of labor. By refusing to cooperate with other people to demand better pay, EVERYONE winds up making less money. That's why we don't have the one-income households like we did fifty years ago. It's why we're working longer hours for less real money than our grandparents did.

The fundamental error of working-class conservative reasoning is this: they think that by choosing to always compete on an individual basis, they are maximizing their own income/profit. (They also think this is heroic. But note that limited-liability corporations do not adhere to such sentimental notions of "individual merit"- they act collectively). History shows that by judicious participation in cooperative activity (labor unions, some socialist programs)- everyone is better off. (Except the very wealthy- but you're not one of them. And neither are Nascar-Dad conservatives.)

Economic self-interest dictates that we should fight together for better pay and benefits, and not compete with one another in a race to the bottom. Why do "hard-headed" conservatives suddenly go soft when their own livelihood is at stake?

Finally: "Put down my college books"? Learning something about how businesses operate- and what their values are- would go a long way toward dispelling inconsistent and sentimental ideas about how the world works!!
Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: -2
05 Dec 2003
Than I agree to disagree with you. If my actions label me as a Conservative than so be it. Unions strike and those who strike never come out ahead. Through lost wages and hard feelings with the company they never come out ahead. To think they do is foolish.
I won't even bother trying to explain my points (not that I can't, its simply that you don't care to hear them so why waste my Friday afternoon).
I do wish the Grad students all the luck in the world in getting what they are after (which was my stance at the beginning). Thank you for placing me in a political party based on my work ethic. I appreciate your thoughtfulness and concern for my other views.
Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 5
05 Dec 2003
Modified: 02:35:12 PM
I apologize for labelling you as a conservative. I suppose in my haste to argue against what I consider "conservative" viewpoints, I just assumed you could be put in that camp generally. Mea culpa.

As for people in unions never coming out ahead- I'm sorry, but it's just not true. For example, teacher's unions are stronger in northern states than in the South, and northern teachers make more money. (And schools in the North are also better- so the unions can't be blamed for all our problems with public education). Unionized autoworkers make much more money. My good friend is an autoworker who makes about nine bucks an hour, with OK benefits. His company is a subcontracter for Mitsubishi, and has no union. His unionized autoworker wife (she works at Mitsubishi) makes twice that, and with better benefits. Meanwhile, in Germany, autoworkers who benefit from socialism and unions make good money, work far fewer hours, have good health care, and (this is the very best part) do much higher quality work.

A good work ethic means working hard and doing a good job- but there is nothing unethical about demanding better pay and benefits. To refuse to make such demands when playing a game against people who are unselfconsciously ruthless seems a little bit naive.

Just Suck It Up? Go Back To The Fief, Lackey
Current rating: 3
05 Dec 2003
Modified: 03:57:42 PM
I get tired of conservative idiots (and J Mohr is surely that, even if he doesn't like to be called conservative) saying that people should just suck it up, love it or leave it.

My forebears came to this country to be free, not to be placed back on some corporate fiefdom. I'm sure that's the case with the bogus "Chief Illiniwek" (who is obviously the offspring of some compliant peasant from Olde Europe), (pseudo)realist, and J Mohrs' forebears, also. Where their parents went wrong, I don't know, but maybe if they don't like the idea of workers having the same rights _and_ privileges as management, they can go some place where the labor laws are more to their liking.

Such as Iraq, where the Bushlords have proclaimed that Saddam's labor laws are good enough for them and have begun locking up workers there who think it's time for a change. In some ways,this is the perfect example of the more things change, the more they are exactly the same.

As for the rest of us, we'll keep acting like real Americans, even when it disturbs the Olde Europe worldview of the lords in their castles and their lackeys in the stables.
Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 6
06 Dec 2003
Modified: 10:18:22 AM
The U.S. economy has been transformed by new technologies that have raised the standard of living and brought down costs for all kinds of goods, and part of this growth has been the decline of the power of unions and thus the cost of labor. At the same time, the distribution of wealth and income has become skewed to the degree we haven't seen in our lifetimes, causing the ranks of the underemployed to grow rapidly. At the same time privitization has driven up the cost of basic services like education, health care, and energy beyond what most people can afford.

Universities rely on cheap labor, and this is primarily a problem for the GA's because the cost of univeristy fees and health coverage is growing much faster than their wages. Looking at declining real wages doesn't tell the whole story, though, because the quality of goods continues more or less to go up, meaning you can buy more real value for a dollar today than you could last year. The quality of services is debatable, given that the cost of skilled labor remains high and isn't likely to decline while health care and education prices remain inflated.

The trends are being exacerbated by a government whose fiscal policy amounts to keeping inflation down (according to standard measures) and whose economic policy consists of privitizing all industries except for the military, regardless of the economic impact of doing so. Extracting a profit from education and health care requires either a) a progressive pricing structure, b) restricting access to those who can afford to pay the premium required to pay for the profit margin, or c) degrading the quality of the service. A is impossible without government intervention, B is increasingly happening, and C is rampant.

Opponents of higher-ed unions often assert that higher-ed workers should accept their current level of benefits because it's good enough and anyway they're getting a subsidized education. How much does the cost of health care and education have to rise, and the quality go down, before those opponents will drop that argument? At some point we have to restructure how we pay for education and health care or we're all going to find ourselves uneducated and without health care, except for a tiny class of extremely wealthy people. Unionization could be part of this restructuring process, or not, but just leaving things as they are is no longer an option, and no matter what, the workers need to be a part of the discussion.
Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 0
07 Dec 2003
Modified: 04:43:32 PM
I think that "reality bites" has offered the most insightful and well thought out post on this subject. Although he/she ultimately seems to come out in support of the protestors (an opinion opposite of mine), I cannot find a single thing in this post that I dissagree with. I also appreciate the non-attacking style in which the message was delivered. I am much more open to entertaining views which do not mirror my own when the poster concentrates on the issues at hand and does not resort to personal attacks or labelling of the previous posters.
There are no doubt horror/success stories to tell on each side of the solidarity issue. Mine is horror so maybe this explains my reluctance to champion the cause of unions. That said, I am still keeping an open mind.
Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 0
21 Dec 2003
Hello Jack Ryan,

Are you the same Jack Ryan who is the Illinois Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate?
Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 5
25 Dec 2003
Modified: 09:16:16 PM
Dear Illinois Citizen,

No, I am not the Jack Ryan who is currently running for
Senate as I have said in previous posts. I am, however, very much a supporter of the future junior Senator from Illinois. I hope the Greens run somebody. Let me know and I will send him/her/??? a check.

I guess I am the one of the rebels on your web site. I originally visited this site to see the "Naked Protester Women" who thought by getting Naked they could convince us to oppose the war and the troops that allow them to lay in the snow buck naked. By the way, Brooke Anderson, despite your wacked out political leanings, you are indeed hot.

Anyway I digress. I am what you folks would call a rich republican. I have many employees who pay a hell of a lot more than $ 649.00/year for health insurance. All of them have options as to what coverages they wish to have. It is not free. It is a major component of an employees benefit package and a significant expense for an employer.

When my health care costs rise, I am forced, due to competition forces, to limit options, or raise the costs on my employees. I realize this can cause hardship and believe me, it is never easy to ask people to pay more. However, we have created a monster in that most people do not know or shop for competitive health care. They go through the system like sheep.

Look at all the vacant factories around the Midwest and see what Union leadership has done for them. Look at the the taxes and the union favorable work comp laws that have caused Illinois employers to flee the state. Believe it or not, they do not relocate at significant cost just because they need another Lexus, but rather, they compete in a global market place and must make tough decisions in order to survive as a corporation. Are there bad players, absolutely and the full wrath of the law enforcement should desend upon them. However, there are many great companies out there from one employee to 20,000 who simply want to make a living.

The shelter of a University System in which they GA have made the decision to delay entering the full-time workforce in exchange for additional education and more marketable skills is a decision that they freely made. Is it not? Again, quit bitching or quit. There are 20 people behind you who are just as talented and are probably greatful for the slot. It is not my responsibility to subsidize their desire for a better standard of living. Do it yourselves.

Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 2
26 Dec 2003
Modified: 07:21:40 AM
I want to follow up a previous post with a bit of news and opinions about unions.
The union at my parents manufacturing plant has recently began the drive to strike this Spring when the company contract comes up. The company has informed the union that they can no longer compete in todays market if the demands of the union exceed what is already being paid. The union is demanding a significant pay raise, less expensive health insurance and more control over summer time help hirings.
Thanks to the union my parents will be released. Thank you to all the unions out there who kill corporations and cause hard working people to be unemployeed. I know this will really piss off some people that frequent this site but it is a fact in todays world. Unions have outlived their usefulness.
Another aspect which should be addressed is the mob attitude several unions have. Don't think for a minute there aren't unions who 'stiff arm' or threaten people to join. Some use the 'join or you may be replacing the wind shields in your car' approach. This, my friends is a fact! How can you support an organization that threatens workers? I guess its a bad thing to hold a job and work for yourself and your family?
One last point... has anyone visited an auto plant? I have, and the UAW needs to go. I have seen what workers in auto plants do (I visited a GM plant in Wisconsin). At the time I believe the wages were in the neighborhood of $25-30 an hour. The job I watched consisted of 1 person using a pnuematic self loading screw driver to screw in 6 screws in a 10 minute time period. Than the person would sit for 10 minutes while their 'partner' screwed in their 6 screws. The process repeated. We wonder why the cost of cars is so high... Thank you again Unions!!!
By the way, excellent post Jack, well said!
Re: GEO Pickets University Of Illinois Over Inadequate Health Care Offer
Current rating: 1
26 Dec 2003
Dear J Mohr,

I am truly sorry to hear about your parents. I wish them success in finding alternative employment or better still, finding a need and filling it. This is, after all, America and you can create your own job or start your own company. The days of working 40 years for the same company are over. The biggest risk a worker takes in this life is working for someone else in my humble opinion.

You are correct, Unions for the most part have indeed outlived their usefulness. In particular, the teachers unions have become a "safe harbor" for teachers who are not able to teach. They claim they are for the education of the children when in reality, they are for keeping their jobs and supporting every liberal cause that comes along. Oh yeah, they hate the pledge and religion as well.

In anycase J Mohr, I wish the best for your parents and it is my sincere wish, they one day will look back on the dark day as their day of liberation and financial independence.

Good Luck and Merry Christmas,

You Never Give Me Your Money/GEO Health Coverage
Current rating: 0
16 Sep 2005
C-U and the U of I never gives money, nor adequate health care coverage for the GEO on par with peer universities, because they haven't any. It's not Chicago-Circle. If the Graduate Employee's Organization wanted to eat more vegetables, particularly Corn, Corn and some more corn, they might feel more regular, and get by on less health care coverage. Stay away from experimental, bio-engineered beef & pork, though - it tastes funny. Chicken rules. Soybeans also rule, however too much vitamin E can cause the brain to exlplode through the top of the cranium.