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News :: Peace
Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators Current rating: 0
22 Mar 2003
At today's Prospect for Peace rally, approximately 200 pro-war demonstrators occupied much of the space used by peace activists for several months. Open communication and diplomacy allowed the event to proceed peacefully.
Those keeping track tallied 250 pro-peace demonstrators compared with approximately 200 pro-war demonstrators. The pro-war group received support from local businesses to run newspaper advertisements for their event.

Photo (above): demonstrators lined Prospect Avenue between I-74 (right) and Marketview Drive (left). The photo below is a guide to who stood where.

See also:
Related stories on this site:
Saturday Peace Rally--More Images
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Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: -4
24 Mar 2003

No one is Pro War. We are pro Victory despite all of your efforts to impede this inevitable goal. We will win and all the protesting in the world can't prevent that.
Fraudulent “Jack Ryan”
Current rating: 2
24 Mar 2003
“Jack Ryan” claimed just the other day (18 March) that he was going off within “24 hours” to do battle in Iraq:
“Well, in the next 24 hours it looks as though I will be off to protect you all from a war you fought so "nakedly" to prevent.”

Obviously, unless JR has internet connectivity from the front, this is just the latest in a series of bald-faced lies from this person who claims he support only victory, not war itself, as if “victory” will come without the bloody crime of aggressive war.

I think this demonstrates once again that this war is promoted by those who need to engage a bodyguard of lies to get what they want, no matter how illegitimate. But “Jack Ryan’s” abuses do not just include Indymedia. They also include abuses against the very service people he claims to support.

Masquerading as a servicemember is something that is universally hated and despised by active-duty troops and veterans of all stripes, whatever they may think of the wisdom of the current pResident ordering a battleplan that calls on them to implicitly commit war crimes, even as the Republican-controlled Congress cuts Veterans Administration funding. Everyone has heard the stories of fake Vietnam veterans playing on the heartstrings of Americans. “Jack Ryan” has done these frauds one better by becoming a fake veteran every before battle is joined.

Here is “Jack Ryan” claiming to be a Marine:
“I submit to you, that as a Marine, I have seen brave and I have seen courageous, stuff that would make your head spin to be honest.”

Here is proof that he can NOT be a Marine. “Jack Ryan” reveals that he is simply a faux Marine, instead of a real veteran as he has previously claimed here:
“Semper Phi, my brothers, Love Jack”
just as he did here again:
“Semper Phi to the fallen.”

There should now be no doubt about the fraud that “Jack Ryan” is. No REAL Marine would ever use the term “Semper Phi”.


Because it is “Semper Fi,” pure and simple. So there is no way that “Jack Ryan” is a Marine, because NO Marine, no matter how uneducated, would say “Phi” in place of “Fi”. Most likely, “Jack Ryan” is nothing but a snotty-nosed frat boy, fixated on what he presumes is his superior knowledge of Greek even as he reveals his utter ignorance about the military services he claims to be a champion of.

“Jack,” since you are always looking to pick a fight here, it seems that you are just itching to get into battle, even though you’re just another keyboard commando. I suggest, if you really want to see some blood, go to the nearest VFW or American Legion Post and put on your fake Marine act. I’m sure some real vet will be more than willing to call you on this and punch out your lights for being so presumptuous.
Nice To See!
Current rating: -5
24 Mar 2003
Modified: 01:13:38 PM
It is good to see some real Americans supporting our president and troops in trying times. I only hope our naive "pro-peace" citizens wake up. Inaction and appeasing evil tyrants does nothing to spread, preserve or protect peace.

John Rambo
"I am your worst nightmare"
ML, Forgot To Add....
Current rating: 5
24 Mar 2003
Modified: 06:29:46 PM
....that Jack Ryan is also John Rambo.

Guess he needs to use his "alias" from now on.

Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: 1
24 Mar 2003
So why have the pro-war folks taken over what has been the anti-war spot for so long? That's just foul play. Or am I reading the pictures wrong?
Why The Location Is Flexible
Current rating: 0
24 Mar 2003
AWARE decided to move after the Pro-War crowd decided to call their counter-rally the first week they did it a half hour before the AWARE demo kicks off. It was obvious that this was an attempt to provoke a confrontation on the part of the orgnaizers of the Pro-War rally. The sidewalk where P4P has been conducted for so long is public property and is not reserved for anyone. In the interest of defusing a possible confrontation, AWARE just slid over a little to show that they did not want a confrontation.
Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: -6
24 Mar 2003

I was in volunteered for OCS from 1981 to 1985. I never claimed to be a Marine. I trained as one and was offered a 2nd Lt. spot after college. Unfortunately, for me I did not have the eyesight to fly. I was offered Artillery or Law as a Marine post. You can choose to believe this or not. BTW, OCS stands for Officer Candidate School. Glad to see you are reading the material.

Now since you have taken the time to read, now take the time to learn.

Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: -4
24 Mar 2003
Dear ML,

I have noticed that you comment once or twice on my posts and then you run. If you run now, I guess you are the complete puss that I have always said you were.


I Usually Have Better Things To Do Than Argue With A Twit/Poseur
Current rating: 0
25 Mar 2003
Modified: 12:42:16 AM
I am not running. I just have better things to do than argue with posturing twits like you. Which is exactly what your presence here is intended to spark.

I will make this exception to point out that when you say that "I was in volunteered for OCS from 1981 to 1985" it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Or did they just keep rejecting you at OCS for 4 years? In any case, your inability to express yourself clearly, except when insulting others, demonstrates you were likely not officer material anyway.

I do happen to know what OCS is. My father attended it in the early 60s. Like him and my cousin who is a (real) Lt. Colonel in the Marines, I would find it hard to believe that any U.S. officer, no matter what their branch of service, would use a term like "Semper Phi". Unless it was meant as some sort of sly, backhanded insult to the Marines. I which case we are back to square one with your impersonation of a veteran anyway. Or you are just lying.

You clearly implied that you were a Marine in the quote I cited. There is no other explanation for that, other than your inability to communicate effectively that I noted above. Or just plain lying, again.

And you are also are obviously not posting from the Persian Gulf region, so your statement about leaving for service within 24 hours on March 18 is also clearly still a lie.

I'm not buying your multiple denials after your having your ass caught in a sling.

Everyone else can enjoy this. I really don't care what you think.

Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: 0
26 Mar 2003
As a proud son of a Marine. I am against this war for oil and so is my Dad. By the way, it is Semper Fi. That goes to all the homeless Vets as well as Vets who are dying of Agent Orange and Depleted Uranium, My heart goes out to you.
Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: -5
26 Mar 2003
My prayers and thanks to your father for defending this great nation from those who would do us harm. I am sorry he has such a rotten shit for a sibling. Drop and give him twenty. I am sure he is the first one to show your picture of his complete homo son in the encampment.

Semper Fi,

Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: 3
27 Mar 2003
Modified: 08:55:12 AM

1. If a male has consensual intercourse with a female, and, in the course of nature, a child is produced, that child is therefore the aforementioned male's SON... not his SIBLING, as you have stated. Perhaps you intended to imply that male X had consensual intercourse with his own mother, in which case you are insulting the very Marine you claim to honor. Perhaps you could buy yourself a dictionary?

2. I think it was a wise move on your part to go from insulting the patriots on this site to insulting the LGBTQ community. Perhaps in your next post you could throw in a few racist comments? That would complete your image as the well-rounded individual we all know you to be.

Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: 3
28 Mar 2003
Modified: 08:39:56 AM
I had never logged on to this site before, but I was interested in hearing a different voice then what the mainstream media puts out. After reading these comments I don't think it's worth my time.
You people spend more time attacking each other personally then debating the issue. What happened to a reasonable, educated debate? If you can't put aside your emotion long enough to rationally consider the other sides point of view, whatever side it is, then you are only spewing propaganda.

Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: -2
28 Mar 2003
Dear Cat:

See what you did? Now you went and drove Suzanne away. Nice going.

Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: 9
28 Mar 2003
Modified: 02:47:22 PM
Suzanne has a very good point, people. I'm drawing some parallels between the little wars on this website and the big war in Iraq. One of the reasons I am opposed to war is because it's clearly what the terrorists want. Although the country we are attacking is not the country the 9/11 terrorists came from, the fact we are attacking a Muslim country is likely to provoke terrorists such as bin Laden's followers. The fact that we would go to a war supposedly to fight terrorism (although I do not believe that is even one of Bush's motives) when war is exactly what terrorists are asking for is stupid in more ways than I can list. Most of the people on this website know that. However, Jack Ryan seems to be the little terrorist for this website. He's not making any points or giving an even remotely good argument for his side, so I don't think he's here to change our minds or even to engage in open political debate. He's here to argue in the most immature way possible, to disrupt the forum. He wants us to argue back. And what is everyone doing?
Maybe we should try not giving the terrorist what he wants. Hard as it may be, I think we have it in us to ignore him and to engage in intelligent conversation ourselves. I think we could have intelligent conversations if we weren't so busy arguing with him. So let's not keep letting him disrupt everything, ok?
Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: -1
29 Mar 2003

Now I've got it. If your against the United States and for Peace than you're really smart?

You Said:

Although the country we are attacking is not the country the 9/11 terrorists came from, the fact we are attacking a Muslim country is likely to provoke terrorists such as bin Laden's followers.

Really, if that were true, the Muslims should lovc us as our three interventions prior to this were to save Muslims.
Allow me to list them. The Gulf War, Somalia, and Bosnia. By your logic, should they not love us at this point. Ignore me if you will, but I think you run like weak Frenchmen whenever someone comes up against who you can not answer.

I guess this makes you smart,

Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: -1
31 Mar 2003

I have not heard from you or any of the other lefties. What's up? Do you folks just ignore people you are against or do you run from solid arguments?

Current rating: 3
31 Mar 2003
Am I hallucinating, or have Jack Ryan's comments disappeared? It says this thread has 17 comments, yet I'm only seeing 9. Am I just going crazy?
Where To Find Hidden Posts
Current rating: 3
31 Mar 2003
We've had some technical problems with unintentional duplicate posts lately and I think that accounts for those missing. The problem is that the original count shows up, even when the duplicates are removed.

Mr. Ryan has has a few posts removed recently for violations (I don't think from this particular thread, though) of our website use policy, which you can view here:

To see what is hidden and why:

Unfortunately, since you don't have a link back to the orginal article, when comments are hidden they can lose the context they formerly had. Since most of Ryan's comments tend toward the insulting anyway, this should not be that much of a problem with his hidden posts. We wish this wasn't the case and it might be fixed in the next version of the software.
Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: -3
01 Apr 2003

Apparently conservatives do not enjoy the same rights to free speech in your little utopian web site as everyone else.

I would like to commend you and every other Marxist for silencing disenting voices. I guess it is a pattern that I should have expected.

Quit Your Whining
Current rating: 3
01 Apr 2003
Modified: 09:40:44 PM
As you well know, if you had been one of us, pulling your insult-o-gram shtick on some rightwing website like Free Republic, you would have been gone long, long ago, permanently. So quit the crocodile tears. Nobody here is buying it, anymore than they buy into your other merely childish postings.

If you can manage to avoid the personal insults "that are baldly and clearly inappropriate, whose purpose seems clearly to be other than informing, educating or adding to a public discourse" and which caused several of your posts to be hidden for their rather obvious violations of our website use policy, along with the just plain worthless links you supplied that caused the other one to suffer the same fate, you might even get to hang around for awhile longer here. I would suggest that you familiarize yourself with our policies at the link provided above if that is what you truly desire (and it must be, because I've seen you hang around for hours here.)

As for "disenting"[sic] voices, you have rarely presented any actual dissent, since you seem to prefer to trade in insults, rather than in actual ideas. That may lead you into trouble here when you choose to continue to wallow in the gutter.

BTW, here are the links to your hidden posts, so others can judge for themselves:

Given the score is three hidden out of probably more than 200, you have nothing to complain about, although your wallowing in victimhood is most unbecoming for someone who claims he's a tough guy. However, the trend seems to be accelerating, but it is your responsibility to police your own behavior, not ours. Otherwise, be prepared to suffer the consequences.

If you would like to dispute the facts, you are welcome to attend our Steering group meeting tomorrow at 8pm, where we review decisions such as these.
Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: -2
02 Apr 2003

I hope your policy is across the board to everyone, not just conservatives. I suspect that if you read the posts directly above mine, with the exception of a few, mine are in retaliation. I did come down pretty hard on the snow women, true. You have to admit, some of stuff uses humor to point out the absurdity of the opinion or article expressed. I personally think it greatly adds to the site since there no longer seems to be any nudity.

It's okay with me if you ban me from the site, I think it says alot about your true political beliefs. You folks can continue to exchange recycled ideas, that have never stood the test history or you can take the gloves off and engage.



Really, Now...
Current rating: 5
02 Apr 2003
Modified: 06:10:13 PM
"I hope your policy is across the board to everyone, not just conservatives."

If you read the policies, like I did, you would see that this is an open-publishing site. Anyone, regardless of political inclination, can post here. Until you use homophobic slurs, sexual harassment, and racial epithets. You are 2 for 3.

"I suspect that if you read the posts directly above mine, with the exception of a few, mine are in retaliation."

Try engaging in debate instead of "retaliation". When someone presents an idea, concept, or point of view which you disagree with, use facts, opinion, and other points to engage in discourse.

Simply posting childish insults and not contributing to the conversation does not shine favorably on your cause or intellect or ideas. Your behavior leads people to believe that conservatives are uninformed, mean-spirited, unintelligent, hate-mongering bigots. If you want to promote your beliefs, use your brain and your ability to communicate rather than insults.

"I did come down pretty hard on the snow women, true. You have to admit, some of stuff uses humor to point out the absurdity of the opinion or article expressed. I personally think it greatly adds to the site since there no longer seems to be any nudity."

You are the only one who gets your humor. Like I said before, throwing out homophobic slurs and sexually harrassing a poster (off-topic, no less) show your posts have little worth (except to show your @ss) and add no value to this site.

"You folks can continue to exchange recycled ideas, that have never stood the test history or you can take the gloves off and engage."

Back atcha. Watch Fox much? If the ideas here are so recycled, please, use words to express how history has shown them to be false.

And by the way, ML as asked *you* to engage---by attending the steering meeting April 2 at 8 pm. Are you going to attend?




Even more doubtful.
All Bluster, No Beef
Current rating: 2
02 Apr 2003
Just for the record, whoever "Jack Ryan" is, he didn't bother showing up at tonight's Steering group meeting, despite his repeated challenges to pick any public meeting spot and he would show up to engage in reasonable discourse. We were actually looking forward to meeting him and discussing his concerns about our website use policy, in spite of a heavy workload of important business.
Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: 0
06 Apr 2003
Modified: 01:35:01 PM
So I'm noticing two things about this thread. One is that the thread still revolves around Jack Ryan. The other is that there are no comments from Jack Ryan in this thread anymore. While I still don't understand the latter, I think it's kind of ridiculous that everyone's arguing with some guy who isn't here.
So on the subject of the protest....I have yet to go to this protest myself, but I think we all need to be telling everyone we know that it's important to start going. The pro-war group now has more people, from what I hear. They have the advantage right now because they only just started adn they have the energies of the anti-war group to feed off of. Also, I think the anti-war people need to work on signs that counter some of the arguments the so-called "pro-America" group is using against us. Namely, they think we are anti-government and anti-America. We need some signs that show we aren't. If you read the comments the pro-America organizing guy made in the News-Gazette, some of them would be absolutely perfect for anti-war signs. I think it would be perfect to turn his own words against him. For instance, his comment, "we've got a madman in office who, just for the sake of his lifestyle, wasn't willing to stand down, even at the cost of his country," was in reference to Saddam Hussein....but who does it make US think of? Also, when he says, "It may seem so insignificant for an individual to come out on the street. But just ask a Vietnam veteran how important it would have been to him. This is a darn good way to show support." is pretty good for our side too. 80% of Vietnam veterans ended up with post-traumatic stress disorder. That's what we're trying to protect our troops from by protesting the war. I think the other side needs to know that.
Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: -3
06 Apr 2003
Modified: 08:33:38 PM

You are right, I did not attend your pinko rally. I do have a reputation to keep up. Secondly, as I indicated earlier, my company does some business with the politburo in Urbana.

Clearly, I have offered on numerous occasions to meet at a public meeting place. I have never been taken up on that. Although you chastise me, for not meeting you at the commie bat cave.

Like a good Marine, I select carefully the ground on which I fight. Perhaps an alternative site?

Let me know,

Ed Mandel Is Courageous, But Your're Not
Current rating: 0
06 Apr 2003
I think Ed Mandel is going to have to get a different hero. He used to admire you, but now that he's found out that you're too scared to actually come to a meeting at the IMC and defend your actions, I'm sure he's less than impressed, since he's visited us many times and even participated in meetings without any problem. Of course, Ed maintains a dignified disagreement without slinging bullshit like you, which says a lot about what a class act he is... and you're not.
Sure, Jack, Whatever You Say To Keep You Happy
Current rating: 0
06 Apr 2003
"Like a good Marine, I select carefully the ground on which I fight. Perhaps an alternative site?"

Sure, Jack, you're a "Marine." Sounds like you're spending too much time on the Gameboy and have started mixing up reality with fantasy again.

No one is looking for a fight here, although I'm sure there are some that could deal quite effectively with you, if need be. However, if a fight is what you want, the suggestion that you take your fake Marine story over to the VFW oughta get you what you're looking for sounds like the best solution for you to scratch that itch to me. We really would rather talk to people that appear to be making an attempt to communicate. This approach helps prevent wars and other nasty stuff that in any civilized world oughta be confined to Playstation 2.
Re: Pro-Peace Rally Draws Pro-War Demonstrators
Current rating: 2
07 Apr 2003
Wow, you folks are cranky today. Is it because we have now taken a Presidential Palace in Baghdad? Is it because casualties among our troops are well below expectations? Is it because of the torture chambers and the mass graves we have discovered? Is it because we are not planting our flag in Iraqi soil or pumping oil into our tankers? Or is it because virtually everything I have stated has come to pass and none of what you have protested has? Speaking of Protest, where were you guys on Saturday? Are you running out of steam? Is it time to go on to the Chief Issue, or make up some science as it relates to Global Warming? Maybe you guys will win some sort or new government handout and that will make you feel better.

I think we should move on don't you?
Wins Losses
Jack Ryan 1 0
ucimc 0 1